226 research outputs found

    Modulation instability and conservation of energy:toward a new model

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    L'articolo analizza la propagazione in regime nonlineare di un segnale ottico CW in presenza di una "piccola" perturbazione. In letteratura sono presenti lavori che specificano i parametri fisici che regolano l'interazione tra il segnale CW e la perturbazione ma non si hanno indicazioni relative ai limiti di applicabilità dei modelli proposti. Obiettivo principale di questo lavoro è rappresentato dalla definizione dei parametri che "attivano" l'instabilità di modulazione e regolano il regime di propagazione nonlineare. A tal fine, il regime di propagazione nonlineare è analizzato vincolandolo al principio di conservazione dell'energia

    Ensino de orações subordinadas adverbiais comparativas e proporcionais : busca por metodologias inovadoras

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Linguística, Português e Línguas Clássicas, 2011.A presente pesquisa, a partir de uma investigação sobre metodologias de ensino de orações subordinadas, busca comprovar se uma reflexão induzida sobre a produção escrita é capaz de levar o aluno a aprender as possíveis técnicas e o papel do uso de orações subordinadas na expressão verbal. No caso deste trabalho, o uso de orações subordinadas adverbiais comparativas é o enfoque e procura-se analisar se atividades de foco na forma ajudam o ensino para um aprimoramento gramatical, permitindo que o aluno tenha maior consciência em suas construções de períodos e parágrafos e aplique um conhecimento gramatical amadurecido e prático em suas redações. Enfim, a pesquisa pretende contribuir para a investigar se o uso de atividades reflexivas pode levar o aluno a obter uma maior consciência dos processos de construção frasal.This study, from a research on teaching methodologies of subordinate clauses, try to prove that a reflection on the production induced writing is capable of leading the student to learn the techniques and the possible role of the use of subordinate clauses in verbal expression. In this work, the use of adverbial subordinate clauses is the comparative approach and seeks to examine whether activities focus on form helps each grammar to an improvement, allowing the student to have greater awareness in heir construction periods paragraphs and grammatical knowledge and apply a mature and practical in their essays. Finally, the research aims to contribute to investigating the use of reflective activities can lead the student to gain a greater awareness of the processes of phrasal construction

    PTMcode: a database of known and predicted functional associations between post-translational modifications in proteins

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    Post-translational modifications (PTMs) are involved in the regulation and structural stabilization of eukaryotic proteins. The combination of individual PTM states is a key to modulate cellular functions as became evident in a few well-studied proteins. This combinatorial setting, dubbed the PTM code, has been proposed to be extended to whole proteomes in eukaryotes. Although we are still far from deciphering such a complex language, thousands of protein PTM sites are being mapped by high-throughput technologies, thus providing sufficient data for comparative analysis. PTMcode (http://ptmcode.embl.de) aims to compile known and predicted PTM associations to provide a framework that would enable hypothesis-driven experimental or computational analysis of various scales. In its first release, PTMcode provides PTM functional associations of 13 different PTM types within proteins in 8 eukaryotes. They are based on five evidence channels: a literature survey, residue co-evolution, structural proximity, PTMs at the same residue and location within PTM highly enriched protein regions (hotspots). PTMcode is presented as a protein-based searchable database with an interactive web interface providing the context of the co-regulation of nearly 75 000 residues in >10 000 proteins

    Psicanálise, mídia e contemporaneidade: uma análise do discurso midiático acerca do tratamento psicanalítico

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    O presente trabalho busca, por meio da análise de discurso, como proposto pelos autores Dunker, Paulon e Milán-Ramos (2016)​,​identificar alguns elementos históricos, ideológico se econômicos que constituem ​os discursos sobre a práxis psicanalítica na contemporaneidade. Para tal, utilizou-se, como objeto de pesquisa, a quarta temporada da série​ Sessão de Terapia (2019). O uso de produções midiáticas tem se mostrado um interessante caminho de reflexão para a psicanálise. Tais análises possibilitaram o debate de questões acerca da prática do psicanalista, assim como os locais que ele ocupa na contemporaneidade. Percebe-se, ao longo das análises, a necessidadedesepensarumaclínicaampliada,bemcomoaimportânciadeter na psicanálise a possibilidade de uma resistência frente ao neoliberalism

    Dissecting the Genome for Drug Response Prediction

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    The prediction of the cancer cell lines sensitivity to a specific treatment is one of the current challenges in precision medicine. With omics and pharmacogenomics data being available for over 1000 cancer cell lines, several machine learning and deep learning algorithms have been proposed for drug sensitivity prediction. However, deciding which omics data to use and which computational methods can efficiently incorporate data from different sources is the challenge which several research groups are working on. In this review, we summarize recent advances in the representative computational methods that have been developed in the last 2 years on three public datasets: COSMIC, CCLE, NCI-60. These methods aim to improve the prediction of the cancer cell lines sensitivity to a given treatment by incorporating drug's chemical information in the input or using a priori feature selection. Finally, we discuss the latest published method which aims to improve the prediction of clinical drug response of real patients starting from cancer cell line molecular profiles

    Variation in the co-expression profile highlights a loss of miRNA-mRNA regulation in multiple cancer types

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    Recent research provides insight into the ability of miRNA to regulate various pathways in several cancer types. Despite their involvement in the regulation of the mRNA via targeting the 3'UTR, there are relatively few studies examining the changes in these regulatory mechanisms specific to single cancer types or shared between different cancer types.We analyzed samples where both miRNA and mRNA expression had been measured and performed a thorough correlation analysis on 7494 experimentally validated human miRNA-mRNA target-gene pairs in both healthy and tumoral samples.We show how more than 90% of these miRNA-mRNA interactions show a loss of regulation in the tumoral samples compared with their healthy counterparts.As expected, we found shared miRNA-mRNA dysregulated pairs among different tumors of the same tissue. However, anatomically different cancers also share multiple dysregulated interactions, suggesting that some cancer-related mechanisms are not tumor-specific. 2865 unique miRNA-mRNA pairs were identified across 13 cancer types, approximate to 40% of these pairs showed a loss of correlation in the tumoral samples in at least 2 out of the 13 analyzed cancers. Specifically, miR-200 family, miR-155 and miR-1 were identified, based on the computational analysis described below, as the miRNAs that potentially lose the highest number of interactions across different samples (only literature-based interactions were used for this analysis).Moreover, the miR-34a/ALDH2 and miR-9/MTHFD2 pairs show a switch in their correlation between healthy and tumor kidney samples suggesting a possible change in the regulation exerted by the miRNAs. Interestingly, the expression of these mRNAs is also associated with the overall survival. The disruption of miRNA regulation on its target, therefore, suggests the possible involvement of these pairs in cell malignant functions.The analysis reported here shows how the regulation of miRNA-mRNA interactions strongly differs between healthy and tumoral cells, based on the strong correlation variation between miRNA and its target that we obtained by analyzing the expression data of healthy and tumor tissue in highly reliable miRNA-target pairs. Finally, a go term enrichment analysis shows that the critical pairs identified are involved in cellular adhesion, proliferation, and migration

    O projeto foi realizado a tempo, tornando a pesquisa mais tranquila : sobre a sintaxe e a semântica de orações gerundivas com sujeito oracional

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Linguística, Português e Línguas Clássicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística, 2019.Esta tese está inserida no quadro teórico da Gramática Gerativa e investiga as propriedades sintáticas e semânticas das orações rotuladas como Orações Gerundivas com Sujeito Oracional (OGSO) (Guaritá, 2015), tal como em [O projeto foi realizado a tempo]i, (proi) tornando a pesquisa mais tranquila. Tais construções revelam uma propriedade peculiar que é o fato da referência do pronome nulo, que ocupa a posição de sujeito do verbo no gerúndio, corresponder a toda a informação contida na oração matriz. Apesar desse tipo de construção ser bastante produtiva na escrita de brasileiros e portugueses, não há menção a tais orações nas gramáticas do português (cf. Cunha & Cintra, 2008; Castilhos, 2010; Perini, 2010). Na literatura linguística, há poucas descrições sobre o fenômeno (cf. Moutella, 1995, Lopes, 2004 e Guaritá, 2015) e não há propostas teóricas para explicar as propriedades de tais construções. A proposta da tese é a de que as OGSO são formadas por verbos que selecionam eventos como argumentos (cf. Gomes & Mendes, 2018), por isso a referência de pro está ligada ao conteúdo semântico da oração matriz. Essas construções gerundivas possuem propriedades análogas às de preposições (cf. Gallego, 2010) e se adjungem ao TP da oração matriz.This thesis is part of the theoretical framework of Generative Grammar and investigates the syntactic and semantic properties of sentences called Gerundive Sentences with a Clausal Subject (OGSO) (Guaritá, 2015), for example: [The project were finished in time]i, (pro)i making the research restful. This type of data reveal singular properties, the reference of the empty pronoun in the subject position of the gerundive verb is the whole information contained in the matrix clause. Although these sentence are productive in brazilian portuguese and in european portuguese, there are no mention of them in portuguese grammars (Cunha & Cintra, 2008; Castilhos, 2010; Perini, 2010). In linguistics literature there are few descriptions of the fenomenon (Moutella, 1995, Lopes, 2004 e Guaritá 2015) and there are no proposals to explain the properties of these clauses. This thesis states that, in OGSO, the selection of the verb include an event argument (Gomes & Mendes, 2018). For that reason, the reference of the empty category pro is linked to the semantic content of the matrix clause. These gerundive sentences have prepositional properties (Gallego, 2010) and are adjunct to the matrix TP

    Sobre as orações gerundivas com sujeito oracional no português do Brasil

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Linguística, Português e Línguas Clássicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística, 2015.Esta dissertação investiga as propriedades sintáticas e semânticas de orações reduzidas de gerúndio em que o referente do verbo no gerúndio é toda a informação contida na oração principal. Dois fatores principais motivaram a realização da pesquisa: a) não há descrições nas gramáticas tradicionais brasileiras sobre a existência de orações gerundivas com sujeito oracional (cf. Cunha & Cintra (2008) e Castilho (2010); b) não há consenso nas análises de cunho gerativistas que investigaram as orações gerundivas em português Moutella (1995), Lopes (2004), Móia & Viotti (2004) e Lobo (2001, 2003, 2009). Moutella (1995), por exemplo, ao analisar orações como O avião caiu, matando 150 pessoas, levanta a possibilidade de tal oração ser do tipo coordenada. Já Lopes (2004) analisa as orações gerundivas com sujeito oracional, tais como O avião caiu, deixando vários feridos, e as classifica como orações relativas apositivas de foco. Análises sobre a tipologia das orações gerundivas, como as de Lobo (2001, 2003 e 2009) e Móia & Viotti (2005), não incluem as orações gerundivas com sujeito oracional, fato que revela haver uma lacuna nos estudos linguísticos em relação a esse tipo de oração. A hipótese defendida nesta pesquisa é a de que as orações gerundivas com sujeito oracional, tais como Segundo a lei, nos últimos dois anos o índice foi reduzido para zero, tornando a lei mais eficaz, são orações cujas características sintáticas e semânticas são comparáveis às orações relativas livres (cf. Móia 1992), iniciadas por o que.In this study, we investigate de syntactic and the semantic properties of the gerundive sentences in which the reference of the gerund verb in the embedded clause is the role information presented in the matrix clause. Two factors were motivational for this research: a) there are no descriptions in Brazilian traditional grammars about the gerundive sentences with a clausal subject (cf. Cunha & Cintra (2008) e Castilho (2010)); b) there is no consensus about the classification of the gerundive sentences in portuguese (cf. Moutella (1995), Lopes (2004), Lobo (2001, 2003, 2009), Móia & Viotti (2004)). Moutella (1995) shows the example O avião caiu, matando 150 pessoas, and consider it as a coordinate sentence; Lopes (2004) analyses the gerundive sentences with a clausal subject, such as O avião caiu, deixando vários feridos, as relative appositive of focus; Lobo (2001, 2003, 2009) and Móia & Viotti (2004) analyze the gerundive sentences in European Portuguese, their work apparently don’t include the gerundive sentences with a clausal subject. The hypothesis defended in this research is that de gerundive sentences with a clausal subject such as Segundo a lei, nos últimos dois anos o índice foi reduzido para zero, tornando a lei mais eficaz are sentences in which the syntactic and semantic features are similar to the “relativas livres”, the relative sentences with the subject non specified (cf. Móia 1992) started with o que

    Prototipo control de vehículo robot por señales EMG

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    The EMG (Electromyography) signals are basically electrical pulses emitted by the nerves and muscles of the extremities of the human body, (for example the biceps of the arm) which are obtained by means of electrodes. These signals can be amplified and used in different activities or jobs. In the present investigation the EMG signals, acquired from the biceps of the arm to be used, are used by means of three surface electrodes specifically placed to be able to acquire the signals transmitted by the biceps muscles, which with the use of a differential amplifier will be measured and amplified the difference in voltage between the three electrodes that is placed in the muscle, taking into account that the signals are between the ranges of µV and less than 10mV. In the following stages the preparation of the signal is done to connect it to a microcontroller. In this case, the Arduino card will be used, where the already amplified signal is processed and transmitted wirelessly with the help of NRF24L01, which has a range of 1000 meters away from the control system in the Robot Vehicle. In this comes the variation of tension depending on the deflection of the arm and therefore the Robot vehicle accelerates or slows down depending on the signal emitted by the arm amplifier system. Finally, the prototype is adjusted and the fundamental mechanical-electronic characterizations for the different control movements are established.Las señales EMG (Electromiografía) son básicamente pulsos eléctricos emitidos por los nervios y músculos de las extremidades del cuerpo humano, (ejemplo el bíceps del brazo) los que se obtienen por medio de electrodos. Estas señales se pueden amplificar y ser utilizadas en diferentes actividades o trabajos. En la presente investigación se utilizan las señales EMG, adquiridas del bíceps del brazo a utilizar, por medio de tres electrodos superficiales colocados específicamente para poder adquirir las señales trasmitidas por los músculos del bíceps, que con la utilización de un amplificador diferencial se medirá y amplificará la diferencia de voltaje entre los tres electrodos que se coloca en el músculo, teniendo en cuenta que las señales se encuentran entre los rangos de µV y menores de 10mV. En las siguientes etapas se realiza la preparación de la señal para conectarla a un microcontrolador. En este caso se utilizará la tarjeta Arduino, en donde se procesa la señal ya amplificada y se trasmite inalámbricamente con la ayuda del NRF24L01, que tiene un alcance de1000 metros de distancia al sistema de control que está en el Vehículo Robot. En este llega la variación de tensión dependiendo de la deflexión del brazo y por lo tanto el vehículo Robot se acelera o desacelera dependiendo de la señal emitida por el sistema amplificador del brazo. Finalmente se ajusta el prototipo y se establecen las caracterizaciones fundamentales mecánicas-electrónicas para los diferentes movimientos de control

    Evaluation of potential miRNA sponge effects of SARS genomes in human

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    : To date the coronavirus family is composed of seven different viruses which were commonly known as cold viruses until the appearance of the severe acute respiratory coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in 2002, the middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS) in 2012 and the severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) which caused the COVID-19 global pandemic in 2019. Using bioinformatic approaches we tested the potential interactions of human miRNAs, expressed in pulmonary epithelial cells, with the available coronavirus genomes. Putative miRNA binding sites were then compared between pathogenic and non pathogenic virus groups. The pathogenic group shares 6 miRNA binding sites that can be potentially involved in the sequestration of miRNAs already known to be associated with deep vein thrombosis. We then analysed ∼100k SARS-CoV-2 variant genomes for their potential interaction with human miRNAs and this study highlighted a group of 97 miRNA binding sites which is present in all the analysed genomes. Among these, we identified 6 miRNA binding sites specific for SARS-CoV-2 and the other two pathogenic viruses whose down-regulation has been seen associated with deep vein thrombosis and cardiovascular diseases. Interestingly, one of these miRNAs, namely miR-20a-5p, whose expression decreases with advancing age, is involved in cytokine signaling, cell differentiation and/or proliferation. We hypothesize that depletion of poorly expressed miRNA could be related with disease severity