21 research outputs found

    Situações estressantes de vida, uso e abuso de álcool e drogas em idosos de Monterrey, México

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    This is a descriptive, qualitative, and correlation study with 112 elderly aged 60 years or older. This study aimed to identify differences in alcohol consumption according to gender and marital status, and differences in the consumption of medical drugs by gender. It also aims to determine differences in stressful life events by gender, and differences in stressful life events associated to alcohol and medical drugs use and abuse, as well as to know their perceptions on the most stressful life events they have experienced. The results showed significant differences in alcohol consumption by gender (U=154.0, pEstudio descriptivo correlacional con aproximación cualitativa de los datos en 112 adultos mayores de 60 años, con objeto de identificar las diferencias en el consumo de alcohol por sexo y estado marital y las diferencias en el consumo de drogas médicas por sexo, determinar los eventos de la vida estresantes que se asocian con el uso y abuso de alcohol y drogas médicas, y conocer las percepciones sobre los eventos de la vida que han experimentado como más estresantes. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas del consumo de alcohol de acuerdo al sexo (U=154.0, p< .001), donde el consumo fue mayor para los hombres. Se reportó que el consumo de drogas médicas (Ç2=5.95, pEstudo descritivo correlacional e abordagem qualitativa dos dados, realizado com 112 adultos maiores de 60 anos com o objetivo de identificar as diferenças no consumo de álcool por sexo e estado civil, identificar as diferenças do consumo de drogas médicas por sexo, determinar os eventos estressantes da vida que se associam com o uso e abuso de álcool e drogas médicas, e conhecer as percepções dos idosos sobre o que consideram eventos estressantes na vida. Os resultados mostraram diferenças significativas do consumo de álcool de acordo com sexo (U=154.0, p< 0,001), consumo foi muito maior para os homens. Reportou-se que o consumo de drogas médicas (Ç2=5.95,

    Impact of protein domains on PE_PGRS30 polar localization in Mycobacteria

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    PE_PGRS proteins are unique to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and a number of other pathogenic mycobacteria. PE_PGRS30, which is required for the full virulence of M. tuberculosis (Mtb), has three main domains, i.e. an N-terminal PE domain, repetitive PGRS domain and the unique C-terminal domain. To investigate the role of these domains, we expressed a GFP-tagged PE_PGRS30 protein and a series of its functional deletion mutants in different mycobacterial species (Mtb, Mycobacterium bovis BCG and Mycobacterium smegmatis) and analysed protein localization by confocal microscopy. We show that PE_PGRS30 localizes at the mycobacterial cell poles in Mtb and M. bovis BCG but not in M. smegmatis and that the PGRS domain of the protein strongly contributes to protein cellular localization in Mtb. Immunofluorescence studies further showed that the unique C-terminal domain of PE_PGRS30 is not available on the surface, except when the PGRS domain is missing. Immunoblot demonstrated that the PGRS domain is required to maintain the protein strongly associated with the non-soluble cellular fraction. These results suggest that the repetitive GGA-GGN repeats of the PGRS domain contain specific sequences that contribute to protein cellular localization and that polar localization might be a key step in the PE_PGRS30-dependent virulence mechanism

    Proinflammatory and Cancer-Promoting Pathobiont Fusobacterium nucleatum Directly Targets Colorectal Cancer Stem Cells

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    Intestinal bacterial communities participate in gut homeostasis and are recognized as crucial in bowel inflammation and colorectal cancer (CRC). Fusobacterium nucleatum (Fn), a pathobiont of the oral microflora, has recently emerged as a CRC-associated microbe linked to disease progression, metastasis, and a poor clinical outcome; however, the primary cellular and/or microenvironmental targets of this agent remain elusive. We report here that Fn directly targets putative colorectal cancer stem cells (CR-CSCs), a tumor cell subset endowed with cancer re-initiating capacity after surgery and chemotherapy. A patient-derived CSC line, highly enriched (70%) for the stem marker CD133, was expanded as tumor spheroids, dissociated, and exposed in vitro to varying amounts (range 100-500 MOI) of Fn. We found that Fn stably adheres to CSCs, likely by multiple interactions involving the tumor-associated Gal-GalNac disaccharide and the Fn-docking protein CEA-family cell adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM-1), robustly expressed on CSCs. Importantly, Fn elicited innate immune responses in CSCs and triggered a growth factor-like, protein tyrosine phosphorylation cascade largely dependent on CEACAM-1 and culminating in the activation of p42/44 MAP kinase. Thus, the direct stimulation of CSCs by Fn may contribute to microbiota-driven colorectal carcinogenesis and represent a target for innovative therapies

    Third Party Certification of Agri-Food Supply Chain Using Smart Contracts and Blockchain Tokens

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    Every consumer’s buying decision at the supermarket influences food brands to make first party claims of sustainability and socially responsible farming methods on their agro-product labels. Fine wines are often subject to counterfeit along the supply chain to the consumer. This paper presents a method for efficient unrestricted publicity to third party certification (TPC) of plant agricultural products, starting at harvest, using smart contracts and blockchain tokens. The method is capable of providing economic incentives to the actors along the supply chain. A proof-of-concept using a modified Ethereum IGR token set of smart contracts using the ERC-1155 standard NFTs was deployed on the Rinkeby test net and evaluated. The main findings include (a) allowing immediate access to TPC by the public for any desired authority by using token smart contracts. (b) Food safety can be enhanced through TPC visible to consumers through mobile application and blockchain technology, thus reducing counterfeiting and green washing. (c) The framework is structured and maintained because participants obtain economic incentives thus leveraging it´s practical usage. In summary, this implementation of TPC broadcasting through tokens can improve transparency and sustainable conscientious consumer behaviour, thus enabling a more trustworthy supply chain transparency

    IGR Token-Raw Material and Ingredient Certification of Recipe Based Foods Using Smart Contracts

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    The use of smart contracts and blockchain tokens to implement a consumer trustworthy ingredient certification scheme for commingled foods, i.e., recipe based, food products is described. The proposed framework allows ingredients that carry any desired property (including social or environmental customer perceived value) to be certified by any certification authority, at the moment of harvest or extraction, using the IGR Ethereum token. The mechanism involves the transfer of tokens containing the internet url published at the authority&rsquo;s web site from the farmer all along the supply chain to the final consumer at each transfer of custody of the ingredient using the Cricital Tracking Event/Key Data Elements (CTE/KDE) philosophy of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT). This allows the end consumer to easily inspect and be assured of the origin of the ingredient by means of a mobile application. A successful code implementation of the framework was deployed, tested and is running as a beta version on the Ethereum live blockchain as the IGR token. The main contribution of the framework is the possibility to ensure the true origin of any instance or lot of ingredient within a recipe to the customer, without harming the food processor legitimate right to protect its recipes and suppliers

    Management of neuroendocrine carcinomas of the pancreas (WHO G3): A tailored approach between proliferation and morphology

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    Neuroendocrine carcinomas (NEC) of the pancreas are defined by a mitotic count > 20 mitoses/10 high power fields and/or Ki67 index > 20%, and included all the tumors previously classified as poorly differentiated endocrine carcinomas. These latter are aggressive malignancies with a high propensity for distant metastases and poor prognosis, and they can be further divided into small- and large-cell subtypes. However in the NEC category are included also neuroendocrine tumors with a well differentiated morphology but ki67 index > 20%. This category is associated with better prognosis and does not significantly respond to cisplatin-based chemotherapy, which represents the gold standard therapeutic approach for poorly differentiated NEC. In this review, the differences between well differentiated and poorly differentiated NEC are discussed considering both pathology, imaging features, treatment and prognostic implications. Diagnostic and therapeutic flowcharts are proposed. The need for a revision of current classification system is stressed being well differentiated NEC a more indolent disease compared to poorly differentiated tumors