247 research outputs found

    Automated basketball Scoring System

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    An automated basketball scoring system is configured to detect when a shot is made. In addition, this system can be modified for recreation or training purposes. A Conductive Rubber Cord Stretch Sensor is used to detect if a shot has been successfully made. This Conductive Rubber cord is laced around the net and it stretches when basketball passes through the net. Careful comparison of differences in the analog voltage values helps in identifying when a valid shot is made. In this scoring system, the basketball hoop is lit up using LEDs which change colors in Red-Green-Blue order at regular intervals. The point value of each basket is decided based on the color of the LEDs when the shot has been made unlike in conventional basketball game where the point value depends on from where the shot had been made. This system is also provided with options to manually increase and decrease the score along with start, pause, and restart the game options

    The Impact of Trading Counterfeited Vehicle Spare Parts across the Local Supply Chain: Case of Moshi Municipality

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    The influx of counterfeit vehicle spare parts in the local supply chains has reached an alarming rate, with vehicle owners often being victim to dubious traders who sell them contrabands under the guise that the spare parts are indeed genuine. In order to exhaust the magnitude of the problem, the study aimed at identifying the factors driving suppliers/dealers and consumers to trade counterfeited vehicle spare parts across the supply chain and examining the effects of trading counterfeited vehicle spare parts on the supply chain. A survey research design was employed to conduct the study which allowed the collection of adequate data from a sizeable population in a highly economical way. Multiple approaches including questionnaire, interviews and documentary review were used to gather both primary and secondary data which enabled researchers to do triangulation. Findings revealed that suppliers and customers trade counterfeited vehicle parts for a number of reasons including price affordability and inadequate awareness. This has resulted to a various effects to the participant in the local supply chain such as accidents, high replacement costs and damaged reputation. Keywords: Counterfeited products, Vehicle parts and Supply chai

    Influence of Institutional Arrangement Factors on Local Government Authorities’ Service Delivery in Dodoma, Tanzania

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    The study is aimed at examining how institutional arrangement factor fosters service delivery systems, specifically how By-laws, Acts and Policies influence service delivery. A cross-sectional research design was used for the study. The study was conducted in Dodoma City as well as Kongwa and Chamwino District councils in Dodoma Region using a sample of 399 village council and street committee members. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used in data analysis in order to determine the influence of institutional arrangement factors on local government authorities’ service delivery. The study established that By-laws, Acts and Policies were positive predictors of institutional arrangements towards service delivery. Compliance with institutional arrangements increases the propensity of LGAs to serve the citizens in an efficient manner. Based on the conclusions, it was recommended that by-laws should be provided to citizens and all service delivery potential actors in LGAs. The approved national education and health policies and Acts need to be available and accessible to lower local government authorities in order to maintain the facilitation effects of institutional arrangement for sustainable LGA service delivery

    Leveraging Wake-Up Radios in UAV-Aided LoRa Networks: Some Preliminary Results on a Random-Access Scheme

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    We present a transmission scheme aimed at integrating wake-up radios (WuR) into LoRa sensor networks featuring UAV-mounted gateways. The sensors are informed of the UAV's arrival with the help of WuR, followed by sensor-to-UAV data transfer with frequency and spreading-factor hopping. The proposed scheme provides significant energy savings at the sensors while maintaining similar reliability levels compared to a scheme in which Class B LoRa beacons are used to perfectly synchronize the sensors with the UAV's data-collection window

    Effect of Osmo-Priming with Polyethylene Glycol 6000 (PEG-6000) on Rice Seed (Oryza sativa L.) Germination and Seedling Growth Under Drought Stress

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    One of the efforts to increase rice production is by extensive farming through the utilization of marginal lands affected by drought. The present study aims to examine the influence of seed priming with PEG 6000 on rice seed germination and growth of rice seedlings in drought conditions and to group the rice varieties tested based on their tolerance to drought, and determine priming formulations for early adaptation of rice seedsthat can be used by farmers and industry.  The research was organized in the form of a Split Plot Design with Randomized Group Design. TheMain Plot is a rice variety, consisting of 10 levels, i.e., Inpari 31, Inpari 33, Inpari 36, Inpari 39, Inpari 40, Inpago 8, Inpago 10, Mekongga,Rindang 1 and Rindang 2. While the Split Plot is a concentration of PEG, which consists of 5 levels, i.e., without soaking as negative controlconcentration 0 g L-1 PEG as positive control, and 50, 100, and 150 g L-1 PEG-6000.  Each of these treatments is repeated three times, so thereare 150 observation units. Results showed that among the 10 varieties tested, there were 2 less tolerant varieties with scores of 5-10 (Inpari 31and Inpari 39), 5 varieties are quite tolerant with a score of 11-16 (Inpari 33, Inpari 36, Inpari 40, Inpagi 10 and Mekongga) and 3 varieties are very tolerant with a score of 17-22 (Rindang 1, Rindang 2 and Inpago 8) with priming concentrations of 100 g L-1 PEG-6000 for 36 hours

    Exploration and Identification of Amorphophallus spp in South Sulawesi

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    To support the development of Amorphophallus as potential economic commodity especially in South Sulawesi, the first step that can be taken is to inventory the species found in this region. In this study we explore and identify Amorphopallus species found in South Sulawesi. The area of exploration was choose based on the information collected from media and personal interview about the plant with student that came from across the South Sulawesi Province. Exploration was conducted by driving a car and hicking through provincial and district oth habitat for Amorphophallus according to literature. We also gather information by showing pictures on the plant to the resident or farmers around the exploration site. We then collected the plant that found in the exploration, and identified each of them by morphological characters. This research found three species Amorphophallus, namely A. paeonifolius, A. variabilis, and A. muelleri spread across the South Sulawesi Regency, in 11 spot location at eight district: Takalar, Jeneponto, Bantaeng, Gowa, Maros, Bone, Soppeng, and East Luwu. The habitat were the plant grow naturally are under tree canopy, or other shade, which indicate the potensial of this plant to growth under agroforestry system

    Processo de internacionalização das filiais portuguesas de construção civil para Angola: alguns estudos de caso (Mota-Engil, Soares da Costa e Conduril)

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    Dissertação apresentada no Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização Orientador: Professor Doutor José de Freitas SantosA presente investigação aborda o processo de internacionalização das filiais portuguesas de construção civil e a sua dificuldade de entrada nos mercados externos em geral e no mercado angolano em particular. Este trabalho analisa o desenvolvimento de um modelo de internacionalização adequado à realidade das empresas portuguesas que incorporem nas atividades desenvolvidas uma forte componente de serviços. Os mercados emergentes aparecem como os mais rentáveis na concretização da internacionalização das empresas, sendo o envolvimento de empresas portuguesas neste tipo de mercados há muito conhecido. No entanto, a participação de empresas em mercados emergentes apresenta enormes desafios, requerendo das empresas o desenvolvimento de estratégias apropriadas para uma internacionalização de sucesso. É neste contexto que este trabalho se propõe compreender quais os fatores cruciais que constituem uma base sólida para uma internacionalização de sucesso. A metodologia adoptada neste estudo incluiu a elaboração de um questionário, entrevistas em profundidade e a análise de dados secundários para a elaboração dos respetivos estudos de caso. Como resultado foi possível identificar a envolvência de empresas portuguesas em mercados emergentes, definir oportunidades e ameaças que condicionam a tomada de decisão de um processo de internacionalização. Dos resultados foi ainda possivel elaborar um processo de internacionalização, de forma a responder às necessidades da indústria.This research addresses the process of internationalization of Portuguese companies of construction and the difficulty of entry in foreign markets in general and in particular the Angolan market. This paper analyzes the development of a suitable reality of Portuguese companies that incorporate in the activities developed a strong service component model of internationalization. Emerging markets appear to be the most profitable in achieving the internationalization of enterprises, with the involvement of Portuguese companies in such markets have long known. However, the participation of companies in emerging markets presents enormous challenges, requiring the companies to develop appropriate strategies for successful internationalization. It is in this context that this study aims to understand what the crucial factors that constitutes a solid basis for a successful internationalization. The methodology used in this study included the preparation of a questionnaire, in-depth interviews and analysis of secondary importance to the development of the respective case studies database. As a result it was possible to identify the involvement of Portuguese companies in emerging markets, define opportunities and threats that affect the decision making of an internationalization process. The outcome was still possible to develop an internationalization process, to respond to industry needs

    Assessment of Childcare Workers’ Strength in Providing Care and Support to Vulnerable Children in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: The Case of Kurasini National Children

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    This study was conducted at Kurasini National Children home. The main objective of the study was to assess childcare workers’ strength in providing child care and support to Vulnerable children in Tanzania. The specific objectives of the study were: to examine competences necessary for childcare workers; to assess the quality of child care services provided to children and to identify challenges experienced by childcare workers. The study was guided by the empowerment and attachment theories. Qualitative research design was used and semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, observation and documentary review were used for collection of data which was thematically analyzed. A purposive sampling technique was used to obtain respondents. A sample of 30 children and 20 officials from childcare workers, social welfare officers and human right staff were selected, making a total sample of 50 participants. Study findings were analyzed and presented using a computer package known as SPSS version 20. The study revealed care workers’ strength is weakened by their educational and training background, inadequate job orientations, inadequate supervisory leadership, organizational and management skills, lack of contractual framework between council welfare officers and childcare workers and inadequate resources. In view of the study findings it was concluded that the government and stakeholders were not adequately allocating resources for childcare workers’ capacity strengthening and facilitation of child care interventions. The study therefore, recommends for the government, training institutions and stakeholders to adequately strengthen the capacity of childcare workers and to timely provide sufficient resources to facilitate the provision of quality child care services to the vulnerable children

    Karakterisasi Morfologi Padi Lokal Merauke Hoeng

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    Karakterisasi morfologi perlu dilakukan sebagai langkah awal untuk memanfaatkan jenis padi lokal, khususnya terkait upaya pemuliaan tanaman padi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkarakterisasi morfologi Padi Hoeng, yang merupakan padi lokal Kabupaten Merauke. Bahan penelitian adalah aksesi Padi Hoeng yang ditemukan di Distrik Kurik dan Distrik Tanah Miring, jumlah sampel yang digunakan adalah lima tanaman untuk masing-masing aksesi. Karakterisasi dilakukan berdasarkan Panduan Sistem Karakterisasi dan Evaluasi Tanaman Padi. Data yang diambil adalah karakter morfologi vegetatif dan malai padi, data ditabulasi dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan mencolok pada karakter kuantitatif seperti tinggi tanaman, panjang daun, lebar daun, panjang lidah daun, panjang daun bendera, dan jumlah anakan. Untuk karakter tinggi tanaman, jenis padi Hoeng Kurik termasuk kategori pendek (<110 cm), sedangkan padi Hoeng Tanah Miring termasuk kategori tinggi (>130 cm). Pada variable panjang daun, padi Hoeng Kurik termasuk dalam kategori pendek (21-40 cm), sedangkan padi Hoeng Tanah Miring termasuk dalam kategori panjang (61-80 cm). Hasil pengamatan karakter kualitatif, seperti permukaan daun, sudut daun, warna leher dan telinga daun, bentuk ligula dan sudut daun bendera, baik pada padi Hoeng Kurik maupun Hoeng Tanah Miring menunjukkan tidak ada keragaman. Untuk karakter morfologi malai, Padi Hoeng yang ditemukan di Distrik Kurik dan Tanah Miring memiliki tipe malai antara kompak dan sedang, bulu ujung gabah yang panjang dan semuanya berbulu, bulu ujung gabah dan ujung gabah berwarna ungu, serta cabang malai sekunder yang sedikit. Kelebihan Padi Hoeng adalah rasa beras yang pulen, namun dari sisi produksi, hasilnya masih minim. Perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk melihat sifat-sifat ketahanan padi ini terhadap cekaman biotik dan abiotik


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    Para Mama Papua umumnya mengumpulkan hasil bumi seperti pinang dan buah-buahan musiman yang mereka kumpulkan dari sekitar tempat tinggal mereka. Upaya untuk membantu meningkatkan pendapatan para Perempuan Papua ini telah dilakukan oleh Tim Dosen Universitas Musamus melalui kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat yang didanai Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (DRPM) Kementerian Pendidikan Kebudayaan Riset dan Teknologi (Kemendikbud Ristek) Skim Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) Tahun 2021. Dampak dari pelatihan dan pendampingan budidaya secara berkelanjutan telah terlihat saat ini. Kelompok Mama Papua ini bahkan mulai kewalahan memenuhi permintaan pasar, sehingga kadang kala menjual sayur produksi mereka, utamanya selada, sebelum memasuki waktu panen Berdasarkan analisis situasi di atas, masalah yang muncul pada mitra adalah kapasitas produksi kebun hidroponik yang relative masih rendah, sedangkan jumlah anggota kelompok Ibu Rumah Tangga Mama-Mama Papua yang aktif mengelola kebun semakin banyak. Rendahnya kapasitas produksi kebun tersebut berakibat pada rendahnya hasil panen dan keuntungan yang dapat dibagikan ke seluruh anggota kelompok. Peningkatan produksi nantinya perlu dibarengi dengan upaya perluasan pasar, untuk memastikan hasil produksi sayur hidroponik tersebut dapat terserap oleh pasar. Masalah lain adalah setelah berjalan selama kurang lebih tujuh bulan, beberapa fasilitas yang disediakan perlu ditingkatkan, misalnya di sekeliling rumah hidroponik tersebut perlu ditutup dengan insect net untuk mencegah masuknya ayam ataupun serangga berpotensi hama ke pertanaman. Berbagai permasalahan inilah yang akan diatasi melalui kegiatan Peningkatan Kapasitas Produksi Usaha dan Fasilitasi Kerjasama Pemasaran Sayur Hidroponik Bagi Perempuan Papua di Kelurahan Kamundu, Merauke