2,220 research outputs found

    Analisis Potensi Pasar dan Pemilihan Lokasi untuk Perencanaan Pembangunan Galangan Kapal di Kabupaten Bengkalis

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi pasar dan menentukan lokasi terbaik pada perencanaanpembangunan galangan kapal di Kabupaten Bengkalis sehingga selanjutnya dapat dilakukan perencanaan fasilitas, sarana dan layout galangan kapal yang akan direncanakan. Analisis potensi pasar dilakukan dengan mengkaji data-data yang ada dan untuk bangunan baru juga dianalisis dengan metode forecasting. Pemilihan lokasi dilakukan dengan pembobotan sederhana untukbeberapa lokasi yang menjadi target dengan menilai kriteria dan sub-kriteria pada 4 lokasi desa yang dinilai berpotensi. Hasil analisis potensi, pasar utama reparasi adalah kapal Tugboat, Penumpang/Ferry dan Barge.Sedangkan hasil forecasting, permintaan pembangunan kapal baru masih besar terutama tipe kapal Tugboat dan Penumpang/Ferry.Pada analisis pemilihan lokasi, desa Sejangat terpilih sebagai lokasi paling potensial dengan hasil pembobotan sebesar 68,4% untuk komposisi penilaian lokasi atau komposisi rasio 26,9%.Untuk perencanaan fasilitas utama galangan telah direncanakan masing-masing 2 area untuk fasilitas produksi seperti building berth danslipwaydengan ukuran 25 x 80 m2 dan 25 x 100 m2untuk bangunan baru,dan 20 x 80 m2& 20 x 100 m2 untuk kegiatan reparasi, serta juga perencanaan bengkel-bengkel produksi. Pada perencanaanlayout galangan, dipilih layout tipe I dan direncanakan tenaga kerja langsung 38 orang dan tidak langsung 25 orang. Kata Kunci - potensi pasar, pemilihan lokasi, fasilitas galangan kapa

    Nganggung as a Local Wisdom in Andrea Hirata’s Dwilogi Padang Bulan

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    This study aims to analyze how local wisdom values and symbolic meaning of nganggung as the slogan of sepintu sedulang, which reflects the nature of mutual cooperation, exist. Nganggung or sepintu sedulang is a local wisdom that reflect a social life of a society in Belitong based on gotong-royong. Nganggung tradition can hopefully represent the reflection of society nowadays as a role value and norm to solve all the problem faced. The analysis is based on the theory of local wisdom by Rahyono (2010) and Sibarani (2014) which describe that local wisdom is the genuine knowledge and intelligence of human come from the culture and the experience to manage the sosial life of society. Using descriptive qualitative analysis by objective approach of Sarjono (2011), the findings shows that nganggung tradition has local wisdom values such as religious, gotong-royong, responsible, appreciative, submissive, and independent. Symbolic meaning of the features of nganggung tradition which is tudung saji is the preservation of plants of the custon which is wild pandanus. Its form like a parabolic antenna signs that nganggung tradition is the protector of all society. The use of red colour for tudung saji signs bravery and high work performance. The straps on tudung saji signs to bond the diversity by the sense of belongings. The shape of dulang which is round signs the dynamic manner of the society.   Keywords: nganggung, tradition, local wisdom, tudung saj

    Social Isolation and Bullying in Central New York Schools An Action Research Project

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    Students who are bullied often have lifelong issues, such as depression, anxiety, and a negative outlook on life. Bullied students may avoid school because they feel unsafe. This action research study incorporated ecological theory as the lens to explore how social workers describe current school programming around bullying, cyberbullying, and social isolation to meet the needs of middle-school students and what recommendations they had to address unmet needs. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with six school social workers from Central New York. Findings identified through thematic analysis suggest the current programs do not make the desired impact. Participants recommended programs focused on building staff-student relationships as key in combatting middle school bullying and social isolation. Findings from this study may be used to create positive social change by encouraging school administrators and social workers create vital staff-student connection programs, resulting in a school climate where students feel safe and have trusted adults with whom to interact

    Multimodal in Audiovisual Advertisement

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    This study aims to analyse the aspects of multimodal in the audiovisual advertisement of Kartu AS Edisi Paket Mingguan Bikin Kenyang Internetan. Semiotics approach by Chandler (2007) and multimodal analysis Anstey Bull (2010) focussed on linguistic, visual, audio, gestural and spacial aspects are applied to analyse the text, visually or verbally. Specifically, the analysis of the linguistic and visual aspects uses the analysis model of Cheong (2004) and Systemic Functional Linguistics of Halliday (2002, 2004). The research method uses descriptive qualitative by Mahsun (2005) which focussed on the translation, description, and filtration of meaning and also the placement of data to its context.The result shows that all aspects of multimodal in the advertisement are integreted. The lingustic aspect shows that atributive (experiential function), declarative mood (interpersonal function), and unmarked topical theme (textual function) are the dominant types used. The visual aspect shows that red color dominates the background of the advertisement as the main color of the product in the advertisement. The audio aspect shows that the advertisement uses instrumental with ritmix genre to evoke strong spirit in activiting. The spatial aspect shows the unification of the meaning between an image to the others.   Keywords: advertisement, multimodal, aspects of multimodal, text, SF

    The Characters’ Solicitude in Tere Liye’s Novel Negeri Di Ujung Tanduk

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    This study aims to describe the characters’ solicitude in the novel Negeri di Ujung Tanduk by Tere Liye. Tere Liye through the novel portrays about the solicitude which showed by the characters. This study is supported by Bender’s theory (2003) about the solicitude. It is stated that solicitude is to make ourselves related to others and whatever happens to that person. People who prioritize the needs and feelings of others rather than their own interests are caring people. They will not hurt other people’s feeling. Many values that contained in the solicitude such as kindness, generosity, attention, helping and compassion. This study is conducted by using descriptive qualitative method by Miles and Huberman (1994). The data used are the sentences and paragraphs which show the characters’ solicitude contained in the novel. The result of the study shows that there are some values which contained in the solicitude among the characters; they are kindness, generosity, caring, helping and compassion.   Keywords: solicitude, kindness, generosity, caring, helping, compassio

    Female Personality in Andrea Hirata’s Novel Sirkus Pohon

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    The research aims to figure out the female personality in Andrea Hirata’s novel Sirkus Pohon. The female personality in the novel is quite interesting to be discussed because in this novel, Andrea Hirata makes us laugh following the innocent female Malay personality in the Belitong countryside, sobbing by the sad love story, or shaking their heads by their tremendous intrigues. We will find imperfect humans, but at the same time find wisdom through their personality. Hirata has portrayed female personality in the novel through five females, namely: Tara, Dinda, Azizah, Tara’s mother and Tegar’s mother. According to Maslow (2002) personality is a pattern of behavior and habits of human. Smith (2004) states that personality is patterned of habits, traits, attitudes, and ideas of an individual. The writers discuss female personality through the personality of Tara, Tara’s mother, Dinda, Azizah, and Tegar’s mother. It is discussed in the analysis. The research uses qualitative research in description analysis by quoting some sentences related to the analysis. The results of the research are: Tara’s personalities are faithful and fragrant; Dinda’s personalities are having a soft heart and losing her memory; Azizah’s personality is chatty but loving her family; Tara’s mother’s personalities are beautiful, kindness, smart and strong; and Tegar’s mother is weak and a heartbroken woman.   Keywords: female, personality, faithful, soft-heart, quarrelsome, strong, wea

    Sausage mode propagation in a thick magnetic flux tube

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    The aim of this paper is to model the propagation of slow magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) sausage waves in a thick expanding magnetic flux tube in the context of the quiescent (VAL-C) solar atmosphere. The propagation of these waves is found to be described by the Klein–Gordon equation. Using the governing MHD equations and the VAL-C atmosphere model we study the variation of the cut-off frequency along and across the magnetic tube guiding the waves. Due to the radial variation of the cut-off frequency the flux tubes act as low frequency filters for the waves

    Code-mixing and Code Switching in Wylvera W.’s Novel Geranium Blossom: Saat Jarak Menguji Cinta: Their Types and Reasons

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    Code-mixing constitutes a mixing of two codes or languages which is usually without a change of topic, whereas code-switching shows a change made from one language or language variety to another one. There are three types of code-mixing including insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization as proposed by Muysken (2000: 3), and code-switching is of four types, that is, inter-sentential switching, intra-sentential switching, emblematic/ tag switching, and intra-word switching (Poplack, 2004: 589). The uses of code-mixing and code-switching are quite common in bilingual or multilingual communities in an informal situation. Based on these two terms (codemixing and code-switching), this paper was then made to describe the types and reasons of code-mixing and code switching in Wylvera W.’s novel Geranium Blossom: Saat Jarak Menguji Cinta written in 2015. The types of code-mixing which are used in the novel are all the three types above (i. e. insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization), and those of code-switching which are used are only two from the above four types (i. e. inter-sentential switching and emblematic/ tag switching). It was found that, in terms of code-mixing, insertion was used more than the other types of code-mixing, and, in terms of code-switching, it is inter-sentential switching which was used more than the other types of code-switching. This research applied a descriptive qualitative method as proposed by Creswell (2009: 4) in the analysis of the matters concerning code-mixing and code-switching in the novel.   Keywords: code-mixing, insertion, alternation, congruent lexicalization, codeswitchin

    Uji Dosis Tepung Buah Sirih Hutan (Piper Aduncum L) Terhadap Mortalitas Kumbang Bubuk (Sitophilus Zeamais M) Pada Jagung Di Penyimpanan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the dose of flour forest fruit betel (Piper aduncum L) that best powder beetle kills pests (Sitophilus zeamais M) on corn in storage. This research was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Pests, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Riau, Pekanbaru. The study was conducted from April to June 2016. The research method implemented experimentally. This research was conducted in two series, the first carried out for 72 hours to observe the initial time of death, the daily mortality, Lethal time50, and total mortality, and the second after 5 weeks of infestation, which is observed is S. zeamais beetle population growth and shrinkage weight of corn by pests S. zeamais, using a completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of six treatments, with four replications thus obtained 24 experimental units. Each experimental unit infested as many as 10 animals S. zeamais. The results showed that the dosage of flour betel vine forest at a dose of 8 g / 100 g of corn is the best dose to control S. zeamais with total mortality of 97.50%, the initial time of 5.50 hours of death, lethal time50 (LT50) during 21:00 hours
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