472 research outputs found

    “A Study to Assess the effectiveness of station-based skill training model through Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) on obstetrical assessment on Nursing students at selected Nursing colleges at Anand- Kheda district.”

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    Present paper based on pre-test post-test study to assess the effectiveness of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) on obstetrical assessment on Nursing students at selected Nursing colleges at Anand- Kheda district, was carried out by the final year student of Dinsha Patel College of Nursing, Nadiad. The statement of the study was: “A Study to Assess the effectiveness of station-based skill training model through Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) on obstetrical assessment on Nursing students at selected Nursing colleges at Anand- Kheda district.” The objectives of the study were: (1) To assess the obstetrical assessment score by OSCE. (2) To evaluate the effectiveness of OSCE on obstetrical assessment among nursing students. Research design: Quasi experimental one  group pretest- post-test design research design with Quantitative research approach was used for research study. The researcher used convenient sampling technique for selecting the 40 samples. The tool used in the study were: Structure demographic questionnaires for Section-A & WHO standardized checklist for obstetrics assessment & management of obstetrical emergency. Validity of Tool was assessed by 7 experts. Assessment of the tool was ascertained by the chi-Square formula. Data analysis & Results: In Demographic variables- 16(40%) students were having age 21;  29(72.5%) were female students; 25(62.5 %) Hindu students  ; 14(35%) Final Year B.sc Nursing students, 13(32.5%) First year P.b.B.sc students & 13(32.5%) GNM Students; 21(52.5%) students were living in urban area ; All students-40(100%) having previous knowledge about obstetrical assessment;  34(85%) Students Having hands on experience during clinical training on obstetrical training ; 29(72.5%) Students agreed with having availability of advance models at their college/Institute; 34(85%) students agreed about teachers are doing bedside teaching for procedures on obstetrical assessment; OBG M.Sc. teachers during posting- 14(35%) agreed students; 22(55%) Teachers are doing demonstration of midwifery related  procedure in clinical  & 32(80%) in laboratory area; 15(37.5%) Students are doing redemonstration of midwifery related procedures by student in clinical area  & 21(52.5%) in laboratory area; 26(65%)  students knowing about OSCE & 13(32.5%) students having experience of been through OSCE examination. In Analysis and interpretation of collected data; In both Stations, In Post-OSCE Test, Average score & Average percentage was higher than Pre-OSCE Test score. There was any specific significant increase. This Reveals about effectiveness of OSCE. In Chi-Square (X²) Test, there was significant association between demographic variables-Nursing program, OBG M.Sc. teachers during posting, Demonstration of midwifery related  procedure by teachers in clinical area, Redemonstration of midwifery related procedures by student in clinical area, Experience of been through OSCE examination & Pre OSCE-Test.  Interpretation & Conclusion: In Paired t test analysis for the significance of Pre OSCE-Test and Post OSCE Test; In both Stations, Mean Post OSCE Test score was higher than the mean Pre OSCE-Test score and the paired t-test value greater than the tabulated ‘t’ . This was statistically proved. Hence the Investigator concluded that there was significant increase. So , this reveals that, OSCE is one of the best methods for Evaluation and  to improve clinical practice & decision-making skills in medical field


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    any females experience back pain during pregnancy. The causes are manifold: their weight increase on the one hand, and the specific physiology of the spine on the other. During pregnancy, a woman’s body weight increases by 15 to 25 percent; this signifies a greater burden on the tendons, ligaments, and joints1. Furthermore, relaxin and estrogen loosen the ligaments and thus create an additional predisposition for, injury23. The enlarged uterus and the increase in breast volume shift the body’s center of gravity to the front. The pelvis is tilted simultaneously and lumbar lordosis increases1. Material and Methods:The study is Quantitative non experimental in the nature. research approach through  research design descriptive co-relational study was adopted. Non-probability convenient sampling method was used to enrol 50 women residing at Nadiad Maternity Hospital. The data were collected structure questionnaire on Body posture in day to day activities and pain scale.Data analysis was done by  descriptive and inferential statistics. Result: Assessment of Body posture of Primi Third Trimester Antenatal Mother in day to day life activity.Among the 50 Antenatal Mother 07(40%) had ill body posture, 38(78%) had Moderately good body posture, 04(08%) had good body posture .The chi-square is significant and that shows there was an association between back pain & body posture.In order to assess relationship between back pain & body posture, Structured Questionnaire was made consisting 15 questions with 02 options in the form of image.To evaluate back pain of Primi Antenatal Third Trimester Mother we took visual Analog pain scale with 0-10 score.In that 11(22%) woman had low level of pain.39(78%) had moderate level of pain and no any woman had sever pain among that 50 samples. Conclusion: The study concluded that antenatal mothers body posture have positive   relationship with back pain . and level of pain is associated with body posture

    “A descriptive study to assess level of academic stress and anxiety of science stream students among selected higher secondary school at Kheda District.”

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    The words "Stress" and " anxiety" have permeated every aspect of our generation today.In order to function properly, every student has to experience pleasant academic stress and anxiety,also known as eustress.When a student is unable to study or cope with a circumstance, they experience negative stress,also known as distress.Stress is a condition where a student's usal state of equilibrium is altered.By the year 2020, according to the WHO ,that will be one of the main causes of disability.The concern over academic stress and anxiety among science students has grown in recent years.According to estimates, academic stress and anxiety connect to annual performance and result impair the overall performance of 10% to 30% of School students of science stream. AIM:The study aims are to assess academic stress and anxiety regarding school, education system and examination to improve level of knowledge and to reduce stressors, in higher secondary school students of science stream. METHODOLOGY: Non- experimental research design with quantitative research approach was used for research study. The researcher used purposive sampling technique for selecting 300 samples. The tools used, Section 1: socio-demographic data Section 2: structured perceived academic stress scale questionnaires regarding stress. Section 3: Anxiety scale to assess the attitude by anxiety scale. Validity of tool was assessed by 11 experts.Assessment was ascertained by the chi-square formula

    Renal colic in a dialysis patient: a case of renal stone disease

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    Renal colic in a dialysis patient: a case of renal stone diseas

    Does the advent of modern implant systems and the refinement of free flap technique negate the effect of radiotherapy in oral cancer dental implant based oral rehabilitation

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to see whether the advent of modern implant systems, and the refinement of free flap techniques, negate the effect of radiotherapy in patients with oral cancer who undergo dental implant–based oral rehabilitation. Materials and method: A retrospective study was performed to look at the success rates of implants placed in all patients, in a 3 year period at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham. Survival rates in irradiated patients were compared with success rates in patients who did receive radiotherapy. Results and conclusions: The rate of failure is comparable in the no radiotherapy group (1.12%) and post-radiotherapy group (1.76%). Our study shows that there was no significant difference in survival when implants were placed in native, grafted bone or in free flap reconstructions in irradiated head and neck cancer patients. Ultimately, the current evidence is not strong enough to prove whether the advent of modern implants systems, and the refinement of free flap techniques, does negate the effect of radiotherapy in patients with oral cancer undergoing dental implant–based oral rehabilitation. There is a need to perform a prospective clinical trial to observe clinical outcomes in both patients who have received radiotherapy and those who have not received radiotherap

    Raman Spectroscopy Reveals New Insights into the Zonal Organization of Native and Tissue-Engineered Articular Cartilage.

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    Tissue architecture is intimately linked with its functions, and loss of tissue organization is often associated with pathologies. The intricate depth-dependent extracellular matrix (ECM) arrangement in articular cartilage is critical to its biomechanical functions. In this study, we developed a Raman spectroscopic imaging approach to gain new insight into the depth-dependent arrangement of native and tissue-engineered articular cartilage using bovine tissues and cells. Our results revealed previously unreported tissue complexity into at least six zones above the tidemark based on a principal component analysis and k-means clustering analysis of the distribution and orientation of the main ECM components. Correlation of nanoindentation and Raman spectroscopic data suggested that the biomechanics across the tissue depth are influenced by ECM microstructure rather than composition. Further, Raman spectroscopy together with multivariate analysis revealed changes in the collagen, glycosaminoglycan, and water distributions in tissue-engineered constructs over time. These changes were assessed using simple metrics that promise to instruct efforts toward the regeneration of a broad range of tissues with native zonal complexity and functional performance.M.S.B., J.-P.S.-P., and M.M.S. acknowledge the support of the Medical Research Council, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council UK Regenerative Medicine Platform Hubs “Acellular Approaches for Therapeutic Delivery” (MR/K026682/1) and “A Hub for Engineering and Exploiting the Stem Cell Niche” (MR/K026666/1). J.-P.S.-P. and M.M.S. were also supported by the Medical Engineering Solutions in the Osteoarthritis Centre of Excellence, funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (088844). J.-P.S.-P. would like to acknowledge the Value in People Award from the Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund (097816/Z/11/A). M.M.S. also acknowledges the support from the ERC Seventh Framework Programme Consolidator grant “Naturale CG” under Grant Agreement No. 616417

    Chapter 12: Systematic Review of Prognostic Tests

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    A number of new biological markers are being studied as predictors of disease or adverse medical events among those who already have a disease. Systematic reviews of this growing literature can help determine whether the available evidence supports use of a new biomarker as a prognostic test that can more accurately place patients into different prognostic groups to improve treatment decisions and the accuracy of outcome predictions. Exemplary reviews of prognostic tests are not widely available, and the methods used to review diagnostic tests do not necessarily address the most important questions about prognostic tests that are used to predict the time-dependent likelihood of future patient outcomes. We provide suggestions for those interested in conducting systematic reviews of a prognostic test. The proposed use of the prognostic test should serve as the framework for a systematic review and to help define the key questions. The outcome probabilities or level of risk and other characteristics of prognostic groups are the most salient statistics for review and perhaps meta-analysis. Reclassification tables can help determine how a prognostic test affects the classification of patients into different prognostic groups, hence their treatment. Review of studies of the association between a potential prognostic test and patient outcomes would have little impact other than to determine whether further development as a prognostic test might be warranted

    Sustained platelet-sparing effect of weekly low dose paclitaxel allows effective, tolerable delivery of extended dose dense weekly carboplatin in platinum resistant/refractory epithelial ovarian cancer

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    Background: Platinum agents have shown demonstrable activity in the treatment of patients with platinum resistant, recurrent ovarian cancer when delivered in a "dose-dense" fashion. However, the development of thrombocytopenia limits the weekly administration of carboplatin to no greater than AUC 2. Paclitaxel has a well-described platelet sparing effect however its use to explicitly provide thromboprotection in the context of dose dense carboplatin has not been explored. Methods: We treated seven patients with platinum resistant ovarian cancer who had previously received paclitaxel or who had developed significant peripheral neuropathy precluding the use of further full dose weekly paclitaxel. Results: We were able to deliver carboplatin AUC 3 and paclitaxel 20 mg/m(2) with no thrombocytopenia or worsening of neuropathic side-effects, and with good activity. Conclusions: We conclude that this regimen may be feasible and active, and could be formally developed as a "platinum-focussed dose-dense scaffold" into which targeted therapies that reverse platinum resistance can be incorporated, and merits further evaluation

    A multimodal deep learning framework using local feature representations for face recognition

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    YesThe most recent face recognition systems are mainly dependent on feature representations obtained using either local handcrafted-descriptors, such as local binary patterns (LBP), or use a deep learning approach, such as deep belief network (DBN). However, the former usually suffers from the wide variations in face images, while the latter usually discards the local facial features, which are proven to be important for face recognition. In this paper, a novel framework based on merging the advantages of the local handcrafted feature descriptors with the DBN is proposed to address the face recognition problem in unconstrained conditions. Firstly, a novel multimodal local feature extraction approach based on merging the advantages of the Curvelet transform with Fractal dimension is proposed and termed the Curvelet–Fractal approach. The main motivation of this approach is that theCurvelet transform, a newanisotropic and multidirectional transform, can efficiently represent themain structure of the face (e.g., edges and curves), while the Fractal dimension is one of the most powerful texture descriptors for face images. Secondly, a novel framework is proposed, termed the multimodal deep face recognition (MDFR)framework, to add feature representations by training aDBNon top of the local feature representations instead of the pixel intensity representations. We demonstrate that representations acquired by the proposed MDFR framework are complementary to those acquired by the Curvelet–Fractal approach. Finally, the performance of the proposed approaches has been evaluated by conducting a number of extensive experiments on four large-scale face datasets: the SDUMLA-HMT, FERET, CAS-PEAL-R1, and LFW databases. The results obtained from the proposed approaches outperform other state-of-the-art of approaches (e.g., LBP, DBN, WPCA) by achieving new state-of-the-art results on all the employed datasets