54 research outputs found

    Le Développement de la production non-littérale du niveau B1 au niveau B2 chez des étudiants lansad en anglais à l'écrit

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    International audienceStudies on figurative language in second language acquisition have predominantly focused on its comprehension and retention by L2 learners. The present study was therefore designed to assess L2 learners' productive use of figurative language. Observing texts written by intermediate learners of English, I describe the way they make use of non-literal language

    Multiplicité des approches à visée concrÚte, personnalisée et autonomisante en anglais de spécialité : Exemple en licence professionnelle droit du patrimoine

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    Avant-propos L’approche, ou plutĂŽt les approches par les tĂąches, sont largement diffusĂ©es en didactique des langues sous l’influence notamment de trĂšs nombreuses publications qui, depuis plus de trente ans, traitent, dans le monde anglophone, du Task Based Language Teaching (Ellis 2003, 2017 ; Long 1985, 2015 ; Nunan 1989, 2004), mais aussi Ă  travers les travaux sur les diffĂ©rents types de tĂąches dans le milieu francophone (DemaiziĂšre & Narcy-Combes 2005 ; Guichon 2006 ; Nissen 2011). Au nive..

    New 8-nitroquinolinone derivative displaying submicromolar in vitro activities against both Trypanosoma brucei and cruzi

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    International audienceAn antikinetoplastid pharmacomodulation study was conducted at position 6 of the 8-nitroquinolin-2(1H)-one pharmacophore. Fifteen new derivatives were synthesized and evaluated in vitro against L. infantum, T. brucei brucei, and T. cruzi, in parallel with a cytotoxicity assay on the human HepG2 cell line. A potent and selective 6-bromo-substituted antitrypanosomal derivative 12 was revealed, presenting EC50 values of 12 and 500 nM on T. b. brucei trypomastigotes and T. cruzi amastigotes respectively, in comparison with four reference drugs (30 nM ≀ EC50 ≀ 13 ÎŒM). Moreover, compound 12 was not genotoxic in the comet assay and showed high in vitro microsomal stability (half life >40 min) as well as favorable pharmacokinetic behavior in the mouse after oral administration. Finally, molecule 12 (E° = −0.37 V/NHE) was shown to be bioactivated by type 1 nitroreductases, in both Leishmania and Trypanosoma, and appears to be a good candidate to search for novel antitrypanosomal lead compounds

    Interstitial Lung Abnormalities Detected by CT in Asbestos-Exposed Subjects Are More Likely Associated to Age

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    OBJECTIVE: the aim of this study was to evaluate the association between interstitial lung abnormalities, asbestos exposure and age in a population of retired workers previously occupationally exposed to asbestos. METHODS: previously occupationally exposed former workers to asbestos eligible for a survey conducted between 2003 and 2005 in four regions of France, underwent chest CT examinations and pulmonary function testing. Industrial hygienists evaluated asbestos exposure and calculated for each subject a cumulative exposure index (CEI) to asbestos. Smoking status information was also collected in this second round of screening. Expert radiologists performed blinded independent double reading of chest CT-scans and classified interstitial lung abnormalities into: no abnormality, minor interstitial findings, interstitial findings inconsistent with UIP, possible or definite UIP. In addition, emphysema was assessed visually (none, minor: emphysema 50% of the lung). Logistic regression models adjusted for age and smoking were used to assess the relationship between interstitial lung abnormalities and occupational asbestos exposure. RESULTS: the study population consisted of 2157 male subjects. Interstitial lung abnormalities were present in 365 (16.7%) and emphysema in 444 (20.4%). Significant positive association was found between definite or possible UIP pattern and age (OR adjusted =1.08 (95% CI: 1.02-1.13)). No association was found between interstitial abnormalities and CEI or the level of asbestos exposure. CONCLUSION: presence of interstitial abnormalities at HRCT was associated to aging but not to cumulative exposure index in this cohort of former workers previously occupationally exposed to asbestos

    Deep Learning for the Automatic Quantification of Pleural Plaques in Asbestos-Exposed Subjects

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to develop and validate an automated artificial intelligence (AI)-driven quantification of pleural plaques in a population of retired workers previously occupationally exposed to asbestos. METHODS: CT scans of former workers previously occupationally exposed to asbestos who participated in the multicenter APEXS (Asbestos PostExposure Survey) study were collected retrospectively between 2010 and 2017 during the second and the third rounds of the survey. A hundred and forty-one participants with pleural plaques identified by expert radiologists at the 2nd and the 3rd CT screenings were included. Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP) with 5 mm thickness was used to reduce the number of CT slices for manual delineation. A Deep Learning AI algorithm using 2D-convolutional neural networks was trained with 8280 images from 138 CT scans of 69 participants for the semantic labeling of Pleural Plaques (PP). In all, 2160 CT images from 36 CT scans of 18 participants were used for AI testing versus ground-truth labels (GT). The clinical validity of the method was evaluated longitudinally in 54 participants with pleural plaques. RESULTS: The concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) between AI-driven and GT was almost perfect (>0.98) for the volume extent of both PP and calcified PP. The 2D pixel similarity overlap of AI versus GT was good (DICE = 0.63) for PP, whether they were calcified or not, and very good (DICE = 0.82) for calcified PP. A longitudinal comparison of the volumetric extent of PP showed a significant increase in PP volumes (p < 0.001) between the 2nd and the 3rd CT screenings with an average delay of 5 years. CONCLUSIONS: AI allows a fully automated volumetric quantification of pleural plaques showing volumetric progression of PP over a five-year period. The reproducible PP volume evaluation may enable further investigations for the comprehension of the unclear relationships between pleural plaques and both respiratory function and occurrence of thoracic malignancy

    LumiÚre sur le développement de la production de langage non-littéral en L2. Pour une comparaison avec l'acquisition des langues maternelles

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    Research has shown that non-literalness is pervasive in language and that it is not always an ornamental device (e.g. to invest time in something, to be in love, the leg of a table, etc.). Metaphor permeates our way of thinking (Gibbs, 1995; Gibbs and Tendahl, 2006; Lakoff and Johnson, 1980) and serves a wide variety of discursive functions (Cameron, 2003; Charteris-Black, 2004; MĂŒller, 2008; Steen, 2008, 2011, 2013). In the light of these findings, I propose to examine non-literal language from a second language acquisition perspective, as we know that language learners struggle to develop a successful command of the conceptual and figurative system of their L2 (Andreou and Galantomos, 2009; Irujo, 1986; Cooper, 1999; Danesi, 1992, 1995). Besides, even if recent studies have started to document L2 metaphorical performance (Littlemore et al., 2014; McArthur, 2010; Nacey 2009 and 2013), little is known about the way it actually develops across learning stages. As an attempt to bridge this gap, I propose a comparative study of figurative language development in first and second language acquisition. To get a preliminary picture of the use of non-literal language by native English-speaking children and French learners of English, I analyse the discourse of a young English child aged 1 to 4 using the Forrester Corpus available on the CHILDES database (MacWhinney, 2000), and I investigate essays written by French university students majoring in Arts and learning English as a second language. Then, I propose an L1/L2 comparative study where I analyze semi-guided interactions taking place between native English-speaking children (aged 7, 11 and 15), French learners of English (in their first year of high school, first year of B.A. in English studies and last year of M.A. in English studies), as well as native English-speaking adults. The results of this PhD project revealed many similar aspects in the figurative productions of native English-speaking children and French students. One of the main differences between the two groups is related to the amount of figurative forms produced, which increases across ages in children’s discourse while remaining constant in learners’ discourse. Another important difference is the amount of conventional figurative forms produced; they increase across learning stages in the learner’s production but remain constant in the children’s. Lastly, I observed a large amount of deviant figurative forms in the leaner’s productions, mainly resulting from L1 transfers and lexical overextensions. Taking into account these observations, implications for teaching are presented.Le langage non-littĂ©ral (expressions idiomatiques, mĂ©taphores, mĂ©tonymies, etc.) se rĂ©vĂšle ĂȘtre trĂšs prĂ©sent dans nos conversations de la vie de tous les jours. Contrairement Ă  ce que l’on pourrait penser, l’utilisation du langage figurĂ© ne revĂȘt pas exclusivement une fonction ornementale : au contraire, la linguistique cognitive a montrĂ© que le langage non-littĂ©ral est le reflet d’un certain nombre de concepts que nous abordons de maniĂšre mĂ©taphorique (Gibbs, 1995 ; Gibbs et Tendhal, 2006 ; Lakoff et Johnson, 1980 ; et Sperber et Wilson, 1986/1995). En lien avec cet ancrage thĂ©orique, un certain nombre de chercheurs se sont intĂ©ressĂ©s au domaine de l’apprentissage et de l’enseignement des langues secondes. Ils ont proposĂ© des stratĂ©gies d’enseignement afin de garantir un apprentissage de la langue le plus complet possible et ont surtout Ă©tudiĂ© les compĂ©tences non-littĂ©rales des apprenants en rĂ©ception (Andreou et al., 2009 ; Boers, 2000 ; Boers et Lindstromberg, 2009; Cooper, 1998 et 1999 ; Komur et Cimen, 2009 ; Kosciuk, 2003 ; et Lennon, 1998). En revanche, trĂšs peu de didacticiens se sont interrogĂ©s sur les capacitĂ©s des apprenants Ă  produire du non-littĂ©ral dans une langue Ă©trangĂšre Ă  l’exception de Littlemore et al. (2014), MacArthur (2010) et Nacey (2013). Afin de corroborer le travail de ces chercheuses, ce travail de thĂšse s’intĂ©resse au dĂ©veloppement du langage figuratif chez des apprenants de langue seconde tout en proposant une comparaison avec son acquisition en langue maternelle. Dans le but d’avoir une premiĂšre idĂ©e de la façon dont ces deux types de sujets manient le non-littĂ©ral, j’analyse tout d’abord le discours d’une petite fille de nationalitĂ© anglaise filmĂ©e Ă  intervalles rĂ©guliers entre l’ñge d’un an et quatre ans, puis j’examine les productions Ă©crites en anglais d’apprenants francophones. J’observe ensuite les productions non-littĂ©rales d’enfants natifs anglophones ĂągĂ©s de 7, 11 et 15 ans, d’apprenants francophones en classe de seconde, premiĂšre annĂ©e de licence d’anglais et deuxiĂšme annĂ©e de master d’anglais, et enfin, d’un groupe contrĂŽle d’adultes anglophones en interactions semi-guidĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats de ces diffĂ©rentes analyses rĂ©vĂšlent de nombreux points communs entre les productions figuratives des enfants natifs anglophones et des apprenants francophones. La principale diffĂ©rence entre ces sujets se situe au niveau de la proportion de formes figuratives produites (croissante chez les enfants, mais constante chez les apprenants), de la proportion de formes figuratives conventionnelles produites (croissante chez les apprenants, mais constante chez les enfants) et de la forte proportion de formes dĂ©viantes chez les apprenants. Ces formes proviennent principalement d’une carence en ressources lexicales de la langue Ă©trangĂšre et d’expressions figuratives du français que les apprenants ont souhaitĂ© transposer en anglais. Cette thĂšse propose un ensemble d’implications pĂ©dagogiques pour la classe de langue dans le but de remĂ©dier Ă  ces difficultĂ©s

    Prominine 2 : biomarqueur du mélanome métastatique et nouvelle cible thérapeutique

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    Despite immunotherapies that improved patient's prognosis in human metastatic melanoma, almost 50% patient's eventually show resistance to treatment. The development of new therapeutic target is essential. Previously, PROM2 was identified in human metastatic melanoma as a biomarker predictive for distant metastases associated with decreased survival. In this thesis work, we aimed to validate PROM2 as a bio-target for human metastatic melanoma. We showed that PROM2 overexpression was linked in vitro and in vivo to an increased metastatic potential through the increase of epithelia-mesenchymal transition marker expression and ferroptosis resistance. Using oligonucleotide anti-sense targeting PROM2, we showed that we can downregulate PROM2 expression leading to a decreased invasion and migration potential. We also wanted to find out whether these results in melanoma can be transposed to other types of cancer. Based on our initial results in breast and kidney cancer, this appears to be the case. Our results open the way for further studies to validate the treatment of human metastatic melanoma, among others, using PROM2 as a bio-target.Malgré les immunothérapies qui ont amélioré le pronostic des patients présentant un mélanome métastatique, prÚs de 50% des patients finissent par avoir une résistance au traitement. Le développement de nouvelles cibles thérapeutique est donc essentiel. PROM2 a été identifié dans le mélanome métastatique humain comme un biomarqueur prédictif des métastases à distance, associées à une diminution de la survie. Dans ce travail de thÚse, nous avions pour objectif de valider PROM2 en tant que bio-cible pour le mélanome métastatique humain. Nous avons montré que la surexpression de PROM2 était liée in vitro et in vivo à un potentiel métastatique accru grùce à l'augmentation de l'expression des marqueurs de transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse et à la résistance à la ferroptose. En utilisant des oligonucléotides anti-sens ciblant PROM2, nous avons montré que nous pouvons diminuer l'expression de PROM2, conduisant à une diminution du potentiel d'invasion et de migration. Nous avons également voulu savoir si ces observations dans le mélanome étaient transposables à d'autres types de cancer. D'aprÚs nos premiers résultats dans le cancer du sein et dans le cancer du rein, il semble que ce soit le cas. Nos résultats ouvrent la voie à d'autres études pour valider le traitement du mélanome métastatique, entre autres, en utilisant PROM2 comme bio-cible

    Prominin-2 : biomarker of metastatic melanoma and new therapeutic target

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    Malgré les immunothérapies qui ont amélioré le pronostic des patients présentant un mélanome métastatique, prÚs de 50% des patients finissent par avoir une résistance au traitement. Le développement de nouvelles cibles thérapeutique est donc essentiel. PROM2 a été identifié dans le mélanome métastatique humain comme un biomarqueur prédictif des métastases à distance, associées à une diminution de la survie. Dans ce travail de thÚse, nous avions pour objectif de valider PROM2 en tant que bio-cible pour le mélanome métastatique humain. Nous avons montré que la surexpression de PROM2 était liée in vitro et in vivo à un potentiel métastatique accru grùce à l'augmentation de l'expression des marqueurs de transition épithélio-mésenchymateuse et à la résistance à la ferroptose. En utilisant des oligonucléotides anti-sens ciblant PROM2, nous avons montré que nous pouvons diminuer l'expression de PROM2, conduisant à une diminution du potentiel d'invasion et de migration. Nous avons également voulu savoir si ces observations dans le mélanome étaient transposables à d'autres types de cancer. D'aprÚs nos premiers résultats dans le cancer du sein et dans le cancer du rein, il semble que ce soit le cas. Nos résultats ouvrent la voie à d'autres études pour valider le traitement du mélanome métastatique, entre autres, en utilisant PROM2 comme bio-cible.Despite immunotherapies that improved patient's prognosis in human metastatic melanoma, almost 50% patient's eventually show resistance to treatment. The development of new therapeutic target is essential. Previously, PROM2 was identified in human metastatic melanoma as a biomarker predictive for distant metastases associated with decreased survival. In this thesis work, we aimed to validate PROM2 as a bio-target for human metastatic melanoma. We showed that PROM2 overexpression was linked in vitro and in vivo to an increased metastatic potential through the increase of epithelia-mesenchymal transition marker expression and ferroptosis resistance. Using oligonucleotide anti-sense targeting PROM2, we showed that we can downregulate PROM2 expression leading to a decreased invasion and migration potential. We also wanted to find out whether these results in melanoma can be transposed to other types of cancer. Based on our initial results in breast and kidney cancer, this appears to be the case. Our results open the way for further studies to validate the treatment of human metastatic melanoma, among others, using PROM2 as a bio-target
