9 research outputs found

    Can the International Regulatory Framework on Ships’ Routing, Ship Reporting, and Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Accommodate Marine Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS)?: Exploring the Autonomy-Neutral Character of the Existing Regulations

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    The recent maiden voyage of the Yara Birkeland witnessed yet another development in autonomy that is transforming the maritime sector. Marine autonomous surface ships (MASS) are claimed to bring many opportunities to society at large, not least in terms of operational efficiency and safety of the crew, fewer emissions, and greener shipping. On the assumption that MASS will prove safe enough to ply our seas and oceans, this article investigates the flexibility and ability of the existing International Maritime Organization (IMO) regulations on ships’ routing, ship reporting, and vessel traffic service (VTS) to respond to the technological developments, allowing for the operation of both remotely controlled ships without seafarers on board and fully autonomous ships. It argues that the regulations in question are largely supportive of autonomy. Challenges, however, exist when it comes to the employment of fully autonomous ships and the effective use of VTS

    The IMLI Manual on International Maritime Law : Volume I : The Law of the Sea : (Oxford University Press, 2014) : [book review]

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    Prikaz knjigeBook review: This book is part of a three-volume manual prepared by the International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI) to serve as a guide to all aspects of international maritime law. The general editor of the entire series is Professor David Joseph Attard, IMLI Director, while editors of Volume I under review, dedicated to the law of the sea aspect, are Malgosia Fitzmaurice, professor of public international law at the University of London and Norman A Martínez Gutiérrez, assistant professor at IMLI. Koji Sekimizu, former IMO Secretary- General, wrote the foreword to the manual. This book provides a comprehensive analysis of a very complex field of international law – that of the law of the sea, by discussing traditional and contemporary issues from both theoretical and practical perspectives. In its analysis, it uses various sources, such as treaty and customary international law, ‘’soft law’’ instruments, and court and commercial practice. Reference is also made to the relevant legal framework contained in the regional and national legislation. The main discussion is centered around the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (LOSC). In this respect, the book contains an in-depth study of a number of the LOSC provisions and jurisprudence. The book includes an introduction and 24 chapters, all of which have been written and edited by the leading experts in their respective fields. The introduction provides an overview of the historical development of the law of the sea, offering thereby a good foundation for further discussion on the modern law of the sea and the post-LOSC developments. The 24 chapters cover different legal regimes for the seas and oceans, largely following the LOSC zonal approach and structure. The book thus covers territorial sea and contiguous zone, straits used for international navigation, the regime of islands and rocks, archipelagic states, the continental shelf, the exclusive economic zone, the high seas, the international seabed area, marine scientific research, landlocked and geographically disadvantaged states, and the settlement of disputes. Particular consideration is given to international law concerning maritime boundary delimitation. Other chapters examine new trends and challenges that have emerged in the post-LOSC era – for example, the legal status of the generic resources beyond the limits of national jurisdiction. In this respect, reference is made to the current discussions taking place in an ad hoc working group established by the United Nations General Assembly. Attention is further given to the recent developments in the field of marine scientific research, which show an increasing use of the satellites. In this regard, the book points to the possible creation of a new, hybrid, area of law, with the potential of the law of the sea and space law being merged in an innovative way. As a result of increasing concerns relating to global warming and climate change, including the rapid melting of a substantive amount of the ice in the polar regions, particular consideration is given to the legal regimes applicable in the Arctic and the Antarctic. The book covers other contemporary issues as well, such as the protection of underwater cultural heritage, and the interaction between the law of the sea and human rights. Special consideration is given to the LOSC settlement of disputes mechanism and the respective contributions of the International Court of Justice and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. The book moreover examines the role of the various international organisations in the progressive development of the law of the sea such as the United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and the International Maritime Organization. This book represents a significant contribution to the current literature in the field. It is intended to serve as a guide on various aspects of international law of the sea for an extensive group of users ranging from students, researchers and academics to practitioners and governmental officials


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    U radu se obrađuju podzakonska pravna vrela koja reguliraju obavljanje djelatnosti javnog prijevoza u linijskom i povremenom obalnom pomorskom prometu u Republici Hrvatskoj. Temeljni zakonski propis koji regulira ovu materiju je Zakon o prijevozu u linijskom i povremenom obalnom pomorskom prometu iz 2006. godine. Zakon je mijenjan i dopunjavan 2009. i 2011. godine, a posebno značajne su posljednje izmjene i dopune iz 2013. godine kada je ova materija u cijelosti usklađena s pravnom stečevinom Europske unije. Posljednjim izmjenama i dopunama Zakona propisana je obveza donošenja novih podzakonskih propisa kojima bi se ova problematika normirala na cjelovit i sustavan način sukladno najnovijim zakonskim odredbama. Iako sa zakašnjenjem, do danas su doneseni svi podzakonski propisi. To su: Uredba o uvjetima i vrednovanju kriterija za davanje koncesije i sklapanje ugovora o javnoj usluzi za obavljanje javnog prijevoza u linijskom obalnom pomorskom prometu, Pravilnik o uvjetima koje mora ispunjavati brod i brodar za obavljanje javnog prijevoza u linijskom obalnom pomorskom prometu, Pravilnik o uvjetima i načinu ostvarivanja prava na povlašteni prijevoz na linijama u javnom pomorskom prijevozu i Odluka o visini popusta na redovne cijene putnih karata u povlaštenom prijevozu osoba i vozila u javnom obalnom linijskom pomorskom prometu. Autori detaljno analiziraju i upućuju na najvažnija rješenja i nedostatke navedenih podzakonskih propisa.The aim of this paper is to address subordinate legislation on public transport in liner shipping and occasional coastal maritime traffic in the Republic of Croatia. The matter at stake is primarily regulated by the Act on Transport in Liner Shipping and Occasional Coastal Maritime Traffic, 2006 and its amendments made in 2009, 2011 and 2013 (hereinafter referred to as: the Act). The latest amendment is particularly important, as it has been made as a consequence of implementing the acquis communautaire of the European Union. It imposes an obligation on the Government and the competent Ministry to pass subordinate legislation in order to have a complete set of rules for the effective application of the Act. The subordinate legislation is now complete and consists of the following acts: the Regulation on the conditions and evaluation of the criteria for the award of concession and contract on public services for public transport in liner shipping and coastal maritime traffic; the Rules that the ship and the ship-operator participating in public transport in liner shipping and coastal maritime traffic have to comply with; the Rules on the conditions and procedure for granting beneficial rights in public transport in liner shipping and coastal maritime traffic; the Decision on the amount of the discount on the regular prices for transport tickets with beneficial rights for the passengers and vehicles in public transport in liner shipping and coastal maritime traffic. The Authors elaborate on the main issues regulated by subordinate legislation and address its main disadvantages

    Anthropocentric Ocean Connectivity: A Pluralistic Legal-Regulatory Model

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    This article proposes a model of anthropocentric ocean connectivity based on the concept of human perspective as location. Within this location, anthropocentrism can be, but is not necessarily, an exclusive or dominant valuation of the human. In fact, conceptions of both anthropocentrism and of ocean connectivity are pluralistic. These and other pluralisms are borne out in this article’s content and structure, which takes the form of explorations of anthropocentric connectivity in relation to four specific ocean-related human activities. First, Jan Solski applies understandings of connectivity as “flow” in the context of strategic ocean geopolitics. Second, Iva Parlov analyzes current doctrinal issues and interactions at the international level with respect to the legal regime for places of refuge for ships in need of assistance. Third, Maria Madalena das Neves examines ocean connectivity in the context of transboundary energy trade and market integration, with particular attention to geopolitical and ecological connectivity. Finally, Julia Gaunce proposes that the making and application of transnational rules and standards for ships in polar waters enhances certain connections and disrupts others, to the detriment of oceans and people, and that broadening connectivity especially in respect of Arctic Indigenous people(s) could help address challenges faced by oceans and ocean governance

    Correlation between pyrethrin content with the development stage of the dalmatian pyrethrum flowers

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    Dalmatinski buhač (Tanacetum cinerariifolium Trevir./ Sch. /Bip) je endemska vrsta istočne obale Jadranskog mora. Biljna je vrsta od velike ekonomske važnosti zbog sadržaja prirodnog insekticida piretrina, kojeg čini šest aktivnih sastavnica, i to: piretrin I i II, cinerin I i II te jasmolin I i II. Zbog niske toksičnosti za ljude i toplokrvne životinje primjena piretrina je dozvoljena u ekološkom uzgoju hrane. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi potencijalne razlike u sadržaju piretrina ovisno o razvojnom stadiju cvata dalmatinskog buhača međusobnom usporedbom razvojnih faza dviju prirodnih populacija (Senj i Biokovo). Za ekstrakciju piretrina iz suhih cvjetnih glavica dalmatinskog buhača korištena je metoda ekstrakcije disperzijom matrice u čvrstoj fazi, dok je identifikacija i kvantifikacija svih šest sastavnica piretrina provedena tekućinskom kromatografijom visoke djelotvornosti. Najniži sadržaj piretrina kod obje populacije utvrđen je u 1. razvojnom stadiju (neotvoreni pupovi, nazire se vrh jezičastih cvjetova); kod populacije Biokovo iznosio je 0,53 % po masi suhog cvata, dok je kod populacije Senj iznosio nešto više, odnosno 0,58%. U 3. razvojnom stadiju (jezičasti cvjetovi razvijeni, naziru se cjevasti cvjetovi) utvrđen je najviši ukupni sadržaj piretrina; kod populacije Biokovo iznosio je 0,99% po masi suhog cvata, dok je kod populacije Senj iznosio 1,17% po masi suhog cvata. Populacija Senj u svim razvojnim fazama bilježi viši omjer pir I/ pir II, a samim time i veću insekticidnu aktivnost u odnosu na populaciju Biokovo. Omjer pir I/ pir II kod populacije Senj kontinuirano je rastao prema 7. razvojnom stadiju u kojem je i zabilježena njegova najveća vrijednost. Vrijednost omjera pir I/ pir II kod populacije Biokovo oscilirala je kroz svih sedam razvojnih faza, ali najveću vrijednost bilježi u 1. razvojnom stadiju.Dalmatian pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium Trevir./ Sch. / Bip) is an endemic species of the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. The plant species is of economic importance due to the content of the natural insecticide pyrethrin, which is composed of six active ingredients pyrethrin I i II, cinerin I i II, and jasmolin I and II. Pyrethrins are used in organic food production due to their low toxicity to humans and warm-blooded animals. This study aimed to determine potential differences in pyrethrin content depending on the Dalmatian pyrethrum flower development stage of the between the two populations (Senj and Biokovo). Matrix Solid Phase Dispersion was used for the extraction of pyrethrins from dried pyrethrum flowers samples, while High Performance Liquid Chromatography was used for the identification and quantification of pyrethrin. The lowest pyrethrin content in both populations was recorded in the first development stage (unopened buds, top of the ray flowers visible). In this stage population from Biokovo contained 0.53 % of pyrethrins in the dry flower head, while in the population of Senj slightly lower values were determined, 0.58 %, respectively. The highest total pyrethrin content was determined in the third development stage (ray flowers developed, disc flowers visible); 0.99 % of the dry flower weight in the population from Biokovo and 1.17 % in the Senj population. The population of Senj in all developmental stages recorded a higher pir I / pir II ratio, and thus higher insecticidal activity compared to the population of Biokovo. The pir I / pir II ratio in the population of Senj continuously increased to the seventh developmental stage, in which its highest value was recorded. The value of the pir I / pir ratio II in the population of Biokovo oscillated through all seven developmental stages, but the highest value was recorded in the first stage

    Correlation between pyrethrin content with the development stage of the dalmatian pyrethrum flowers

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    Dalmatinski buhač (Tanacetum cinerariifolium Trevir./ Sch. /Bip) je endemska vrsta istočne obale Jadranskog mora. Biljna je vrsta od velike ekonomske važnosti zbog sadržaja prirodnog insekticida piretrina, kojeg čini šest aktivnih sastavnica, i to: piretrin I i II, cinerin I i II te jasmolin I i II. Zbog niske toksičnosti za ljude i toplokrvne životinje primjena piretrina je dozvoljena u ekološkom uzgoju hrane. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi potencijalne razlike u sadržaju piretrina ovisno o razvojnom stadiju cvata dalmatinskog buhača međusobnom usporedbom razvojnih faza dviju prirodnih populacija (Senj i Biokovo). Za ekstrakciju piretrina iz suhih cvjetnih glavica dalmatinskog buhača korištena je metoda ekstrakcije disperzijom matrice u čvrstoj fazi, dok je identifikacija i kvantifikacija svih šest sastavnica piretrina provedena tekućinskom kromatografijom visoke djelotvornosti. Najniži sadržaj piretrina kod obje populacije utvrđen je u 1. razvojnom stadiju (neotvoreni pupovi, nazire se vrh jezičastih cvjetova); kod populacije Biokovo iznosio je 0,53 % po masi suhog cvata, dok je kod populacije Senj iznosio nešto više, odnosno 0,58%. U 3. razvojnom stadiju (jezičasti cvjetovi razvijeni, naziru se cjevasti cvjetovi) utvrđen je najviši ukupni sadržaj piretrina; kod populacije Biokovo iznosio je 0,99% po masi suhog cvata, dok je kod populacije Senj iznosio 1,17% po masi suhog cvata. Populacija Senj u svim razvojnim fazama bilježi viši omjer pir I/ pir II, a samim time i veću insekticidnu aktivnost u odnosu na populaciju Biokovo. Omjer pir I/ pir II kod populacije Senj kontinuirano je rastao prema 7. razvojnom stadiju u kojem je i zabilježena njegova najveća vrijednost. Vrijednost omjera pir I/ pir II kod populacije Biokovo oscilirala je kroz svih sedam razvojnih faza, ali najveću vrijednost bilježi u 1. razvojnom stadiju.Dalmatian pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium Trevir./ Sch. / Bip) is an endemic species of the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. The plant species is of economic importance due to the content of the natural insecticide pyrethrin, which is composed of six active ingredients pyrethrin I i II, cinerin I i II, and jasmolin I and II. Pyrethrins are used in organic food production due to their low toxicity to humans and warm-blooded animals. This study aimed to determine potential differences in pyrethrin content depending on the Dalmatian pyrethrum flower development stage of the between the two populations (Senj and Biokovo). Matrix Solid Phase Dispersion was used for the extraction of pyrethrins from dried pyrethrum flowers samples, while High Performance Liquid Chromatography was used for the identification and quantification of pyrethrin. The lowest pyrethrin content in both populations was recorded in the first development stage (unopened buds, top of the ray flowers visible). In this stage population from Biokovo contained 0.53 % of pyrethrins in the dry flower head, while in the population of Senj slightly lower values were determined, 0.58 %, respectively. The highest total pyrethrin content was determined in the third development stage (ray flowers developed, disc flowers visible); 0.99 % of the dry flower weight in the population from Biokovo and 1.17 % in the Senj population. The population of Senj in all developmental stages recorded a higher pir I / pir II ratio, and thus higher insecticidal activity compared to the population of Biokovo. The pir I / pir II ratio in the population of Senj continuously increased to the seventh developmental stage, in which its highest value was recorded. The value of the pir I / pir ratio II in the population of Biokovo oscillated through all seven developmental stages, but the highest value was recorded in the first stage

    Correlation between pyrethrin content with the development stage of the dalmatian pyrethrum flowers

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    Dalmatinski buhač (Tanacetum cinerariifolium Trevir./ Sch. /Bip) je endemska vrsta istočne obale Jadranskog mora. Biljna je vrsta od velike ekonomske važnosti zbog sadržaja prirodnog insekticida piretrina, kojeg čini šest aktivnih sastavnica, i to: piretrin I i II, cinerin I i II te jasmolin I i II. Zbog niske toksičnosti za ljude i toplokrvne životinje primjena piretrina je dozvoljena u ekološkom uzgoju hrane. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi potencijalne razlike u sadržaju piretrina ovisno o razvojnom stadiju cvata dalmatinskog buhača međusobnom usporedbom razvojnih faza dviju prirodnih populacija (Senj i Biokovo). Za ekstrakciju piretrina iz suhih cvjetnih glavica dalmatinskog buhača korištena je metoda ekstrakcije disperzijom matrice u čvrstoj fazi, dok je identifikacija i kvantifikacija svih šest sastavnica piretrina provedena tekućinskom kromatografijom visoke djelotvornosti. Najniži sadržaj piretrina kod obje populacije utvrđen je u 1. razvojnom stadiju (neotvoreni pupovi, nazire se vrh jezičastih cvjetova); kod populacije Biokovo iznosio je 0,53 % po masi suhog cvata, dok je kod populacije Senj iznosio nešto više, odnosno 0,58%. U 3. razvojnom stadiju (jezičasti cvjetovi razvijeni, naziru se cjevasti cvjetovi) utvrđen je najviši ukupni sadržaj piretrina; kod populacije Biokovo iznosio je 0,99% po masi suhog cvata, dok je kod populacije Senj iznosio 1,17% po masi suhog cvata. Populacija Senj u svim razvojnim fazama bilježi viši omjer pir I/ pir II, a samim time i veću insekticidnu aktivnost u odnosu na populaciju Biokovo. Omjer pir I/ pir II kod populacije Senj kontinuirano je rastao prema 7. razvojnom stadiju u kojem je i zabilježena njegova najveća vrijednost. Vrijednost omjera pir I/ pir II kod populacije Biokovo oscilirala je kroz svih sedam razvojnih faza, ali najveću vrijednost bilježi u 1. razvojnom stadiju.Dalmatian pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium Trevir./ Sch. / Bip) is an endemic species of the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea. The plant species is of economic importance due to the content of the natural insecticide pyrethrin, which is composed of six active ingredients pyrethrin I i II, cinerin I i II, and jasmolin I and II. Pyrethrins are used in organic food production due to their low toxicity to humans and warm-blooded animals. This study aimed to determine potential differences in pyrethrin content depending on the Dalmatian pyrethrum flower development stage of the between the two populations (Senj and Biokovo). Matrix Solid Phase Dispersion was used for the extraction of pyrethrins from dried pyrethrum flowers samples, while High Performance Liquid Chromatography was used for the identification and quantification of pyrethrin. The lowest pyrethrin content in both populations was recorded in the first development stage (unopened buds, top of the ray flowers visible). In this stage population from Biokovo contained 0.53 % of pyrethrins in the dry flower head, while in the population of Senj slightly lower values were determined, 0.58 %, respectively. The highest total pyrethrin content was determined in the third development stage (ray flowers developed, disc flowers visible); 0.99 % of the dry flower weight in the population from Biokovo and 1.17 % in the Senj population. The population of Senj in all developmental stages recorded a higher pir I / pir II ratio, and thus higher insecticidal activity compared to the population of Biokovo. The pir I / pir II ratio in the population of Senj continuously increased to the seventh developmental stage, in which its highest value was recorded. The value of the pir I / pir ratio II in the population of Biokovo oscillated through all seven developmental stages, but the highest value was recorded in the first stage

    Javni prijevoz u linijskom i povremenom obalnom pomorskom prometu – pravna vrela (podzakonski propisi)

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    U radu se obrađuju podzakonska pravna vrela koja reguliraju obavljanje djelatnosti javnog prijevoza u linijskom i povremenom obalnom pomorskom prometu u Republici Hrvatskoj. Temeljni zakonski propis koji regulira ovu materiju je Zakon o prijevozu u linijskom i povremenom obalnom pomorskom prometu iz 2006. godine. Zakon je mijenjan i dopunjavan 2009. i 2011. godine, a posebno značajne su posljednje izmjene i dopune iz 2013. godine kada je ova materija u cijelosti usklađena s pravnom stečevinom Europske unije. Posljednjim izmjenama i dopunama Zakona propisana je obveza donošenja novih podzakonskih propisa kojima bi se ova problematika normirala na cjelovit i sustavan način sukladno najnovijim zakonskim odredbama. Iako sa zakašnjenjem, do danas su doneseni svi podzakonski propisi. To su: Uredba o uvjetima i vrednovanju kriterija za davanje koncesije i sklapanje ugovora o javnoj usluzi za obavljanje javnog prijevoza u linijskom obalnom pomorskom prometu, Pravilnik o uvjetima koje mora ispunjavati brod i brodar za obavljanje javnog prijevoza u linijskom obalnom pomorskom prometu, Pravilnik o uvjetima i načinu ostvarivanja prava na povlašteni prijevoz na linijama u javnom pomorskom prijevozu i Odluka o visini popusta na redovne cijene putnih karata u povlaštenom prijevozu osoba i vozila u javnom obalnom linijskom pomorskom prometu. Autori detaljno analiziraju i upućuju na najvažnija rješenja i nedostatke navedenih podzakonskih propisa

    Monitoring and Quantification of Omeprazole Synthesis Reaction by In-Line Raman Spectroscopy and Characterization of the Reaction Components

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    The development of a quantitative in-line Raman spectroscopic method for the monitoring of the active pharmaceutical ingredient, omeprazole synthesis reaction, and characterization of the reaction components is described. In-line monitoring was performed both with Fourier transform and dispersive Raman spectrometers. Prior to reaction monitoring, the reaction components were characterized off-line by means of Raman and NMR spectroscopy, both in solution and in solid state. To unequivocally confirm the presence of each component in the reaction mixture, a state of the art LC-SPE/NMR methodology was also used. Owing to its higher sensitivity, dispersive Raman spectroscopy was further employed for quantification purposes. The spectroscopic measurements and the complementary HPLC analyses, used in the calibration development, were gathered from a set of experiments, performed at a 1 L scale. On the basis of the data set obtained from the calibration experiments, a predictive partial least-squares (PLS) regression model was developed for all three reaction components, enabling an accurate determination of the percentage of each component present in the reaction mixture, at any time after the point when 25% of the starting material has been consumed. The model was successfully used to monitor the reaction progress in a kilo-lab scale experiment and can further be used as a fast response analytical tool in process optimization. It also has the potential to be used as part of a feedback control loop in the production plant