831 research outputs found

    D-brane potentials in the warped resolved conifold and natural inflation

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    In this paper we obtain a model of Natural Inflation from string theory with a Planckian decay constant. We investigate D-brane dynamics in the background of the warped resolved conifold (WRC) throat approximation of Type IIB string compactifications on Calabi-Yau manifolds. When we glue the throat to a compact bulk Calabi-Yau, we generate a D-brane potential which is a solution to the Laplace equation on the resolved conifold. We can exactly solve this equation, including dependence on the angular coordinates. The solutions are valid down to the tip of the resolved conifold, which is not the case for the more commonly used deformed conifold. This allows us to exploit the effect of the warping, which is strongest at the tip. We inflate near the tip using an angular coordinate of a D5-brane in the WRC which has a discrete shift symmetry, and feels a cosine potential, giving us a model of Natural Inflation, from which it is possible to get a Planckian decay constant whilst maintaining control over the backreaction. This is because the decay constant for a wrapped brane contains powers of the warp factor, and so can be made large, while the wrapping parameter can be kept small enough so that backreaction is under control.Comment: 41 pages, 3 appendices, 1 figure, PDFLaTex; various clarifications added along with a new appendix on b-axions and wrapped D5 branes;version matches the one published in JHE

    String theoretic QCD axions in the light of PLANCK and BICEP2

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    The QCD axion solving the strong CP problem may originate from antisymmetric tensor gauge fields in compactified string theory, with a decay constant around the GUT scale. Such possibility appears to be ruled out now by the detection of tensor modes by BICEP2 and the PLANCK constraints on isocurvature density perturbations. A more interesting and still viable possibility is that the string theoretic QCD axion is charged under an anomalous U(1)_A gauge symmetry. In such case, the axion decay constant can be much lower than the GUT scale if moduli are stabilized near the point of vanishing Fayet-Illiopoulos term, and U(1)_A-charged matter fields get a vacuum value far below the GUT scale due to a tachyonic SUSY breaking scalar mass. We examine the symmetry breaking pattern of such models during the inflationary epoch with the Hubble expansion rate 10^{14} GeV, and identify the range of the QCD axion decay constant, as well as the corresponding relic axion abundance, consistent with known cosmological constraints. In addition to the case that the PQ symmetry is restored during inflation, there are other viable scenarios, including that the PQ symmetry is broken during inflation at high scales around 10^{16}-10^{17} GeV due to a large Hubble-induced tachyonic scalar mass from the U(1)_A D-term, while the present axion scale is in the range 10^{9}-5\times 10^{13} GeV, where the present value larger than 10^{12} GeV requires a fine-tuning of the axion misalignment angle. We also discuss the implications of our results for the size of SUSY breaking soft masses.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure; v3: analysis updated including the full anharmonic effects, references added, version accepted for publication in JHE

    The Thermal Design, Characterization, and Performance of the SPIDER Long-Duration Balloon Cryostat

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    We describe the SPIDER flight cryostat, which is designed to cool six millimeter-wavelength telescopes during an Antarctic long-duration balloon flight. The cryostat, one of the largest to have flown on a stratospheric payload, uses liquid helium-4 to deliver cooling power to stages at 4.2 and 1.6 K. Stainless steel capillaries facilitate a high flow impedance connection between the main liquid helium tank and a smaller superfluid tank, allowing the latter to operate at 1.6 K as long as there is liquid in the 4.2 K main tank. Each telescope houses a closed cycle helium-3 adsorption refrigerator that further cools the focal planes down to 300 mK. Liquid helium vapor from the main tank is routed through heat exchangers that cool radiation shields, providing negative thermal feedback. The system performed successfully during a 17 day flight in the 2014-2015 Antarctic summer. The cryostat had a total hold time of 16.8 days, with 15.9 days occurring during flight.Comment: 15 pgs, 17 fig

    Analisis Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Masyarakat dalam Mendukung Fungsi Sosial Penderita Skizofrenia Berdasarkan Theory of Planned Behavior di Kecamatan Bululawang.

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    Latar Belakang: Individu dengan skizofrenia mengalami penurunan pada fungsi sosialnya, sehingga diperlukan dukungan oleh masyarakat dalam melakukan fungsi sosial tersebut. Penderita skizofrenia yang tidak melakukan fungsi sosial akan berdampak pada lamanya mencapai kesembuhan dan berisiko tinggi terjadi kekambuhan. Hambatan terlaksananya fungsi sosial skizofrenia adalah perilaku masyarakat yang buruk. Perilaku masyarakat dapat disebabkan oleh banyak faktor. Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) digunakan untuk memprediksi keterlibatan perilaku masyarakat dalam mendukung fungsi sosial penderita skizofrenia melalui intensi. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku masyarakat dalam mendukung fungsi sosial di Desa Sukonolo Kecamatan Bululawang Kabupaten Malang melalui pendekatan Theory of Planned Behavior. Metode: Jenis penelitian adalah observasional analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melibatkan 150 responden melalui teknik purposive sampling menggunakan analisis jalur (path analysis). Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui lembar kuesioner. Hasil: Uji path analysis menunjukkan faktor yang berhubungan signifikan dengan intensi adalah sikap (p= <0,001, β= 0,668), norma subyektif (p= <0,001, β= 0,303), dan persepsi kontrol perilaku (p= <0,042, β= 0,032). Intensi secara langsung memprediksi keterlibatan yang besar terhadap perilaku masyarakat dalam mendukung fungsi sosial yaitu (p= <0,001, β =1,009), hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa sikap, norma subyektif, dan persepsi kontrol perilaku berhubungan dengan perilaku melalui intensi. Sedangkan persepsi kontrol perilaku secara langsung tidak berhubungan secara signifikan dengan perilaku (p=0,415, β= -0,024). Kesimpulan: Faktor sikap, norma subyektif, dan persepsi kontrol perilaku berhubungan dengan intensi masyarakat melakukan dukungan fungsi sosial skizofrenia. Intensi berhubungan langsung dengan perilaku. Sikap, norma subyektif, dan persepsi kontrol perilaku berhubungan dengan perilaku melalui intensi, namun persepsi kontrol perilaku tidak berhubungan langsung dengan perilaku masyarakat dalam mendukung fungsi sosial skizofrenia

    Transplanckian axions !?

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    We discuss quantum gravitational effects in Einstein theory coupled to periodic axion scalars to analyze the viability of several proposals to achieve superplanckian axion periods (aka decay constants) and their possible application to large field inflation models. The effects we study correspond to the nucleation of euclidean gravitational instantons charged under the axion, and our results are essentially compatible with (but independent of) the Weak Gravity Conjecture, as follows: Single axion theories with superplanckian periods contain gravitational instantons inducing sizable higher harmonics in the axion potential, which spoil superplanckian inflaton field range. A similar result holds for multi-axion models with lattice alignment (like the Kim-Nilles-Peloso model). Finally, theories with NN axions can still achieve a moderately superplanckian periodicity (by a N\sqrt{N} factor) with no higher harmonics in the axion potential. The Weak Gravity Conjecture fails to hold in this case due to the absence of some instantons, which are forbidden by a discrete ZN\mathbf{Z}_N gauge symmetry. Finally we discuss the realization of these instantons as euclidean D-branes in string compactifications.Comment: 46 pages, 6 figures. Added references, clarifications, and missing factor of 1/2 to instanton action. Conclusions unchange

    Pengaruh Implementasi Ekstrak Daun Teh Hijau (Camellia sinensis L) Sebagai Antihelmintik Cacing Ascaris suum Secara In Vitro

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    Askariasis adalah salah satu penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh cacing gelang yang disebut Ascaris lumbricoides. Angka Prevelensi penyakit infeksi askariasis ini banyak ditemukan di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Askariasis dapat menyebabkan gangguan pencernaan dan malnutrisi, terlebih infeksi ini sering dialami oleh anak-anak sehingga dapat menyebabkan gangguan tumbuh kembang anak. Penggunaan obat herbal di Indonesia lebih banyak digemari, termasuk juga obat antihelmintik untuk Askariasis. Daun teh hijau (Camellia sinensis L) mengandung senyawa aktif flavonoid, tanin, dan saponin yang dapat berperan sebagai antihelmintik terhadap genus Ascaris. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh pemberian ekstrak daun teh hijau terhadap kematian cacing Ascaris suum, yang secara anatomi dan fisiologi mirip dengan Ascaris lumbricoides. Parameter yang ditanyakan yaitu jumlah cacing Ascaris suum yang mati setelah 12 jam pemberian ekstrak daun teh hijau dengan berbagai konsentrasi secara in vitro. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengamatan dengan 5 kali perlakuan yaitu Kontrol positif (pirantel pamoat 40%), kontrol negatif (NaCl 0,9%), ekstrak daun teh hijau konsentrasi 70%, 80%, dan 90% dengan masing masing pengulangan sebanyak 4 kali. Penelitian ini bersifat eskperimental laboratorium dengan rancangan penelitian post test only control group design. Hasil pengamatan cacing setelah jam ke-12 pada larutan ekstrak daun teh hijau dengan konsentrasi 70%, 80%, dan 90% mampu membunuh cacing secara berturut-turut yaitu 66%, 83%, dan 100%. Pada hasil Mann Whitney U test diketahui bahwa konsentrasi 80% mulai efektif membunuh cacing Ascaris suum dengan dengan p=0,05. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa larutan ekstrak daun teh hijau (Camellia sinensis L) dapat membunuh cacing Ascaris suum

    Faktor Prediktor Kejadian Henti Jantung Pada Pasien Infark Miokard Akut di Kota Singkawang

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    Literatur keperawatan saat ini belum mencurahkan perhatian yang memadai dalam mempelajari henti jantung di rumah sakit khususnya pada pasien infark miokard akut. Mengidentifikasi factor predictor henti jantung pasien infark miokard akut diperlukan untuk menentukan strategi keperawatan yang tepat dalam mencegah kejadian henti jantung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui factor prediktor kejadian henti jantung pada pasien infark miokard akut. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cohort retrospective dengan populasi sebanyak 181 orang yang dirawat dengan diagnosis STEMI dan NSTEMI selama 2017-2020. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square, spearman rank dan regresi logistik. Uji analisis spearman rank, usia p=0.045, r=0.149; tekanan sistolik p=0.002, r=-0.228; tekanan diastolik p=0.020, r=-0.173; Heart rate p=0.064, r=0.138; jumlah penyakit komorbid p=0.322, r=0.074 dan kelas Killip p=0.000, r=0.431. Uji analisis chi square, jenis kelamin p=0.487, OR=1.322; gambaran EKG p=0.885, OR=1.060; kadar enzim troponin p=0.951, OR=1.025; dan lama rawat p=0.000, OR=0.181. Factor predictor kejadian henti jantung pada pasien infark miokard akut adalah kelas Killip, lama rawat, tekanan sistolik dan heart rate. Factor paling dominan dalam mempengaruhi henti jantung pada pasien infark miokard akut adalah kelas Killi

    Helicitogenesis: WIMPy baryogenesis with sterile neutrinos and other realizations

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    We propose a mechanism for baryogenesis from particle decays or annihilations that can work at the TeV scale. Some heavy particles annihilate or decay into a heavy sterile neutrino N (with M ≳ 0.5 TeV) and a ¿light¿ one ν (with m ≪ 100 GeV), generating an asymmetry among the two helicity degrees of freedom of ν. This asymmetry is partially transferred to Standard Model leptons via fast Yukawa interactions and reprocessed into a baryon asymmetry by the electroweak sphalerons. We illustrate this mechanism in a WIMPy baryogenesis model where the helicity asymmetry is generated in the annihilation of dark matter. This model connects the baryon asymmetry, dark matter, and neutrino masses. Moreover it also complements previous studies on general requirements for baryogenesis from dark matter annihilation. Finally we discuss other possible realizations of this helicitogenesis mechanism

    DR_SEQAN: a PC/Windows-based software to evaluate drug resistance using human immunodeficiency virus type 1 genotypes

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    BACKGROUND: Genotypic assays based on DNA sequencing of part or the whole reverse transcriptase (RT)- and protease (PR)-coding regions of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) genome have become part of the routine clinical management of HIV-infected individuals. However, the results are difficult to interpret due to complex interactions between mutations found in viral genes. RESULTS: DR_SEQAN is a tool to analyze RT and PR sequences. The program output includes a list containing all of the amino acid changes found in the query sequence in comparison with the sequence of a wild-type HIV-1 strain. Translation of codons containing nucleotide mixtures can result in potential ambiguities or heterogeneities in the amino acid sequence. The program identifies all possible combinations of 2 or 3 amino acids that derive from translation of triplets containing nucleotide mixtures. In addition, when ambiguities affect codons relevant for drug resistance, DR_SEQAN allows the user to select the appropriate mutation to be considered by the program's drug resistance interpretation algorithm. Resistance is predicted using a rule-based algorithm, whose efficiency and accuracy has been tested with a large set of drug susceptibility data. Drug resistance predictions given by DR_SEQAN were consistent with phenotypic data and coherent with predictions provided by other publicly available algorithms. In addition, the program output provides two tables showing published drug susceptibility data and references for mutations and combinations of mutations found in the analyzed sequence. These data are retrieved from an integrated relational database, implemented in Microsoft Access, which includes two sets of non-redundant core tables (one for combinations of mutations in the PR and the other for combinations in the RT). CONCLUSION: DR_SEQAN is an easy to use off-line application that provides expert advice on HIV genotypic resistance interpretation. It is coded in Visual Basic for use in PC/Windows-based platforms. The program is freely available under the General Public License. The program (including the integrated database), documentation and a sample sequence can be downloaded fro
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