30 research outputs found

    The Single Supervisory Mechanism and the Assessment of Hungary’s Possible Approach

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    Due to the European financial and sovereign debt crisis occurred in 2008, the decision-makers of the European Union decided to take steps to avoid a further possible turmoil and created a mechanism to ensure the efficiency of financial supervision across the union. This financial integration of Europe is called the banking union. The milestones of the union are: the single rulebook for the capital requirements of credit institutions (i.), the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) lifting prudential supervision of credit institutions to a European level (ii.), a Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) (iii.) and the common deposit insurance system (iv.). The Single Supervisory Mechanism is one of the crucial parts of the banking union, since it has the task to extend the European integration to the field of financial supervision. The executer of this task shall be the European Central Bank, so in the future the ECB will be responsible for both, the monetary policy of the union and the financial supervision of the significant European credit institutions. The ECB – with the contribution of the national competent authorities – shall supervise the most significant banks of the European Union. The SSM will be mandatory for the Euro-zone Member States and voluntary for the rest. However, it is unclear whether how many non-euro zone Member State will decide to participate. According to the Hungarian situation, it is unlikely that Hungary likely participates, because of the uncertainty regarding the untested practice of the SSM

    Endothelium-dependent vasorelaxant and anti-aggregatory effect and mechanism of action of some antifibrinogen RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp-containing) peptides

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    Vasorelaxation caused by some antifibrinogen RGD (Arg-Gly-Asp-containing) peptides and their basic mechanism of action was studied on rabbit isolated thoracic aortic rings preconstricted with 0.25 mu M phenylephrine. GRGDS (Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser-OH) and RGDV (Arg-Gly-Asp-Val-OH) caused dose-dependent relaxation. RGDS (Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser-OH) had a biphasic effect (a transient relaxation followed by a contraction) while GRGDS-[SE] (Gly-Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser(SO3)-OH) did not change the isometric tone of precontracted aortic preparations. GRGDS and RGDV exerted no relaxing effect on endothelium-denuded blood vessels suggesting that the vascular action of these peptides was entirely dependent on the presence of functionally intact endothelium. L-N-G-Nitro-arginine (30 mu M) attenuated the relaxation induced by GRGDS and abolished that induced by RGDV. All of the four RGD congeners inhibited ADP-induced aggregation of human platelets. These findings indicate that the relaxant effect of RGDV is mediated exclusively by the nitric oxide pathway, but GRGDS could cause, besides nitric oxide release, the release of another substance which is different from nitric oxide. Because the rank order of the vasorelaxant potencies of RGD peptides differed from that found for their anti-aggregatory activities, a vascular effector mechanism mediated by an ROD-recognizing structure other than the known glycoprotein IIb/ma-like ROD-binding site is suggested

    An exploratory conformational analysis of 3-mercapto-propanamide and 2-methyl-3-mercapto-propanamide as well as their S-deprotonated conjugate basis: An ab initio study

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    Ab initio conformational analysis has been carried out on 3-mercapto-propanamide, (R)- and (S)-2-methyl-3-mercaptopropanamide as well as their S-deprotonated conjugate basis. They were carried out at the HF/3-21G level of theory. The topology of the conformational potential energy surfaces and hypersurfaces have been analysed.Fil: Torday, László L.. Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University; HungríaFil: Penke, Botond. Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University; HungríaFil: Zamarbide, Graciela Nidia. Universidad Nacional de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Enriz, Ricardo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Investigaciones Biológicas de San Luis. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Investigaciones Biológicas de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Papp, Julius Gy. Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University; Hungrí

    Gas phase conformational basicity of carvedilol fragment B, 2(S)-1-(ethylamonium)propane-2-ol: An ab initio study on a protonophoretic of oxidative phosphorylation uncoupling

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    Carvedilol is cardiovascular drug of proven efficacy. It is believed that carvedilol exerts cardio-protective effects by acting as a mild uncoupler of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, thereby protecting mitochondria from oxidative stress and preserving proper bioenergetics and cardiac function. This uncoupling occurs via a proton-shuttling mechanism involving the amino group of carvedilol's side-chain. However, the molecular details of carvedilol's proton affinity have not yet been completely worked out, especially with regards to the attributes of molecular conformation. In the present study, the full conformational basicity of a fragment of carvedilol, 2(S)-1-(ethylamonium)propane-2-ol (Fragment B), is presented to illustrate the protonophoretic character of carvedilol. Full gas phase geometry optimizations were performed at the ab initio, RHF/3-21G, level of theory for the entire potential energy hypersurface (PEHS) of Fragment B. Subsequently, since deprotonation can occur via two different protons, a two-prong methodology was applied to calculate vertical and adiabatic energies of deprotonation. A total of 18 out of a possible 81 minima converged and the dominant characteristic in all protonated and deprotonated conformers was a gauche plus effect in the rotation about the C-OH bond at the Fragment B stereocentre. Optimized energies of deprotonation ranged from 245 to 262 kcal mol-1 while protons involved in internal hydrogen bonding required an extra 6-8 kcal mol-1 for deprotonation compared to protons that were oriented away from the backbone structure. The overall trend indicates that conformers devoid of significant stabilization interactions possessed lower energies of deprotonation; in other words, as the relative conformer energy increased, vertical and adiabatic energies of deprotonation tended to decrease. Thus, extrapolating to carvedilol and the proton transfer mechanism involved in oxidative phosphorylation uncoupling, events of deprotonation will favour molecular conformations with minimal intramolecular stabilization and with higher relative energies

    Automatic system for continuous monitoring of indoor air quality and remote data transmission under smart_rad_en project

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    In September 2016, the SMART-RAD-EN Project was launched, funded by the Competitiveness Operational Programme 2014-2020 of Romania, to be developed up to the year 2020. The ambitious overall objective is focus on to the concept of "smart city" in terms of intelligent integrated solutions, which it aims to achieve in international premiere, in order to improve public health by increasing indoor environmental quality and optimizing the energy efficiency of housing in five urban areas of Romania. In this study, the current status of the development of the prototype system for continuous monitoring and remote data transmission on radon levels and other household air pollutants (CO2, CO, VOCs and temperature, pressure and humidity sensors) is presented, as an important objective in the frame of the SMART_RAD_EN project. The prototype for intelligent monitoring system was assembled and now is involved in the testing process. Metrology and quality assurance of the prototype system will be carried out within accredited European laboratories and by consulting with the international scientific experts. Remote data transmitted will allow: (1) real time interactive visualization, of the impact of user behavior on indoor air quality; (2) information in case of exceeding threshold levels; (3) to produce estimates of future pollution as a result of the correlation with the meteorological parameters (temperature, pressure and humidity) and user activity. The system, metrological validated, will be implemented in 100 houses with high exposure to radon and other ambient pollutants from the main Romanian urban agllomerations ? Cluj-Napoca, Bucuresti, Timisoara, Iasi and Sibiu

    Környezettudományi terepgyakorlat

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    A környezettudomány terepi módszereit bemutató jegyzet célja, hogy átfogó képet adjon a leendő környezettan tanár szakos hallgatóknak a terepen viszonylag egyszerűen elvégezhetőmérési módszerekről. A mű több éves kipróbálás és tapasztalat birtokában egy konkrét mintaterületen elvégzett számos környezeti vizsgálat módszerét mutatja be, ám ezek a módszerek könnyen alkalmazhatók más területek felmérésére, vizsgálatára is. Az igen komplex, mintegy 10 tudományterületet felsorakoztató terepi program során a hallgatók szinte minden környezeti diszciplina terepi módszereivel megismerkedhetnek és a mérésekelvégzése után a gyakorlatokhoz tartozó jegyzőkönyvvel, feladatlappal ellenőrizhetik tudásukat. Az egyes gyakorlati részek modulokként épülnek fel, – s bár egy adott területen kerültek kipróbálásra – általánosan másutt is használhatók, jól kombinálhatók például az érintett szakterületenként, de a tanárképzésben akár korcsoportonként is