52 research outputs found

    Infecção congênita pelo citomegalovírus: ocorrência em duas populações de nível sócio-econômico diferentes em São Paulo, Brasil

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    In São Paulo, Brazil, between November 1980 and July 1982, 1614 newborns of middle socioeconomic background and 1156 newborns of low socioeconomic background were examined for the occurrence of congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection by isolation of virus from urine samples or detection of specific anti-CMV IgM in umbilical cord serum tested by immunofluorescence. In the low socioeconomic population prevalence of CMV complement-fixing antibodies in mothers was 84.4%(151/179) and the incidence of congenital infection assessed by virus isolation 0.98% (5/508), as compared with 0.46% (3/648) in the group of newborns tested by detection of specific anti-CMV IgM in umbilical cord-serum. In middle socioeconomic level population prevalence of CMV complement-fixing antibodies in mothers was 66.5% (284/427) and the incidence of CMV congenital infection was 0.39% (2/518) in the group of newborns screened by virus isolation and 0.18% (2/1096) in the group tested by detection of specific anti-CMV IgM. In the present study none of the 12 congenitally infected newborns presented clinical apparent disease at birth.Entre novembro de 1980 e julho de 1982, 1614 recém-nascidos (RNs) de nivel sócio-econômico médio e 1156 RNs de baixo nível sócioeconômico foram examinados para verificar a ocorrência de infecção congênita pelo citomegalovírus (CMV), através de isolamento do vírus em amostras de urina ou detecção de anticorpos IgM específicos em amostras de sangue de cordão umbilical. Na população de baixo nível sócio econômico a prevalência de anticorpos fixadores do complemento (Ac Fc) anti-CMV nas mães foi de 84,4% (151/179) e a incidência de infecção congênita determinada por isolamento do vírus foi de 0,90% (5/508). No grupo de RNs em que o diagnóstico baseou-se apenas na detecção de Ac IgM CMV-específicos no sangue de cordão a incidência de infecção congênita foi de apenas 0,46% (3/648). Na população de nivel sócio-econômico médio a prevalência de Ac Fc anti-CMV nas mães foi de 66,5% (284/427) e a incidência de infecção congênita foi de 0,39% (2/518) no grupo de RNs testados por isolamento de vírus na urina e 0,18% (2/1090) no grupo testado por detecção de Ac IgM específicos. No presente estudo nenhum dos 12 RNs infectados congenitamente apresentou sinais ou sintomas de doença ao nascimento

    Rhinovirus C and Respiratory Exacerbations in Children with Cystic Fibrosis

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    To investigate a possible role for human rhinovirus C in respiratory exacerbations of children with cystic fibrosis, we conducted microbiologic testing on respiratory specimens from 103 such patients in São Paulo, Brazil, during 2006–2007. A significant association was found between the presence of human rhinovirus C and respiratory exacerbations

    High Human Herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) Prevalence, Clinical Correlates and High Incidence among Recently HIV-1-Infected Subjects in Sao Paulo, Brazil

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    Background: Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) is the etiological agent for Kaposi Sarcoma, which occurs especially in HIV-infected subjects. HHV-8 infection and its clinical correlates have not been well characterized in recently HIV-1-infected subjects, especially men who have sex with men (MSM).Methodology/Principal Findings: We assessed the HHV-8 seroprevalence, clinical correlates, and incidence after one year of follow-up in a cohort of 228 recently HIV-1-infected individuals, of whom 83.6% were MSM, using indirect immunofluorescence assay. the prevalence of HHV-8 infection at the time of cohort enrollment was 25.9% (59/228). in the univariate model, there were significant associations with male gender, black ethnicity, MSM practice, and previous hepatitis B virus and syphilis infections. in the multivariate model we could still demonstrate association with MSM, hepatitis B, and black ethnicity. No differences in mean CD4+ cell counts or HIV viral load according to HHV-8 status were found. in terms of incidence, there were 23/127 (18.1%) seroconversions in the cohort after 1 year.Conclusions: HHV-8 is highly prevalent among recently HIV-1-infected subjects. Correlations with other sexually transmitted infections suggest common transmission routes.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Div Infect Dis, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Div Infect Dis, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Confiabilidade da informação sobre antecedente de varicela em crianças pré-escolares

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    OBJECTIVE: To verify how reliable is the information provided by parents about the history of varicella in their children. METHODS: 204 parents of previously healthy children attending two municipal day-care centers of São Paulo city were interviewed between August 2003 and September 2005. A standardized form was filled out with information regarding age, sex, history of varicella and other diseases, drug use and antecedent of immunization, After medical history, physical examination and checking of immunization records, 5 ml of blood were collected for ELISA (in house) varicella test. Exclusion criteria were: age less than 1 year or more than 60 months, previous immunization against chickenpox, presence of co-morbidities or recent use of immunosuppressive drugs. Data were filed in a data bank using the Excel 2003 Microsoft Office Program and stored in a PC computer. The exact Fisher test was employed to calculate sensibility, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of history of varicella informed by children's parents. RESULTS: The age of the children varied from 12 to 54 months (median, 26 months; 49 (24%) children had positive history of varicella, 155 (76%) a negative or doubtful history. The predictive positive and negative values of the information were 90% and 93%, respectively (p = 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The degree of reliability of information about history of varicella informed by parents of children attending day care centers was high and useful to establish recommendations on varicella blocking immunization in day-care centers.OBJETIVOS: Verificar o grau de confiabilidade da informação fornecida pelos pais de crianças atendidas em creches sobre o antecedente de varicela. MÉTODOS: Os pais de 204 crianças previamente saudáveis matriculadas em duas creches da cidade de São Paulo foram entrevistados entre Agosto de 2003 e Setembro de 2005 para preenchimento de um questionário padronizado com informações sobre idade, sexo, antecedente de varicela e outras doenças, uso de medicamentos e história vacina. Após anamnese, exame físico e verificação da carteira de vacinação, foram colhidos 5 ml de sangue para realização do teste ELISA (in house) para varicela. Os critérios de exclusão foram: idade < 1 ano ou acima de 60 meses, vacinação prévia contra varicela, presença de comorbidades e uso recente de imunossupressores. Os dados foram registrados num banco de dados do programa Excel 2003 Microsoft Office e armazenados em microcomputador. Utilizou-se o teste exato de Fisher para calcular a sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivo positivo e negativo das informações fornecidas pelos pais sobre o antecedente de varicela das crianças. RESULTADOS: A idade das crianças variou entre 12 e 54 meses (mediana, 26 meses); 49 crianças (24%) tinham antecedente positivo para varicela e 155 (76%) negativo ou duvidoso. Os valores preditivo positivo e negativo da informação foram de 90% e 93%, respectivamente (p = 0.0001). CONCLUSÕES: O grau de confiabilidade das informações sobre varicela informadas pelos pais de crianças atendidas em creches foi elevado e útil para estabelecer recomendações para vacinação de bloqueio de surtos de varicela em creches

    Reliability of information on varicella history in preschool children

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    OBJECTIVE: To verify how reliable is the information provided by parents about the history of varicella in their children. METHODS: 204 parents of previously healthy children attending two municipal day-care centers of São Paulo city were interviewed between August 2003 and September 2005. A standardized form was filled out with information regarding age, sex, history of varicella and other diseases, drug use and antecedent of immunization, After medical history, physical examination and checking of immunization records, 5 ml of blood were collected for ELISA (in house) varicella test. Exclusion criteria were: age less than 1 year or more than 60 months, previous immunization against chickenpox, presence of co-morbidities or recent use of immunosuppressive drugs. Data were filed in a data bank using the Excel 2003 Microsoft Office Program and stored in a PC computer. The exact Fisher test was employed to calculate sensibility, specificity, positive and negative predictive values of history of varicella informed by children's parents. RESULTS: The age of the children varied from 12 to 54 months (median, 26 months; 49 (24%) children had positive history of varicella, 155 (76%) a negative or doubtful history. The predictive positive and negative values of the information were 90% and 93%, respectively (p = 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The degree of reliability of information about history of varicella informed by parents of children attending day care centers was high and useful to establish recommendations on varicella blocking immunization in day-care centers.OBJETIVOS: Verificar o grau de confiabilidade da informação fornecida pelos pais de crianças atendidas em creches sobre o antecedente de varicela. MÉTODOS: Os pais de 204 crianças previamente saudáveis matriculadas em duas creches da cidade de São Paulo foram entrevistados entre Agosto de 2003 e Setembro de 2005 para preenchimento de um questionário padronizado com informações sobre idade, sexo, antecedente de varicela e outras doenças, uso de medicamentos e história vacina. Após anamnese, exame físico e verificação da carteira de vacinação, foram colhidos 5 ml de sangue para realização do teste ELISA (in house) para varicela. Os critérios de exclusão foram: idade < 1 ano ou acima de 60 meses, vacinação prévia contra varicela, presença de comorbidades e uso recente de imunossupressores. Os dados foram registrados num banco de dados do programa Excel 2003 Microsoft Office e armazenados em microcomputador. Utilizou-se o teste exato de Fisher para calcular a sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivo positivo e negativo das informações fornecidas pelos pais sobre o antecedente de varicela das crianças. RESULTADOS: A idade das crianças variou entre 12 e 54 meses (mediana, 26 meses); 49 crianças (24%) tinham antecedente positivo para varicela e 155 (76%) negativo ou duvidoso. Os valores preditivo positivo e negativo da informação foram de 90% e 93%, respectivamente (p = 0.0001). CONCLUSÕES: O grau de confiabilidade das informações sobre varicela informadas pelos pais de crianças atendidas em creches foi elevado e útil para estabelecer recomendações para vacinação de bloqueio de surtos de varicela em creches

    Alguns dados sobre a Fauna entomológica da ilha das Flores - Açores

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    IV Expedição Científica do Departamento de Biologia - Flores 1989Com este trabalho, realizado em Julho de 1989 nas Flores - a ilha mais ocidental do Arquipélago dos Açores -, acrescentaram-se onze espécies de Lepidópteros à lista referenciada para aquela ilha, pertencendo uma à família Lycaenidae (Lampides boeticus L.), oito a familia Noctuidae (Agrotis ipsilon HFN., Brotolomia meticulosa L., Chrysodeixis chalcites ESPER., Heliothis armigera HBN., Noctua atlantica WARREN, Noctua pronuba L., Peridroma saucia HBN., Sesamia nonagrioides LEF.), uma à família Nymphalidae (Vanessa atalanta L.) e uma a família Pyralidae (Glyphodes unionalis HBN.). Entre os demais insectos, foram identificadas cerca de duas dezenas e meia de espécies, distribuídas pelas Ordens Dermaptera, Orthoptera, Dictyoptera, Heteroptera, Homoptera, Coleoptera, Neuroptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera e Collembola. Salienta-se ainda a importância, do ponto de vista agronómico, das pragas Mythimna unipuncta (HAWORTH) e Xestia c-nigrun L. naquela ilha.RÉSUMÉ: Avec ce travail, réalisé en Juillet 1989 a Flores - l'île plus occidental de l'archipel des Açores, onze espèces de Lépidoptères ont été ajoutées à la liste des espèces connus pour cette île, dont une appartient a la famille Lycaenidae (Lampides boelicus L.), huit à la famille Noctuidae (Agrotis ipsilon HFN., Brotolomia meticulosa L. Chrysodeicis chalcites ESPER., Heliothis armigera HBN., Noctua atlantica WARREN, Noctua pronuba L., Peridroma saucia HBN., Sesamia nonagrioides LEF.), une à la famille Nymphalidae (Vanessa atalanta L.) et une à la famille Pyralidae (Glyphodes unionalis HBN.). Parmi les autres insects ont été identifiés environ deux dizaines et demie d'espèces, lesquelles sont réparties par les Ordres Dermaptera, Orthoptera, Dictyoptera, Heteroptera, Homoptera, Coleoptera, Neuroptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera et Collembola. On remarque I'importance, du point de vue agronomique, des ravageurs Mythimna unipuncra (HAWORTH) et Xestia c-nigrum L. dans cette île

    Hyperferritinaemia in Dengue Virus Infected Patients Is Associated with Immune Activation and Coagulation Disturbances

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    During a dengue outbreak on the Caribbean island Aruba, highly elevated levels of ferritin were detected in dengue virus infected patients. Ferritin is an acute-phase reactant and hyperferritinaemia is a hallmark of diseases caused by extensive immune activation, such as haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis. The aim of this study was to investigate whether hyperferritinaemia in dengue patients was associated with clinical markers of extensive immune activation and coagulation disturbances.Levels of ferritin, standard laboratory markers, sIL-2R, IL-18 and coagulation and fibrinolytic markers were determined in samples from patients with uncomplicated dengue in Aruba. Levels of ferritin were significantly increased in dengue patients compared to patients with other febrile illnesses. Moreover, levels of ferritin associated significantly with the occurrence of viraemia. Hyperferritinaemia was also significantly associated with thrombocytopenia, elevated liver enzymes and coagulation disturbances. The results were validated in a cohort of dengue virus infected patients in Brazil. In this cohort levels of ferritin and cytokine profiles were determined. Increased levels of ferritin in dengue virus infected patients in Brazil were associated with disease severity and a pro-inflammatory cytokine profile.Altogether, we provide evidence that ferritin can be used as a clinical marker to discriminate between dengue and other febrile illnesses. The occurrence of hyperferritinaemia in dengue virus infected patients is indicative for highly active disease resulting in immune activation and coagulation disturbances. Therefore, we recommend that patients with hyperferritinaemia are monitored carefully

    Fighting Misconceptions to Improve Compliance with Influenza Vaccination among Health Care Workers: An Educational Project

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    The compliance with influenza vaccination is poor among health care workers (HCWs) due to misconceptions about safety and effectiveness of influenza vaccine. We proposed an educational prospective study to demonstrate to HCWs that influenza vaccine is safe and that other respiratory viruses (RV) are the cause of respiratory symptoms in the months following influenza vaccination. 398 HCWs were surveyed for adverse events (AE) occurring within 48 h of vaccination. AE were reported by 30% of the HCWs. No severe AE was observed. A subset of 337 HCWs was followed up during four months, twice a week, for the detection of respiratory symptoms. RV was diagnosed by direct immunofluorescent assay (DFA) and real time PCR in symptomatic HCWs. Influenza A was detected in five episodes of respiratory symptoms (5.3%) and other RV in 26 (27.9%) episodes. The incidence density of influenza and other RV was 4.3 and 10.8 episodes per 100 HCW-month, respectively. The educational nature of the present study may persuade HCWs to develop a more positive attitude to influenza vaccination