1,087 research outputs found

    Fast growing double tearing modes in a tokamak plasma

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    Configurations with nearby multiple resonant surfaces have broad spectra of linearly unstable coupled tearing modes with dominant high poloidal mode numbers m. This was recently shown for the case of multiple q = 1 resonances [Bierwage et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (6), 65001 (2005)]. In the present work, similar behavior is found for double tearing modes (DTM) on resonant surfaces with q >= 1. A detailed analysis of linear instability characteristics of DTMs with various mode numbers m is performed using numerical simulations. The mode structures and dispersion relations for linearly unstable modes are calculated. Comparisons between low- and higher-m modes are carried out, and the roles of the inter-resonance distance and of the magnetic Reynolds number S_Hp are investigated. High-m modes are found to be destabilized when the distance between the resonant surfaces is small. They dominate over low-m modes in a wide range of S_Hp, including regimes relevant for tokamak operation. These results may be readily applied to configurations with more than two resonant surfaces.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figure

    Dynamics of resistive double tearing modes with broad linear spectra

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    The nonlinear evolution of resistive double tearing modes (DTMs) with safety factor values q=1 and q=3 is studied in a reduced cylindrical model of a tokamak plasma. We focus on cases where the resonant surfaces are a small distance apart. Recent numerical studies have shown that in such configurations high-m modes are strongly unstable. In this paper, it is first demonstrated that linear DTM theory predicts the dominance of high-m DTMs. A semi-empirical formula for estimating the poloidal mode number of the fastest growing mode, m_peak, is obtained from the existing linear theory. Second, using nonlinear simulations, it is shown that the presence of fast growing high-m modes leads to a rapid turbulent collapse in an annular region, whereby small magnetic island structures form. Furthermore, consideration is given to the evolution of low-m modes, in particular the global m=1 internal kink, which can undergo nonlinear driving through coupling to fast growing linear high-m DTMs. Factors influencing the details of the dynamics are discussed. These results may be relevant for the understanding of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) activity near the minimum of q and may thus be of interest to studies concerned with stability and confinement in advanced tokamaks.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Self-consistent nonlinear kinetic simulations of the anomalous Doppler instability of suprathermal electrons in plasmas

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    Suprathermal tails in the distributions of electron velocities parallel to the magnetic field are found in many areas of plasma physics, from magnetic confinement fusion to solar system plasmas. Parallel electron kinetic energy can be transferred into plasma waves and perpendicular gyration energy of particles through the anomalous Doppler instability (ADI), provided that energetic electrons with parallel velocities v ≥ (ω + Ωce )/k are present; here Ωce denotes electron cyclotron frequency, ω the wave angular frequency and k the component of wavenumber parallel to the magnetic field. This phenomenon is widely observed in tokamak plasmas. Here we present the first fully self-consistent relativistic particle-in-cell simulations of the ADI, spanning the linear and nonlinear regimes of the ADI. We test the robustness of the analytical theory in the linear regime and follow the ADI through to the steady state. By directly evaluating the parallel and perpendicular dynamical contributions to j · E in the simulations, we follow the energy transfer between the excited waves and the bulk and tail electron populations for the first time. We find that the ratio Ωce /(ωpe + Ωce ) of energy transfer between parallel and perpendicular, obtained from linear analysis, does not apply when damping is fully included, when we find it to be ωpe /(ωpe + Ωce ); here ωpe denotes the electron plasma frequency. We also find that the ADI can arise beyond the previously expected range of plasma parameters, in particular when Ωce > ωpe . The simulations also exhibit a spectral feature which may correspond to observations of suprathermal narrowband emission at ωpe detected from low density tokamak plasmas

    Quasi-linear analysis of the extraordinary electron wave destabilized by runaway electrons

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    Runaway electrons with strongly anisotropic distributions present in post-disruption tokamak plasmas can destabilize the extraordinary electron (EXEL) wave. The present work investigates the dynamics of the quasi-linear evolution of the EXEL instability for a range of different plasma parameters using a model runaway distribution function valid for highly relativistic runaway electron beams produced primarily by the avalanche process. Simulations show a rapid pitch-angle scattering of the runaway electrons in the high energy tail on the 100−1000  μs100-1000\;\rm \mu s time scale. Due to the wave-particle interaction, a modification to the synchrotron radiation spectrum emitted by the runaway electron population is foreseen, exposing a possible experimental detection method for such an interaction

    Seguendo Grothendieck

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    Neoclassical transport of tungsten ion bundles in total-f neoclassical gyrokinetic simulations of a whole-volume JET-like plasma

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    Neoclassical gyrokinetic simulations including tungsten impurities are carried out using multiple gyrokinetic bundles to model the many charge states of tungsten ions present in the whole-volume of a model H-mode plasma in JET geometry. A gyrokinetic bundle regroups tungsten ions of similar charge together in order to decrease the computational cost. The initial radial shape of the bundles and their individual charges are deduced from a coronal approximation and from quasi-neutrality of the plasma. Low-Z tungsten ions move radially inward from SOL into the core region, whereas high-Z tungsten ions move radially outwardly from the core and inwardly from the separatrix. These fluxes lead to an accumulation of tungsten in the pedestal top of our test case. This organization of the fluxes cannot be captured by a single tungsten-ion simulation. Large up/down poloidal asymmetries of tungsten form in the pedestal and strongly influence the direction of these neoclassical fluxes. Future implementation of atomic interactions between bundles is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure
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