143 research outputs found

    ESG scores - Is it the new way to build a European portfolio?

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    The study makes a comparison between the performance of equity portfolios characterized by high ESG score stocks and portfolios with low ESG score stocks. In particular, we analyze three ESG scores: MSCI ESG Rating, Sustainalytics scores and S&P DJI/Robeco ESG Scores, by examining the European stock market in two periods: medium/long term (five years) and short-term (one year). First of all, we associate each component of the index in relation to its MSCI ESG Rating, Sustainalytics score and S&P DJI/Robeco ESG Scores. We build two portfolios: ● first quartile portfolio 1Q (according to MSCI; Sustainalytics; and S&P DJI/Robeco ESG Scores), including securities of companies with the highest ESG score, based on ESG best-in-class screening strategy. ● fourth quartile portfolio 4Q (according to MSCI; Sustainalytics; and S&P DJI/Robeco ESG Scores), including securities of companies with the lowest ESG scores. We aim to answer the following questions: a) do portfolios with higher ESG scores stocks lead to better performances than those including stocks with low ESG scores? b), Are there some sectors that drive the performance within the sector breakdown? Results show a divergence between the composition of the first quartile, whereas there is more homogeneity in the fourth quartil

    Potential improvement for forest cover and forest degradation mapping with the forthcoming sentinel-2 program

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    The forthcoming European Space Agency’s Sentinel-2 mission promises to provide high (10 m) resolution optical data at higher temporal frequencies (5 day revisit with two operational satellites) than previously available. CNES, the French national space agency, launched a program in 2013, ‘SPOT4 take 5’, to simulate such a dataflow using the SPOT HRV sensor, which has similar spectral characteristics to the Sentinel sensor, but lower (20m) spatial resolution. Such data flow enables the analysis of the satellite images using temporal analysis, an approach previously restricted to lower spatial resolution sensors. We acquired 23 such images over Tanzania for the period from February to June 2013. The data were analysed with aim of discriminating between different forest cover percentages for landscape units of 0.5 ha over a site characterised by deciduous intact and degraded forests. The SPOT data were processed by one extracting temporal vegetation indices. We assessed the impact of the high acquisition rate with respect to the current rate of one image every 16 days. Validation data, giving the percentage of forest canopy cover in each land unit were provided by very high resolution satellite data. Results show that using the full temporal series it is possible to discriminate between forest units with differences of more than 40% tree cover or more. Classification errors fell exclusively into the adjacent forest canopy cover class of 20% or less. The analyses show that forestation mapping and degradation monitoring will be substantially improved with the Sentinel-2 programJRC.H.3-Forest Resources and Climat

    Present situation and new perspectives for vaccination against Neisseria meningitidis in Tuscany, Central Italy

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    Background. In Italy one third of bacterial meningitis are caused by Neisseria meningitidis. In March 2005, the Regional Health Authority of Tuscany included the meningococcal serogroup C conjugate (MCC) vaccine in the recommended vaccination pro- gram with a schedule of three doses to all newborns at 3, 5 and 13 months of age (from 2008 amended to a single dose at 13 months) and a single catch-up dose until age 6. Objective. To evaluate the impact of the current national and regional immunization strategies against N. meningitidis and to highlight new perspectives for meningococcal disease prevention with the existing tetravalent meningococcal vaccine (ACWY) and with the future incoming meningococcal B vaccines. Methods. Meningitis incidence rates in Italy and in Tuscany were calculated for the period 1994-2011 and 2005-2011,respectively. Immunization coverage with MCC vaccine in Tuscany and vacci- nation status of meningitis cases were reported. Literature review on meningococcal conjugate vaccine use and recommendation was performed. Results. A decrease in incidence rates of meningococcal menin- gitis was observed in all age groups involved in the immunization campaign. Immunization coverage with MCC increased progres- sively year by year in Tuscany. A herd immunity effect was meas- ured in unvaccinated age groups. Since 2006 no cases of invasive meningococcal C infection in vaccinated subjects were observed in Tuscany. Conclusions. Implementation of MCC vaccination in Tuscany was effective in preventing meningococcal C disease, confirming the effectiveness of the vaccine. A new tetravalent (ACWY) con- jugate vaccine is now available and its use in all Italian Regions should be considered. The full article is free available on www.jpmh.or

    Beneficial Effect of Phenytoin and Carbamazepine on GFAP Gene Expression and Mutant GFAP Folding in a Cellular Model of Alexander's Disease

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    Alexander's disease (AxD) is a rare, usually relentlessly progressive disorder of astroglial cells in the central nervous system related to mutations in the gene encoding the type III intermediate filament protein, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). The pathophysiology of AxD is only partially understood. Available data indicate that an excessive GFAP gene expression may play a role. In particular, a "threshold hypothesis" has been reported, suggesting that mutant GFAP representing about 20% of the total cellular GFAP should be sufficient to cause disease. Thus, strategies based on reducing cellular mutant GFAP protein levels and/or activating biological processes involved in the correct protein folding could be effective in counteracting the toxic effect of misfolded GFAP. Considering that clomipramine (CLM), which has been selected by a wide small molecules screening as the greatest inhibitory potential drug against GFAP expression, is contraindicated because of its proconvulsant activity in the infantile form of AxD, which is also characterized by the occurrence of epileptic seizures, two powerful antiepileptic agents, carbamazepine (CBZ) and phenytoin (PHT), which share specific stereochemical features in common with CLM, were taken into consideration in a reliable in vitro model of AxD. In the present work, we document for the first time that CBZ and PHT have a definite inhibitory effect on pathological GFAP cellular expression and folding. Moreover, we confirm previous results of a similar beneficial effect of CLM. In addition, we have demonstrated that CBZ and CLM play a refolding effect on mutant GFAP proteins, likely ascribed at the induction of CRYAB expression, resulting in the decrease of mutant GFAP aggregates formation. As CBZ and PHT are currently approved for use in humans, their documented effects on pathological GFAP cellular expression and folding may indicate a potential therapeutic role as disease-modifying agents of these drugs in the clinical management of AxD, particularly in AxD patients with focal epilepsy with and without secondary generalization

    Phosgene distribution derived from MIPAS ESA v8 data: intercomparisons and trends

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    The Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding (MIPAS) measured the middle-infrared limb emission spectrum of the atmosphere from 2002 to 2012 on board ENVISAT, a polar-orbiting satellite. Recently, the European Space Agency (ESA) completed the final reprocessing of MIPAS measurements, using version 8 of the level 1 and level 2 processors, which include more accurate models, processing strategies, and auxiliary data. The list of retrieved gases has been extended, and it now includes a number of new species with weak emission features in the MIPAS spectral range. The new retrieved trace species include carbonyl chloride (COCl2), also called phosgene. Due to its toxicity, its use has been reduced over the years; however, it is still used by chemical industries for several applications. Besides its direct injection in the troposphere, stratospheric phosgene is mainly produced from the photolysis of CCl4, a molecule present in the atmosphere because of human activity. Since phosgene has a long stratospheric lifetime, it must be carefully monitored as it is involved in the ozone destruction cycles, especially over the winter polar regions. In this paper we exploit the ESA MIPAS version 8 data in order to discuss the phosgene distribution, variability, and trends in the middle and lower stratosphere and in the upper troposphere. The zonal averages show that phosgene volume mixing ratio is larger in the stratosphere, with a peak of 40 pptv (parts per trillion by volume) between 50 and 30 hPa at equatorial latitudes, while at middle and polar latitudes it varies from 10 to 25 pptv. A moderate seasonal variability is observed in polar regions, mostly between 80 and 50 hPa. The comparison of MIPAS–ENVISAT COCl2 v8 profiles with the ones retrieved from MIPAS balloon and ACE-FTS (Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment – Fourier Transform Spectrometer) measurements highlights a negative bias of about 2 pptv, mainly in polar and mid-latitude regions. Part of this bias is attributed to the fact that the ESA level 2 v8 processor uses an updated spectroscopic database. For the trend computation, a fixed pressure grid is used to interpolate the phosgene profiles, and, for each pressure level, VMR (volume mixing ratio) monthly averages are computed in pre-defined 10∘ wide latitude bins. Then, for each latitudinal bin and pressure level, a regression model has been fitted to the resulting time series in order to derive the atmospheric trends. We find that the phosgene trends are different in the two hemispheres. The analysis shows that the stratosphere of the Northern Hemisphere is characterized by a negative trend of about −7 pptv per decade, while in the Southern Hemisphere phosgene mixing ratios increase with a rate of the order of +4 pptv per decade. This behavior resembles the stratospheric trend of CCl4, which is the main stratospheric source of COCl2. In the upper troposphere a positive trend is found in both hemispheres.</p

    In vitro time-kill kinetics of dalbavancin against Staphylococcus spp. biofilms over prolonged exposure times

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    Abstract Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis are leading pathogens of biofilm-related infections and represent the most common cause of osteomyelitis and biomedical implants infections. Biofilm-related infections usually require long-term antibiotic treatment, often associated to surgical interventions. Dalbavancin is a newer lipoglycopeptide approved for the treatment of acute skin and skin-structure infections caused by Gram-positive pathogens. In addition, dalbavancin has recently been considered as a potential option for the treatment of staphylococcal osteomyelitis and orthopedic implant infections. In this study, time-kill kinetics of dalbavancin against S. aureus and S. epidermidis biofilms were determined over prolonged exposure times (up to 7 days), using both a standardized biofilm susceptibility model and biofilms grown onto relevant orthopedic biomaterials (i.e. titanium and cobalt-chrome disks). Dalbavancin (at concentrations achievable in bone and articular tissue) showed a potent activity against established staphylococcal biofilms in both tested models, and was overall superior to the comparator vancomycin

    Targeting SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease: A Successful Story Guided by an In Silico Drug Repurposing Approach

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    The SARS-CoV-2 main protease (Mpro) is a crucial enzyme for viral replication and has been considered an attractive drug target for the treatment of COVID-19. In this study, virtual screening techniques and in vitro assays were combined to identify novel Mpro inhibitors starting from around 8000 FDA-approved drugs. The docking analysis highlighted 17 promising best hits, biologically characterized in terms of their Mpro inhibitory activity. Among them, 7 cephalosporins and the oral anticoagulant betrixaban were able to block the enzyme activity in the micromolar range with no cytotoxic effect at the highest concentration tested. After the evaluation of the degree of conservation of Mpro residues involved in the binding with the studied ligands, the ligands’ activity on SARS-CoV-2 replication was assessed. The ability of betrixaban to affect SARS-CoV-2 replication associated to its antithrombotic effect could pave the way for its possible use in the treatment of hospitalized COVID-19 patient
