62 research outputs found

    Unexpected mutual regulation underlies paralogue functional diversification and promotes epithelial tissue maturation in Tribolium

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    Insect Hox3/zen genes represent an evolutionary hotspot for changes in function and copy number. Single orthologues are required either for early specification or late morphogenesis of the extraembryonic tissues, which protect the embryo. The tandemly duplicated zen paralogues of the beetle Tribolium castaneum present a unique opportunity to investigate both functions in a single species. We dissect the paralogues' expression dynamics (transcript and protein) and transcriptional targets (RNA-seq after RNAi) throughout embryogenesis. We identify an unexpected role of Tc-Zen2 in repression of Tc-zen1, generating a negative feedback loop that promotes developmental progression. Tc-Zen2 regulation is dynamic, including within co-expressed multigene loci. We also show that extraembryonic development is the major event within the transcriptional landscape of late embryogenesis and provide a global molecular characterization of the extraembryonic serosal tissue. Altogether, we propose that paralogue mutual regulation arose through multiple instances of zen subfunctionalization, leading to their complementary extant roles

    Repertoire-wide gene structure analyses : a case study comparing automatically predicted and manually annotated gene models

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    Background The location and modular structure of eukaryotic protein-coding genes in genomic sequences can be automatically predicted by gene annotation algorithms. These predictions are often used for comparative studies on gene structure, gene repertoires, and genome evolution. However, automatic annotation algorithms do not yet correctly identify all genes within a genome, and manual annotation is often necessary to obtain accurate gene models and gene sets. As manual annotation is time-consuming, only a fraction of the gene models in a genome is typically manually annotated, and this fraction often differs between species. To assess the impact of manual annotation efforts on genome-wide analyses of gene structural properties, we compared the structural properties of protein-coding genes in seven diverse insect species sequenced by the i5k initiative. Results Our results show that the subset of genes chosen for manual annotation by a research community (3.5–7% of gene models) may have structural properties (e.g., lengths and exon counts) that are not necessarily representative for a species’ gene set as a whole. Nonetheless, the structural properties of automatically generated gene models are only altered marginally (if at all) through manual annotation. Major correlative trends, for example a negative correlation between genome size and exonic proportion, can be inferred from either the automatically predicted or manually annotated gene models alike. Vice versa, some previously reported trends did not appear in either the automatic or manually annotated gene sets, pointing towards insect-specific gene structural peculiarities. Conclusions In our analysis of gene structural properties, automatically predicted gene models proved to be sufficiently reliable to recover the same gene-repertoire-wide correlative trends that we found when focusing on manually annotated gene models only. We acknowledge that analyses on the individual gene level clearly benefit from manual curation. However, as genome sequencing and annotation projects often differ in the extent of their manual annotation and curation efforts, our results indicate that comparative studies analyzing gene structural properties in these genomes can nonetheless be justifiable and informative

    Oncopeltus fasciatus zen is essential for serosal tissue function in katatrepsis

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    AbstractUnlike most Hox cluster genes, with their canonical role in anterior–posterior patterning of the embryo, the Hox3 orthologue of insects has diverged. Here, we investigate the zen orthologue in Oncopeltus fasciatus (Hemiptera:Heteroptera). As in other insects, the Of-zen gene is expressed extraembryonically, and RNA interference (RNAi) experiments demonstrate that it is functionally required in this domain for the proper occurrence of katatrepsis, the phase of embryonic movements by which the embryo emerges from the yolk and adjusts its orientation within the egg. After RNAi knockdown of Of-zen, katatrepsis does not occur, causing embryos to complete development inside out. However, not all aspects of expression and function are conserved compared to grasshopper, beetle, and fly orthologues. Of-zen is not expressed in the extraembryonic tissue until relatively late, suggesting it is not involved in tissue specification. Within the extraembryonic domain, Of-zen is expressed in the outer serosal membrane, but unlike orthologues, it is not detectable in the inner extraembryonic membrane, the amnion. Thus, the role of zen in the interaction of serosa, amnion, and embryo may differ between species. Of-zen is also expressed in the blastoderm, although this early expression shows no apparent correlation with defects seen by RNAi knockdown

    Persistent parental RNAi in the Beetle Tribolium castaneum involves maternal transmission of long double‐stranded RNA

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    Parental RNA interference (pRNAi) is a powerful and widely used method for gene‐specific knockdown. Yet in insects its efficacy varies between species, and how the systemic response is transmitted from mother to offspring remains elusive. Using the beetle Tribolium castaneum, an RT‐qPCR strategy to distinguish the presence of double‐stranded RNA (dsRNA) from endogenous mRNA is reported. It is found that injected dsRNA is directly transmitted into the egg and persists throughout embryogenesis. Despite this depletion of dsRNA from the mother, it is shown that strong pRNAi can persist for months before waning at strain‐specific rates. In seeking the receptor proteins for cellular uptake of long dsRNA into the egg, a phylogenomics profiling approach of candidate proteins is also presented. A visualization strategy based on taxonomically hierarchical assessment of orthology clustering data to rapidly assess gene age and copy number changes, refined by sequence‐based evidence, is demonstrated. Repeated losses of SID‐1‐like channel proteins in the arthropods, including wholesale loss in the Heteroptera (true bugs), which are nonetheless highly sensitive to pRNAi, are thereby documented. Overall, practical considerations for insect pRNAi against a backdrop of outstanding questions on the molecular mechanism of dsRNA transmission for long‐term, systemic knockdown are elucidated

    The genetic factors of bilaterian evolution

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    The Cambrian explosion was a unique animal radiation ~540 million years ago that produced the full range of body plans across bilaterians. The genetic mechanisms underlying these events are unknown, leaving a fundamental question in evolutionary biology unanswered. Using large-scale comparative genomics and advanced orthology evaluation techniques, we identified 157 bilaterian-specific genes. They include the entire Nodal pathway, a key regulator of mesoderm development and left-right axis specification; components for nervous system development, including a suite of G protein-coupled receptors that control physiology and behaviour, the Robo-Slit midline repulsion system, and the neurotrophin signalling system; a high number of zinc finger transcription factors; and novel factors that previously escaped attention. Contradicting the current view, our study reveals that genes with bilaterian origin are robustly associated with key features in extant bilaterians, suggesting a causal relationship

    The extended analogy of extraembryonic development in insects and amniotes

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    It is fascinating that the amnion and serosa/chorion, two extraembryonic (EE) tissues that are characteristic of the amniote vertebrates (mammals, birds and reptiles), have also independently evolved in insects. In this review, we offer the first detailed, macroevolutionary comparison of EE development and tissue biology across these animal groups. Some commonalities represent independent solutions to shared challenges for protecting the embryo (environmental assaults, risk of pathogens) and supporting its development, including clear links between cellular properties (e.g. polyploidy) and physiological function. Further parallels encompass developmental features such as the early segregation of the serosa/chorion compared to later, progressive differentiation of the amnion and formation of the amniotic cavity from serosal–amniotic folds as a widespread morphogenetic mode across species. We also discuss common developmental roles for orthologous transcription factors and BMP signalling in EE tissues of amniotes and insects, and between EE and cardiac tissues, supported by our exploration of new resources for global and tissue-specific gene expression. This highlights the degree to which general developmental principles and protective tissue features can be deduced from each of these animal groups, emphasizing the value of broad comparative studies to reveal subtle developmental strategies and answer questions that are common across species. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Extraembryonic tissues: exploring concepts, definitions and functions across the animal kingdom’

    Regionalized tissue fluidization is required for epithelial gap closure during insect gastrulation

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    Many animal embryos pull and close an epithelial sheet around the ellipsoidal egg surface during a gastrulation process known as epiboly. The ovoidal geometry dictates that the epithelial sheet first expands and subsequently compacts. Moreover, the spreading epithelium is mechanically stressed and this stress needs to be released. Here we show that during extraembryonic tissue (serosa) epiboly in the insect Tribolium castaneum, the non-proliferative serosa becomes regionalized into a solid-like dorsal region with larger non-rearranging cells, and a more fluid-like ventral region surrounding the leading edge with smaller cells undergoing intercalations. Our results suggest that a heterogeneous actomyosin cable contributes to the fluidization of the leading edge by driving sequential eviction and intercalation of individual cells away from the serosa margin. Since this developmental solution utilized during epiboly resembles the mechanism of wound healing, we propose actomyosin cable-driven local tissue fluidization as a conserved morphogenetic module for closure of epithelial gaps

    Gene content evolution in the arthropods

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    Arthropods comprise the largest and most diverse phylum on Earth and play vital roles in nearly every ecosystem. Their diversity stems in part from variations on a conserved body plan, resulting from and recorded in adaptive changes in the genome. Dissection of the genomic record of sequence change enables broad questions regarding genome evolution to be addressed, even across hyper-diverse taxa within arthropods. Using 76 whole genome sequences representing 21 orders spanning more than 500 million years of arthropod evolution, we document changes in gene and protein domain content and provide temporal and phylogenetic context for interpreting these innovations. We identify many novel gene families that arose early in the evolution of arthropods and during the diversification of insects into modern orders. We reveal unexpected variation in patterns of DNA methylation across arthropods and examples of gene family and protein domain evolution coincident with the appearance of notable phenotypic and physiological adaptations such as flight, metamorphosis, sociality, and chemoperception. These analyses demonstrate how large-scale comparative genomics can provide broad new insights into the genotype to phenotype map and generate testable hypotheses about the evolution of animal diversity

    The maternal and early embryonic transcriptome of the milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Most evolutionary developmental biology ("evo-devo") studies of emerging model organisms focus on small numbers of candidate genes cloned individually using degenerate PCR. However, newly available sequencing technologies such as 454 pyrosequencing have recently begun to allow for massive gene discovery in animals without sequenced genomes. Within insects, although large volumes of sequence data are available for holometabolous insects, developmental studies of basally branching hemimetabolous insects typically suffer from low rates of gene discovery.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We used 454 pyrosequencing to sequence over 500 million bases of cDNA from the ovaries and embryos of the milkweed bug <it>Oncopeltus fasciatus</it>, which lacks a sequenced genome. This indirectly developing insect occupies an important phylogenetic position, branching basal to Diptera (including fruit flies) and Hymenoptera (including honeybees), and is an experimentally tractable model for short-germ development. 2,087,410 reads from both normalized and non-normalized cDNA assembled into 21,097 sequences (isotigs) and 112,531 singletons. The assembled sequences fell into 16,617 unique gene models, and included predictions of splicing isoforms, which we examined experimentally. Discovery of new genes plateaued after assembly of ~1.5 million reads, suggesting that we have sequenced nearly all transcripts present in the cDNA sampled. Many transcripts have been assembled at close to full length, and there is a net gain of sequence data for over half of the pre-existing <it>O. fasciatus </it>accessions for developmental genes in GenBank. We identified 10,775 unique genes, including members of all major conserved metazoan signaling pathways and genes involved in several major categories of early developmental processes. We also specifically address the effects of cDNA normalization on gene discovery in <it>de novo </it>transcriptome analyses.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our sequencing, assembly and annotation framework provide a simple and effective way to achieve high-throughput gene discovery for organisms lacking a sequenced genome. These data will have applications to the study of the evolution of arthropod genes and genetic pathways, and to the wider evolution, development and genomics communities working with emerging model organisms.</p> <p>[The sequence data from this study have been submitted to GenBank under study accession number SRP002610 (<url>http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra?term=SRP002610</url>). Custom scripts generated are available at <url>http://www.extavourlab.com/protocols/index.html</url>. Seven Additional files are available.]</p

    Molecular Evolutionary Trends and Feeding Ecology Diversification in the Hemiptera, Anchored by the Milkweed Bug Genome

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    Background: The Hemiptera (aphids, cicadas, and true bugs) are a key insect order, with high diversity for feeding ecology and excellent experimental tractability for molecular genetics. Building upon recent sequencing of hemipteran pests such as phloem-feeding aphids and blood-feeding bed bugs, we present the genome sequence and comparative analyses centered on the milkweed bug Oncopeltus fasciatus, a seed feeder of the family Lygaeidae. Results: The 926-Mb Oncopeltus genome is well represented by the current assembly and official gene set. We use our genomic and RNA-seq data not only to characterize the protein-coding gene repertoire and perform isoform-specific RNAi, but also to elucidate patterns of molecular evolution and physiology. We find ongoing, lineage-specific expansion and diversification of repressive C2H2 zinc finger proteins. The discovery of intron gain and turnover specific to the Hemiptera also prompted the evaluation of lineage and genome size as predictors of gene structure evolution. Furthermore, we identify enzymatic gains and losses that correlate with feeding biology, particularly for reductions associated with derived, fluid nutrition feeding. Conclusions: With the milkweed bug, we now have a critical mass of sequenced species for a hemimetabolous insect order and close outgroup to the Holometabola, substantially improving the diversity of insect genomics. We thereby define commonalities among the Hemiptera and delve into how hemipteran genomes reflect distinct feeding ecologies. Given Oncopeltus’s strength as an experimental model, these new sequence resources bolster the foundation for molecular research and highlight technical considerations for the analysis of medium-sized invertebrate genomes