58 research outputs found

    Strategic mapping of cultural and creative industries. The case of the Veneto region

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    Issue and Argument: What are the real and potential boundaries of cultural enterprise? How can we restore economic value and, at the same time, cultural value through the definition of a sector that seems to have no fixed borders? This paper intends to open up a reflection on the boundaries of the cultural industry, the nature of the chosen business and how the sector can become the hub in the dynamics of local development, innovation and competitiveness within the territory of reference. The concentric circles model will be the basis for a strategic mapping of the cultural and creative sector, realized starting from the funding calls for the sector in the Italian Veneto region. The Throsby's model is derived from the principle that cultural content is free from incorporating creative ideas into the production of goods, and that such ideas arise from the primary arts (music, theatre, dance, visual arts and literature). These make up the heart of the cultural industries, while the surrounding circles represent the ideas and influences that these creative activities radiate. The results of the strategic mapping will be put into dialogue with a new idea of entrepreneurship, which in part excludes the Core creative arts, i.e. the primary arts

    Models for Art & Business Cooperation

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    This article aims to identify theoretical profiles and empirical evidence that have guided, in recent years, the study of artistic interventions in organizations. Based on 24 case studies carried out by the MacLab (Laboratory for the management of arts and cultures) of the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, and interviews conducted with the protagonists, artists, and companies of these interactions, we have identified art-based models capable of defining how collaboration between art and companies could take place. These theoretical models are compared with the case studies previously explored in order to analyze the impact of and the way in which the arts create a relationship with the corporate sphere. Finally, potential lines of research are outlined that could be useful to define optimal methods of collaboration between the art and business sectors, to strengthen interactions between both, and to ensure an impact on the medium to long-term development of both parties involved

    Rendere l'etica verificabile. Riflessioni attorno alla progressiva formalizzazione della Corporate Social Responsibility

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    Fin dalle sue origini la Corporate Social Responsability (CSR) si è fatta portatrice di una forte carica interdisciplinare. Il bisogno di ragionare sulla responsabilità sociale dell’impresa capitalistica nasce, infatti, dall’incrocio e dalla fertilizzazione reciproca tra considerazioni etico - filosofiche, spinte sociali ed analisi manageriali. La sfida del condurre una riflessione al confine tra campi del sapere e linguaggi specialistici ha, originariamente, dato vita ad un dibattito caratterizzato da un equilibrio instabile tra riflessione filosofica, critica sociale e pragmatismo d’impresa. Nel tempo questa creativa e fertile instabilità è notevolmente diminuita a favore di una progressiva codificazione della CSR dentro a schemi formali che hanno forzatamente privilegiato gli aspetti più facilmente misurabili e verificabili a scapito delle dimensioni più soggette ad un giudizio contingente e soggettivo. Di questa progressiva formalizzazione si occupa il presente capitolo. Lo fa prima di tutto ripercorrendo la parabola storica della CSR per arrivare velocemente agli sviluppi dell’ultimo decennio che ne hanno visto l’affermazione su scala globale come politica d’impresa mainstream. In tale processo di consolidamento si mette in luce la crescente rilevanza, che diventa alla fine assoluta centralità, della strumentazione tecnico-formale elaborata al fine di rilevare, misurare, rendicontare ed anche programmare la CSR. Quella che ne emerge è la ricerca di modalità sempre più accurate per togliere la CSR dall’indistinto incrocio di saperi che ne aveva caratterizzato le origini per «renderla verificabile» in forme che siano comprensibili ed accettabili dalle logiche del mercato. Sulla scorta di questa considerazione il capitolo prosegue e si conclude con una riflessione sulla «verificabilità» e sulla «calcolabilità» della CSR ovvero sulle potenti forze politiche e culturali che spingono ad adottare il linguaggio della quantificazione e della misurazione per rendere conto anche di quegli aspetti, primi fra tutti l’etica e la critica sociale, che a quantificazioni e misurazioni tendono a sfuggire

    The future of interpretive accounting research:A Polyphonic Debate

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    In 1997-99 the three of us organised a series of European Commission funded conferences aimed at building a network of young researchers in the area of accounting. At the time “young” was defined by the Commission as researchers under 35 years of age (allowing for maternity leave or national service). Over the intervening years our network had grown and we wanted to try and take stock of the field in which we had now been working for a surprising number of years. To that Page 1 of 29 Accepted Manuscript 2 end we put together the above email and a broad invitation list of people who had been at those first meetings, and others of the same generation (or even younger) whom we had met since. About half of those originally contacted managed to make the meeting where we spent a stimulating couple of hours of debate on the topics raised below—so stimulating that we developed a collective desire to leave a trace of the discussion. Writing a traditional paper with so many, so widely dispersed authors was not going to work. Instead we came up with a different form of collective writing that mirrored the original debate, and that might contribute to ongoing debates in this journal concerning the nature and status of our research (e.g. Arrington, 2004; Inanga & Schneider, 2005; Macintosh, 2004). We agreed a process in which each of us in turn would have one week to add a target of 300 words to a rolling document, going through the contributors alphabetically. After two rounds we would see what we had got

    The Italian Draft Law on the \u2018Provisions Concerning the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage\u2019

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    Intangible cultural heritage in Italy is still in need of a unified approach, capable of providing reliable criteria for identifying its assets and for indicating timescales and means by which they should be safeguarded. In the continued absence of up-to-date, ad hoc state legislation (since the content of those laws which do implement international Conventions is too generic in nature to be sufficiently effective), the Regions have proceeded to act in a somewhat scattered manner, giving rise to an extremely fragmented and very disorderly regulatory framework. The draft law N. 4486, "Provisions Concerning the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage", presented on 12th May 2017 at the Chamber of Deputies of the Italian Republic - as the result of the work of an interdisciplinary and inter-university research team coordinated by Marco Giampieretti, who has drafted the final text with the collaboration of Simona Pinton - seeks to fill the serious void that exists in Italian legal system by aligning it to the principles of international and European law, by redirecting the relevant State and Regional legislation, and by satisfying the fundamental requirements of the national community

    Development of crystallographic preferred orientation and microstructure during plastic deformation of natural coarse-grained quartz veins

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    The microstructure and crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of quartz were quantified in 17 samples of natural monomineralic tabular veins. The veins opened and were deformed, up to shear strain \u3b3 > 15, in a small temperature window (about 25\ub0C) above 500\ub0C, as established by Ti-in-quartz thermometry. The veins filled a set of fractures within the Adamello tonalite (southern Alps, Italy) and localized homogeneous simple shear during postmagmatic cooling. The local (square millimeter scale) and bulk (square centimeter) CPO were investigated by computer-integrated polarization microscopy (CIP) and X-ray texture goniometry. Weakly deformed veins (WDV: \u3b3 < 1) consist of millimeter- to centimeter-sized crystals with a strong CPO showing a c-axis girdle slightly inclined, mostly with the shear sense, to the foliation (XY) plane and a strong maximum close to the lineation (X). Moderately deformed veins (MDV: 2 < \u3b3 < 3) consist of elongated nonrecrystallized ribbon grains and most have a CPO showing a strong Y maximum of c axes some with weak extension into a YZ girdle. Strongly deformed veins (SDV: \u3b3 = 4 to 15) are pervasively to completely recrystallized to fine (34\u201340 \u3bcm grain size) aggregates with a strong CPO similar to that of MDV. The slip systems during plastic deformation were dominantly prism \u3008a\u3009 with subordinate rhomb and basal \u3008a\u3009 slip. Recrystallization occurred rather abruptly for 3 < \u3b3 < 4. In contrast to dislocation creep experiments in quartz (and other minerals), a steady-state recrystallized fabric is achieved at early stages of deformation (\u3b3 48 4) as there is no evidence, with increasing strain, of strengthening of the CPO, of rotation of the fabric skeleton, or of change in grain size. WDV represent weakly deformed relicts of veins with an initial CPO believed to have developed during crystal growth but unsuitably oriented for prism \u3008a\u3009 slip during subsequent shear. MDV and SDV appear to derive from veins different from WDV, where the vein crystals grew with orientation favorable for prism \u3008a\u3009 slip. The relationship between the initial growth CPO and the kinematic framework suggests that veins opened at a temperature close to that at which there is a switch between the activity of prism \u3008c\u3009 and prism \u3008a\u3009 slip, with the temperature of growth causing growth of crystals well oriented for slip. The initial CPO of veins, from which quartz mylonites are commonly derived, plays a critical role in the fabric evolution. The strong growth- and strain-induced CPOs of these sheared veins inhibited significant reworking during lower temperature stages of pluton cooling when basal \u3008a\u3009 slip would have been dominant

    L'innovazione nella governance regionale. Esperienze di "Nuova Regolazione Pubblica" in prospettiva europea

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    Come deve cambiare il governo di un territorio quando alle regioni si chiede di diventare "competitive" in un contesto internazionale? In questo interrogativo si riassume l'obiettivo di questo libro: mostrare perché si possa innovare la governance regionale e come in tale innovazione si riconoscano i tratti di una "nuova regolazione pubblica" che integra ed in parte sostituisce l'enfasi sull'efficienza che ha caratterizzato gli ultimi decenni di riflessione critica sul ruolo della PA. Per mostrare come si realizza questa trasformazione il libro prende in esame una specifica intersezione tra il contenuto delle politiche pubbliche, la loro origine istituzionale e la loro articolazione operativa. Le politiche oggetto di analisi sono quelle che, in una prospettiva europea, puntano sull'innovazione per promuovere un'idea di sviluppo fondata sulla conoscenza e sulle risorse immateriali. Si tratta di dimensioni ormai ritenute strategiche per la competitività del territorio regionale che in questa pubblicazione vengono però esplorate anche in concreto attraverso l'analisi del "Programma Regionale di Azioni Innovative" (PRAI) ideato e realizzato dalla regione Veneto