1 research outputs found
Listeria monocytogenes in cheese and the dairy environment remains a food safety challenge: The role of stress responses
- Author
- Abdullah
- Abrahão
- Abram
- Acciari
- Adrião
- Alessandria
- Allerberger
- Almeida
- Angelidis
- Angelidis
- Archambauld
- Arguedas-Villa
- Barancelli
- Barancelli
- Barbosa
- Barmpalia-Davis
- Barmpalia-Davis
- Bayles
- Begley
- Beresford
- Bergholz
- Bille
- Booth
- Brigulla
- Brito
- Bula
- Cabedo
- Cacace
- Cagri-Mehmetoglu
- Carpentier
- Carvalho
- Cataldo
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- Chae
- Chambel
- Chan
- Chen
- Chorianopoulus
- Colak
- Collins
- Conte
- Cotter
- Cotter
- Cotter
- Cummings
- D'Amico
- D'Amico
- Dalmasso
- Danielsson-Tham
- Datta
- Davis
- Di Pinto
- Djordjevic
- Dowd
- Doyle
- Etchegaray
- European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
- European Commission
- Faleiro
- Faleiro
- Felicio
- Ferreira
- Ferreira
- Ferreira
- Filiousis
- Folsom
- Fox
- Fox
- Freitag
- Fretz
- Fuchs
- Gameiro
- Gardan
- Gardan
- Gaulin
- Gaulin
- Gay
- Gebretsadik
- Gebretsadik
- Giotis
- Gnanou
- Gould
- Goulet
- Graumann
- Gruening
- Hanawa
- Harvey
- Heavin
- Hill
- Hill
- Holah
- Ilhak
- Ivy
- J. Melo
- Jacquet
- Jensen
- Jensen
- Jiang
- Johnsen
- Joyce
- Kabuki
- Kalmokoff
- Karatzas
- Kazmierczak
- King
- Koch
- Kongo
- Kousta
- Koutsoumanis
- Kovacevic
- Larson
- Latorre
- Latorre
- Latorre
- Le
- Leite
- Lianou
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- Linton
- Little
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- Lou
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- Lundén
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- M.L. Faleiro
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- McDonald
- McLaughlin
- Melo
- Melo
- Mena
- Millet
- Mohammed
- Mols
- Moreno-Enriquez
- Morgan
- Mukherjee
- Mytle
- Nair
- Nightingale
- Nightingale
- Nightingale
- Nilsson
- O'Driscoll
- O'Driscoll
- Okada
- Olesen
- Oliver
- Oliver
- Osaili
- P.W. Andrew
- Panfill-Kuncewicz
- Paraje
- Parisi
- Perni
- Peterson
- Pintado
- Pintado
- Pradhan
- Pricope-Ciolacu
- Ramalheira
- Rogga
- Roldgaard
- Rudolf
- Ryan
- Ryser
- Samara
- Samouris
- Schmid
- Schoder
- Schoder
- Schoder
- Schoder
- Schrama
- Silva
- Skandamis
- Skandamis
- Sleator
- Sleator
- Smith
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- Stoll
- Stopforth
- Sue
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- Trémoulet
- Utratna
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- Van Stelten
- Vieira
- Vitas
- Vogel
- Wagner
- Watson
- Weatherhill
- Wemekamp-Kamphuis
- Wemekamp-Kamphuis
- Wemmenhove
- Wonderling
- Yamanaka
- Zhou
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study