229 research outputs found

    The life history and fishery assessment of largespot pompano, Trachinotus botla, in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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    Largespot pompano, Trachinotus botla, is a surf zone carangid with a cosmopolitan distribution in subtropical and tropical waters. Within South Africa, the species occurs along the KwaZulu-Natal coastline where it is a popular recreational fishing target. Recreational fishing in southern Africa has developed significantly in recent years, and is now regarded as an industry with huge economic potential. The long-term contribution of South African recreational fisheries to local economies is reliant upon sustainable exploitation through effective management. Trachinotus botla was found to grow rapidly with maximum observed age of six years. Otolith growth zone deposition was validated using edge analysis. Growth was similar between males and females until ~350 mm FL after which females continued to grow while growth in males slowed. The resulting overall sex ratio was slightly female-biased (1 male: 1.3 females). Trachinotus botla matures early with all fish considered to be mature at 290 mm FL, which corresponds to an age of three years. A protracted spawning season was observed ranging from November to February and there was evidence to suggest that T. botla is a serial spawner. Dietary analysis indicates that T. botla is an opportunistic predator with a catholic diet. The opportunistic utilization of “superabundant” prey items is a fundamental characteristic of the species feeding habits. An ontogenetic dietary shift was observed at approximately 300 mm FL that was linked to a shift in habitat preference. This thesis provided the first evidence that infection by the tongue-replacing isopod, Cymothoa borbonica, reduces the growth rate of wild host fish populations despite not affecting the diet, feeding habits and feeding frequency of their hosts. These results also highlighted the inadequacy of condition factor as a proxy for quantifying the effects of cymothoids on their hosts, and identified the need to incorporate host age when assessing the effects of parasite infection. Information on the life-cycle of C. borbonica, including estimates of the hypothesized “infectious” period and its longevity were obtained through analysis of parasite infection patterns as a function of host age and length. An assessment of the T. botla shore fishery of KwaZulu-Natal using historical catch data revealed that the fishery is stable. Productivity of the T. botla fishery increased towards the north of KwaZulu-Natal. Distinct seasonal variations in the T. botla fishery were also noted with catches peaking in summer months and lowest during winter. A per-recruit assessment revealed that the species is currently underexploited (SBR = 62% of pristine levels), and fishing mortality rate could be doubled before reaching the spawner biomass-per recruit target reference point of FSB₄₀. A combination of the life history characteristics of species, the nature of the recreational shore fishery together with the current management regulation of 5 fish person⁻Âč day⁻Âč has ensured the sustainable utilization of the T. botla resource in KwaZulu-Natal

    An evaluation of sampling and statistical methods for long-term monitoring of subtidal reef fishes : a case study of Tsitsikamma National Park marine protected area

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    Tsitsikamma National Park (TNP) possesses the oldest (established 1954), and one of the largest (350 km2) ‘no-take’ marine protected areas (MPA) in South Africa. A long-term monitoring (LTM) programme to observe the subtidal reef fishes in the TNP MPA was established in 2007. To date, 243 angling replicates have been completed, and a total of 2,751 fish belonging to 41 different species have been caught and released. In an era of unprecedented global biodiversity loss, data that can be used to monitor ecosystems and gauge changes in biodiversity through time are essential. This thesis aims to improve the methodological and statistical processes currently available for LTM of subtidal reef fish by providing an evaluation of the TNP MPA LTM programme. Angling data revealed definitive spatial structuring, in the form of spatial autocorrelation, and a shift in viewing spatial dependency as a statistical obstacle to a source of ecological information created a new avenue of data inference. Species-specific distribution maps identified localized habitat as the main predictor variable for species abundance, emphasizing the need for accurate a priori bathymetric information for subtidal monitoring. ‘Random forest’ analyses confirmed spatial variables are more important than temporal variables in predicting species abundance. The effectiveness of Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GAMMs) to account for spatial autocorrelation was highlighted, and evidence that disregarding spatial dependencies in temporal analyses can produce erroneous results was illustrated in the case of dageraad (Chrysoblephus cristiceps). Correlograms indicated that the current sampling strategy produced spatially redundant data and the sampling unit size (150 m2) could be doubled to optimize sampling. Temporal analyses demonstrated that after 50 years of ‘no take’ protection the TNP MPA ichthyofauna exhibits a high level of stability. Species-specific size structure was also found to be highly stable. Dageraad was the only species to exhibit a definitive temporal trend in their size structure, which was attributed to recruitment variation and the possibility that large individuals may migrate out of the study area. The inadequacy of angling as a method for monitoring a broad spectrum of the fish species was highlighted, particularly due to its selectivity towards large predators. As a result, a new sampling technique known as Stereo Baited Remote Underwater Videos (stereo-BRUVs) was introduced to the LTM programme in 2013. Stereo-BRUVs enabled sampling of 2640 fish belonging to 52 different species, from 57 samples collected in less than two years. A comparison of the sampling methods concluded that, compared to angling, stereo-BRUVs provide a superior technique that can survey a significantly larger proportion of the ichthyofauna with minimal length-selectivity biases. In addition, stereo-BRUVs possess a higher statistical power to detect changes in population abundance. However, a potential bias in the form of ‘hyperstability’ in sites with unusually high fish densities was identified as a possible flaw when using stereo-BRUVs. In an attempt to provide a more rigorous method evaluation, simulation testing was employed to assess the ability of angling and stereo-BRUVs to accurately describe a decreasing population. The advantage of this approach is that the simulated population abundances are known, so that each sampling method can be tested in terms of how well it tracks known abundance trends. The study established that stereo- BRUVs provided more accurate data when describing a distinct population decline of roman (Chrysoblephus laticeps) over 10- and 20-year periods. In addition, spawner-biomass was found to be a more accurate population estimate than relative abundance estimates (CPUE and MaxN) due to the inclusion of population size structure information, highlighting the importance of length-frequency data. The study illustrated that an evaluation framework that utilizes simulation testing has the potential to optimize LTM sampling procedures by addressing a number of methodological questions. This includes developing a procedure that aligns data collected from different sampling methods by applying correction factors, thus ensuring LTM programmes are able to adapt sampling strategies without losing data continuity

    The life history and fishery assessment of largespot pompano, Trachinotus botla, in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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    Largespot pompano, Trachinotus botla, is a surf zone carangid with a cosmopolitan distribution in subtropical and tropical waters. Within South Africa, the species occurs along the KwaZulu-Natal coastline where it is a popular recreational fishing target. Recreational fishing in southern Africa has developed significantly in recent years, and is now regarded as an industry with huge economic potential. The long-term contribution of South African recreational fisheries to local economies is reliant upon sustainable exploitation through effective management. Trachinotus botla was found to grow rapidly with maximum observed age of six years. Otolith growth zone deposition was validated using edge analysis. Growth was similar between males and females until ~350 mm FL after which females continued to grow while growth in males slowed. The resulting overall sex ratio was slightly female-biased (1 male: 1.3 females). Trachinotus botla matures early with all fish considered to be mature at 290 mm FL, which corresponds to an age of three years. A protracted spawning season was observed ranging from November to February and there was evidence to suggest that T. botla is a serial spawner. Dietary analysis indicates that T. botla is an opportunistic predator with a catholic diet. The opportunistic utilization of “superabundant” prey items is a fundamental characteristic of the species feeding habits. An ontogenetic dietary shift was observed at approximately 300 mm FL that was linked to a shift in habitat preference. This thesis provided the first evidence that infection by the tongue-replacing isopod, Cymothoa borbonica, reduces the growth rate of wild host fish populations despite not affecting the diet, feeding habits and feeding frequency of their hosts. These results also highlighted the inadequacy of condition factor as a proxy for quantifying the effects of cymothoids on their hosts, and identified the need to incorporate host age when assessing the effects of parasite infection. Information on the life-cycle of C. borbonica, including estimates of the hypothesized “infectious” period and its longevity were obtained through analysis of parasite infection patterns as a function of host age and length. An assessment of the T. botla shore fishery of KwaZulu-Natal using historical catch data revealed that the fishery is stable. Productivity of the T. botla fishery increased towards the north of KwaZulu-Natal. Distinct seasonal variations in the T. botla fishery were also noted with catches peaking in summer months and lowest during winter. A per-recruit assessment revealed that the species is currently underexploited (SBR = 62% of pristine levels), and fishing mortality rate could be doubled before reaching the spawner biomass-per recruit target reference point of FSB₄₀. A combination of the life history characteristics of species, the nature of the recreational shore fishery together with the current management regulation of 5 fish person⁻Âč day⁻Âč has ensured the sustainable utilization of the T. botla resource in KwaZulu-Natal

    Protected and un-protected urban wetlands have similar aquatic macroinvertebrate communities: a case study from the Cape Flats Sand Fynbos region of southern Africa

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    Rapid urbanisation has led to major landscape alterations, affecting aquatic ecosystems’ hydrological and biogeochemical cycles, and biodiversity. Thus, habitat alteration is considered a major driver of aquatic biodiversity loss and related aquatic ecosystem goods and services. This study aimed to investigate and compare aquatic macroinvertebrate richness, diversity and community structure between urban temporary wetlands, located within protected and un-protected areas. The latter were found within an open public space or park with no protection or conservation status, whereas the former were inaccessible to the public and had formal protected, conservation status

    Pharmacists subjected to disciplinary action: Characteristics and risk factors

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    Abstract Objective To establish whether there are any characteristics of pharmacists that predict their likelihood of being subjected to disciplinary action. Methods The setting was the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain's Disciplinary Committee. One hundred and seventeen pharmacists, all of whom had been referred to the Disciplinary Committee, were matched with a quota sample of 580 pharmacists who had not been subjected to disciplinary action but that matched the disciplined pharmacists on a set of demographic factors (gender, country of residence, year of registration). Frequency analysis and regression analysis were used to compare the two groups of pharmacists in terms of sector of work, ethnicity, age and country of training. Descriptive statistics were also obtained from the disciplined pharmacists to further explore characteristics of disciplinary cases and those pharmacists who undergo them. Key findings While a number of characteristics appeared to increase the likelihood of a pharmacist being referred to the disciplinary committee, only one of these – working in a community pharmacy – was statistically significant. Professional misconduct accounted for a greater proportion of referrals than did clinical malpractice, and approximately one-fifth of pharmacists who went before the Disciplinary Committee had previously been disciplined by the Society. Conclusions This study provides initial evidence of pharmacist characteristics that are associated with an increased risk of being disciplined, based upon the data currently available. It is recommended that follow-up work is carried out using a more extensive dataset in order to confirm the statistical trends identified here. </jats:sec

    ROV assessment of mesophotic fish and associated habitats across the continental shelf of the Amathole region

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    Understanding how fsh associate with habitats across marine landscapes is crucial to developing efective marine spatial planning (MSP) in an expanding and diversifying ocean economy. Globally, anthropogenic pressures impact the barely understood temperate mesophotic ecosystems and South Africa’s remote Amathole shelf is no exception. The Kei and East London region encompass three coastal marine protected areas (MPAs), two of which were recently extended to the shelf-edge. The strong Agulhas current (exceeding 3 m/s), which runs along the narrow shelf exacerbates sampling challenges. For the frst time, a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) surveyed fsh and their associated habitats across the shelf. Results indicated fsh assemblages difered between the two principle sampling areas, and across the shelf. The number of distinct fsh assemblages was higher inshore and on the shelf-edge, relative to the mid-shelf. However, the mid-shelf had the highest species richness. Unique visuals of rare Rhinobatos ocellatus (Speckled guitarfsh) and shoaling Polyprion americanus (wreckfsh) were collected. Visual evidence of rhodolith beds, deep-water lace corals and critically endangered endemic seabreams were ecologically important observations. The ROV enabled in situ sampling without damaging sensitive habitats or extracting fish

    A Qualitative Study Exploring Access to Mental Health and Substance Use Support among Individuals Experiencing Homelessness during COVID-19

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    People experiencing homelessness have higher rates of mental ill-health and substance use and lower access to health services compared to the general population. The COVID-19 pandemic led to changes in service delivery across health and social care services, with many adopting virtual or telephone support for service users. This paper explores the experiences of access to community-based mental health and substance use support for people experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic. Qualitative telephone interviews were conducted with 10 women and 16 men (ages 25 to 71) who self-identified as experiencing homelessness in North East England between February and May 2021. With five individuals with lived experience, results were analysed using inductive reflexive thematic analysis. Reactive changes to support provision often led to inadvertent exclusion. Barriers to access included: physical locations, repetition of recovery stories, individual readiness, and limited availability. Participants suggested creating services reflective of need and opportunities for choice and empowerment. Community mental health and substance use support for people experiencing homelessness should ensure the support is personalised, responsive to need, inclusive, and trauma-informed. The findings of this research have important implications for mental health and substance use policy and practice for individuals who experience homelessness during a public health crisis
