266 research outputs found

    A Generalized Error Distribution Copula-based method for portfolios risk assessment

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    In this paper, we deal with the evaluation of Conditional Value-at-Risk in the framework of portfolio theory by using a modified Gaussian Copula – where the modification is obtained by introducing the Generalized Correlation Coefficient – and by assuming a Generalized Error Distribution with properly estimated shape parameter for the returns of the considered risky assets. In so doing, we add to the connection between standard Copula theory and financial risk assessment. A comparison analysis of our findings with those obtainable through a standard Gaussian Copula-based procedure in a set of real data is also presented

    A Nonparametric Approach for Testing Long Memory in Stock Returns’ Higher Moments

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    In this paper, by considering a model-based approach for conditional moment estimation, a nonparametric test was performed to study the long-memory property of higher moments. We considered the daily returns of the stocks included in the S&P500 index in the last ten years (for the period running from the 1st of January 2011 to the 1st of January 2021). We found that mean and skewness were characterized by short memory, while variance and shape had long memory. These results have deep implications in terms of asset allocation, option pricing and market efficiency evaluation

    Weight-Based Discrimination in the Italian Labor Market: an Analysis of the Interaction with Gender and Ethnicity

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    Access to the Italian job market is undermined by several kinds of discrimination influencing the opportunities for individuals to obtain a job. In this study, we analyze together the impact of three of the most relevant kinds of discrimination operating in the Italian labor market: gender, race, and weight. Our aim is to assess whether gender and race either increase or decrease the impact of weight-based discrimination. In this respect, we submit a set of fictitious r\ue9sum\ue9s including photos of either obese or thin applicants in response to real online job offers. Our results indicate that the strongest kind of discrimination operating in the Italian labor market is the one connected to the candidate\u2019s geographical origin. Moreover, we find discrimination based on body weight to be more relevant within immigrants than within natives, and gender gap appears to be higher within the obese candidates\u2019 group compared to the normal-weight candidates\u2019 one. This last result is particularly relevant, as the growing rates of obesity forecasted for the next years could in turn produce an increase in the gender gap, which in Italy is already massive

    Immigrants and Italian labor market: statistical or taste-based discrimination?

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    Types of discrimination are usually distinguished by economic theory in statistical and taste-based. Using a correspondence experiment, we analyze which of the two affects Italian labor market the most. In this respect, we studied the difference in discrimination reserved to first- and second-generation immigrants, taking gender differences into account. Even if we want to admit a rational discrimination based on perceived productivity differences (statistical discrimination) against first-generation immigrants (concerning language and education gaps), the same would not be reasonable for second-generation ones. Since they are born and educated in Italy, where they have always lived, the associated discrimination must be taste-based

    Effects of in vitro altered microflora on immunolocalization of ladderlectin and intelectin in trout intestine

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    Lectins are carbohydrate-binding proteins or glycoproteins present in all types of organisms. They serve different biological functions including the roles in the innate immune system by recognizing carbohydrates that are found on the surface of potential pathogens. Soluble lectins have been identified from the plasma and mucus of various fish species. Rainbow trout ladderlectin (RTLL) and intelectin (RTInt) are two plasma proteins implicated in innate immune surveillance and pathogen elimination based upon their ability to bind Gram-negative bacteria and chitin. The present work, by using an in vitro model, was aimed to evaluate the expression of RTLL and RTInt, as visualized by specific antibodies, in the trout intestine exposed to distinct experimental conditions. The removed intestines were separately exposed to a mixture of the probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus rhamnosus, e Lactobacillus paracasei (group 1), a suspension of the pathogen bacteria Vibrio anguillarum (group 2), a mixture of the probiotics above, followed by the pathogens V. anguillarum (group 3). In the control group (group 4), the intestines were exposed to sterile saline solution and TSBgs in the same conditions, as above. Following exposure to V. anguillarum, a higher lectin reactivity was found, as compared with the controls, at the apical cell membrane of the epithelium, probably as a consequence of a stronger secretion induced by the pathogen. Consistently, the intestinal goblet cells, which in the controls proved to be the main site of the lectin expression, in the group 2 appeared unstained and nearly devoid of their contents. An increased immunostaining was observed also within inflammatory leucocytes, club cells and SP-positive cells. Notably, in the group 3, both the immunohistochemical pattern and the Western blotting analysis indicated that exposure of intestine to probiotics prior to V.anguillarum affects positively the RTInt expression, by reducing the pathogen-induced effect. These preliminary findings support a role for both RTLL and RTInt as putative innate defence molecules on intestinal mucosal surfaces. Further studies are required to confirm a possible involvement of probiotics in the RTInt-mediated immunomodulation

    Rapporto sull’attività 29 Giugno – 6 Luglio 2013

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    In questo lavoro viene descritta la campagna geofisica e idro-oceanografica ‘GARGANO2013’ effettuata grazie ad una collaborazione tra INGV e Marina Militare Italiana nell’ambito di un accordo di collaborazione denominato CONAGEM (Coordinamento Nazionale per la Geofisica Marina). Tale accordo, siglato nel 2005 fra i principali enti pubblici di ricerca che operano in mare, prevede infatti la possibilità di attuare congiuntamente campagne di ricerca marine condividendone dati e risultati. La campagna è stata organizzata con la finalità di raccogliere quanti più possibili elementi utili a caratterizzare l’area marina del Gargano sotto un profilo ambientale predisponendone un quadro di riferimento per successive attività di monitoraggio delle fenomenologie presenti nell’area di indagine. In quest’ottica, l’obiettivo prefissato era la mappatura di eventuali affioramenti di acque dolci in mare. Contestualmente, è stata eseguita la sperimentazione di prototipi strumentali per future applicazioni a bordo nave: in particolare, sono state eseguite misure di tipo accelerometrico al fine di caratterizzare le sollecitazioni dinamiche cui sono sottoposti gli strumenti a bordonave ottenendo così utili informazioni per lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie quali piattaforme inerziali per uso scientifico e strumentazione per prospezioni gravimetriche da utilizzare su nave

    Valutazione clinico/morfologica di Amukine Med® e Braunol®, su CVC in spisilicone

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    La gestione infermieristica riveste un ruolo importante per la sopravvivenza dell'accesso vascolare per emodialisi, soprattutto quando per la sua realizzazione sono stati utilizzati materiali protesici etcrologhi. Scopo di questo studio è di valutare in vitro e in vivo gli eventuali effetti collaterali e l'efficacia di due disinfettanti tra i più comunemente usati (ipoclorito di sodio allo 0,057 Amukine Med® e iodopovidone al 10% Braunol®,) per le medicazioni dei cateteri venosi centrali. Lo studio è stato effettuato da gennaio 2003 a gennaio 2004. In tale periodo abbiamo valutato in vitro mediante esame morfologico gli effetti sui cateteri incubati a breve e lungo termine nei 2 disinfettanti e in vivo l'incidenza di reazioni cutanee locali e la positività dell'esame colturale del tampone cutaneo, in 17 malati uremici con "Tesio cat®" Medcomp (spisilicone) come accesso vascolare per emodialisi. Non si sono notate differenze morfologiche significative nello studio in vitro tra i campioni trattati con i due disinfettanti. Il contatto prolungato dello spisilicone con Amukine Med e Braunol anche in ambiente libero non ha determinato alterazioni morfologiche della parete all'esame macro e microscopico. Nello studio in vivo, condotto su due gruppi composti da 10 pazienti nel gruppo Amukine Med e 7 pazienti in quello con Braunol, sono state effettuate 1088 medicazioni (640 con Amukine Med pari al 58,8% medicazioni totali e 448 con Braunol pari al 41,2% medicazioni totali) pari al 40,5% delle sedute dialitiche con ambo le tecniche di disinfezione. Dagli esami colturali (271 tamponi) in 71 casi è stata riportata crescita batterica; 68 Staphilococcus Epidermidis; 2 Escherichia Coli (gruppo Amuchina Med) 1 Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (gruppo Braunol). Negli ultimi 3 casi (1/68 mesi d'esposizione) era presente sepsi locale. Non si sono rilevate differenze nell'incidenza di infezioni locali o di effetti collaterali indotti dai due disinfettanti

    Chemostratigraphy of the Pliensbachian, Puesto Araya Formation (Neuquén Basin, Argentina)

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    In a preliminary attempt to establish an isotope stratigraphy, strontium, carbon and oxygen isotope ratios were determined from marine biogenic carbonates of Pliensbachian age, in the context of scheme of local ammonite Zones correlatable to the European Standard Zonation. Two sections, río Atuel and arroyo Serrucho, of the mainly siliciclastic Puesto Araya Formation, Neuquén Basin, south-western Mendoza, Argentina, were studied. Specimens of the bivalve genera Weyla Bhöm and Gryphaea Lamarck were selected for the isotopic determinations because of their low-Mg calcite original mineralogy and widespread presence. Scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry techniques were used to control the good degree of preservation of most of the biogenic material, as evidenced by pristine fabrics, 100% calcite composition and Sr, Mn and Fe concentrations. Although strontium isotope ratios are slightly scattered, it is possible to compare them with those of the Early Jurassic seawater reference curve. Carbon isotope signals show two relative maxima, correlatable with those recorded for the upper part of the Ibex Zone and the middle part of the Margaritatus Zone in various European sections, indicating the possible global significance of these events. d18O values were found to be unreliable for isotope stratigraphy, as they are largely depleted in comparison to those of coeval unaltered marine carbonates.Universidad de Buenos AiresFacultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Rapporto sull’attività 29 Giugno – 6 Luglio 2013

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    In questo lavoro viene descritta la campagna geofisica e idro-oceanografica ‘GARGANO2013’ effettuata grazie ad una collaborazione tra INGV e Marina Militare Italiana nell’ambito di un accordo di collaborazione denominato CONAGEM (Coordinamento Nazionale per la Geofisica Marina). Tale accordo, siglato nel 2005 fra i principali enti pubblici di ricerca che operano in mare, prevede infatti la possibilità di attuare congiuntamente campagne di ricerca marine condividendone dati e risultati. La campagna è stata organizzata con la finalità di raccogliere quanti più possibili elementi utili a caratterizzare l’area marina del Gargano sotto un profilo ambientale predisponendone un quadro di riferimento per successive attività di monitoraggio delle fenomenologie presenti nell’area di indagine. In quest’ottica, l’obiettivo prefissato era la mappatura di eventuali affioramenti di acque dolci in mare. Contestualmente, è stata eseguita la sperimentazione di prototipi strumentali per future applicazioni a bordo nave: in particolare, sono state eseguite misure di tipo accelerometrico al fine di caratterizzare le sollecitazioni dinamiche cui sono sottoposti gli strumenti a bordonave ottenendo così utili informazioni per lo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie quali piattaforme inerziali per uso scientifico e strumentazione per prospezioni gravimetriche da utilizzare su nave.Marina Militare ItalianaPublished1-283A. Ambiente MarinoN/A or not JCRope

    Stable Isotope Analysis of the Inca Mummy from Nevado de Chuscha (Salta, Argentina)

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    This paper presents the carbon (13C/12C), nitrogen (15N/14N), oxygen (18O/16O), hydrogen (2H/1H) and sulfur (34S/32S) stable isotope values measured in the hair of a female individual from north-western Argentina. The analysis of segments of this tissue allows for the recording of the diet and migratory changes with a short time resolution. The sample is from a mummified young female individual discovered in Chuscha mount, Salta province. It was found at more than 5000 masl, in a mountain sanctuary of the Inca expansion (capacochas). The paper discusses the paleodiet and mobility patterns of this individual in the period before her death, focusing on the isotopic variations in a limited time scale. The results indicate that the individual moved from a different region to the place where she was sacrificed. Furthermore, in the last year the individual was alive, a shift in the isotopic composition of the food consumed is detected: a variation in the importance of C4 over C3 resources is evident. The results are compared with the isotopic estimations for other children and young people recovered in archaeological contexts associated with capacochas to infer variability in the geographical trajectories covered during their last months of life.Fil: Killian Galván, Violeta Anahí. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto Interdisciplinario Tilcara; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Tessone, Augusto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Geocronología y Geología Isotópica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geocronología y Geología Isotópica; ArgentinaFil: Valenzuela, Luciano Oscar. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Departamento de Arqueología. Laboratorio de Ecología Evolutiva Humana (Sede Quequén); Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Sharp, Z. D.. Universidad de Nuevo México.; Estados UnidosFil: Panarello, Hector Osvaldo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Geocronología y Geología Isotópica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Geocronología y Geología Isotópica; Argentin
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