42 research outputs found

    Personal Skills and Personality Development in Project Management Training: As they apply to Germany

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    The discourse on the requirements for project managers is analyzed from the perspective of personality research and some implications for evolving a theory for developing project managers’ personality and for project management training are discussed

    "Movimientos en Andalucía para prohibir los transgénicos" : pasos para incidir en la prohibición de los transgénicos en un territorio. El caso de Andalucía

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    Una vez levantada la moratoria europea para la siembra de cultivos genéticamente modificados en 2004, varias organizaciones que habían trabajado en la lucha contra los transgénicos entran en una nueva fase de lucha, en la que se buscan alianzas civiles más estables en Andalucía. Pero no es hasta noviembre de 2007, fecha en la que tienen lugar en Sevilla la "3º Conferencia Internacional de Coexistencia de Organismos Modificados Genéticamente" organizada por la Comisión Europea y la contra-conferencia "Contaminación genética: la imposible coexistencia", el momento en el que se establecen las bases del trabajo coordinado que luego impulsarían el trabajo de la PALT.El objetivo general de la PALT es conseguir una Andalucía Libre de Transgénicos, libre de cultivos comerciales y de experimentación y libre de importaciones de granos y alimentos elaborados a partir de cultivos transgénicos. Para contribuir a este objetivo general se ha puesto en marcha la campaña "Con Soberanía Alimentaria, sin Transgénicos" que se concreta en tres objetivos específicos: 1) Incidencia y presión política; 2) información y sensibilización a la ciudadanía; y 3) Denuncia, visibilización y movilización

    Features of Cluster Life Cycle Stages

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    This study is an overview and analytical work on general characteristics of cluster life cycles. The article attempts to analyze the concept, content and features of the life cycle of the cluster. The author suggest a version of separation stages during the development of clusters to highlight aspects, on which to base further studies of the institutional conditions affecting the development of the cluster

    Sedimenttransportprozesse im Himalaya-Karakorum und ihre Bedeutung für Wasserkraftanlagen [online]

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    В данной статье обсуждаются основные методики диагностики корпоративных культур, рассматриваются достоинства и недостатки диагностического инструментария. Авторы приводят данные по исследованию корпоративных культур в различных организациях с помощью данных методик, обсуждают возможности применения как количественного, так и качественного анализа. В статье подчеркивается, что, несмотря на огромную исследовательскую работу, на данный момент необходимо дорабатывать диагностический материал для лучшего измерения и понимания корпоративных культур в современных организациях разного типа организационных культур.This article discusses the main methods of diagnosing corporate cultures, considers pros and cons of the diagnostic tools. The authors cite data of corporate culture research utilizing these methods at various types of organizations, discuss the possibility of using both quantitative and qualitative analysis. The article emphasizes that despite a huge amount of research effort that has already been done, it is still necessary to refine the diagnostic materials for better measurement and understanding of corporate cultures at the modern organizations of various types

    The effect of riparian forest on landscape connectivity for the EPT community across European regions

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    Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichop- tera are three orders of freshwater macroinvertebrates with a short terrestrial adult life-stage that they use to disperse by flying upstream. This aerial dispersal can be assisted by native riparian forest, but regional variation has not yet been empirically tested. In this study we compared the EPT community of 153 sampling sites located in freshwater streams in four European regions (Central Plains, Central Highlands, Alps, Iberia). In each site, we assessed the EPT com- munity dispersal ability using the Species Flying Pro- pensity index. We also calculated the native decidu- ous forest cover in the riparian buffer and several environmental stressors such as saprobic pollution or catchment anthropization. Finally, we tested which of these parameters have a significant effect on the EPT community. In the Central Highlands and in Iberia, the share of weak dispersers increased with native deciduous forest cover, indicating a positive effect on dispersal of EPTs. In the Central Plains and the Alps, no such effect was found. We conclude that the effect of native deciduous forest depends on regional land- scape characteristics and the regional species pool, but considering the dispersal of the regional EPT communities is needed to create effective river man- agement policies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Codon optimization regulates IgG3 and IgM expression and glycosylation in N. benthamiana

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    Plants are being increasingly recognized for the production of complex human proteins, including monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Various methods have been applied to boost recombinant expression, with DNA codon usage being an important approach. Here, we transiently expressed three complex human mAbs in Nicotiana benthamiana, namely one IgG3 and two IgM directed against SARS-CoV-2 as codon optimized(CO) and non-codon optimized (NCO) variants. qRT-PCR exhibited significantly increased mRNA levels of all CO variants compared to the non-codon optimized orthologues, in line with increased protein expression. Purified CO and NCO mAbs did not exhibit obvious biochemical differences, as determined by SDS-PAGE and antigen binding activities. By contrast, enhanced production selectively impacts on glycosite occupancy and N-glycan processing, with increased mannosidic structures. The results point to a careful monitoring of recombinant proteins upon enhancing expression. Especially if it comes to therapeutic application even subtle modifications might alter product efficacy or increase immunogenicity

    Ökologische Funktionen von Gewässerrandstreifen: Ökologische Funktionen von Gewässerrandstreifen für die Wasserrahmenrichtlinie

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    Die Studie zeigt die große Bedeutung der natürlichen bachbegleitenden Vegetation für unsere Bäche und Flüsse. Bäume sorgen für Beschattung, Stoffrückhalt, Uferstrukturierung und sind ein sehr artenreicher Lebensraum. In der Veröffentlichung werden zahlreiche nationale und internationale Facharbeiten ausgewertet und die ökologischen Funktionen genau beschrieben.Die daraus gewonnenen Erkenntnisse liefern für alle Akteure an unseren Fließgewässern wichtige Fachgrundlagen. Daneben wird allen Interessierten der große Wert von natürlichen Gewässerrandstreifen näher gebracht. Redaktionsschluss: 23.03.202

    A current-regulated magnet power supply for magnetic resonance· and susceptibility studies

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    This note desClibes a highly stabilized magnet power supply system for magnet it r~ohanceisu5ceptibility instrumentation, which is capable of prqviding a current ~f 0-'5 A into a 40 U magnet coil together with linear eun·ent sweep facilities. This system can easily be adopted for magnets of any resistance. The oc drift is about 1 part in Hl5 :per hour and low-frequency peak-to-peak noise is less than 1 part;n 106• Long-term (1 h) nonlinearity in sweep is less • than 1