263 research outputs found

    L'eco di un fantasma (2017) di Azio Corghi Un saggio preliminare

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    L’eco di un fantasma (2017) by Azio Corghi went on stage at Teatro Lirico in Cagliari on November 3, 2018. It is a “lyric tragedy” on text by Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis and the subject is inspired by Euripides’ Trojans. I will examine the main characteristics of the composition among the concepts of opera and tragedy.L’eco di un fantasma (2017) by Azio Corghi went on stage at Teatro Lirico in Cagliari on November 3, 2018. It is a “lyric tragedy” on text by Maddalena Mazzocut-Mis and the subject is inspired by Euripides’ Trojans. I will examine the main characteristics of the composition among the concepts of opera and tragedy

    In the mood

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    The article examines In the mood by Glenn Miller. A summary analysis of musical language, reading of Method for orchestral arranging written by the same Miller and contemporary criticism by Adorno, will allow to understand what is mood. Is there a relationship between title and song construction

    Determinants of Physical Activity in an Inclusive Setting

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    The purposes of this study included (a) to determine if the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) predicted intentions of individuals with and without disabilities to be physically active, (b) to determine if the TPB predicted behaviors of individuals with and without disabilities to be physically active, and (c) to determine if significant differences were present in physical activity opportunities between inclusive and non-inclusive elementary physical education classes taught by the same teacher. Students (N = 114, ages 10-13) completed questionnaires assessing the TPB constructs and had four days of PA evaluated through pedometer measurements. Analyses revealed that subjective norm and perceived behavioral control predicted studentsĘĽ intentions to be active, while behavioral intention was the only significant predictor of activity level by step count accrued in PE classes. Finally, the inclusion of students with autism did not significantly affect overall physical activity

    Medial Sural Perforator "Nerve through Flap": Anatomical Study and Clinical Application

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    Background: Nerve recovery after a complex trauma is affected by many factors and a poorly vascularized bed is often the cause of failure and perineural scar. Many techniques have been devised to avoid this problem and the possibility to transfer a nerve with a surrounding viable sliding tissue could help in this purpose; Methods: We performed an anatomic study on 8 injected specimens to investigate the possibility to raise a medial sural artery perforator (MSAP) flap including the sural nerve within its vascularized sheath; Results: In anatomic specimens, a visible direct nerve vascularization was present in 57% of legs (8 out of 14). In 43% a vascular network was visible in the fascia layer. There were no vascular anomalies. In one patient the MSAP flap was raised including the sural nerve with its proximal tibial and peroneal components within the deep sheath. The tibial and peroneal component of the sural nerve were anastomized independently with the common digital nerve of 4th and 5th fingers and with the collateral nerve for the ulnar aspect of the 5th. After 9 months, the patient showed an improving nerve function both clinically and electromyographically without any problem due to nerve adherence; Conclusions: Given the still debated advantage of a vascularized nerve graft versus a non-vascularized one, this flap could be useful in those cases of composite wounds with nerve lesions acting as a "nerve through flap", in order to reduce nerve adherence with a viable surrounding gliding tissue

    La poesia di Ovidio: letteratura e immagini

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    [Italiano]: Nella sterminata bibliografia ovidiana, cogliendo l’occasione fornita dalle celebrazioni del bimillenario della morte del poeta (17-2017) il volume intende offire uno strumento utile ad approfondire, in chiave diacronica e sincronica, non solo le molteplici virtù della poesia di Ovidio, la sua straordinaria ars di matrice alessandrina, le tappe della sua fortuna a partire dall’antichità, ma anche – se non soprattutto – una qualità indiscussa e per certi aspetti inarrivabile della lingua e dello stile ovidiani: la dirompente forza icastica, la capacità di servirsi, come pochi altri, delle immagini nella costruzione del testo poetico, delle sue trame narrative, della sua elegante ricercatezza, della sua efficacia nella ricezione da parte del lettore. La versatilità della poesia di Ovidio, la trasversalità delle sue letture e dei suoi possibili riusi nel corso della storia della cultura occidentale trovano conferma nella compresenza, all’interno del volume, di contributi che spaziano dalle letterature classiche a quelle moderne e contemporanee, dall’archeologia alla storia dell’arte, dalla filosofia alla musica ./[English]: Within the vast Ovidian bibliography, taking the opportunity provided by the celebrations of the Bimillenary of the poet's death (17-2017), the volume aims at offering a useful tool to deepen, in a diachronic and synchronic perspective, not only the multifarious virtues of Ovid's poetry, his extraordinary Alexandrian ars, the stages of his Reception starting from antiquity, but also - if not above all - an undisputed and in some ways unreachable quality of the Ovidian language and style: the disruptive icastic strength, the ability to employ, like few others, the images in the construction of the poetic text, of its narrative plots, of its elegant refinement, of its effectiveness in the reader’s Reception. The versatility of Ovid's poetry, the transversality of its readings and of its possible reuse throughout the history of western culture are confirmed by the coexistence, within the volume, of contributions ranging from classical to modern and contemporary literatures, from archeology to Art history, from philosophy to music

    Applying the TARGET Pedagogical Principles in Physical Education to Enhance Students' Physical Literacy

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    A mastery motivational climate, emphasizing self-referenced and individualized learning in physical education (PE), is consistent with a personalized physical literacy disposition defined as the knowledge and understanding, perceived competence, confidence and motivation to remain physically active for a lifetime. The TARGET acronym (i.e., task, authority, recognition, grouping, evaluation and time) represents the pedagogical principles that promote a mastery motivational climate. The purpose of this article is to propose TARGET as a pedagogical framework to enhance physical literacy in PE

    "Physical education", "health and physical education", "physical literacy" and "health literacy": Global nomenclature confusion.

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    The title “physical education” (PE) is the traditional taxonomy used to represent the education discipline. Health and physical education (HPE) is regarded to be an all-encompassing health-dimensional title that has been recently embraced by various education systems around the world. Hence, it can be argued that PE and HPE are often used interchangeably by educationalists, portraying a similar meaning and understanding. This can be regarded as internationally confusing, as historically PE and HPE have represented different and at times paradoxical discourses and ideologies. Amongst the ambiguity of which title to use, PE or HPE, new terms of branding such as “physical literacy” and “health literacy” have re/emerged. The purpose of this interpretivist study is to identify if associated terms used for the original PE label are a help or hindrance to practitioners? Participants were asked an open-ended question relating to PE nomenclatures. The data gathered were analysed and findings confirmed that practitioner confusion does exist. It is suggested that children are first and foremost “physically educated”; therefore a strong, clear and comprehensive grounding in quality PE is essential for teachers and students

    Children's active play: self-reported motivators, barriers and facilitators

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    Physical activity has important benefits for children's physical health and mental wellbeing, but many children do not meet recommended levels. Research suggests that active play has the potential to make a valuable contribution to children's overall physical activity, whilst providing additional cognitive, social and emotional benefits. However, relatively little is known about the determinants of UK children's active play. Understanding these factors provides the critical first step in developing interventions to increase children's active play, and therefore overall physical activity. Eleven focus groups were conducted with 77, 10-11 year old children from four primary schools in Bristol, UK. Focus groups examined: (i) factors which motivate children to take part in active play; (ii) factors which limit children's active play and (iii) factors which facilitate children's active play. All focus groups were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim. Data were analysed using a thematic approach. Children were motivated to engage in active play because they perceived it to be enjoyable, to prevent boredom, to have physical and mental health benefits and to provide freedom from adult control, rules and structure. However, children's active play was constrained by a number of factors, including rainy weather and fear of groups of teenagers in their play spaces. Some features of the physical environment facilitated children's active play, including the presence of green spaces and cul-de-sacs in the neighbourhood. Additionally, children's use of mobile phones when playing away from home was reported to help to alleviate parents' safety fears, and therefore assist children's active play. Children express a range of motivational and environmental factors that constrain and facilitate their active play. Consideration of these factors should improve effectiveness of interventions designed to increase active play

    Feasibility, design and conduct of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial to reduce overweight and obesity in children: The electronic games to aid motivation to exercise (eGAME) study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in developed countries. Sedentary screen-based activities such as video gaming are thought to displace active behaviors and are independently associated with obesity. Active video games, where players physically interact with images onscreen, may have utility as a novel intervention to increase physical activity and improve body composition in children. The aim of the Electronic Games to Aid Motivation to Exercise (eGAME) study is to determine the effects of an active video game intervention over 6 months on: body mass index (BMI), percent body fat, waist circumference, cardio-respiratory fitness, and physical activity levels in overweight children.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>Three hundred and thirty participants aged 10–14 years will be randomized to receive either an active video game upgrade package or to a control group (no intervention).</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>An overview of the eGAME study is presented, providing an example of a large, pragmatic randomized controlled trial in a community setting. Reflection is offered on key issues encountered during the course of the study. In particular, investigation into the feasibility of the proposed intervention, as well as robust testing of proposed study procedures is a critical step prior to implementation of a large-scale trial.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12607000632493</p

    A systematic review of intervention effects on potential mediators of children\u27s physical activity

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    Background : Many interventions aiming to increase children&rsquo;s physical activity have been developed and implemented in a variety of settings, and these interventions have previously been reviewed; however the focus of these reviews tends to be on the intervention effects on physical activity outcomes without consideration of the reasons and pathways leading to intervention success or otherwise. To systematically review the efficacy of physical activity interventions targeting 5-12 year old children on potential mediators and, where possible, to calculate the size of the intervention effect on the potential mediator. Methods : A systematic search identified intervention studies that reported outcomes on potential mediators of physical activity among 5-12 year old children. Original research articles published between 1985 and April 2012 were reviewed. Results : Eighteen potential mediators were identified from 31 studies. Positive effects on cognitive/psychological potential mediators were reported in 15 out of 31 studies. Positive effects on social environmental potential mediators were reported in three out of seven studies, and no effects on the physical environment were reported. Although no studies were identified that performed a mediating analysis, 33 positive intervention effects were found on targeted potential mediators (with effect sizes ranging from small to large) and 73% of the time a positive effect on the physical activity outcome was reported. Conclusions : Many studies have reported null intervention effects on potential mediators of children&rsquo;s physical activity; however, it is important that intervention studies statistically examine the mediating effects of interventions so the most effective strategies can be implemented in future programs
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