140 research outputs found

    Economic and socio-economic evaluation of bioenergy schemes fueled with energy crops in Greece

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    The main aim of this thesis is to evaluate the economic and socio-economic viability of energy crops as raw material for bioenergy schemes at the local level. The case examined is Greece, a southern Mediterranean country. Based on the current state, on foreseen trends and on the information presented in the literature review (conducted at the beginning of the study), the main goal was defined as follows: To examine the evidence supporting a strong role for dedicated energy crops local bioenergy developments in Greece, a sector that is forecasted to be increasingly important in the short to medium term.' Two perennial energy crops, cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.) and giant reed (Arundo donax L.) were evaluated. The thesis analysed their possible introduction in the agricultural system of Rhodope, northern Greece, as alternative land use, through comparative financial appraisal with the main conventional crops. Based on the output of this comparative analysis, the breakeven for the two selected energy crops was defined along with a sensitivity analysis for the risk of the potential implementation. Following, the author performed an economic and socio-economic evaluation of a district heating system fuelled with energy crops in the selected region. Finally, the author, acknowledging that bioenergy deployment should be studied in the context of innovations proceeded in examining the different perceptions of the key groups involved, farmers and potential end users. Results indicated that biomass exploitation for energy purposes is more likely to be accepted when it is seen clearly as one strand in a national energy, environmental and agricultural policy which embraces several sources of renewable energy, and which also encourages energy efficiency and conservation

    Costs and profitability of crops for bioeconomy in the EU

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    The bioeconomy is the cornerstone of the EU’s policy for shifting economic and societal trends towards circularity and low carbon arrangements. Europe has several crops that can be used as raw materials for this purpose, however pressure on land which might displace other activities and industrial competition for cost efficient raw materials remains a challenge. Hence, ensuring good yielding capacity and examining the likelihood to produce more by exploiting low quality, unused land can present significant opportunities to increase sustainable, locally sourced supply and at the same time offer profitable solutions to both industry and the farmers. This paper estimates the production costs of fourteen crops (oil, sugar, starch and lignocellulosic) and analyses how their profitability can be influenced by yield increases and cultivation in low quality land. Results show that there are profitable options for all crops under current market prices and land types except for cases in countries where crop productivity is rather low to sustain farm incomes. The analysis confirms that Europe has plenty crop options as raw materials for bioeconomy. Decision makers however must ensure future research and policy support are oriented towards sustainable yield increases and accelerate rehabilitation of land that is unused and of low quality

    Competitive priorities to address optimisation in biomass value chains: the case of biomass CHP

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    Policy and industry decision makers place high priority on the contribution of biomass to the emerging low carbon, circular economy. Optimisation of performance, from the perspectives of environmental, social and economic sustainability and resource efficiency, is essential to successful development and operation of biomass value chains. The complexity of value chains, which comprise interrelated stages from land use to conversion and multiple end products, presents challenges. To date, decision makers have approached from the viewpoints of single market sectors or issues, such as market shares of bioeconomy and reduction of carbon emissions to mitigate climate change. This approach does not achieve a full understanding of value chains and their competitive priorities, limits consumer awareness, and poses risks of sub-optimal performance and under-development of potential local capacity. This paper presents a conceptual framework that combines value chain analysis and competitive priority theory with indicators suitable to measure, monitor and interpret sustainability and resource efficiency at value chain level. The case of biomass Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is used to illustrate how optimisation strategies can be focused to address challenges in value chain stages which will lead to better performance and uptake of sustainably sourced, widely accepted biomass options

    Policy measures for sustainable sunflower cropping in EU-MED marginal lands amended by biochar: case study in Tuscany, Italy

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate economic support measures based on current EU policies affecting the profitability of large-scale deployment of biochar for sunflower cultivation in dry marginal lands in Italy, paving the way to large scale carbon sequestration in the EU Mediterranean region. Two cases were considered: i) straight biochar use and ii) biochar in combination with compost (COMBI: 20% biochar and 80% compost mass fraction), at application rates of 5 and 10 Mg ha−1 respectively. Based on realistic estimations of achievable crop-yield performances by biochar and COMBI addition to dry soils, the effect of current policies on the economic viability of biochar deployment and farmers’ income has been investigated. Using a cost-model we identified the required levels of support, in the form of (i) area subsidies for crop cultivation, (ii) tradable carbon certificates (credits), and (iii) REDII-compliant biofuel support for Aviation and Maritime, so to make biochar and sunflower cultivation in EU MED dry marginal lands competitive for sustainable crop-based biofuels. Results show that, by employing existing policy instruments, sufficient income can be generated for famers to recover marginal land, sequester large amount of carbon by BECCS at costs (∼82 € Mg−1 of CO2) falling at or below the typical range of CCS measures, as well as offer additional environmental and socio-economic positive benefits. The combination of currently operational economic mechanisms from the Common Agricultural Policy, the Climate Policy, and the Renewable Energy Directive II can: i) maintain domestic farming activities, ii) support the implementation of biochar projects at local level, iii) contribute to achieve EU and national biofuel targets without generating ILUC impacts and iv) achieve unprecedent potential for carbon sequestration. However, prior to large-scale deployment, targeted on-site R&D actions aimed at validating biochar effects under local conditions (soil, climate, crops) are recommended, together with training and capacity building activities for local farmers

    Elucidating Metaphor: Parameters of Creation and Comprehension

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    Η διατριβή επιχειρεί να δώσει μια διεξοδική και περιεκτική περιγραφή της ανατομίας της μεταφοράς και της ποικιλομορφίας των παραμέτρων που επηρεάζουν τη δημιουργία και την κατανόησή της. Συγκεκριμένα, διερευνά τους λόγους που οι ομιλητές χρησιμοποιούν μεταφορική γλώσσα παρά τους κυριολεκτικούς ομολόγους τους, καθώς και τις διαδικασίες που οδηγούν στην εμφάνιση διαφοροποιημένων ερμηνειών μέσω της κατανόησής τους. Προκειμένου να προσεγγίσω αυτά τα θέματα, θα διευκρινίσω τη μεταφορά σε σχέση με άλλους τομείς που έχουν ήδη θιγεί σύμφωνα με προηγούμενες έρευνες που επιδιώκουν παρόμοιους στόχους. Ένας από αυτούς είναι να διερευνήσει τη σχέση μεταξύ συμβατικών και νέων μεταφορών και των παραγόντων που καθορίζουν τη φύση τους. Βασιζόμενη σε παρούσες έρευνες, προτείνω ότι δεν είναι πιθανό να γίνει σαφής διάκριση μεταξύ των δύο τύπων μεταφοράς. Η έρευνά μου θα επεξεργαστεί επίσης το έργο των Wilson και Carston (2019) σχετικά με τις μη προταθείσες επιδράσεις της δημιουργίας και κατανόησης της μεταφοράς και του ρόλου των συναισθημάτων: πώς αλληλεπιδρούν με τη γνώση, αλλά ωστόσο καταφέρνουν να επηρεάσουν σημαντικά τη σκέψη μας. Τονίζω έπειτα ότι ο ρόλος της επιρροής φαίνεται να είναι συμπληρωματικός με εκείνον της ανθρώπινης δημιουργικότητας, της αναποτελεσματικότητας και της διανοητικής εικόνας. Θα συζητηθούν οι προηγούμενοι λογαριασμοί της δημιουργικότητας και πώς εφαρμόζονται στο θέμα της δημιουργίας και της κατανόησης της μεταφοράς, σε συνδυασμό με τις προφανείς προσπάθειες του ανθρώπου νου να δημιουργήσει και να ερμηνεύσει τις μεταφορές ως έναν τρόπο λεξιλογικής αντίδρασης και αίσθησης απέναντί τους. Τέλος, θα γίνει μια προσπάθεια να εντοπιστεί η φύση των λεγόμενων «διανοητικών εικόνων» που φαίνεται να προκύπτουν στο μυαλό του συνομιλητή μέσω της επεξεργασίας μεταφορών, με βάση αυτά που έχουν προταθεί μέχρι τώρα στην υπάρχουσα βιβλιογραφία. Τα συμπεράσματα που αντλούνται αποσκοπούν στην παροχή μιας ολιστικής επισκόπησης της λειτουργίας της μεταφοράς και των μηχανισμών του ανθρώπινου νου κατά τη διάρκεια της επεξεργασίας τους, αφήνοντας περιθώρια για περαιτέρω έρευνα.The thesis attempts to provide a thorough and comprehensive account of the anatomy of metaphor, and the diversity of the parameters that affect its creation and comprehension. Specifically, it explores the reasons speakers utilise metaphorical utterances rather than their literal counterparts, as well as the processes that lead to the emergence of differentiating interpretations through their comprehension. In order to approach these matters, I will elucidate metaphor in relation to other fields that have already been touched upon in preceding research pursuing similar goals. One of them is exploring the relationship between conventional and novel metaphors and the factors that determine their nature. Drawing on existing work, I suggest that a clear cut distinction is not likely to be drawn between the two types of metaphor. My research will also elaborate Wilson and Carston’s (2019) work on the non-propositional effects of metaphor creation and comprehension and the role of emotions: how they interact with cognition, but nonetheless manage to impose a heavy influence on our thought is investigated. I then suggest that the role of affect appears to be complementary to that of human creativity, ineffability, and mental imagery. Previous accounts of creativity will be discussed and how they apply to the matter of metaphor creation and comprehension, in conjunction with the apparent attempts of the human mind to create and interpret metaphors as a way to verbalize how they react and feel towards them. Finally, an attempt will be made to pinpoint the nature of so-called “mental images” that appear to arise in interlocutor’s minds through metaphor processing, based on what has been suggested so far in existing literature. Conclusions drawn aim to provide a holistic overview of the workings of metaphor and machinations of the human mind during their processing, leaving room for further investigation

    Bacteriology and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns of Childhood Acute Bacterial Conjunctivitis in Western Greece

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    Acute bacterial conjunctivitis is a common, highly contagious infection in children and is usually treated empirically with broad spectrum topical antibiotics. In the current study we investigated bacteriology and antibiotic susceptibility patterns in childhood acute bacterial conjunctivitis in Western Greece. We conducted a retrospective analysis of presumed acute bacterial conjunctivitis cases in ''Karamandaneio'' Pediatric General Hospital of Patras, Western Greece, between February 1, 2013 and January 31, 2018. Specimens from the lower conjunctiva fornix were isolated from 191 cases and outcomes were analyzed to identify the pathogenic bacteria of acute bacterial conjunctivitis and their corresponding antibiotic susceptibility patterns. Patients were divided into 3 groups; Group A included neonates under 28 days of life, Group B children from 1 month to 2 years and Group C from 2 years to 14 years. Results revealed that Staphylococcus spp., Haemophilus spp. and Streptococcus spp. were the most prevalent pathogens. No significant differences in isolated pathogens were found between the age groups. Antibiotic resistance rates were higher against ampicillin, ceftriaxone, ceftazidime and sulfamethoxazole. Resistance rates to Ciprofloxacin were low while none of the evaluated isolates were resistant to vancomycin. We concluded that predominant pathogens of childhood acute bacterial conjunctivitis in Western Greece were Staphylococcus spp., Haemophilus spp. and Streptococcus spp. Continuous surveillance, focused in distinct geographic areas, is encouraged to prepare more precise protocols of empirical treatment. Epub: October 1, 2019

    Social considerations for the cultivation of industrial crops on marginal agricultural land as feedstock for bioeconomy

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    Marginal agricultural land (MAL) has received much attention in research and policy formation as a potential resource for cultivating biomass for energy and biobased products. However, it is still unclear whether biomass from MAL meets the requirements of social sustainability. This study develops a conceptual linkage between value-chain analysis and social life-cycle analysis (S-LCA), and assesses both positive impacts (handprints) and negative impacts (footprints). A participatory approach including interviews and surveys was used to understand views and perceptions of the relevant stakeholders. A systemic strategy was applied to analyze value-chain activities, understand challenges, and identify competitive advantages and disadvantages. For S-LCA, the variety of impacts and indicators was met through a literature review and a consistent scoring system. The cultivation of perennial crops on MAL tends to cause skepticism among stakeholders, who are concerned about long-term commitment and biodiversity risks. Annual crops, on the other hand, are perceived by all stakeholder categories as very promising opportunities across all impact categories and indicators. They can facilitate income diversification and offer smart sustainable cropping options through crop rotation, agroforestry, etc. Most of the technological pathways examined are highly innovative, have a low technological readiness level, and are still at the early market development stage. As such they are ranked by stakeholders as medium opportunities for short-term implementation. In contrast, pyrolysis to industrial heat, ethanol from switchgrass, insulation material from hemp, and biogas/biomethane from sorghum are considered opportunities with good chances of being implemented in the short term. © 2022 The Authors. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining published by Society of Industrial Chemistry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Bridging modelling and policy-making efforts to realise the European bioeconomy

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    The European Bioeconomy Strategy aims to facilitate the transition from a take-make-dispose fossil economy into one fostering circular bio-based value chains linking sustainable land use with cutting-edge products. Optimised designs, implementation and monitoring rely on continuous interactions between policymakers and modellers who run multiple scenarios for environmentally, economically and socially desirable futures. This paper leverages a multi-layered framework that cross-references 39 policies and 32 models to assess how they address the five principle objectives of the Bioeconomy Strategy in terms of accompanying sectors, value-chains, and multi-dimensional indicators. The framework identifies gaps in bioeconomy knowledge both in policy and modelling. Overall, the analysis found little mention of the wide range of bio-based products, technologies and processes, bio-refineries, waste, and land conservation. Bio-based product policies can be simulated only in a limited number of models, compared, for example, to the wide range of modelling capacities that can model bioenergy. Additionally, in both policy and modelling realms, integration of market and biophysical drivers within the full scope of the value chain is scarce. Multidisciplinary studies combining multiple models perform best in this respect by integrating a more comprehensive range of relevant policies, bioeconomy drivers and indicators. Findings point to a more significant issue in policy-modelling information exchange, and this paper discusses the challenges and opportunities for future improvements in this collaboration.Publishe