33 research outputs found

    The Administration of the Secretome from Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived from the Umbilical Cord into the Medium used for Sperm Preparation

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    This study investigates the potential of the secretome of mesenchymal stem cells produced from the umbilical cord (UC-MSCs), which are renowned for their ability to prevent damage caused by oxidation, to improve the quality of sperm.   Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) is an essential antioxidant enzyme present in UC-MSCs that neutralizes reactive oxygen species (ROS).   Our objective is to examine the influence of UC-MSCs secretome, which includes SOD, on spermatozoa. This research has the potential to significantly transform strategies for enhancing sperm quality. Methods: Thirty couples with primary male infertility (asthenozoospermia) and a good DNA fragmentation index (DFI) participated in the study.   The semen samples were subjected to differential gradient centrifugation (DGC) to prepare the sperm. This was followed by the addition of secretome in a 1:1 ratio and incubated for 30 minutes.   Before and after the incubation, the sperm concentration, velocity, and DNA fragmentation index (DFI) were evaluated.   The growth factors in the secretome of UC-MSCs were examined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).   The application of secretome therapy in a 1:1 ratio resulted in a substantial enhancement in both sperm concentration and velocity.   The treatment group had a significant decrease in DFI in comparison to the control group.   Nevertheless, the experimental group exhibited a substantial decrease in SOD levels, suggesting a decline in antioxidant capacity.   The decline in levels of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) indicates a reduction in the ability to counteract harmful free radicals, which may lead to increased oxidative stress in sperm cells and ultimately result in male infertility. Additional research is essential to comprehend the consequences and mechanisms underlying this decrease and investigate its therapeutic possibilities.  Results: The addition of UC-MSCs secretome to the sperm preparation media improves sperm quality by reducing DNA fragmentation.   Nevertheless, the significant reduction in SOD levels underscores the necessity for additional investigation to fully grasp its impact on male infertility and the possibility for its therapeutic application. Conclusion: The findings of this research point to the possibility that the secretome of UC-MSCs could be useful as an additional component in the development of strategies that aim to increase sperm quality

    Micro-robotic Cell Injection Training in a CAVE

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    This paper focuses on the design of an evaluation made to a large-scale virtual reality micro-robotic cell injection training system. The aim of the evaluation is to empirically investigate the usability and effectiveness of three distinct display configurations and the input controller employed in the system. The data was gathered through a set of experiments with human participants. Participants’ performance against metrics such as success rate and magnitude of error was considered in the evaluation. For the experiments, participants were randomly divided into six equal sized groups where each group was provided with a specific combination of display configuration and haptic guidance mode. The participants performed ten injections and the time and position of the virtual micropipette tip were recorded. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics and performance comparison between groups was conducted. Additionally three groups also underwent two subsequent sessions, training and post-training, as a basis to evaluate the effectiveness of the training with haptic guidance by comparing participants’ performance before and after the training session. The implementation of the designed evaluation has contributed to the conclusions drawn which suggest the proposed large-scale virtual reality system as a feasible training tool for micro-robotic cell injection procedure, and recommendations for future work are proposed

    Semen Leucocytes Affect Sperm Quality of Infertility Patient

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    The association between the risk factors for male infertility including smoking, obesity, male age, and leukocyte count with sperm analysis, still shows mixed results. This study aims to determine the association between smoking, obesity, male age, and leukocytes count with sperm quality (sperm concentration, sperm motility, and sperm morphology) of infertility patients in Purwokerto. This study is an observational study with a cross-sectional design conducted in the medical records section of the Bunda Arif Hospital Purwokerto. The sample was taken by total sampling. The bivariate test of smoking and obesity behaviour variables with the results of sperm quality using the Chi-Square test and Fisher's exact test. Male age variables used the Kruskal-Wallis test and the Spearman correlation test. Variable leukocytes count using the Spearman test. The results showed no association between male age, obesity and smoking behaviour with sperm quality, sperm concentration, sperm motility, and sperm morphology (p>0.05). There is a significant association (p<0,05) between leukocyte semen count and spermatozoa concentration, sperm motility, and morphology of spermatozoa. It is concluded that there was a significant association between leukocyte count and sperm quality in infertility patients in Purwokerto. Research needs to be continued by examining the relationship between leukocytopenia and sperm DNA damage by looking at sperm DNA fragmentation

    Cyclic nucleotide in oocyte In vitro maturation in Assisted Reproductive Technology

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    In vitro maturation (IVM) is a promising assisted reproductive technology (ART) for human infertility treatment. However, when cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) are removed from their follicular environment when manipulated in vitro, it can lead to a decrease of intra-oocyte cyclic adenosine 3’, 5’-monophosphare (cAMP) causing spontaneous nuclear maturation and an asynchrony with the oocytes’ cytoplasmic maturation, resulting in poor embryo developmental outcomes. Nuclear and cytoplasmic synchrony is important during oocyte maturation within antral follicles.It is maintained partially by the actions of c-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) binding with natriuretic peptide receptor 2 (NPR2), supporting high cAMP levels thus holding the oocyte in meiotic arrest. Addition of CNP to pre-IVM media has the capacity of maintaining cAMP levels and thus improve synchrony. Moreover, in women with advanced maternal age, successful IVM of aging oocytes faces significant challenges due to the morphological and cellular changes.  Inhibiting initiation of nuclear maturation by cAMP modulator, CNP during pre-IVM period and thus improve oocyte developmental competence regardless of oocyte age

    Genealogy of Power in Sustainable Tourism Development in Mina Wisata Technopark Sleman

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    This study aims to analyze the parties involved in program innovation and their interests, identifies the parties who benefit and lose, and determine the sustainability of the development of Mina Wisata Technopark Sleman. This research used qualitative methods with Foucaultian's framework of genealogy of power or knowledge. The construction of the dynamics of relations and power relations can be seen from the discourse on the power of the actors involved in the management, such as the central and local governments as planners at the executive and driving levels; the company as the main key in the tourism industry; local communities in the development area as program objects; as well as the Lurah and the Village Apparatus as implementation and supervisors of development. The dynamics of developing a mina wisata  technopark resulted in the construction that the existence of a management agency was the result of communicative action through a long dialogue process. So, that power or authority can side with the weakest parties to build productive spaces and their networks in order to improve their welfare.  Mina wisata technopark must be developed through the active role of the community in making development decisions in an open, democratic, and responsible manner (bottom up planning), trought synergy with all stakeholders. innovation programme        


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    Ita Fauzia Hanoum1,2, Arief Boediono3, Mulyoto Pangestu4,5, Dwi Haryadi1,Shofwal Widad1,2, Djaswadi Dasuki1,2 ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Prosedur embrio vitrifikasi menggunakan alat berupa grid, straw atau cryoloop. Gama Sleeved cryoloop dibuat dan dikembangkan di klinik Permata Hati. Untuk itu, dilakukan pengamatan keberhasilan prosedur vitrifikasi menggunakan 0.1µl Gama Sleeved cryoloop.Metode: Vitrifikasi dilakukan pada blastokis dengan kualitas baik yang diperoleh pada hari ke 5 setelah fertilisasi. Inform consent telah disampaikan sebelumnya kepada pasien program bayi tabung di Klinik Permata Hati. Prosedur dilakukan dengan menggunakan media handling (GMOPS Plus; Vitrolife) embrio diinkubasi selama 1 menit; (7.5% EG (v/v); 7.5% DMSO (v/v)) selama 2-3 menit, (15% EG (v/v); 15% DMSO v/v; 10 mg/ml Ficoll; 0.65 M Sucrosa) selama 30 detik pada suhu ruang sebelum kemudian diletakkan di dalam cryoloop, setelah itu secara cepat cryoloop yang berisi embrio dibenamkan ke dalam nitrogen cair. Sebelum dilakukan embryo transfer (ET), embrio dihangatkan dengan cara two step technique (sucrose 0.25M) selama 2 menit dan selama 3 menit (sucrose 0.125M).Hasil: Sejumlah 97 blastokis divitrifikasi dan dihangatkan (67 pasien), dimana 91 blastokis berhasil ditransfer ke rahim ibu (93.8%). Blastokis yang tidak berhasil selamat dari prosedur penghangatan adalah blastokis dengan kerusakan lebih dari 50%. Diperoleh kehamilan klinis 43.3% sedangkan angka implantasi adalah 37.4%. Sampai saat ini, dilaporkan 20 kelahiran (23 bayi) dari program vitrifikasi menggunakan 0.1µl Gama Sleeved cryoloop, sementara 5 kehamilan masih berlangsung. Satu kehamilan dilaporkan gugur pada usia kehamilan yang masih sangat awal, dua keguguran pada usia kehamilan 12 minggu dan satu bayi lahir meninggal karena kelainan kongenital.Kesimpulan: 0.1µl Gama Sleeved cryoloop merupakan pilihan untuk digunakan sebagai alat vitrifikasi blastokis. Data awal yang kami sampaikan dan kelahiran bayi dari program tersebut memberikan harapan untuk kesuksesan program simpan beku embrio di klinik Permata Hati RSUP DR Sardjito Yogyakarta.Kata kunci: kriopreservasi, blastokis, vitrifikasi ABSTRACTBackground: Vitrification has been applied succesfully in human embryo using grid, straw and cryoloop. Gama Sleeved is a home made device develop at Permata Hati. We assessed the survival rate of human blastocyst vitrified in 0.1µl Gama Sleeved cryoloop as device.Method: Excess good grade human D5 embryos were vitrified, upon a detailed informed consent. Embryos were hold in handling media (GMOPS Plus; Vitrolife) for 1 minute; (7.5% EG (v/v); 7.5% DMSO (v/v)) for 2-3 minutes, (15% EG (v/v); 15% DMSO v/v; 10 mg/ml Ficoll; 0.65 M Sucrosa) for 30 seconds at room temperature before inserted in to the loops, then directly plunged into the liquid nitrogen. Prior to ET, embryos were warmed by two step technique in sucrose 0.25M for 2 min and 0.125M sucrosa for 3 min. Embryos were then cultured.Results: Total of 97 vitrified warmed human blastocyst (67 patients) were used and 91 (93.8%) were transferred. Non-transferred blastocyst (6.2%) has more than 50% lyse. The clinical pregnancy rate was 43.9%. The implantation rate was 37.4%. Currently, 20 deliveries of 23 babies born from vitrified blastocyst using 0.1µl Gama Sleeved cryoloop, and another 5 ongoing pregnancy. So far there was 1 early pregnancy loss, 2 miscarriages at 12 weeks pregnancy, and one infant died due to a congenital anomaly.Conclusion: 0.1µl Gama Sleeved cryoloop provides an excellent alternative to existing vitrification devices. These initial data and babies delivered from the program have been promising to a vitrification system in our own ART program.Keywords: cryopreservation, blastocyst, vitrification1Permata Hati Infertility Clinic RSUP DR Sardjito, Yogyakarta2Div Reproductive Endocrinology and Fertility OBGYN Medical Faculty Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta3Lab. Anatomi Embriologi FKH, Institut Teknologi Pertanian, Bogor4EPRD- Dept. Obstetrics and Gynecology, Monash University, Monash Medical Center,Victoria, Melbourne5Lab. Reproductive Physiology, Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto Correspondence address: + 62 274 518684; fax + 62 274 553575; email: [email protected]

    Bovine sperm HSP-70 molecules: a potential cryo-tolerance marker associated with semen quality and fertility rate

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    IntroductionFreezability is the ability of sperm to maintain its vitality and quality from various stress during the cryopreservation process, which is very important for the success of fertilization in AI programs. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are unique proteins induced in response to various stress, including excess reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative damage to intracellular enzymes that can harm cells. This study aimed to analyze the potential of HSP-70 molecules in bovine sperm as a marker of freezability or cryo-tolerance, as well as its association with semen quality and fertility rate.MethodsThe classification of bulls is based on freezability (good freezability/GF and poor freezability/PF), which is obtained from the value of post-thaw viability using the SYBR-14/PI-flow cytometry. Semen quality assessed included sperm motility and kinetics (computer-assisted sperm analyses), plasma membrane integrity (HOS test), acrosome integrity (FITC-PNA), mitochondrial membrane (JC-1), and DNA damage (Halomax kit). The bull fertility rate assessment was analyzed based on the first service conception rate of each bull derived from data on the success of artificial insemination contained in the Indonesian-integrated National Animal Health Information System (iSIKHNAS). Gene expression levels of HSP-70 bovine sperm were performed using the RT-qPCR method. The protein abundance of HSP-70 bovine sperm was determined using the enzyme immunoassay (EIA) method.ResultsBovine sperm HSP-70 molecules, at the gene and protein level, showed a higher abundance in GF (p < 0.05) than in PF bulls. The percentage of each parameter of frozen–thawed sperm quality was significantly higher in GF (p < 0.05) than in PF bulls. The HSP-70 molecules at the gene and protein levels were significantly positively correlated (p < 0.01) with the fertility rate. Furthermore, HSP-70 molecules were negatively associated (p < 0.01) with low mitochondrial membrane potential and sperm DNA damage and positively correlated (p < 0.01) with other frozen–thawed sperm quality parameters. The overall quality of frozen–thawed sperm was closely related (p < 0.01) to the fertility rate.ConclusionWe may conclude that HSP-70 molecules in bovine sperm at the gene and protein level have the potential to be developed as a marker for cryo-tolerance or freezability, which may be utilized as a predictor of fertility and frozen–thawed sperm quality in bulls

    Haptic technology for micro-robotic cell injection training systems — a review

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    Currently, the micro-robotic cell injection procedure is performed manually by expert human bio-operators. In order to be proficient at the task, lengthy and expensive dedicated training is required. As such, effective specialized training systems for this procedure can prove highly beneficial. This paper presents a comprehensive review of haptic technology relevant to cell injection training and discusses the feasibility of developing such training systems, providing researchers with an inclusive resource enabling the application of the presented approaches, or extension and advancement of the work. A brief explanation of cell injection and the challenges associated with the procedure are first presented. Important skills, such as accuracy, trajectory, speed and applied force, which need to be mastered by the bio-operator in order to achieve successful injection, are then discussed. Then an overview of various types of haptic feedback, devices and approaches is presented. This is followed by discussion on the approaches to cell modeling. Discussion of the application of haptics to skills training across various fields and haptically-enabled virtual training systems evaluation are then presented. Finally, given the findings of the review, this paper concludes that a haptically-enabled virtual cell injection training system is feasible and recommendations are made to developers of such systems

    Sperm Preservation using Freeze-Drying Method

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    Since the discovery of cryopreservation method for bull semen, cryopreservation become an alternative method for maintaining gamet resources of certain animal which is threatened or near extinction. This technology was then applied to the preservation of embryo, oocyte, ovary and testis. The application of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) for which sperm motility is unnecessary had supported the effort to create simplified method such as freeze-drying for sperm preservation. Due to the benefit of ICSI over the conventional in vitro fertilization (IVF) the spermatozoon could be mechanically driven to pass through the zona pellucida and entering the cytoplasm of oocytes prior to fertilization. The freeze-drying method is an alternative method in sperm preservation which ignored the motility of sperm. The sperm resulted from this technique is in drying state, therefore, it might be stored in room temperature or in refrigerator. Many reports have claimed that freeze-dried sperm which is not motile but has an intact DNA was able to fertilize oocytes, even produced offspring in mouse