331 research outputs found

    On the Wang-Landau Method for Off-Lattice Simulations in the "Uniform" Ensemble

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    We present a rigorous derivation for off-lattice implementations of the so-called "random-walk" algorithm recently introduced by Wang and Landau [PRL 86, 2050 (2001)]. Originally developed for discrete systems, the algorithm samples configurations according to their inverse density of states using Monte-Carlo moves; the estimate for the density of states is refined at each simulation step and is ultimately used to calculate thermodynamic properties. We present an implementation for atomic systems based on a rigorous separation of kinetic and configurational contributions to the density of states. By constructing a "uniform" ensemble for configurational degrees of freedom--in which all potential energies, volumes, and numbers of particles are equally probable--we establish a framework for the correct implementation of simulation acceptance criteria and calculation of thermodynamic averages in the continuum case. To demonstrate the generality of our approach, we perform sample calculations for the Lennard-Jones fluid using two implementation variants and in both cases find good agreement with established literature values for the vapor-liquid coexistence locus.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figure

    Novel micro-flat springs using the superior elastic properties of metallic glass foils

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    A thin metallic glass foil of 100 mg mass forming a sinusoidal arc behaves as non-conventional flat micro-spring withstanding loads 105 times higher than its load. Upon a normal load applied on the top of the arc, the foil deforms elastically leading to sinusoidal wavy patterns of higher order. The lifespan of the novel spring is higher than conventional low cycle springs and can potentially be further improved by eliminating surface and edge preparation induced defects. This unique behavior of metallic glass foils has the potential to revolutionize the field of springs and can be exploited for numerous applications

    Dipolar origin of the gas-liquid coexistence of the hard-core 1:1 electrolyte model

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    We present a systematic study of the effect of the ion pairing on the gas-liquid phase transition of hard-core 1:1 electrolyte models. We study a class of dipolar dimer models that depend on a parameter R_c, the maximum separation between the ions that compose the dimer. This parameter can vary from sigma_{+/-} that corresponds to the tightly tethered dipolar dimer model, to R_c --> infinity, that corresponds to the Stillinger-Lovett description of the free ion system. The coexistence curve and critical point parameters are obtained as a function of R_c by grand canonical Monte Carlo techniques. Our results show that this dependence is smooth but non-monotonic and converges asymptotically towards the free ion case for relatively small values of R_c. This fact allows us to describe the gas-liquid transition in the free ion model as a transition between two dimerized fluid phases. The role of the unpaired ions can be considered as a perturbation of this picture.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Exchange Field Induced Magnetoresistance in Colossal Magnetoresistance Manganites

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    The effect of an exchange field on electrical transport in thin films of metallic ferromagnetic manganites has been investigated. The exchange field was induced both by direct exchange coupling in a ferromagnet/antiferromagnet multilayer and by indirect exchange interaction in a ferromagnet/paramagnet superlattice. The electrical resistance of the manganite layers was found to be determined by the absolute value of the vector sum of the effective exchange field and the external magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Mechanically induced waves in metallic glass foils

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    The response of vitrified metallic arc foils under normal load is studied. Application of normal load on an initial arc shaped vitrified metallic foil is followed by multiplication of the initial arc. A sinusoidal mathematical expression can be used for the description of the produced harmonic undulations. The number of the formed waves increases as the displacement increases. Therefore, this undulatory behavior of the vitrified foils can be exploited as a flat spring with multiple spring constants. For comparison crystalline foils were tested. The enormous elastic region of vitrified alloys allows this undulatory response to occur extensively while plastic deformation is unavoidable when crystalline foils are used. Exploiting the metallic glass characteristics, the predefined extrem a positions of the formed undulations and the mechanical characteristics of the vitrified foils a new type of electromechanical switch is suggested. (c) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All right

    Corrigendum to “Pollen-based paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic change at Lake Ohrid (south-eastern Europe) during the past 500 ka” published in Biogeosciences, 13, 1423–1437, 2016

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    In this corrigendum we report an updated pollen record from the Lake Ohrid DEEP site spanning the past 500 ka whereby we have reprocessed and re-analyzed 104 samples affected by chemical procedure problems that occurred in one palynological laboratory. Firstly, these samples were affected by the use of wrong containers, causing in- adequate settling of particles at the set centrifuging speed. Secondly, HCl and HF treatments were combined without the prescribed intermediate centrifuging and decanting steps. The inaccuracy in the protocol resulted in the loss of smaller pollen grains and in the overrepresentation of bisaccate ones in most of the re-analyzed samples. We therefore provide an updated set of figures with the new data and have revised the description of the results, discussion and conclusions re- ported in Sadori et al. (2016) where necessary. We stress that the majority of the original results and conclusions remain valid, while the records’ reliability and resolution have improved as 12 samples that had been omitted in the original study because of low count sums are now included in the revised dataset (Sadori et al., 2018)


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    This paper describes the participation of VITALAS in the TRECVID-2009 evaluation where we submitted runs for the High-Level Feature Extraction (HLFE) and Interactive Search tasks. For the HLFE task, we focus on the evaluation of low-level feature sets and fusion methods. The runs employ multiple low-level features based on all available modalities (visual, audio and text) and the results show that use of such features improves the retrieval eectiveness signicantly. We also use a concept score fusion approach that achieves good results with reduced low-level feature vector dimensionality. Furthermore, a weighting scheme is introduced for cluster assignment in the \bag-of-words" approach. Our runs achieved good performance compared to a baseline run and the submissions of other TRECVID-2009 participants. For the Interactive Search task, we focus on the evaluation of the integrated VITALAS system in order to gain insights into the use and eectiveness of the system's search functionalities on (the combination of) multiple modalities and study the behavior of two user groups: professional archivists and non-professional users. Our analysis indicates that both user groups submit about the same total number of queries and use the search functionalities in a similar way, but professional users save twice as many shots and examine shots deeper in the ranked retrieved list.The agreement between the TRECVID assessors and our users was quite low. In terms of the eectiveness of the dierent search modalities, similarity searches retrieve on average twice as many relevant shots as keyword searches, fused searches three times as many, while concept searches retrieve even up to ve times as many relevant shots, indicating the benets of the use of robust concept detectors in multimodal video retrieval. High-Level Feature Extraction Runs 1. A VITALAS.CERTH-ITI 1: Early fusion of all available low-level features. 2. A VITALAS.CERTH-ITI 2: Concept score fusion for ve low-level features and 100 concepts, text features and bag-of-words with color SIFT descriptor based on dense sampling. 3. A VITALAS.CERTH-ITI 3: Concept score fusion for ve low-level features and 100 concepts combined with text features. 4. A VITALAS.CERTH-ITI 4: Weighting scheme for bag-of-words based on dense sampling of the color SIFT descriptor. 5. A VITALAS.CERTH-ITI 5: Baseline run, bag-of-words based on dense sampling of the color SIFT descriptor. Interactive Search Runs 1. vitalas 1: Interactive run by professional archivists 2. vitalas 2: Interactive run by professional archivists 3. vitalas 3: Interactive run by non-professional users 4. vitalas 4: Interactive run by non-professional user

    Charge and Density Fluctuations Lock Horns : Ionic Criticality with Power-Law Forces

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    How do charge and density fluctuations compete in ionic fluids near gas-liquid criticality when quantum mechanical effects play a role ? To gain some insight, long-range Φ±±L/rd+σ\Phi^{{\mathcal{L}}}_{\pm \pm} / r^{d+\sigma} interactions (with σ>0\sigma>0), that encompass van der Waals forces (when σ=d=3\sigma = d = 3), have been incorporated in exactly soluble, dd-dimensional 1:1 ionic spherical models with charges ±q0\pm q_0 and hard-core repulsions. In accord with previous work, when d>min{σ,2}d>\min \{\sigma, 2\} (and q0q_0 is not too large), the Coulomb interactions do not alter the (q0=0q_0 = 0) critical universality class that is characterized by density correlations at criticality decaying as 1/rd2+η1/r^{d-2+\eta} with η=max{0,2σ}\eta = \max \{0, 2-\sigma\}. But screening is now algebraic, the charge-charge correlations decaying, in general, only as 1/rd+σ+41/r^{d+\sigma+4}; thus σ=3\sigma = 3 faithfully mimics known \textit{non}critical d=3d=3 quantal effects. But in the \textit{absence} of full (+,+, -) ion symmetry, density and charge fluctuations mix via a transparent mechanism: then the screening \textit{at criticality} is \textit{weaker} by a factor r42ηr^{4-2\eta}. Furthermore, the otherwise valid Stillinger-Lovett sum rule fails \textit{at} criticality whenever η=0\eta =0 (as, e.g., when σ>2\sigma>2) although it remains valid if η>0\eta >0 (as for σ<2\sigma<2 or in real d3d \leq 3 Ising-type systems).Comment: 8 pages, in press in J. Phys. A, Letters to the Edito

    Sine-Gordon mean field theory of a Coulomb Gas

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    Sine-Gordon field theory is used to investigate the phase diagram of a neutral Coulomb gas. A variational mean field free energy is constructed and the corresponding phase diagrams in two (2d) and three dimensions (3d) are obtained. When analyzed in terms of chemical potential, the Sine-Gordon theory predicts the phase diagram topologically identical with the Monte Carlo simulations and a recently developed Debye-H\"uckel-Bjerrum (DHBj) theory. In 2d we find that the infinite order Kosterlitz-Thouless line terminates in a tricritical point, after which the metal-insulator transition becomes first order. However, when the transformation from chemical potential to the density is made the whole of the insulating phase is mapped onto zero density.Comment: 5 pages, Revtex with twocolumn style, 2 Postscript figures. Submitted to PR

    Criticality in confined ionic fluids

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    A theory of a confined two dimensional electrolyte is presented. The positive and negative ions, interacting by a 1/r1/r potential, are constrained to move on an interface separating two solvents with dielectric constants ϵ1\epsilon_1 and ϵ2\epsilon_2. It is shown that the Debye-H\"uckel type of theory predicts that the this 2d Coulomb fluid should undergo a phase separation into a coexisting liquid (high density) and gas (low density) phases. We argue, however, that the formation of polymer-like chains of alternating positive and negative ions can prevent this phase transition from taking place.Comment: RevTex, no figures, in press Phys. Rev.