139 research outputs found

    Chilean EFL teachers`perceptions of their working condition in the private, semi -private and public school systems

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    Tesis (Profesor de Inglés para la Enseñanza Básica y Media y al grado académico de Licenciado en Educación)This study followed a quantitative survey research design. The main purpose of the research was to explore Chilean English teachers’ perceptions of their working conditions, and compare the perceptions of teachers from the public, semi-private and private school systems. The data was collected by applying a questionnaire, a technique used in quantitative research. Sixty three teachers from forty six schools of the three educational sectors polled, answered the questionnaire using a 5-point Likert scale in order to express their perceptions regarding their working conditions. In the analysis process, the information collected was presented descriptively. In general, the participants showed positive perceptions concerning school environment and school support from their school authorities, but negative perceptions regarding salary, workload, time for non-instructional activities and society perceptions toward their profession.El presente estudio utilizó el diseño de encuesta cuantitativa. El propósito principal de nuestra investigación fue explorar las percepciones de los profesores de inglés chilenos acerca de sus condiciones laborales, y comparar estas percepciones de los profesores del sistema público, subvencionado y privado de la educación. La información fue recopilada a través de la aplicación de un cuestionario; técnica usada en el método cuantitativo de investigación. Sesenta y tres profesores de cuarenta y seis colegios de los tres sectores educacionales: público, subvencionado y privado, contestaron la encuesta usando la escala Likert del 1 al 5, de manera de obtener sus percepciones acerca de sus condiciones laborales. En el proceso de análisis, la información recolectada fue presentada descriptivamente. De manera general, los participantes demostraron percepciones positivas de acuerdo al clima laboral y el apoyo de las autoridades de los colegios; sin embargo, las percepciones fueron negativas acerca de su salario, carga laboral, tiempo para actividades extra curriculares y las percepciones de la sociedad acerca de la profesión docente

    Influencia de los patrones de crianza y rol de género en el trastorno sexual femenino del dolor génito-pélvico

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    Esta investigación expone la relación entre los patrones de crianza, rol de género en el trastorno sexual del vaginismo. Los patrones de crianza son todas aquellas normas que pasan de generación en generación en cada una de las familias. En la familia se rigen normas que van relacionadas con la sexualidad en ocasiones puede ser normas restrictivas; el rol de genero juega un papel fundamental y que en la sociedad esta lleno de muchos estereotipos reforzando la idea de brindar mayor valorización al hombre que a la mujer esta idea estereotipada puede limitar la sexualidad de las personas y en especial de las mujeres, el trastorno sexual del vaginismo su origen principal son todos aquellos factores psicológicos negativos que se van reforzando por las normas sociales.Monografía presentada para optar al título de Licenciado en Psicologí

    Validation of Satellite (TMPA and IMERG) Rainfall Products with the IMD Gridded Data Sets over Monsoon Core Region of India

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    This work presents the validation of satellite (TMPA and IMERG) rainfall products against the India Meteorological Department (IMD) gridded data sets (0.25° × 0.25°) of dense network of rain gauges distributed over the monsoon core region of India. The validation uses the data sets covering the 20 years (1998–2017) and detects the time series bias; inter annual variations and Intra Seasonal Oscillations (ISO). The bias in the two data sets is found to be very less over the core region compared to whole India. The correlation between daily rainfall IMD and satellite is found to be +0.88 which is of 99% confidence level. The dominant periodicities in the rainfall patterns of IMD and satellite are Madden Julie Oscillation (30–60 days) and local oscillations (less than 20 days) are conspicuous and the normalized power varies from year to year. During the El Niño and La Niña years, the normalized power of rainfall pattern is low and high in satellite data sets which infer the suppressed and strongest activity of MJO over Indian Ocean that modulates the rainfall pattern over India

    Assessing the spatiotemporal patterns and impacts of droughts in the Orinoco river basin using earth observations data and surface observations

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    Droughts impact the water cycle, ecological balance, and socio-economic development in various regions around the world. The Orinoco River Basin is a region highly susceptible to droughts. The basin supports diverse ecosystems and supplies valuable resources to local communities. We assess the spatiotemporal patterns and impacts of droughts in the basin using remote sensing data and surface observations. We use monthly precipitation (P), air temperature near the surface (T2M), enhanced vegetation index (EVI) derived from Earth observations, and average daily flow (Q) data to quantify drought characteristics and impacts. We also investigated the association between drought and global warming by correlating the drought intensity and the percentage of dry area with sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the Pacific (Niño 3.4 index), Atlantic (North Atlantic Index [NATL]), and South Atlantic Index [SATL]) oceans. We evaluate the modulating effect of droughts on the hydrological regime of the most relevant tributaries by calculating the trend and significance of the regional standardized precipitation index (SPI) and percentage area affected by dry conditions. El Niño events worsen the region’s drought conditions (SPI vs. Niño 3.4 index, r = −0.221), while Atlantic SST variability has less influence on the basin’s precipitation regime (SPI vs. NATL and SATL, r = 0.117 and −0.045, respectively). We also found that long-term surface warming trends aggravate drought conditions (SPI vs. T2M anomalies, r = −0.473), but vegetation greenness increases despite high surface temperatures (SPI vs. EVI anomalies, r = 0.284). We emphasize the irregular spatial-temporal patterns of droughts in the region and their profound effects on the ecological flow of rivers during prolonged hydrological droughts. This approach provides crucial insights into potential implications for water availability, agricultural productivity, and overall ecosystem health. Our study underlines the urgent need for adaptive management strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of droughts on ecosystems and human populations. The insights derived from our study have practical implications for developing strategies to address the impacts of droughts and ensure the protection of this ecologically significant region


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    La vegetación es uno de los componentes más relevantes del ciclo hidrológico y es, además, un factor clave para evaluar la biodiversidad dentro de una región geográfica determinada. Su interacción con el clima y su relación con el cambio climático, es de interés mundial. En Latinoamérica, la dinámica de la vegetación requiere ser entendida para garantizar el manejo sustentable del elemento natural suelo, con especial énfasis en la conservación del patrimonio forestal, en la gestión integral de los recursos hídricos y en el aprovechamiento, manejo y conservación de todos los componentes de la diversidad biológica. Este artículo tiene por objeto describir e interpretar información hemerobibliográfica sobre la variabilidad de la vegetación en Latinoamérica con el empleo de series temporales del índice de vegetación de diferencia normalizada (NDVI),  el cual es de gran importancia en el campo del sensoriamiento remoto, para conocer la fenología de los ecosistemas existentes en esta región de América y saber cómo se ha manejado la vigilancia de eventos climáticos como las sequías e inundaciones, el monitoreo de áreas verdes, las pérdidas forestales por deforestación o quema y la administración de áreas protegidas. Se encontró que la evaluación de la dinámica de la vegetación a partir de series temporales del NDVI ha tomado gran importancia para modelar el clima y monitorear la respuesta de la vegetación ante el cambio climático global en diversas regiones de Latinoamérica; sin embargo, a pesar de su gran potencial, es un área de investigación incipiente en Venezuela.    

    Assessment of the CHIRPS-Based Satellite Precipitation Estimates

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    At present, satellite rainfall products, such as the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS) product, have become an alternative source of rainfall data for regions where rain gauge stations are sparse, e.g., Northeast Brazil (NEB). In this study, continuous scores (i.e., Pearson’s correlation coefficient, R; percentage bias, PBIAS; and unbiased root mean square error, ubRMSE) and categorical scores (i.e., probability of detection, POD; false alarm ratio, FAR; and threat score, TS) were used to assess the CHIRPS rainfall estimates against ground-based observations on a pixel-to-station basis, during 01 January 1981 to 30 June 2019 over NEB. Results showed that CHIRPS exhibits better performance in inland regions (R, PBIAS, and ubRMSE median: 0.51, −3.71%, and 9.20 mm/day; POD, FAR, and TS median: 0.59, 0.44, and 0.40, respectively) than near the coast (R, PBIAS, and ubRMSE median: 0.36, −5.66%, and 12.43 mm/day; POD, FAR, and TS median: 0.32, 0.42, and 0.26, respectively). It shows better performance in the wettest months (i.e., DJF) than in the driest months (i.e., JJA) and is sensitive to both the warm-top stratiform cloud systems and the sub-cloud evaporation processes. Overall, the CHIRPS rainfall data set could be used for some operational purposes in NEB

    Identification of candidate genes for reproductive traits in cattle using a functional interaction network approach

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    Reproduction is a key element in cattle production systems. Systems biology approaches, including those involving gene networks, have been applied to genetic dissection complex phenotypes in cattle. A set of 385 genes associated with reproductive traits in cattle were included in a protein-protein network analysis to identify and prioritize candidate genes related to phenotypic differences in cattle reproduction. Genes belonging to the ubiquitin family - Ubiquitin C (Ubc, Gene ID: 444874) and Ubiquitin B (Ubb, Gene ID: 281370) -had the highest probability of being associated with these traits in cattle. Both proteins were identified as important hubs in a protein-protein interaction network, each having 3,775 interactions of 3,856 possible. Resequencing of the Ubb gene coding region to evaluate the presence of SNPs in a discovery population identified the G/T (rs110366695) transversion. This causes emergence of a stop codon and a protein truncated by 287 aa. The allelic frequency distributions found in two beef cattle breeds highlight the promise of further research into the effects of protein truncation and the potential of these proteins as molecular markers for semen quality

    Tendencia de la precipitación estacional e influencia de El Niño-Oscilación Austral sobre la ocurrencia de extremos pluviométricos en la cuenca del lago de Valencia, Venezuela

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    La cuenca del lago de Valencia (CELV) es la cuenca endorreica de mayor tamaño en Venezuela. Por su elevada densidad poblacional e industrial es susceptible a los extremos pluviométricos. Se sabe que el fenómeno ENOA (El Niño-Oscilación Austral) modula las lluvias en el territorio venezolano, pero no se ha explorado su incidencia en detalle en la CELV. En este estudio se analiza la tendencia espacial y temporal de la precipitación estacional y se explora la asociación entre la ocurrencia de meses con extremos pluviométricos y las fases de ENOA (El Niño, La Niña, neutro) en la CELV. Se seleccionaron ocho estaciones climáticas con buena calidad de registros. Los periodos 1934-2005 y 1966- 1992 se adoptan para los análisis a escalas local y regional. Se identificaron los meses de la temporada seca y húmeda. En cada estación se calculó la precipitación acumulada estacional y se evaluó su tendencia de largo plazo utilizando la prueba de Mann-Kendall. Se categorizó la precipitación mensual local y estacional en extrema seca (ES), no extrema (NE) y extrema húmeda (EH), usando como umbrales los percentiles 10 y 90. Se analizó la ocurrencia probabilística espacial y simultaneidad de un mes ES, NE y EH, según la temporada y fases de ENOA. La asociación entre ENOA y la precipitación estacional se explora con una prueba Chi-Cuadrado. Se encontró lo siguiente: no existen tendencias locales de largo plazo en la precipitación total estacional; la ocurrencia de extremos pluviométricos estacionales está parcialmente asociada con los eventos El Niño/La Niña; la incidencia de extremos pluviométricos podría estar vinculada con factores climáticos locales

    Forest use in the Garcia Moreno parish of the Imbabura Province, period 2015-2019

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    Para realizar un aprovechamiento forestal de origen legal en la parroquia García Moreno en Imbabura, se debe cumplir con algunos requisitos legales, previo a la aprobación de programas de corta y planes de manejo por parte del Ministerio de Ambiente, Agua y Transición Ecológica. El objetivo fue determinar la variabilidad e importancia ecológica de especies forestales mayormente aprovechadas en la parroquia García Moreno durante el periodo 20152019. El método utilizado fue de comparación de datos cuantitativos y sistemáticos, mediante la revisión de censos forestales de programas de corta y planes de manejo aprobados en la zona. El estudio se realizó en tres fases: Recopilación, Procesamiento e Interpretación de resultados. Durante el periodo de estudio en García Moreno se aprobó un volumen total de 10.208,44 m3; en una superficie de 529,74 ha y emitió un total de 32 licencias de aprovechamiento forestal; el 83,54% del volumen aprovechado se concentró en 15 especies y el 16,46% restante en 50 especies; las especies forestales mayormente aprovechadas fueron: Sangre de gallina (Otoba spp.) con 1.848,15 m3, seguida de Canelo (Nectandra spp.) con 1.194,96 m3 y Copal (Dacryodes peruviana) con 1.190,31 m3. En conclusión, las especies con mayor Índice de Valor de Importancia (IVI) son: Sangre de gallina (Otoba spp.) con 41,35%, seguida de Canelo (Nectandra spp.) con 29.56% y Copal (Dacryodes peruviana) con 26.94%. In order to carry out legal forest exploitation in the García Moreno parish in Imbabura, certain legal requirements must be met, prior to the approval of felling programs and management plans by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition.The objective was to determine the variability and ecological importance of forest species mostly exploited in the García Moreno parish during the 2015-2019 period. The method used was the comparison of quantitative and systematic data, by reviewing forest censuses of felling programs and approved management plans in the area. The study was carried out in three phases: Collection, Processing and Interpretation of results. During the study period in García Moreno, a total volume of 10.208,44 m3 was approved; in an area of 529,74 ha and issued a total of 32 forest exploitation licenses; 83,54% of the harvested volume was concentrated in 15 species and the remaining 16,46% in 50 species; the most used forest species were: Sangre de gallina (Otoba spp.) with 1.848,15 m3, followed by Canelo (Nectandra spp.) with 1.194,96 m3 and Copal (Dacryodes peruviana) with 1.190,31 m3. In conclusion, the species with the highest Importance Value Index (IVI) are Sangre de gallina (Otoba spp.) with 41,35%, followed by Canelo (Nectandra spp.) with 29,56% and Copal (Dacryodes peruviana) with 26,94 %

    Simulation of Subsurface Drainage in the Sugarcane Crop under Different Spacing and Drain Depths

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    Agricultural land drainage is an instrument for growing production and a tool for the conservation of land resources. The performance of land drainage systems is thus critical for achieving sustainable agricultural production Recently, many types of software have been developed in this field for modeling and simulating the performance of these systems. SISDRENA is a simulation model of the performance of underground drainage systems. The main objectives of this paper are to simulate different combination of depths and spaces between drains and to analyze their impact on potential sugarcane productivity in the western plains of Venezuela using a land drainage system model. Therefore, three climatic scenarios were defined by annual precipitation: dry years (25% below average), normal (mean) and humid (75% above average). The scenarios were implemented in three different soil types: sandy loam, loam and silt loam, with a hydraulic conductivity of 0.19, 0.26 and 0.04 m day−1, respectively. The simulation of the yield related to soil deficit (YRD) and water stress (YRW) indicated that the highest yields were reached for the larger spacing between drains and the high conductivity hydraulic of soils. In relation to the average relative productivity (YT), it was shown that in soils with a greater water retention capacity there is an inversely proportional relationship between the spacing between drains and the productivity. We concluded that in order to reach the maximum sugarcane yield, the effect of hydraulic conductivity is more important than the changes in the precipitation pattern