92 research outputs found

    On tail behaviour of stationary second-order Galton-Watson processes with immigration

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    A second-order Galton-Watson process with immigration can be represented as a coordinate process of a 2-type Galton-Watson process with immigration. Sufficient conditions are derived on the offspring and immigration distributions of a second-order Galton-Watson process with immigration under which the corresponding 2-type Galton-Watson process with immigration has a unique stationary distribution such that its common marginals are regularly varying. In the course of the proof sufficient conditions are given under which the distribution of a second-order Galton-Watson process (without immigration) at any fixed time is regularly varying provided that the initial sizes of the population are independent and regularly varying


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    The WT1 gene, localized on the 11p13 region of the human genome has an important role in the development of the urogenital system, but also in the regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation. WT1 gene is overexpressed in 70-90% of leukemic cells, irrespective of the type of leukemia. WT1 gene expression in peripheral blood may detect minimal residual disease in all types of leukemias. We measured the WT1 gene expression level with qRT-PCR in the peripheral blood of 34 patients with malignancies, mainly leukemias (2 AML, 2 CML, 2 NHL, 1 HD and 27 ALL) under cytostatic treatment, 13 oncological patients who completed their chemotherapy and were in remission and 21 patients suffering from non-malignant diseases. We found WT1 gene expressions in 19 PB samples out of 47 oncological patients: 17 WT1 expressions appeared in ALL patients (15 cases under treatment and 2 post treatment) and 1-1 in a CML and NHL patient. We found a significant inverse relationship between WT1 gene positivity and time elapsed between diagnosis and blood sample examination. We did not find any relationship between WT1 gene expression and age, gender, WBC at diagnosis, FAB type of lymphoblasts, immunophenotype, risk groups, survival rate and relapse. Repeated measurements of WT1 gene expression may become a useful tool in MRD monitoring, especially in leukemias which lack specific DNA markers

    Human vomeronasal epithelium development: An immunohistochemical overview

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    The vomeronasal organ (VNO) is the receptor structure of the vomeronasal system (VNS) in vertebrates. It is found bilaterally in the submucosa of the inferior part of the nasal septum. There are ongoing controversies regarding the functionality of this organ in humans. In this study we propose the immunohistochemical evaluation of changes in components of the human vomeronasal epithelium during foetal development. We used 45 foetuses of different age, which were included in three age groups. After VNO identification immunohistochemical reactions were performed using primary antibodies against the following: neuron specific enolase, calretinin, neurofilament, chromogranin, synaptophysin, cytokeratin 7, pan-cytokeratin and S100 protein. Digital slides were obtained and following colorimetric segmentation, surface area measurements were performed. The VNO was found in less than half of the studied specimens (42.2%). Neuron specific enolase and calretinin immunoexpression showed a decreasing trend with foetal age, while the other neural/neuroendocrine markers were negative in all specimens. Cytokeratin 7 expression increased with age, while Pan-Ctk had no significant variations. S100 protein immunoexpression also decreased around the VNO. The results of the present work uphold the theory of regression of the neuroepithelium that is present during initial stages of foetal development

    A hajdúnánási avar temető embertani leletei

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    A tanulmány a Hajdúnánás-Fürj halom járás lelőhelyen feltárt 18 avar kori (6 férfi, 8 nő és 4 subadultus korú) egyén antropológiai és paleopatológiai vizsgálatainak eredményeit közli. A koponyák metrikus adatai alapján a népesség heterogén volt. A becsült testmagasság szerint az avar kori összesített, valamint a vizsgált régióban jellemző értékeknél a férfiak valamivel, a nők jelentősen alacsonyabbak voltak. A taxonómiai vizsgálatok eredményei alapján a népességben az europid jellegeken túl a mongolid nagyrasszra jellemző bélyegek is megfigyelhetők. A koponyaindexek összehasonlítása alapján a vizsgált népesség a Tiszavasvári-Petőfi utcai avar kori temető népességgel mutat hasonlóságot. A szériában több, jelentős fizikai megterhelésre és vérképzöszervi megbetegedésre utaló csontelváltozást, egy egyén esetén perimortem sérüléseket, valamint egy esetben szándékos koponyatorzítást figyeltünk meg. A vizsgált szériából két férfi maradványain végeztünk DNS vizsgálatokat. Ennek során az aDNS J'elsokszorozása az alkalmazott kísérleti beállításokkal nem járt sikerrel

    Regularly varying non-stationary Galton-Watson processes with immigration

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    We give sufficient conditions on the initial, offspring and immigration distributions under which the distribution of a not necessarily stationary Galton-Watson process with immigration is regularly varying at any fixed time

    A felsőoktatási innováció, mint a regionális gazdaság potenciális motorja Pécs példáján

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    The RDI as a modern and dynamically developing sector of the economy plays a more and more significant role nowdays. Beside the companies and the governmental sphere the higher education institutions are also reliable for the efficiency of the quaternary sector. The article deals with this topic from the aspect of the University of Pécs (UP) as one of the main institute responsible for the innovational activity of the South Transdanubian region and the biggest employer of the city of Pécs. In the course of this after finding the place of Hungary and the region in the EU and in the country as measuring its RDI potential, it examines the external and internal RDI milieu of the UP with a SWOT analysis. After this it reveals the innovational researches of each faculty and the main profile of the spin-off and start-up enterprises connected to them among with their RDI tendering operation between 2007 and 2013. Among others it also deals with the well-known RDI investments of Pécs according to the city’s population and the innovation management process of the UP

    A felsőoktatási innováció, mint a regionális gazdaság potenciális motorja Pécs példáján

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    The RDI as a modern and dynamically developing sector of the economy plays a more and more significant role nowdays. Beside the companies and the governmental sphere the higher education institutions are also reliable for the efficiency of the quaternary sector. The article deals with this topic from the aspect of the University of Pécs (UP) as one of the main institute responsible for the innovational activity of the South Transdanubian region and the biggest employer of the city of Pécs. In the course of this after finding the place of Hungary and the region in the EU and in the country as measuring its RDI potential, it examines the external and internal RDI milieu of the UP with a SWOT analysis. After this it reveals the innovational researches of each faculty and the main profile of the spin-off and start-up enterprises connected to them among with their RDI tendering operation between 2007 and 2013. Among others it also deals with the well-known RDI investments of Pécs according to the city’s population and the innovation management process of the UP

    Extended Sialylated O-Glycan Repertoire of Human Urinary Glycoproteins Discovered and Characterized Using Electron-Transfer/Higher-Energy Collision Dissociation

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    A relatively novel activation technique, electron-transfer/higher-energy collision dissociation (EThcD) was used in the LC-MS/MS analysis of tryptic glycopeptides enriched with wheat germ agglutinin from human urine samples. We focused on the characterization of mucin-type O-glycopeptides. EThcD in a single spectrum provided information on both the peptide modified and the glycan carried. Unexpectedly, glycan oxonium ions indicated the presence of O-acetyl, and even O-diacetyl-sialic acids. B and Y fragment ions revealed that (i) in core 1 structures the Gal residue featured the O-acetyl-sialic acid, when there was only one in the glycan; (ii) several glycopeptides featured core 1 glycans with disialic acids, in certain instances O-acetylated; (iii) the disialic acid was linked to the GalNAc residue whatever the degree of O-acetylation; (iv) core 2 isomers with a single O-acetyl-sialic acid were chromatographically resolved. Glycan fragmentation also helped to decipher additional core 2 oligosaccharides: a LacdiNAc-like structure, glycans carrying sialyl Lewis(X/A) at different stages of O-acetylation, and blood antigens. A sialo core 3 structure was also identified. We believe this is the first study when such structures were characterized from a very complex mixture and were linked not only to a specific protein, but also the sites of modifications have been determined

    Kritériumorientált képességfejlesztés = Criterion-referenced education

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    Kutatási programunk keretében kritériumorientált készségfejlesztési módszerek kidolgozását és kipróbálását valósítottuk meg. Kontrollcsoportos kísérleti elrendezésben négy évnyi fejlesztő programot végeztünk 4–8 éves kor között, középső csoport óvodától második osztályig. A fejlesztésben részt vevő több mint 300 gyermek eredményei alapján igazoltuk, hogy az elemi alapkészségek kritériumorientált alapokon eredményesen fejleszthetőek. Az óvodai beavatkozásnak köszönhetőn a sikeres iskolakezdés feltételei a hátrányos helyzetű gyermek többsége esetében is megteremthetőek. Fejlesztő programunkkal az első olyan hazai kutatást valósítottuk meg, amely azonos elméleti alapra építve ível át az óvodából az iskolába. A kontrollcsoport 150 gyermekének adatai longitudinális eredményekkel is szolgálnak a 4–8 éves gyermekek kognitív és szociális fejlődésnek jellemzőiről, valamint motiváltságuk alakulásáról. Új mérőeszközöket dolgoztunk ki (zenei, rendszerezési és kombinatív képesség). Feltártuk ezek életkori változását, valamint összefüggéseiket más kognitív és affektív jellemzőkkel. Összehasonlító elemzéseket végeztünk a többségi és a tanulásban akadályozott tanulók képességeinek fejlettsége területén. Kiegészítő vizsgálatok keretében elemeztük a kritériumorientált fejlesztés lehetőségeit, módszereit harmadikos, negyedikes, ötödikes és hatodikos tanulók körében. Ez utóbbi munkák előkészítését jelentik a jelen kutatás folytatását képező, 8–12 éves korban megvalósuló új OTKA programunknak. | The outcomes of the research project included the design of instruments for criterion referenced ability development and the piloting of these instruments. Using experimental and control groups, a four year developmental program was carried out between the ages of 4 and 8. Based on data from approximately 300 participants, it was verified that basic abilities can be successfully developed in a criterion referenced paradigm. Evidence was revealed that intervention in the kindergarten can create the conditions for successful school entry for the majority of disadvantaged children. This developmental program was the first Hungarian research project which spans kindergarten and school age on the same theoretical ground. Data from the assessment of the 150 participants in the control group provide longitudinal data on the cognitive and social development of 4-8-year-olds as well as on the changes in their motivation. New assessment instruments were also developed (musical, systematising and combinative abilities). The changes of these abilities with age were identified and their relationships to other cognitive and affective factors were mapped. Comparative analyses were performed with mainstream and learning disabled children as regards their ability development. Supplementary studies examined the possibilities of criterion referenced development among grade 3, 4, 5 and 6 students. This latter endeavour is the preparation for our new OTKA project