57 research outputs found

    Efecto de los parámetros del proceso sobre la estabilidad de la emulsión y el tamaño de la gota de aceite de granada en agua

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    The development of efficient emulsion is essential and requires a good understanding of the parameters that govern the formation and stability of the emulsion. The droplet size significantly affects the stability of the emulsion. In this study, the stability of pomegranate oil-in-water emulsions (0.5 to 7.0% v/v) was investigated using various emulsifiers in terms of droplet size and instability index during 16 days of storage. The Mastersizer and Lumisizer were used to measure the droplet size and instability index. It was observed that the minimum droplet size was achieved by using 0.3% carboxy methyl cellulose (5.37 μm) and maximum with 1.0/2.5% whey protein/maltodextrin (24.26 μm). The Lumisizer results during storage revealed the higher emulsion stability of carboxy methyl cellulose due to smaller droplet size and high thickness as compared to other emulsions studied. The findings of the present study would be useful for food applications to obtain fine and stable microcapsules.El desarrollo de una emulsión eficiente es esencial y requiere una buena comprensión de los parámetros que rigen la formación y la estabilidad de la emulsión. El tamaño de la gota afecta significativamente a la estabilidad de la emulsión. En este estudio, se investigó la estabilidad de las emulsiones de aceite de granada en agua (0,5 a 7,0% v/v) usando varios emulsionantes, en términos de tamaño de gota e índice de inestabilidad, durante 16 días de almacenamiento. El Mastersizer y el Lumisizer se usaron para medir el tamaño de gota y el índice de inestabilidad. Se observó que, el tamaño mínimo de gota se logró utilizando 0,3% de carboximetilcelulosa (5,37 μm) y el máximo (24,26 μm), con 1,0/2,5% de proteína de suero/maltodextrina Los resultados del Lumisizer, durante el almacenamiento, revelaron una mayor estabilidad de la emulsión de carboximetilcelulosa debido al tamaño de gota más pequeño y al alto espesor en comparación con otras emulsiones estudiadas. Los resultados del presente estudio se utilizarían en aplicaciones alimentarias para obtener microcápsulas finas y estables

    Quality and antioxidant activity of rice grown on alluvial soil amended with Zn, Cu and Mo

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    Insufficient micronutrients are a common phenomenon in Malaysian soils derived from riverine alluvium, which affect the growth and quality of rice. A study was conducted on such soils at Kelantan, Malaysia to evaluate the effects of applying Zn (5kgha −1 ),Cu (4kgha −1 ) and Mo (0.5kgha −1 ) along with the recommended N, P, K and S at 120, 30, 50, 10kgha −1 , respectively on rice plant growth, grain yield, quality and antioxidant activity. Any single micronutrient or in combination with macronutrients had positive effects on the growth, chlorophyll contents, grain quality, and protein content of rice. Application of micronutrients increased phenolic compound by 40% and flavonoid content by 71.54% in rice grain compared to the control, particularly, Zn and Cu had positive effects on grain protein percentage. Furthermore, the application of micronutrients increased Zn, Mo, and Cu content in grain and straw. Higher values of antioxidant activities were found in the de-husked grain compared to those of the milled rice in micronutrient applied treatments. The application of the micronutrients to the riverine alluvium soil enhanced rice yield by 18% via uptake of nutrients, attributed to increased physiological performance, leading to higher harvest index and grain quality

    Changing the prehistory of Sindh and Las Bela coast: twenty-five years of Italian contribution

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    The paper discusses the prehistory of Lowr Sindh and Las Bela Coast, and the role played by the Italian archaeologists since the 1980's. New date are presented regarding mainly the radiocarbon chronology the Indus Delta settlement on rocky outcrops and the shell middens of Las Bela

    Electrowetting of Ionic Liquid on Graphite: Probing via in Situ Electrochemical X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

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    Thin films of ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(fluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([EMIm][FSI]) vapor-deposited on highly oriented pyrographite (HOPG) were studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. The results revealed a reversible morphological transition from a “drop-on-layer” structure to a “flat-layer” structure at positive, and not at negative, polarization. The effect is rationalized in terms of electric-field-induced reduction of the liquid–solid transition temperature in the ionic liquid film, when its thickness is comparable to the charge screening length. The observed bias asymmetry of [EMIm][FSI] electrowetting on HOPG is tentatively explained by the bilayer structure at the interface driven by the affinity of the imidazolium ring to the HOPG surface