56 research outputs found

    Non-Overlapping Indexing - Cache Obliviously

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    The non-overlapping indexing problem is defined as follows: pre-process a given text T[1,n] of length n into a data structure such that whenever a pattern P[1,p] comes as an input, we can efficiently report the largest set of non-overlapping occurrences of P in T. The best known solution is by Cohen and Porat [ISAAC, 2009]. Their index size is O(n) words and query time is optimal O(p+nocc), where nocc is the output size. We study this problem in the cache-oblivious model and present a new data structure of size O(n log n) words. It can answer queries in optimal O(p/(B)+log_B n+nocc/B) I/Os, where B is the block size

    Measuring access to medicines: a review of quantitative methods used in household surveys

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Medicine access is an important goal of medicine policy; however the evaluation of medicine access is a subject under conceptual and methodological development. The aim of this study was to describe quantitative methodologies to measure medicine access on household level, access expressed as paid or unpaid medicine acquisition.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Searches were carried out in electronic databases and health institutional sites; within references from retrieved papers and by contacting authors.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Nine papers were located. The methodologies of the studies presented differences in the recall period, recruitment of subjects and medicine access characterization.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The standardization of medicine access indicators and the definition of appropriate recall periods are required to evaluate different medicines and access dimensions, improving studies comparison. Besides, specific keywords must be established to allow future literature reviews about this topic.</p

    The importance of antioxidant biomaterials in human health and technological innovation: a review.

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    ABSTRACT: Biomaterials come from natural sources such as animals, plants, fungi, algae, and bacteria, composed mainly of protein, lipid, and carbohydrate molecules. The great diversity of biomaterials makes these compounds promising for developing new products for technological applications. In this sense, antioxidant biomaterials have been developed to exert biological and active functions in the human body and industrial formulations. Furthermore, antioxidant biomaterials come from natural sources, whose components can inhibit reactive oxygen species (ROS). Thus, these materials incorporated with antioxidants, mainly from plant sources, have important effects, such as anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antitumor, and anti-aging, in addition to increasing the shelf-life of products. Aiming at the importance of antioxidant biomaterials in different technological segments as biodegradable, economic, and promising sources, this review presents the main available biomaterials, antioxidant sources, and assigned biological activities. In addition, potential applications in the biomedical and industrial fields are described with a focus on innovative publications found in the literature in the last five years

    Is the genetic variability of elite rice in southern Brazil really disappearing?

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    There is a worldwide concern about a possible narrowing of the genetic base of most crops, as e.g. that of rice (Oryza sativa L.), as a result of the modern breeding practices. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate this phenomenon in the germplasm of elite paddy rice in southern Brazil, including frequently used accessions in crosses. The panel consisted of 91 accessions. Data of morphological traits, SNP markers and mineral content of husked and polished grain were analyzed by hierarchical clustering and principal component analysis. The SNP markers and hierarchical clustering proved most appropriate to assess the genetic variability. A narrowing of the genetic base of rice was confirmed, although a certain level of genetic variability was still found in the germplasm of elite paddy rice in south Brazilian rice, particularly for grain mineral content

    First wave of COVID-19 in Venezuela:Epidemiological, clinical, and paraclinical characteristics of first cases

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has particularly affected countries with weakened health services in Latin America, where proper patient management could be a critical step to address the epidemic. In this study, we aimed to characterize and identify which epidemiological, clinical, and paraclinical risk factors defined COVID-19 infection from the first confirmed cases through the first epidemic wave in Venezuela. A retrospective analysis of consecutive suspected cases of COVID-19 admitted to a sentinel hospital was carried out, including 576 patient cases subsequently confirmed for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection. Of these, 162 (28.1%) patients met the definition criteria for severe/critical disease, and 414 (71.2%) were classified as mild/moderate disease. The mean age was 47 (SD 16) years, the majority of which were men (59.5%), and the most frequent comorbidity was arterial hypertension (23.3%). The most common symptoms included fever (88.7%), headache (65.6%), and dry cough (63.9%). Severe/critical disease affected mostly older males with low schooling (p < 0.001). Similarly, higher levels of glycemia, urea, aminotransferases, total bilirubin, lactate dehydrogenase, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate were observed in severe/critical disease patients compared to those with mild/moderate disease. Overall mortality was 7.6% (44/576), with 41.7% (28/68) dying in hospital. We identified risk factors related to COVID-19 infection, which could help healthcare providers take appropriate measures and prevent severe clinical outcomes. Our results suggest that the mortality registered by this disease in Venezuela during the first epidemic wave was underestimated. An increase in fatalities is expected to occur in the coming months unless measures that are more effective are implemented to mitigate the epidemic while the vaccination process is ongoing

    Activity of the antiarrhythmic drug amiodarone against Leishmania (L.) infantum: an in vitro and in vivo approach

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    <div><p>Abstract Background: Considering the high toxicity and limited therapies available for treating visceral leishmaniasis (VL), the drug repositioning approach represents a faster way to deliver new therapies to the market. Methods: In this study, we described for the first time the activity of a potent antiarrhythmic, amiodarone (AMD), against L. (L.)infantum and its in vitro and in vivo activity. Results: The evaluation against promastigotes has shown that amiodarone presents leishmanicidal effect against the extracellular form, with an IC50 value of 10 μM. The activity was even greater against amastigotes in comparison with promastigotes with an IC50 value of 0.5 μM. The selectivity index in relation to the intracellular form demonstrated that the antiparasitic activity was approximately 56 times higher than its toxicity to mammalian cells. Investigation of the in vivo AMD activity in the L. infantum-infected hamster model showed that 51 days after the initial infection, amiodarone was unable to reduce the parasite burden in the spleen and liver when treated for 10 consecutive days, intraperitoneally, at 50 mg/kg/day, as determined by qPCR. Although not statistically significant, AMD was able to reduce the parasite burden by 20% in the liver when treated for 10 consecutive days, orally, at 100 mg/kg/day; no reduction in the spleen was found by qPCR. Conclusions: Our findings may help further drug design studies seeking new AMD derivatives that may provide new candidates with an in vitro selectivity close to or even greater than that observed in the prototype delivering effectiveness in the experimental model of VL.</p></div

    Tegumentary leishmaniasis and coinfections other than HIV

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Tegumentary leishmaniasis (TL) is a disease of skin and/or mucosal tissues caused by <i>Leishmania</i> parasites. TL patients may concurrently carry other pathogens, which may influence the clinical outcome of TL.</p><p>Methodology and principal findings</p><p>This review focuses on the frequency of TL coinfections in human populations, interactions between <i>Leishmania</i> and other pathogens in animal models and human subjects, and implications of TL coinfections for clinical practice. For the purpose of this review, TL is defined as all forms of cutaneous (localised, disseminated, or diffuse) and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) coinfection, superinfection with skin bacteria, and skin manifestations of visceral leishmaniasis are not included. We searched MEDLINE and other databases and included 73 records: 21 experimental studies in animals and 52 studies about human subjects (mainly cross-sectional and case studies). Several reports describe the frequency of <i>Trypanosoma cruzi</i> coinfection in TL patients in Argentina (about 41%) and the frequency of helminthiasis in TL patients in Brazil (15% to 88%). Different hypotheses have been explored about mechanisms of interaction between different microorganisms, but no clear answers emerge. Such interactions may involve innate immunity coupled with regulatory networks that affect quality and quantity of acquired immune responses. Diagnostic problems may occur when concurrent infections cause similar lesions (e.g., TL and leprosy), when different pathogens are present in the same lesions (e.g., <i>Leishmania</i> and <i>Sporothrix schenckii</i>), or when similarities between phylogenetically close pathogens affect accuracy of diagnostic tests (e.g., serology for leishmaniasis and Chagas disease). Some coinfections (e.g., helminthiasis) appear to reduce the effectiveness of antileishmanial treatment, and drug combinations may cause cumulative adverse effects.</p><p>Conclusions and significance</p><p>In patients with TL, coinfection is frequent, it can lead to diagnostic errors and delays, and it can influence the effectiveness and safety of treatment. More research is needed to unravel how coinfections interfere with the pathogenesis of TL.</p></div

    Segurança do paciente no uso de medicamentos após a alta hospitalar: estudo exploratório1

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    No Brasil, são escassos os estudos sobre estratégias para a segurança do paciente no processo de uso de medicamentos após a alta hospitalar, o que dificulta o conhecimento sobre a atuação de hospitais brasileiros nessa área. Neste artigo, buscou-se compreender a dinâmica e os desafios do cuidado fornecido ao paciente pela equipe hospitalar, visando à segurança no processo de uso de medicamentos após a alta hospitalar. Realizou-se pesquisa exploratória por meio de entrevistas com médicos, enfermeiros, farmacêuticos e assistentes sociais do Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram pesquisadas as atividades de cuidado com a farmacoterapia durante e após a hospitalização, incluindo o acesso a medicamentos após alta, a existência de articulação do hospital com outros serviços de saúde, e barreiras para desenvolver essas atividades. A principal estratégia adotada é a orientação de alta, realizada de forma estruturada, principalmente para cuidadores de pacientes pediátricos. Em situações específicas, ocorre mobilização da equipe para viabilização do acesso a medicamentos prescritos na alta. Reconciliação medicamentosa está em fase de implantação, e visita domiciliar é realizada apenas para pacientes críticos com problemas de locomoção. As principais barreiras identificadas foram insuficiência de recursos humanos e falta de tecnologias de informação. Conclui-se que são desenvolvidas algumas estratégias, porém com limitações e sem articulação adequada com outros serviços de saúde para a continuidade do cuidado. Isto sugere a necessidade de concentração de esforços para transpor as barreiras identificadas, contribuindo para a segurança do paciente na interface entre hospital, atenção básica e domicílio