10 research outputs found

    Implementasi Prosedur, Peraturan dan Konsekuensi Kelas Untuk Meningkatkan Kedisiplinan Siswa Kelas 8

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    Discipline is important in learning process as it could affect the success of learning process. Therefore, students should be responsible for their own behavior and keep the class conducive. Unfortunately, based on the researcher’s observation in grade VIII at a private school, the students had disciplinary problems. They came late to class, made noises when the teacher was explaining, and slept during class. Based on theories and journals, the researcher decided to implement classroom procedures, rules, and consequences. The purposes of this research were to know whether and how the implementation of the method can improve students’ discipline. The research method used was Pelton’s Model of Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects of research were 30 students from class VIII B. The research was conducted from August 14th to October 23rd, 2018. The instruments used were observation checklist forms, mentor’s feedback and researcher journal reflection that were analyzed by using simple statistics. Data analysis results showed that the average of indicator percentage of students' discipline improved 13% from 70% in Issue Identification to 83% Plan activation based on mentor’s observation after the implementation of the method. As conclusion, the implementation of classroom procedures, rules, and consequences could improve grade VIII students’ discipline by implementing all indicators of the method, which are: created a few rules, told the reason for each rule, created reasonable and logical consequences, explained procedures, rules, and consequences clearly, rehearsed procedures, reinforced correct procedures, and be consistent in implementing procedures, rules, and consequences.Discipline is important in learning process as it could affect the success of learning process. Therefore, students should be responsible for their own behavior and keep the class conducive. Unfortunately, based on the researcher’s observation in grade VIII at a private school, the students had disciplinary problems. They came late to class, made noises when the teacher was explaining, and slept during class. Based on theories and journals, the researcher decided to implement classroom procedures, rules, and consequences. The purposes of this research were to know whether and how the implementation of the method can improve students’ discipline. The research method used was Pelton’s Model of Classroom Action Research (CAR). The subjects of research were 30 students from class VIII B. The research was conducted from August 14th to October 23rd, 2018. The instruments used were observation checklist forms, mentor’s feedback and researcher journal reflection that were analyzed by using simple statistics. Data analysis results showed that the average of indicator percentage of students' discipline improved 13% from 70% in Issue Identification to 83% Plan activation based on mentor’s observation after the implementation of the method. As conclusion, the implementation of classroom procedures, rules, and consequences could improve grade VIII students’ discipline by implementing all indicators of the method, which are: created a few rules, told the reason for each rule, created reasonable and logical consequences, explained procedures, rules, and consequences clearly, rehearsed procedures, reinforced correct procedures, and be consistent in implementing procedures, rules, and consequences


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    Abstract The world of education changes as  the impact of Industrial Revolution 4.0. All parties experience rapid changes and transformations in the fields of information, technology, and communication. After learning is carried out remotely due to the pandemic, teachers have different needs that should be accommodated. This decision to meet their needs have to be made because blended learning will take place due to  the increasingly developing technology and the new normal faced by the world of education. Professional Development Program is a great way to help teachers improve these skills on an ongoing basis which has an impact on teachers and education in general. The proposed program aims to provide training to teachers in literacy and assessment according to the current educational context.   Keywords:  industrial revolution; teacher skills; literacy; assessment  The world of education changes as  the impact of Industrial Revolution 4.0. All parties experience rapid changes and transformations in the fields of information, technology, and communication. After learning is carried out remotely due to the pandemic, teachers have different needs that should be accommodated. This decision to meet their needs have to be made because blended learning will take place due to  the increasingly developing technology and the new normal faced by the world of education. Professional Development Program is a great way to help teachers improve these skills on an ongoing basis which has an impact on teachers and education in general. The proposed program aims to provide training to teachers in literacy and assessment according to the current educational context

    The Development of Indonesian Teacher Competence Questionnaire

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    Abstract The enhancement of teacher’s quality is crucial, and it remains a challenge in Indonesia. As an effort to achieve a better education quality, a comprehensive reformation of the education system has to be done, especially regarding the aspect of teacher’s quality. The cultural uniqueness may impact the different values of competent teachers, make it typical to define a competence teacher from one place to another. Up to the present, there have been wide variations of the instruments used to measure teacher competence, but most are developed with regards to the western culture. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a culturally-sensitive instrument to assess teacher competence based on the situation of the targeted country where the teacher resides. High schools students in Jakarta and greater area participated in this study. Validity and reliability testing were performed to confirm the psychometric property of Teacher Competence Questionnaire (TCQ). It is concluded that TCQ is a valid and reliable instrument to measure teacher competence. Several limitations related to this study are discussed. Keywords: teacher competence questionnaire, teacher evaluation, quality of education                 Â

    The Role of Christian Teachers in Providing for the Needs of High-Achieving Students

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    In every classroom, there are some students who perform better than their peers and are even very successful in most of their subjects. They are known as high-achieving students. They are grade conscious and sensitive to their teacher’s qualities. However, data from PISA 2012 shows that teachers in Indonesia cannot meet the needs of high-achieving students. High-achieving students tend to put high expectations on their teachers. From a Christian perspective, they study  wholeheartedly and Christian teachers need to guide these high-achieving students so they can reach their maximum potential in a way that is pleasing to God. The purpose of this literature review is to examine what high-achieving students need from their teachers. There are five needs that high-achieving students need to have provided by their teachers: challenging assignments, self-acknowledgement, encouragement, opportunity to join in academic competitions, and learning community involvement. The responsibilities of teachers of high-achieving students should not stop with showing professionalism in meeting their expectations, but should include helping these students learn the right way of studying that is pleasing to God and not self-centered in achieving their own goals. ABSTRAK BAHASA INDONESIA: Di setiap ruang kelas, terdapat siswa-siswa yang menunjukkan performa akademik yang lebih baik dari teman-temannya atau bahkan sangat berhasil dalam semua mata pelajaran. Mereka dikenal sebagai anak yang berprestasi tinggi. Mereka sangat peduli terhadap nilai dan sensitif terhadap kualitas guru. Namun, data dari PISA 2012 menunjukkan bahwa guru-guru di Indonesia tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan anak-anak yang berprestasi tinggi. Anak-anak yang berprestasi tinggi cenderung menaruh ekspektasi yang tinggi dari gurunya. Dari sudut pandang Kristiani, apa yang mereka lakukan adalah salah satu bentuk pertanggungjawaban iman untuk belajar dengan sepenuh hati dan guru Kristen perlu untuk membimbing anak berprestasi tinggi dalam mencapai potensi maksimal dari diri mereka di jalan yang berkenan di hadapan Tuhan. Tujuan dari kajian literatur ini adalah untuk menguji apa yang diperlukan oleh anak berprestasi tinggi dari guru mereka. Terdapat lima kebutuhan anak berprestasi tinggi yang perlu disediakan dari guru mereka; tugas yang menantang, pengakuan diri, dukungan, kesempatan untuk bergabung dan dukungan dalam kompetensi akademik, keterlibatan dari komunitas belajar. Tanggung jawab guru Kristen tidak hanya berhenti dalam menunjukkan profesionalitas untuk memenuhi ekspektasi mereka, tapi juga membawa mereka ke jalan yang benar dan berkenan bagi Tuhan dalam belajar yaitu dengan tidak menjadi berpusat hanya kepada diri sendiri dalam mencapai tujuan mereka

    Analisis dan Perhitungan Struktur dengan SAP 2000

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    Research done in Italian prisons showed that the convicted mafia members exhibited significant antisocial traits but their capacity for emotional connection is higher than other imprisoned offenders in Italy. In another research, Schimmenti (2014) concluded that mafioso is more sensitive, family orientated, and less selfish than other murderers. In popular culture particularly in movies, mafioso is portrayed as callous and remorseless. Knowing that they can have emotional relationships, this study analyzes the types of love that are revealed in 'The Godfather', a mob movie that was nominated for 28 Oscars and won 9. The Ancient Greek has four different words for love: Agape, Eros, Philia, and Storge. This concept of love is popularized by CS Lewis and will be used as the basis of analysis. This research focused on the main character, Michael Corleone, and examined which type of love he expressed and to whom it poured out: His own family or his mafia family. The movie portrayed that Michael was only capable of loving his father and his daughter. He could express Storge yet was unable to have affection towards his wife (Eros) thus automatically did not have the capacity to love unconditionally (Agape).  He also had a hard time to have close relationship with anyone and did not love his brothers or sister, either (Philia)


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    21 cm ; 180 hl

    Menjadi Guru Itu Mengasyikan

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    Merdeka Belajar Merdeka Mengajar

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    Kebijakan pemerintah “Merdeka Belajar, Kampus Merdeka” tentu menimbulkan respon tersendiri bagi para dosen selaku akademisi bagaimana menyikapi, merencanakan, menyusun dan mengimplementasikan sistem dan model belajar yang paling sesuai dengan kebijakan tersebut. Dan di buku Antologi inilah akan dijumpai berbagai pandangan, pemikiran, dan juga mungkin gambaran usulan untuk mengimplementasikan kebijakan MBKM di era informasi teknologi yang sangat cepat berubah dewasa ini. Sebagai pendidik profesional, para dosen tentu memiliki kiat dan cara tersendiri untuk bisa menghasilkan output lulusan peserta didik yang benar-benar sesuai dengan tujuan dan target kebijakan MBKM tersebu