126 research outputs found

    Kõõluste ülekoormusvigastuste konservatiivne ravi

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    Pikaajalised kõõluste ülekoormusvaevused ehk ülekoormustendopaatiad on sportlaste ja pidevalt sarnaseid tööliigutusi tegevate inimeste üks enam levinud ja häirivam probleem. Ülekoormustendopaatiate etioloogia, patogenees ja krooniliseks muutumine on ikka veel paljuski ebaselge. Senimaani ei ole isegi teada, kui suur roll on koormusel endal nende kaebuste tekkes. Kuna tendopaatiate etiopatogenees ei ole selge, on ka nende mitmekülgne ravi enam kliiniliste kogemuste pagasile toetuv kui teaduslikult tõestatud ja kontrollitud. Teaduslikult on tõestatud seos korikosteroidhormoonide süstete ja lihaskõõlusaparaadi ekstsentriliste harjutuste ehk pidurdusmehhanismil põhinevate liigutuste ravitoime. Teiste konservatiivsete ravimeetodite kohta puudub korrektsetel uuringutel põhinev analüüs või on saadud tulemused vasturääkivad. Eesti Arst 2005; 84 (10): 718–72

    Neuromuscular training and the risk of leg injuries in female floorball players: cluster randomised controlled study

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    Objective To investigate whether a neuromuscular training programme is effective in preventing non-contact leg injuries in female floorball players

    Interpreting change on the SCAT3 in professional ice hockey players

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    Objectives: To examine test-retest reliability of the. SCAT3 for two consecutive seasons using a large sample of professional male ice hockey players, and to make recommendations for interpreting change on the test. Design: A cross-sectional descriptive study. Methods: Preseason baseline testing was administered in the beginning of the seasons 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 to 179 professional male hockey players in rink side settings. Results: The test-retest reliabilities of the SCAT3 components were uniformly low. However, the majority of athletes remained grossly within their own individual performance range when two pre-season SCAT3 baseline scores were compared to published normative reference values. Being tested by the same person or a different person did not influence the results. It was uncommon for the Symptom score to worsen by >= 3 points, the Symptom Severity score to worsen by >= 5 points, SAC total score to worsen by >= 3 points, M-BESS total error points to increase by >= 3, or the time to complete Tandem Gait to increase by >= 4s; each occurred in less than 10% of the sample. Conclusions: The SCAT3 has low test-retest reliability. Change scores should be interpreted with caution, and more research is needed to determine the clinical usefulness of the SCAT3 for diagnosing concussion and monitoring recovery. Careful examination of the natural distributions of difference scores provides clinicians with useful information on how to interpret change on the test. (C) 2016 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Change of Direction Biomechanics in a 180-Degree Pivot Turn and the Risk for Noncontact Knee Injuries in Youth Basketball and Floorball Players

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    Background: Studies investigating biomechanical risk factors for knee injuries in sport-specific tasks are needed. Purpose: To investigate the association between change of direction (COD) biomechanics in a 180-degree pivot turn and knee injury risk among youth team sport players. Study Design: Cohort study; Level of evidence, 2. Methods: A total of 258 female and male basketball and floorball players (age range, 12-21 years) participated in the baseline COD test and follow-up. Complete data were obtained from 489 player-legs. Injuries, practice, and game exposure were registered for 12 months. The COD test consisted of a quick ball pass before and after a high-speed 180-degree pivot turn on the force plates. The following variables were analyzed: peak vertical ground-reaction force (N/kg); peak trunk lateral flexion angle (degree); peak knee flexion angle (degree); peak knee valgus angle (degree); peak knee flexion moment (N.m/kg); peak knee abduction moment (N.m/kg); and peak knee internal and external rotation moments (N.m/kg). Legs were analyzed separately and the mean of 3 trials was used in the analysis. Main outcome measure was a new acute noncontact knee injury. Results: A total of 18 new noncontact knee injuries were registered (0.3 injuries/1000 hours of exposure). Female players sustained 14 knee injuries and male players 4. A higher rate of knee injuries was observed in female players compared with male players (incidence rate ratio, 6.2; 95% CI, 2.1-21.7). Of all knee injuries, 8 were anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries, all in female players. Female players displayed significantly larger peak knee valgus angles compared with male players (mean for female and male players, respectively: 13.9 degrees +/- 9.4 degrees and 2.0 degrees +/- 8.5 degrees). No significant associations between biomechanical variables and knee injury risk were found. Conclusion: Female players were at increased risk of knee and ACL injury compared with male players. Female players performed the 180-degree pivot turn with significantly larger knee valgus compared with male players. However, none of the investigated variables was associated with knee injury risk in youth basketball and floorball players.Peer reviewe

    Injury incidence and prevalence in Finnish top-level football - one-season prospective cohort study

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    Ojective: To investigate the injury characteristics in Finnish male football players. Design: One-season prospective epidemiological study. Data were collected via injury reports from the medical staff and directly from the players using the Olso Sports Trauma Research Center Health Questionnaire. Participants: The first team squads of Finnish football league (n = 12 teams, 236 players). Main outcome measurement: Injury incidence. Results: A total of 541 injuries occurred during the exposure of 62 878 hours. Injury incidence per 1000 exposure hours was 8.6 (30.6 in matches and 3.4 in training). A player sustained on average 2.3 (median 2, range 0-13) injuries during the study. Thigh and ankle were the most commonly injured body parts for acute injuries and hip/groin were the most commonly injured body part for overuse injuries. The median absence time for all injuries was 12 (range 0-107) days, 12 (range 0-107) for acute, and 8 (range 0-61) for overuse injuries. Thigh injuries caused the greatest consequences in terms of absence from full participation (median 5 days, range 0-88). Conclusion: Lower limb muscle injuries were the most prevalent injuries in the study. Collecting data directly from the players enabled to report more injuries compared to what was reported only by the medical staff.Peer reviewe

    Physical activity from adolescence to young adulthood : patterns of change, and their associations with activity domains and sedentary time

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    BackgroundLongitudinal studies demonstrate an average decline in physical activity (PA) from adolescence to young adulthood. However, while some subgroups of adolescents decrease activity, others increase or maintain high or low activity. Activity domains may differ between subgroups (exhibiting different PA patterns), and they offer valuable information for targeted health promotion. Hence, the aim of this study was to identify PA patterns from adolescence to young adulthood; also to explore the associations of (i) changes in PA domains and in sedentary time, (ii) sociodemographic factors, and (iii) self-rated health with diverging PA patterns.MethodsThe observational cohort study data encompassed 254 adolescents at age 15 and age 19. K-means cluster analysis for longitudinal data was performed to identify participant clusters (patterns) based on their accelerometry-measured moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA). Logistic regressions were applied in further analysis.ResultsFive PA patterns were identified: inactivity maintainers (n=71), activity maintainers (n=70), decreasers from moderate (to low) PA (n=61), decreasers from high (to moderate) PA (n=32), and increasers (n=20).At age 15, participation in sports clubs (SC, 41-97%) and active commuting (AC, 47-75%) was common in all the patterns. By age 19, clear dropout from these activities was prevalent (SC participation mean 32%, AC 31-63%). Inactivity maintainers reported the lowest amount of weekly school physical education.Dropout from SC - in contrast to non-participation in SC - was associated with higher odds of being a decreaser from high PA, and with lower odds of being an inactivity maintainer. Maintained SC participation was associated with higher odds of belonging to the decreasers from high PA, and to the combined group of activity maintainers and increasers; also with lower odds of being an inactivity maintainer. Maintenance/adoption of AC was associated with decreased odds of being an inactivity maintainer. Self-reported health at age 19 was associated with the patterns of maintained activity and inactivity.ConclusionsPA patterns diverge over the transition to adulthood. Changes in SC participation and AC show different associations with diverging PA patterns. Hence, tailored PA promotion is recommended.Peer reviewe
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