240 research outputs found

    Mass coupling and Q−1ofimpurity−limitednormalQ^{-1} of impurity-limited normal ^3$He in a torsion pendulum

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    We present results of the Q−1Q^{-1} and period shift, ΔP\Delta P, for 3^3He confined in a 98% nominal open aerogel on a torsion pendulum. The aerogel is compressed uniaxially by 10% along a direction aligned to the torsion pendulum axis and was grown within a 400 μ\mum tall pancake (after compression) similar to an Andronikashvili geometry. The result is a high QQ pendulum able to resolve Q−1Q^{-1} and mass coupling of the impurity-limited 3^3He over the whole temperature range. After measuring the empty cell background, we filled the cell above the critical point and observe a temperature dependent period shift, ΔP\Delta P, between 100 mK and 3 mK that is 2.9% of the period shift (after filling) at 100 mK. The Q−1Q^{-1} due to the 3^3He decreases by an order of magnitude between 100 mK and 3 mK at a pressure of 0.14±0.030.14\pm0.03 bar. We compare the observable quantities to the corresponding calculated Q−1Q^{-1} and period shift for bulk 3^3He.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Pure spin-angular momentum coefficients for non-scalar one-particle operators in jj-coupling

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    A revised program for generating the spin-angular coefficients in relativistic atomic structure calculations is presented. When compared with our previous version [G.Gaigalas, S.Fritzsche and I.P.Grant, CPC 139 (2001) 263], the new version of the Anco program now provides these coefficients for both, scalar as well as non-scalar one-particle operators as they arise frequently in the study of transition probabilities, photoionization and electron capture processes, the alignment transfer through excited atomic states, collision strengths, and in many other investigations. The program is based on a recently developed formalism [G.Gaigalas, Z.Rudzikas, and C.F.Fischer, J. Phys. B 30 (1997) 3747], which combines techniques from second quantization in coupled tensorial form, the theory of quasispin, and the use of reduced coefficients of fractional parentage, in order to derive the spin-angular coefficients for complex atomic shell structures more efficiently. By making this approach now available also for non-scalar interactions, therefore, studies on a whole field of new properties and processes are likely to become possible even for atoms and ions with a complex structure

    Detection of DNA and Poly-L-Lysine using CVD Graphene-channel FET Biosensors

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    A graphene channel field-effect biosensor is demonstrated for detecting the binding of double-stranded DNA and poly-l-lysine. Sensors consist of CVD graphene transferred using a clean, etchant-free transfer method. The presence of DNA and poly-l-lysine are detected by the conductance change of the graphene transistor. A readily measured shift in the Dirac Voltage (the voltage at which the graphenes resistance peaks) is observed after the graphene channel is exposed to solutions containing DNA or poly-l-lysine. The Dirac voltage shift is attributed to the binding/unbinding of charged molecules on the graphene surface. The polarity of the response changes to positive direction with poly-l-lysine and negative direction with DNA. This response results in detection limits of 8 pM for 48.5 kbp DNA and 11 pM for poly-l-lysine. The biosensors are easy to fabricate, reusable and are promising as sensors of a wide variety of charged biomolecule

    Low-power photothermal self-oscillation of bimetallic nanowires

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    We investigate the nonlinear mechanics of a bimetallic, optically absorbing SiN-Nb nanowire in the presence of incident laser light and a reflecting Si mirror. Situated in a standing wave of optical intensity and subject to photothermal forces, the nanowire undergoes self-induced oscillations at low incident light thresholds of <1 μW<1\, \rm{\mu W} due to engineered strong temperature-position (TT-zz) coupling. Along with inducing self-oscillation, laser light causes large changes to the mechanical resonant frequency ω0\omega_0 and equilibrium position z0z_0 that cannot be neglected. We present experimental results and a theoretical model for the motion under laser illumination. In the model, we solve the governing nonlinear differential equations by perturbative means to show that self-oscillation amplitude is set by the competing effects of direct TT-zz coupling and 2ω02\omega_0 parametric excitation due to TT-ω0\omega_0 coupling. We then study the linearized equations of motion to show that the optimal thermal time constant τ\tau for photothermal feedback is τ→∞\tau \to \infty rather than the widely reported ω0τ=1\omega_0 \tau = 1. Lastly, we demonstrate photothermal quality factor (QQ) enhancement of driven motion as a means to counteract air damping. Understanding photothermal effects on micromechanical devices, as well as nonlinear aspects of optics-based motion detection, can enable new device applications as oscillators or other electronic elements with smaller device footprints and less stringent ambient vacuum requirements.Comment: New references adde

    Low temperature acoustic properties of amorphous silica and the Tunneling Model

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    Internal friction and speed of sound of a-SiO(2) was measured above 6 mK using a torsional oscillator at 90 kHz, controlling for thermal decoupling, non-linear effects, and clamping losses. Strain amplitudes e(A) = 10^{-8} mark the transition between the linear and non-linear regime. In the linear regime, excellent agreement with the Tunneling Model was observed for both the internal friction and speed of sound, with a cut-off energy of E(min) = 6.6 mK. In the non-linear regime, two different behaviors were observed. Above 10 mK the behavior was typical for non-linear harmonic oscillators, while below 10 mK a different behavior was found. Its origin is not understood.Comment: 1 tex file, 6 figure

    Maple procedures for the coupling of angular momenta. VI. LS-jj transformations

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    Transformation matrices between different coupling schemes are required, if a reliable classification of the level structure is to be obtained for open-shell atoms and ions. While, for instance, relativistic computations are traditionally carried out in jj-coupling, a LSJ coupling notation often occurs much more appropriate for classifying the valence-shell structure of atoms. Apart from the (known) transformation of single open shells, however, further demand on proper transformation coefficients has recently arose from the study of open d- and f-shell elements, the analysis of multiple--excited levels, or the investigation on inner-shell phenomena. Therefore, in order to facilitate a simple access to LS jj transformation matrices, here we present an extension to the Racah program for the set-up and the transformation of symmetry-adapted functions. A flexible notation is introduced for defining and for manipulating open-shell configurations at different level of complexity which can be extended also to other coupling schemes and, hence, may help determine an optimum classification of atomic levels and processes in the future

    Quantum cavitation in liquid 3^3He: dissipation effects

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    We have investigated the effect that dissipation may have on the cavitation process in normal liquid 3^3He. Our results indicate that a rather small dissipation decreases sizeably the quantum-to-thermal crossover temperature T∗T^* for cavitation in normal liquid 3^3He. This is a possible explanation why recent experiments have not yet found clear evidence of quantum cavitation at temperatures below the T∗T^* predicted by calculations which neglect dissipation.Comment: To be published in Physical Review B6
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