247 research outputs found

    Análisis de las tendencias del cambio de uso de suelo en el Municipio de Marqués de Comillas, Chiapas

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    La Selva Lacandona es considerada el área de mayor diversidad biológica de Norteamérica y parte de su extensión es protegida por la Reserva de la Biosfera Montes Azules. Dentro de la Selva Lacandona se encuentra el municipio Marqués de Comillas en Chiapas, que colinda con la Reserva de la Biosfera Montes Azules, por lo que es considerado una zona de amortiguamiento y forma parte del Corredor Biológico Mesoaméricano que promueve la conservación de hábitats para u n gran número de especies de flora y fauna de Mesoamérica. Desafortunadamente, el municipio de Marqués de Comillas ha sufrido una intensa deforestación y degradación de la vegetación natural debido a las actividades antropogénicas. En este trabajo se realizó un modelo de detección de cambios en el municipio Marqués de Comillas en Chiapas, con el cual se pudo conocer la dinámica de los cambios de uso del suelo que tuvo la Selva Alta Perennifolia de 1986 al 2007. A partir de este análisis en un periodo de 21 años, se generaron escenarios a futuro que consideraron algunas variantes antropogénicas. Estos escenarios prospectivos muestran las posibles tendencias de cambio de uso del suelo, que podrían resultar de gran ayuda en la toma de decisiones para la conservación y restauración de la selva. En la primer fecha de análisis la selva ocupaba 80,469.7 ha que corresponden al 87% del territorio municipal, en 1997 su extensión ocupó 6 6 ,064. 9 ha (71%) y para el 2007 disminuyó hasta 48,246.9 ha (52%), además, en ese mismo año, la vegetación recuperó 3,285.9 ha; dicho escenario coincidió con varios programas gubernamentales de apoyo al campo. A partir de los datos anteriores se predice que la selva disminuirá, para el año 2022, constantemente hasta llegar al 43% del territorio municipal y esta pérdida se ubicará principalmente a los costados de las carreteras y los poblados. Dado que en el área de estudio se están llev ando a cabo procesos de recuperación de la vegetación sería conveniente realizar estudios de monitore o a mediano y largo plazo en las áreas recuperadas para conocer qué dirección toman y qué características van adquiriendo con el tiempo. Por último, gracias a las características que presenta la zona de estudio y de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos e n este análisis, no sería aventurado decir que el municipio Marqués de Comillas es un escenario ideal para implementar una estrategia en el uso del suelo, que establezca las posibles actividades antropogénicas que se adapten mejor a las necesidades de los pobladores y que cubran los requerimientos de una zona de amortiguamiento.The Selva Lacandona is considered the most biologically diverse area in North America and part of its extension is protected by the Biosphere Reserve Montes Azules. With in the Lacandon Jungle is the municipality Marqués de Comillas in Chiapas, adjoins the Biosphere Reserve Montes Azules so is considered a buffer zone and is part of the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor that promotes conservation of habitat for a large numb er of flora and fauna of Mesoamerica. Unfortunately the municipality of Marques de Comillas has suffered intense deforestation and degradation of natural vegetation due to anthropogenic activities. This paper presents a model change detection in the munic ipality Marqués de Comillas in Chiapas, with which it was known the dynamics of changes in land use that had the Selva Alta Perennifolia 1986 to 2007. From held this analysis in the period of 21 years, future scenarios that anthropogenic considered some va riants were generated. These prospective scenarios show possible trends of land use change, which could be helpful in making decisions for the conservation and restoration of the forest. In the first analysis date the jungle occupied 80469.7 has correspon ding to 87% of the municipal territory, in 1997 its extension took 66,064.9 ha (71%) and for 2007 decreased to 48,246.9 ha (52%) also in the same year, vegetation has recovered 3285.9; this scenario coincided with various government support programs field. From the above data it is predicted that the forest decline, 2022, constantly to 43% of the municipal territory and this loss is mainly located on the sides of the roads and towns. Since in the study area are ongoing recovery processes would be desirable vegetation monitoring studies medium and long term in the areas recovered to know which direction to take and what characteristics they acquire over time. Finally, thanks to the features found in the study area and according to the results of this analys is, it would be safe to say that the municipality Marqués de Comillas is an ideal place to implement a strategy on land use scenario established possible anthropogenic activities to the needs of the people adapt and cover the requirements of a buffer zone

    Precise measurement of the Bragg curve for 800 MeV/u 238^{238}U ions stopping in polyethylene and its implications for calculation of heavy ion ranges

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    Stopping power predictions in radiation transport codes are based on the Bethe-Bloch formula and different corrections. For very heavy ions at relativistic energies the available experimental data are scarce and therefore verification of stopping power predictions is only possible to a limited extent. In this work, a full experimental Bragg curve for 800 MeV/u 238^{238}U ions stopping in polyethylene is presented. The measurements were conducted at the experimental area Cave A at GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, Germany. The 800 MeV/u 238^{238}U beam was provided by the SIS18 heavy ion synchrotron. The Bragg curve was measured with a setup consisting of a binary range shifter and two large area parallel plate ionization chambers. Complementary Monte Carlo simulations using the FLUKA code were performed and compared with the experimental Bragg curve. The mean ionization potential of polyethylene was fine-tuned to match the measured primary ion range with FLUKA simulations. The impact of the Bloch and Mott corrections to the stopping power calculation were studied by switching them off intentionally in separate simulations. A detailed description of the implementation of the stopping power formulae and the Mott correction in FLUKA is provided

    Hábitat popular e organização comunitária em bairros periféricos de Gran La Plata - Argentina perante o COVID 19

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    En este artículo se presentan avances del proyecto de investigación “Atención primaria del hábitat en barrios populares del Gran La Plata”, cuyo objetivo es elaborar un diagnóstico de las condiciones de criticidad del hábitat popular durante la pandemia por Covid 19, fortaleciendo el nexo entre necesidades sociales y políticas públicas. Se utiliza una metodología basada en herramientas cualitativas y cuantitativas con estrategias de recolección de datos múltiples —datos oficiales, entrevistas y focus group— en dos barrios del Gran La Plata (Argentina): Las Palmeras y Villa Progreso, como casos ejemplificadores respecto de las dificultades y lógicas de organización que experimentaron ciertos sectores sociales signados por la precariedad habitacional y la vulnerabilidad socioeconómica. Los resultados del trabajo exponen cómo estas estrategias desplegadas interpelan las formas en que se planifican las ciudades desde el urbanismo tradicional, mostrando por medio de la organización territorial y comunitaria de estos barrios otras formas de habitar las periferias.This article presents advances of the research project “Primary attention to habitat in popular neighborhoods of Gran La Plata”, whose objective is to elaborate a diagnosis of the critical conditions of the popular habitat during the Covid 19 pandemic, strengthening the nexus between social needs and public policies. A methodology based on qualitative and quantitative tools is used with multiple data collection strategies official data, interviews and focus groups in two neighborhoods of Gran La Plata (Argentina): Las Palmeras and Villa Progreso, as exemplary cases regarding the difficulties and organiza - tional logics experienced by certain social sectors marked by housing precariousness and socioeconomic vulnerability. The results of the work show how these strategies question the ways in which cities are planned from traditional urbanism, showing through the territorial and community organization of these neighborhoods other ways of inhabiting the peripheries.Neste artigo apresenta-se o andamento do projeto de pesquisa “Atenção primária do hábitat em bairros populares do Gran La Plata”, cujo objetivo é elaborar um diagnóstico das condições de criticidade do hábitat popular durante a pandemia pelo Covid 19, fortalecendo o nexo entre necessidades sociais e políticas públicas. Foi utilizada uma metodologia baseada em ferramentas qualitativas e quantitativas com estratégias de coleta de dados múltiplos —dados oficiais, entrevistas e focus group— em dois bairros do Gran La Plata (Argentina): Las Palmeras e Villa Progreso, como casos exemplares quanto as dificuldades e lógicas de organização vivenciados por certos setores sociais marcados pela precariedade habitacional e pela vulnerabilidade socioeconômica. Os resultados do traba - lho expõem como essas estratégias desfraldadas questionam as formas em que as cidades são planejadas desde o urbanismo tradicional, mostrando através da organização territorial e comunitária destes bairros, outras formas de habitar as periferias.Fil: Ursino, Sandra Valeria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Complejos; ArgentinaFil: Vila, Mariana Paola. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Complejos; ArgentinaFil: Durante, Maria Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios Complejos; Argentin

    Performance of an Anti-Phase Technology-Powered Microwave Ablation System on Ex Vivo Liver, Lung and Kidney: Analysis of Temperature Trend, Ablation Size and Sphericity

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    Purpose: Investigating the performance of the new DophiTM M150E Microwave Ablation System, in terms of temperature distribution, ablation size and shape, reproducibility. Materials and methods: The DophiTM M150E Microwave Ablation System was tested on ex vivo liver, lung and kidney, at 6 different settings of time, power and number of MW antennas (single antenna: 50 and 100 W at 5 and 10 min; double antenna: 75 W at 5 and 10 min). The temperature distribution was recorded by Fiber Bragg Grating sensors, placed at different distances from the antennas. The ablation axes were measured and the sphericity index was calculated. Results: The standard deviation of ablation axes was < 5 mm, except at the highest energy and time setting for the lung. A maximum temperature rise of ~ 80 °C was measured. The measured ablation axes are overall comparable with the manufacture's values, especially at lower power and with one MW antenna (average maximum difference is 7 mm). The mean sphericity index of 0.95, 0.79 and 0.9 was obtained for the liver, lung and kidney, respectively, with a single antenna. With double antenna setup, the sphericity index was closer to 1 when 75 W for 10 min were used. Conclusions: DophiTM M150E allows good reproducibility of ablation axes for all cases except in the lung at the highest energy level. With one antenna, an almost spherical ablation area for the liver and kidney was obtained. Using double antenna results in more homogeneous temperature distribution within the tissue compared to single antenna

    D-Tagatose Feeding Reduces the Risk of Sugar-Induced Exacerbation of Myocardial I/R Injury When Compared to Its Isomer Fructose

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    It is known that fructose may contribute to myocardial vulnerability to ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury. D-tagatose is a fructose isomer with less caloric value and used as low-calorie sweetener. Here we compared the metabolic impact of fructose or D-tagatose enriched diets on potential exacerbation of myocardial I/R injury. Wistar rats were randomizedly allocated in the experimental groups and fed with one of the following diets: control (CTRL), 30% fructose-enriched (FRU 30%) or 30% D-tagatose-enriched (TAG 30%). After 24 weeks of dietary manipulation, rats underwent myocardial injury caused by 30 min ligature of the left anterior descending (LAD) coronary artery followed by 24 h′ reperfusion. Fructose consumption resulted in body weight increase (49%) as well as altered glucose, insulin and lipid profiles. These effects were associated with increased I/R-induced myocardial damage, oxidative stress (36.5%) and inflammation marker expression. TAG 30%-fed rats showed lower oxidative stress (21%) and inflammation in comparison with FRU-fed rats. Besides, TAG diet significantly reduced plasmatic inflammatory cytokines and GDF8 expression (50%), while increased myocardial endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) expression (59%). Overall, we demonstrated that D-tagatose represents an interesting sugar alternative when compared to its isomer fructose with reduced deleterious impact not only on the metabolic profile but also on the related heart susceptibility to I/R injury

    Colistin and rifampicin compared with colistin alone for the treatment of serious infections due to extensively drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii: A multicenter, randomized clinical trial

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    Background. Extensively drug-resistant (XDR) Acinetobacter baumannii may cause serious infections in critically ill patients. Colistin often remains the only therapeutic option. Addition of rifampicin to colistin may be synergistic in vitro. In this study, we assessed whether the combination of colistin and rifampicin reduced the mortality of XDR A. baumannii infections compared to colistin alone. Methods. This multicenter, parallel, randomized, open-label clinical trial enrolled 210 patients with life-threatening infections due to XDR A. baumannii from intensive care units of 5 tertiary care hospitals. Patients were randomly allocated (1:1) to either colistin alone, 2 MU every 8 hours intravenously, or colistin (as above), plus rifampicin 600 mg every 12 hours intravenously. The primary end point was overall 30-day mortality. Secondary end points were infection-related death, microbiologic eradication, and hospitalization length. Results. Death within 30 days from randomization occurred in 90 (43%) subjects, without difference between treatment arms (P = .95). This was confirmed by multivariable analysis (odds ratio, 0.88 [95% confidence interval, .46-1.69], P = .71). A significant increase of microbiologic eradication rate was observed in the colistin plus rifampicin arm (P = .034). No difference was observed for infection-related death and length of hospitalization. Conclusions. In serious XDR A. baumannii infections, 30-day mortality is not reduced by addition of rifampicin to colistin. These results indicate that, at present, rifampicin should not be routinely combined with colistin in clinical practice. The increased rate of A. baumannii eradication with combination treatment could still imply a clinical benefi

    New frontiers for qualitative textual data analysis: a multimethod statistical approach

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    In recent years, the increase in textual data production has meant that researchers require faster text analysis techniques and software to reliably produce knowledge for the scientific-nursing community. Automatic text data analysis opens the frontiers to a new research area combining the depth of analysis typical of qualitative research and the stability of measurements required for quantitative studies. Thanks to the statistical-computational approach, it proposes to study more or less extensive written texts produced in natural language to reveal lexical and linguistic worlds and extract useful and meaningful information for researchers. This article aims to provide an overview of this methodology, which has been rarely used in the nursing community to date

    Italian natural history museums on the verge of collapse?

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    The Italian natural history museums are facing a critical situation, due to the progressive loss of scientific relevance, decreasing economic investments, and scarcity of personnel. This is extremely alarming, especially for ensuring the long-term preservation of the precious collections they host. Moreover, a commitment in fieldwork to increase scientific collections and concurrent taxonomic research are rarely considered priorities, while most of the activities are addressed to public events with political payoffs, such as exhibits, didactic meetings, expositions, and talks. This is possibly due to the absence of a national museum that would have better steered research activities and overall concepts for collection management. We here propose that Italian natural history museums collaborate to instate a “metamuseum”, by establishing a reciprocal interaction network aimed at sharing budgetary and technical resources, which would assure better coordination of common long-term goals and scientific activities