35 research outputs found


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    The aim of the work – to study the frequency of intrathecal synthesis of specific antibodies at patients with inflammatory lesions of the central nervous system.Patients and methods. In this work the data of the determination of intrathecal synthesis of specific antibodies (ITSA) in 90 patients are given who were treated at the Lev Hromashevskyi Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. The research included quantitative definition of antibodies of the class IgG in serum (S) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to neurotropic pathogens: herpes simplex virus 1/2, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, varicella zoster virus, rubella virus, Borrelies. Calculations of ITSA indicators were carried out according to the method of Reiber H. The condition of a hematoencephalic barrier (HEB) was estimated by means of coefficient of albumine (Qalb) taking into account age norms.Results. ITSA was established in (25.6±4.6) % of the examined patients with damages of the central nervous system. In patients with ITSA most often (in 52.2 %) simultaneously present antibodies to several neurotropic pathogens. Detection of ITSA at the examined patients didn’t depend on concentration of specific antibodies in S and CSF and wasn’t followed by malfunction of HEB. The incidence of HEB dysfunction at patients with ITSA and without ITSA appeared with an identical frequency (13,0 % and 13,6 % respectively).Мета роботи. Вивчити частоту інтратекального синтезу специфічних антитіл у пацієнтів зі запальними ураженнями центральної нервової системи.Пацієнти і методи. В роботі наведені дані визначення інтратекального синтезу специфічних антитіл (ІТСА) у 90 пацієнтів, які проходили лікування в клініці ДУ «Інститут епідеміології та інфекційних хвороб ім. Л.В. Громашевського». Дослідження включало кількісне визначення антитіл класу Ig G в сироватці крові (СК) та спинномозковій рідині (СМР) до нейротропних збудників: вірусу простого герпесу 1/2 типу, цитомегаловірусу, вірусу Епштейна-Барр, вірусу оперізувального лишаю, вірусу кору, вірусу краснухи, бореліям. Розрахунки показників ІТСА проведені за методикою Reiber H. Стан гематоенцефалічного бар’єру (ГЕБ) оцінювали за допомогою коефіцієнту альбуміну (Qalb) з урахуванням вікових норм.Результати. ІТСА встановлений у (25,6±4,6) % обстежених пацієнтів з ураженнями ЦНС. У пацієнтів з ІТСА найчастіше (у 52,2 %) одночасно були присутні антитіла до декількох нейротропних збудників. Виявлення ІТСА в обстежених пацієнтів не залежало від концентрації специфічних антитіл у СК і СМР і не супроводжувалося порушенням функції ГЕБ. Випадки дисфункції ГЕБ у пацієнтів з ІТСА та без ІТСА виявлялися з однаковою частотою (13,0 та 13,6 % відповідно)

    Induced surface and curvature tension equation of state for hadron resonance gas in finite volumes and its relation to morphological thermodynamics

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    Here we develop an original approach to investigate the grand canonical partition function of the multicomponent mixtures of Boltzmann particles with hard-core interaction in finite and even small systems of the volumes above 20 fm3^3. The derived expressions of the induced surface tension equation of state are analyzed in details. It is shown that the metastable states, which can emerge in the finite systems with realistic interaction, appear at very high pressures at which the hadron resonance gas, most probably, is not applicable at all. It is shown how and under what conditions the obtained results for finite systems can be generalized to include into a formalism the equation for curvature tension. The applicability range of the obtained equations of induced surface and curvature tensions for finite systems is discussed and their close relations to the equations of the morphological thermodynamics are established. The hadron resonance gas model on the basis of the obtained advanced equation of state is worked out. Also, this model is applied to analyze the chemical freeze-out of hadrons and light nuclei with the number of (anti-)baryons not exceeding 4, including the most problematic ratios of hyper-triton and its antiparticle. Their multiplicities were measured by the ALICE Collaboration in the central lead-lead collisions at the center-of-mass energy sNN=\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 2.76 TeV.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures and 1 tabl

    RNA delivery by extracellular vesicles in mammalian cells and its applications.

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    The term 'extracellular vesicles' refers to a heterogeneous population of vesicular bodies of cellular origin that derive either from the endosomal compartment (exosomes) or as a result of shedding from the plasma membrane (microvesicles, oncosomes and apoptotic bodies). Extracellular vesicles carry a variety of cargo, including RNAs, proteins, lipids and DNA, which can be taken up by other cells, both in the direct vicinity of the source cell and at distant sites in the body via biofluids, and elicit a variety of phenotypic responses. Owing to their unique biology and roles in cell-cell communication, extracellular vesicles have attracted strong interest, which is further enhanced by their potential clinical utility. Because extracellular vesicles derive their cargo from the contents of the cells that produce them, they are attractive sources of biomarkers for a variety of diseases. Furthermore, studies demonstrating phenotypic effects of specific extracellular vesicle-associated cargo on target cells have stoked interest in extracellular vesicles as therapeutic vehicles. There is particularly strong evidence that the RNA cargo of extracellular vesicles can alter recipient cell gene expression and function. During the past decade, extracellular vesicles and their RNA cargo have become better defined, but many aspects of extracellular vesicle biology remain to be elucidated. These include selective cargo loading resulting in substantial differences between the composition of extracellular vesicles and source cells; heterogeneity in extracellular vesicle size and composition; and undefined mechanisms for the uptake of extracellular vesicles into recipient cells and the fates of their cargo. Further progress in unravelling the basic mechanisms of extracellular vesicle biogenesis, transport, and cargo delivery and function is needed for successful clinical implementation. This Review focuses on the current state of knowledge pertaining to packaging, transport and function of RNAs in extracellular vesicles and outlines the progress made thus far towards their clinical applications

    Thrombocytopenia in malaria: who cares?

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    Despite not being a criterion for severe malaria, thrombocytopenia is one of the most common complications of both Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum malaria. In a systematic review of the literature, platelet counts under 150,000/mm³ ranged from 24-94% in patients with acute malaria and this frequency was not different between the two major species that affected humans. Minor bleeding is mentioned in case reports of patients with P. vivax infection and may be explained by medullary compensation with the release of mega platelets in the peripheral circulation by megakaryocytes, thus maintaining a good primary haemostasis. The speculated mechanisms leading to thrombocytopenia are: coagulation disturbances, splenomegaly, bone marrow alterations, antibody-mediated platelet destruction, oxidative stress and the role of platelets as cofactors in triggering severe malaria. Data from experimental models are presented and, despite not being rare, there is no clear recommendation on the adequate management of this haematological complication. In most cases, a conservative approach is adopted and platelet counts usually revert to normal ranges a few days after efficacious antimalarial treatment. More studies are needed to specifically clarify if thrombocytopenia is the cause or consequence of the clinical disease spectrum

    Spectral and luminescent properties of ZnO–SiO2 core–shell nanoparticles with size-selected ZnO cores

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    Deposition of silica shells onto ZnO nanoparticles (NPs) in dimethyl sulfoxide was found to be an efficient tool for terminating the growth of ZnO NPs during thermal treatment and producing stable core–shell ZnO NPs with core sizes of 3.5–5.8 nm. The core–shell ZnO–SiO2 NPs emit two photoluminescence (PL) bands centred at [similar]370 and [similar]550 nm originating from the direct radiative electron–hole recombination and defect-mediated electron–hole recombination, respectively. An increase of the ZnO NP size from 3.5 to 5.8 nm is accompanied by a decrease of the intensity of the defect PL band and growth of its radiative life-time from 0.78 to 1.49 μs. FTIR spectroscopy reveals no size dependence of the FTIR-active spectral features of ZnO–SiO2 NPs in the ZnO core size range of 3.5–5.8 nm, while in the Raman spectra a shift of the LO frequency from 577 cm−1 for the 3.5 nm ZnO core to 573 cm−1 for the 5.8 nm core is observed, which can indicate a larger compressive stress in smaller ZnO cores induced by the SiO2 shell. Simultaneous hydrolysis of zinc(II) acetate and tetraethyl orthosilicate also results in the formation of ZnO–SiO2 NPs with the ZnO core size varying from 3.1 to 3.8 nm. However, unlike the case of the SiO2 shell deposition onto the pre-formed ZnO NPs, individual core–shell NPs are not formed but loosely aggregated constellations of ZnO–SiO2 NPs with a size of 20–30 nm are. The variation of the synthetic procedures in the latter method proposed here allows the size of both the ZnO core and SiO2 host particles to be tuned.Dieser Beitrag ist aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich