25 research outputs found
Ultrafast relaxation dynamics of the antiferrodistortive phase in Ca doped SrTiO3
The ultrafast dynamics of the octahedral rotation in Ca:SrTiO3 is studied by
time resolved x-ray diffraction after photo excitation over the band gap. By
monitoring the diffraction intensity of a superlattice reflection that is
directly related to the structural order parameter of the soft-mode driven
antiferrodistortive phase in Ca:SrTiO3, we observe a ultrafast relaxation on a
0.2 ps timescale of the rotation of the oxygen octahedron, which is found to be
independent of the initial temperaure despite large changes in the
corresponding soft-mode frequency. A further, much smaller reduction on a
slower picosecond timescale is attributed to thermal effects. Time-dependent
density-functional-theory calculations show that the fast response can be
ascribed to an ultrafast displacive modification of the soft-mode potential
towards the normal state, induced by holes created in the oxygen 2p states
Dynamic pathway of the photoinduced phase transition of TbMnO
We investigate the demagnetization dynamics of the cycloidal and sinusoidal
phases of multiferroic TbMnO by means of time-resolved resonant soft x-ray
diffraction following excitation by an optical pump. Using orthogonal linear
x-ray polarizations, we suceeded in disentangling the response of the
multiferroic cycloidal spin order from the sinusoidal antiferromagnetic order
in the time domain. This enables us to identify the transient magnetic phase
created by intense photoexcitation of the electrons and subsequent heating of
the spin system on a picosecond timescale. The transient phase is shown to be a
spin density wave, as in the adiabatic case, which nevertheless retains the
wave vector of the cycloidal long range order. Two different pump photon
energies, 1.55 eV and 3.1 eV, lead to population of the conduction band
predominantly via intersite - transitions or intrasite -
transitions, respectively. We find that the nature of the optical excitation
does not play an important role in determining the dynamics of magnetic order
melting. Further, we observe that the orbital reconstruction, which is induced
by the spin ordering, disappears on a timescale comparable to that of the
cycloidal order, attesting to a direct coupling between magnetic and orbital
orders. Our observations are discussed in the context of recent theoretical
models of demagnetization dynamics in strongly correlated systems, revealing
the potential of this type of measurement as a benchmark for such complex
theoretical studies
Експериментальна оцінка токсичності кардіологічного препарату на основі інгібітора фосфодиестерази-3 та етилметилгідроксипіридину сукцинату
The study aimed to establish the parameters of chronic toxicity of the newly developed drug based on phosphodiesterase-3 inhibitor and ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate in experiments on laboratory animals. The analysis was performed on white sexually mature young male Wistar rats weighing 170–185 g. Four groups of white rats were formed. The first experimental group was administered Bendamine based on a phosphodiesterase-3 inhibitor and ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate at a therapeutic dose. Rats of the second experimental group were injected with the experimental drug in a 5-fold dose. Rats of the third experimental group were administered the drug in a 10-fold dose. The fourth group served as control. The study of chronic toxicity of Bendamine in white rats indicates that long-term 30-day administration in therapeutic doses or 5-fold dose does not cause clinical signs of poisoning, as evidenced by the physiological limits of fluctuations in the studied morphological and biochemical parameters of blood rats. Prolonged administration of Bendamine to rats in a 10-fold dose is accompanied by a slight suppression of the body's physiological state, as indicated by a decrease in total erythrocytes and hemoglobin by 10.1 % against an increase in white blood cells by 59.8% (P < 0.001). In addition, there was a decrease in the functional state of the liver, as evidenced by a probable reduction in total protein by 8.0% and urea – by 13.5 %, as well as an increase in ALT, AST, and alkaline phosphatase by 31.6 %, 7.4 %, and 53.9% respectively. Probable changes in the coefficients of liver and spleen mass have been established. When administered intramuscularly to rats with the drug Bendamine for 30 days, the macroscopic and microscopic structure of the studied internal organs is preserved in all groups of animals. The second experimental group revealed reversible moderate histostructural changes in the liver and kidneys. In rats treated with ten times the therapeutic dose of the drug, histologically found hemodynamic disorders and alterations in dystrophic nature, mainly of protein origin, with focal localization in the parenchyma of the liver, kidneys, and myocardium, which in most cases are reversible and result from the compensatory response. Macroorganism on the introduction of a high dose of the study drug.Метою роботи було у дослідах на лабораторних тваринах встановити параметри хронічної токсичності новоствореного препарату на основі інгібітора фосфодиестерази-3 та етилметилгідроксипіридину сукцинату. Дослідження проводили на білих статево-зрілих молодих щурах-самцях лінії Вістар масою 170−185 г. Було сформовано чотири групи. Першій дослідній групі вводили препарат “Бендамін” на основі інгібітора фосфодиестерази-3 та етилметилгідроксипіридину сукцинату у терапевтичній дозі. Щурам другої дослідної групи вводили дослідний препарат у 5-ти кратній дозі. Щурам третьої дослідної групи вводили препарат у 10-ти кратній дозі. Четверта група служила контролем. Дослідження хронічної токсичності Бендаміну на білих щурах вказує на те, що тривале 30-добове його введення у терапевтичній дозі або у 5-кратній дозі, не викликає клінічних ознак отруєння, про що свідчать фізіологічні межі коливань досліджуваних морфологічних та біохімічних показників крові щурів. Тривале введення щурам дослідного препарату в 10-кратній дозі супроводжується незначним пригніченням фізіологічного стану організму, на що вказує зниження загальної кількості еритроцитів і вмісту гемоглобіну на 10,1 % на тлі підвищення кількості лейкоцитів на 59,8 % (Р < 0,001). Крім цього встановлено зниження функціонального стану печінки, про що свідчить вірогідне зменшення вмісту загального протеїну на 8,0 % і сечовини – на 13,5 %, також підвищення активності АлАТ, АсАТ і лужної фосфатази на 31,6 %, 7,4 % і 53,9 % відповідно. Встановлено вірогідні зміни коефіцієнтів маси печінки та селезінки. За внутрішлункового застосування щурам препарату “Бендамін” упродовж 30 діб макроскопічна та мікроскопічна структура досліджуваних внутрішніх органів збережена у всіх групах тварин. У другій дослідній групі виявлені помірні гістоструктурні зміни в печінці і нирках, які мали зворотній характер. У щурів, яким застосовували 10-кратну терапевтичну дозу препарату, гістологічно встановлено порушення гемодинаміки та зміни дистрофічного характеру, переважно білкового походження, із вогнищевою локалізацією в паренхімі печінки, нирок та міокарду, що носять у більшості випадків зворотний характер і є наслідком компенсаторної реакції з боку макроорганізму на введення підвищеної дози досліджуваного препарату
Express quantitative spectrophotometric determination of 2-(((3-(2-fluorophenyl)- 5-thio-4H-1,2,4-triazol-4-yl)imino)methyl)phenol as an active substance of a medicinal product for the treatment of mycoses
Foot fungus (Candida, molds, dermatophytes) is a fairly common problem. According to the WHO, one-fifth of the world’s population is affected by fungal skin diseases. The prevalence of mycosis of the feet, which affects every second person, is especially increasing. Such a pathology can appear quite unexpectedly and at an inappropriate time. Today, Ukraine is under aggressive pressure from its northern neighbor, and military personnel are not only constantly at risk of receiving combat injuries and wounds, but also due to active hostilities, they may not have access to the necessary hygiene products, get cold, overheat in the sun, or not have time to change their clothes in time. and shoes. The reality is the absence or delay of treatment; the disease progresses and can spread quickly. If mycosis has appeared in one soldier, it can quickly affect others. Therefore, the problem of providing medical and pharmaceutical care is an urgent issue today. Expanding the assortment of drugs with the above action will ensure the needs of the Armed Forces and civilian patients with this dermatological pathology. It will be able to optimize antifungal therapy regimens. For quite a long time, 1,2,4-triazole derivatives have been a promising class of organic compounds that attract the attention of scientists from various fields. It has been proven that 2-(((3-(2-fluorophenyl)-5-thio-4H-1,2,4-triazole-4-yl)imino)methyl)phenol has high antifungal activity. A potential medicinal product based on this medicinal substance can be used for the treatment of various dermatological diseases. To continue the creation of new effective dosage forms for the effective therapy of mycosis of the feet, the urgent task of today is the development of an express, accurate, reliable, and affordable method of quantitative determination of the substance under study.
The aim of the work is to develop an express, sensitive and easy-to-implement UV-method for the quantitative determination of 2-(((3-(2-fluorophenyl)-5-thio-4H-1,2,4-triazole-4-yl)imino)methyl)phenol.
Materials and methods. The research object is a working standard sample of 2-(((3-(2-fluorophenyl)-5-thio-4H-1,2,4-triazole-4-yl)imino)methyl)phenol provided by NUNVF, LLC “Brovapharma” according to the “Research and production technological regulations for the production of 2-(((3-(2-fluorophenyl)-5-thio-4H-1,2,4-triazol-4-yl)imino)methyl)phenol” developed based on scientific developed by the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy in conjunction with the National Military Medical Clinical Center “Main Military Clinical Hospital” (term of validity of the regulations until 12/31/2034). Isopropanol of grade “chemically pure” was used as a solvent. Analytical equipment: spectrophotometer Specord 200, electronic scales Radwag XA 210.4Y, class A measuring vessels.
Results. An express, eco-friendly spectrophotometric method was developed for the quantification of 2-(((3-(2-fluorophenyl)-5-thio-4H-1,2,4-triazole-4-yl)imino)methyl)phenol in isopropanol area, having analytically maximum at 310 nm. The studied solutions are stable for 30 minutes. The analytical technique is linear in the range of concentrations 0.440–0.754 mg/100 ml (70–130 %). The detection and quantification limits were 5.80 % and 15.70 % respectively. The score was 0.76, according to the “greenness” icon of the analytical technique, using the tools AGREE. The prediction of the total uncertainty of the results of the developed method is 1.70 % (max∆As 2.00 %). The proposed method is relevant according to the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine.
Conclusions. Pharmaceutical development, introduction into industrial production and further prescribing by dermatovenerologists of an effective, safe, and harmless medicinal product will help to expand the range and reduce the level of high import dependence of the domestic market of medicinal products, which will create a more complete and balanced system of medicinal supply in Ukraine and optimize antifungal therapy schemes
Magnetic field dependent cycloidal rotation in pristine and Ge doped CoCr2O4
We report a soft x ray resonant magnetic scattering study of the spin configuration in multiferroic thin films of Co0.975Ge0.025Cr2O4 Ge CCO and CoCr2O4 CCO under low and high magnetic fields from 0.2 to 6.5 T. A characterization of Ge CCO at a low magnetic field was performed, and the results were compared with those of pure CCO. The ferrimagnetic phase transition temperature TC amp; 8776;95K and the multiferroic transition temperature TS amp; 8776;27K in Ge CCO are comparable with those observed in CCO. In Ge CCO, the ordering wave vector qq0 observed below TS is slightly larger compared with that of CCO, and unlike CCO, the diffraction intensity consists of two contributions that show a dissimilar x ray polarization dependence. In Ge CCO, the coercive field observed at low temperatures was larger than the one reported for CCO. In both compounds, an unexpected reversal of the spiral helicity, and therefore the electric polarization, was observed on simply magnetic field cooling. In addition, we find a change in the helicity as a function of momentum transfer in the magnetic diffraction peak of Ge CCO, indicative of the presence of multiple magnetic spiral
The Heisenberg-RIXS instrument at the European XFEL
Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS) is an ideal X-ray spectroscopy
method to push the combination of energy and time resolutions to the Fourier
transform ultimate limit, because it is unaffected by the core-hole lifetime
energy broadening. And in pump-probe experiments the interaction time is made
very short by the same core-hole lifetime. RIXS is very photon hungry so it
takes great advantage from high repetition rate pulsed X-ray sources like the
European XFEL. The hRIXS instrument is designed for RIXS experiments in the
soft X-ray range with energy resolution approaching the Fourier and the
Heisenberg limits. It is based on a spherical grating with variable line
spacing (VLS) and a position-sensitive 2D detector. Initially, two gratings are
installed to adequately cover the whole photon energy range. With optimized
spot size on the sample and small pixel detector the energy resolution can be
better than 40 meV at any photon energy below 1000 eV. At the SCS instrument of
the European XFEL the spectrometer can be easily positioned thanks to air-pads
on a high-quality floor, allowing the scattering angle to be continuously
adjusted over the 65-145 deg range. It can be coupled to two different sample
interaction chamber, one for liquid jets and one for solids, each equipped at
the state-of-the-art and compatible for optical laser pumping in collinear
geometry. The measured performances, in terms of energy resolution and count
rate on the detector, closely match design expectations. hRIXS is open to
public users since the summer of 2022.Comment: 43 pages, 12 figures, Supplemental Materia
Antiviral activity of trifuzol for the broiler at poultry farm
The birds diseases in the modern poultry industry have a negative impact on economic development of poultry business, as it causes poor assimilation of food and consequently, slow weight gain in broilers and reduce the number and quality of eggs from hens. Thus the economic costs of this are usually much higher than from mortality [1,6,8,9].
The aim of research was to test the efficiency of the trifuzol vaccinations against viral diseases in growing broilers.
Methods and results. Production tests of trifuzol impact on the effectiveness of vaccination against viral diseases and broiler production indexes when growing broilers were performed on the experimental group, which did not receive trifuzol (20.000 heads) And a control group that received 1% trifuzol solution 0.5 ml per 10 kg body weight for 3 days in a row for 7–9 days birth poultry (19.000 heads).
The test systems of the BioShek company were used for the detection of antibodies to the ICC and ICC ELISA, and set for hemagglutination delay reaction (Russia) was used for the detection of antibodies to Newcastle virus.
Conclusions. It was established that the level of protective antibodies during vaccination IBD matches the basic norm, however, the vaccination index (VI) in the control group was 1.5 times higher. The average antibody titer to the NH virus when using trifuzol was 5 log2, and group immunity was 87.5% which corresponds to the basic norms of vaccination in NH. The European efficiency factor in the experiment was 5% higher than in the control group
Second-Harmonic Generation from a Magnetic Buried Interface Enhanced by an Interplay of Surface Plasma Resonances
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