308 research outputs found

    Post–breeding movements and migration patterns of western populations of common quail (Coturnix coturnix): from knowledge to hunting management

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    Patrones de movimientos y de migración postcría en la población occidental de codorniz común (Coturnix coturnix): algunas recomendaciones de gestión cinegética Hemos investigado los patrones de los movimientos postcría de la codorniz común (Coturnix coturnix) en la península ibérica con el fin de describir su fenología de paso migratorio y algunas características fisiológicas de los individuos. Esta información es necesaria para un ajuste óptimo de los períodos de caza. Hemos trabajado a partir de dos conjuntos de datos: a) capturas efectuadas en una zona que no es de cría (Garraf) de agosto a octubre en 2009 y 2010; b) recuperaciones, posteriores a la presunta época de cría, de individuos anillados en Europa y recapturados en España durante el período 1933–2005. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los movimientos postcría en Garraf están formados por dos oleadas: una primera, que se produce sobre el 10 VIII, formada principalmente por jóvenes del año inactivos sexualmente que no son fisiológicamente migrantes; y una segunda, mucho más intensa, que se produce sobre el 17 IX, formada principalmente por migrantes jóvenes del año inactivos sexualmente. La época de caza en España tiene lugar principalmente durante la primera oleada, preservando el paso de los migrantes provenientes de España y de otros países europeos. La información de los movimientos postcría en otras regiones españolas y en otros países europeos en los que la codorniz común es una especie cinegética popular, permitiría mejorar el ajuste entre el período de caza y la migración, proporcionando recomendaciones de gestión cinegética más precisas para esta especie.Patrones de movimientos y de migración postcría en la población occidental de codorniz común (Coturnix coturnix): algunas recomendaciones de gestión cinegética Hemos investigado los patrones de los movimientos postcría de la codorniz común (Coturnix coturnix) en la península ibérica con el fin de describir su fenología de paso migratorio y algunas características fisiológicas de los individuos. Esta información es necesaria para un ajuste óptimo de los períodos de caza. Hemos trabajado a partir de dos conjuntos de datos: a) capturas efectuadas en una zona que no es de cría (Garraf) de agosto a octubre en 2009 y 2010; b) recuperaciones, posteriores a la presunta época de cría, de individuos anillados en Europa y recapturados en España durante el período 1933–2005. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que los movimientos postcría en Garraf están formados por dos oleadas: una primera, que se produce sobre el 10 VIII, formada principalmente por jóvenes del año inactivos sexualmente que no son fisiológicamente migrantes; y una segunda, mucho más intensa, que se produce sobre el 17 IX, formada principalmente por migrantes jóvenes del año inactivos sexualmente. La época de caza en España tiene lugar principalmente durante la primera oleada, preservando el paso de los migrantes provenientes de España y de otros países europeos. La información de los movimientos postcría en otras regiones españolas y en otros países europeos en los que la codorniz común es una especie cinegética popular, permitiría mejorar el ajuste entre el período de caza y la migración, proporcionando recomendaciones de gestión cinegética más precisas para esta especie.We investigated the patterns of post–breeding movements of the common quail (Coturnix coturnix) in the Iberian peninsula with the aim of describing its migratory phenology and some physiological features of individuals. This information is needed to adjust hunting seasons in an optimal way. We worked with two data–sets: a) captures made in a non–breeding site (Garraf) from August to October in 2009 and 2010; b) post–breeding recoveries of individuals ringed in Europe and recaptured in Spain between 1933 and 2005. The results showed that post–breeding movements in Garraf occur in two waves: a first wave that occurs around 10 VIII and is mainly composed of non–sexually active yearlings that do not correspond physiologically to migrants, and a second much more intense wave, which occurs around 17 IX and is mainly composed of non–sexually active migrant yearlings. The hunting season in Spain takes place mainly during the first wave, preserving the passage of migrant individuals from Spain and other European countries. Information on the post–breeding movements in other Spanish regions and other European countries where the common quail is a popular game species would improve timing between the hunting season and migration by providing more precise recommendations for hunting management

    Determining population trends and conservation status of the common quail (Coturnix coturnix) in Western Europe

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    In this paper we review the conservation status and population trends of the common quail (Coturnix coturnix) from 1900 to the present. Data are sometimes contradictory with regard to the status of this species as it has some features that make it difficult to produce reliable population estimates. Recent data clearly suggest, either at a local scale or at a trans–national scale, that the Atlantic common quail populations have remained stable in the last two decades, and that restocking practices with farm–reared quails (hybrids with the Japanese quail, Coturnix japonica) do not affect our estimates. The complex movement patterns showed by this species require special attention. Analysis of ring recoveries can give important information, especially about the nomadic movement of quails in search of suitable habitats after the destruction of winter cereal crops due to harvesting. Thus, when developing a breeding distribution model for this species, continuously updated information on seasonal habitat and weather must be included for optimal prediction. Including fortnightly data of vegetation indices in distribution models, for example, has shown good results. Obtaining reliable predictions about changes in species distribution and movements during the breeding period could provide useful knowledge about the conservation status and population trends and would help in the design of future management measures

    Adaptaciones posturales en el plano sagital y posterior de hombres chilenos Hockistas sobre césped de alto rendimiento.

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    Tesis (Licenciado en Kinesiología)RESUMEN: Introducción: La Postura es un tema que ha sido motivo de diversos estudios desde hace muchos años. Mantener una postura determinada, es esencial al momento de realizar una actividad relacionada con la vida diaria, como en la realización de un gesto o actividad deportiva. Respecto a esto último se ha establecido que la práctica repetitiva de una disciplina deportiva por un tiempo prolongado genera adaptaciones posturales en los sujetos en diferentes segmentos corporales y planos anatómicos. Objetivo:El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las principales adaptaciones posturales en deportistas chilenos hombres de alto rendimiento de la especialidad Hockey sobre Césped. Materiales y Métodos:Se realizó una evaluación postural a través del análisis fotográfico de 15 hombres hockistas sobre césped de alto rendimiento y de 15 sujetos hombres no deportistas, ambos grupos pertenecientes a un rango etario de entre 20 y 30 años. Además se cuantificó la angulación de las curvaturas de la columna mediante dos inclinómetros validados. Resultados y Discusión: Los deportistas de alto rendimiento presentaron una tendencia al aumento de la lordosis lumbar y un ascenso del hemicuerpo derecho respecto al izquierdo en comparación con el grupo control. Comparando ambos grupos se estableció que existían diferencias significativas (p<0,05) en la curvatura lumbar y posición de la pelvis en el plano sagital, mientras que en el plano posterior fue significativa la diferencia sólo en la posición de los hombros. Finalmente se observó que existía anteposición de cabeza en ambos grupos, lo que podría significar que tal adaptación postural no es consecuencia de la práctica deportiva sino que podría estar presente en la población en general

    Editorial: Psychophysiology of Stress

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    Stress is a multifactorial complex phenomenon where organic resources are mobilized to deal with a real or perceived threat (Cohen et al., 1983). The stress response is one of the most important phylogenetic coping mechanisms that have allowed humans to successfully adapt to highly demanding and potentially dangerous contexts (Hadany et al., 2006; Korzan and Summers, 2021). The intrinsic neurobiological mechanisms involved in the stress response have not changed much in the last stages of the evolution of the human being, prominently including the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis and the autonomic nervous system (Ulrich-Lai and Herman, 2009;McEwen et al., 2015; Cohen et al., 2016). In contrast, our social context has changed dramatically recently in evolutionary terms

    The High Cadence Transit Survey (HiTS): Compilation and Characterization of Light-curve Catalogs

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    Indexación: Scopus.J.M. acknowledges support from CONICYT-Chile through CONICYT-PCHA/Doctorado-Nacional/2014-21140892. J.M., F.F., G.C.V., and G.M. acknowledge support from the Ministry of Economy, Development, and Tourism’s Millennium Science Initiative through grant IC120009, awarded to the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS). F.F. acknowledges support from Conicyt through the Fondecyt Initiation into Research project No. 11130228. J.M., F.F., J.S.M., G.C.V., and S.G. acknowledge support from Basal Project PFB-03, Centro de Modelamiento Matemáico (CMM), Universidad de Chile. P.L. acknowledges support by Fondecyt through project #1161184. G.C.V. gratefully acknowledges financial support from CON-ICYT-Chile through FONDECYT postdoctoral grant number 3160747 and CONICYT-Chile and NSF through the Programme of International Cooperation project DPI201400090. P.H. acknowledges support from FONDECYT through grant 1170305. L.G. was supported in part by the US National Science Foundation under grant AST-1311862. G.M. acknowledges support from Conicyt through CONICYT-PCHA/Magís-terNacional/2016-22162353. Support for T.d.J. has been provided by US NSF grant AST-1211916, the TABASGO Foundation, and Gary and Cynthia Bengier. R.R.M. acknowledges partial support from BASAL Project PFB-06, as well as FONDECYT project N◦1170364. Powered@NLHPC: this research was supported by the High Performance Computing infrastructure of the National Laboratory for High Performance Computing (NLHPC), PIA ECM-02, CONICYT. This project used data obtained with the Dark Energy Camera (DECam), which was constructed by the Dark Energy Survey (DES) collaborating institutions: Argonne National Lab, the University of California Santa Cruz, the University of Cambridge, Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales y Tecnologi-cas-Madrid, the University of Chicago, University College London, the DES-Brazil consortium, the University of Edinburgh, ETH-Zurich, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Institut de Ciencies de l’Espai, Institut de Fisica d’Altes Energies, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat, the University of Michigan, the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, the University of Nottingham, Ohio State University, the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Portsmouth, SLAC National Lab, Stanford University, the University of Sussex, and Texas A&M University. Funding for DES, including DECam, has been provided by the U.S. Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, Ministry of Education and Science (Spain), Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK), Higher Education Funding Council (England), National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, Financia-dora de Estudos e Projetos, Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico and the Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (Brazil), the German Research Foundation-sponsored cluster of excellence “Origin and Structure of the universe,” and the DES collaborating institutions. Facility: CTIO:1.5 m (DECam).The High Cadence Transient Survey (HiTS) aims to discover and study transient objects with characteristic timescales between hours and days, such as pulsating, eclipsing, and exploding stars. This survey represents a unique laboratory to explore large etendue observations from cadences of about 0.1 days and test new computational tools for the analysis of large data. This work follows a fully data science approach, from the raw data to the analysis and classification of variable sources. We compile a catalog of ∼15 million object detections and a catalog of ∼2.5 million light curves classified by variability. The typical depth of the survey is 24.2, 24.3, 24.1, and 23.8 in the u, g, r, and i bands, respectively. We classified all point-like nonmoving sources by first extracting features from their light curves and then applying a random forest classifier. For the classification, we used a training set constructed using a combination of cross-matched catalogs, visual inspection, transfer/active learning, and data augmentation. The classification model consists of several random forest classifiers organized in a hierarchical scheme. The classifier accuracy estimated on a test set is approximately 97%. In the unlabeled data, 3485 sources were classified as variables, of which 1321 were classified as periodic. Among the periodic classes, we discovered with high confidence one δ Scuti, 39 eclipsing binaries, 48 rotational variables, and 90 RR Lyrae, and for the nonperiodic classes, we discovered one cataclysmic variable, 630 QSOs, and one supernova candidate. The first data release can be accessed in the project archive of HiTS (http://astro.cmm.uchile.cl/HiTS/). © 2018. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-3881/aadfd

    Visualization and interactive systems applied to health science education

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    [EN]A selective sample of the latest innovations in health education based on digital and technological applications are presented. In particular, we focused on the contributions developed by VisualMed System (Medical Visualization Systems) Group in the field of medical learning and teaching. Applications are presented in the following order: first, anatomical and functional viewers; second, simulation environments for training purposes; and third, applications for smartphones and tablets. All the applications provide multiple interactivity features and rich visual learning material aimed to promote an autonomous learning process to support traditional teaching methods. Finally, implications for teaching and learning in health sciences are discussed

    Super-Cationic Peptide Dendrimers¿Synthesis and Evaluation as Antimicrobial Agents

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    Microbial infections are a major public health concern. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have been demonstrated to be a plausible alternative to the current arsenal of drugs that has become inefficient due to multidrug resistance. Herein we describe a new AMP family, namely the supercationic peptide dendrimers (SCPDs). Although all members of the series exert some antibacterial activity, we propose that special attention should be given to (KLK)2KLLKLL-NH2 (G1KLK-L2KL2), which shows selectivity for Gram-negative bacteria and virtually no cytotoxicity in HepG2 and HEK293. These results reinforce the validity of the SCPD family as a valuable class of AMP and support G1KLK-L2KL2 as a strong lead candidate for the future development of an antibacterial agent against Gram-negative bacteria

    Convergent Approaches for the Synthesis of the Anti-tumoral Peptide, Kahalalide F. Study of Orthogonal Protecting Groups

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    Kahalalide compounds are peptides that are isolated from a Hawaiian herbivorous marine species of mollusc, Elysia rufescens, and its diet, the green alga Bryopsis sp. Kahalalide F and its synthetic analogues are the most promising compounds of the Kahalalide family because they show anti-tumoral activity. Linear solid-phase syntheses of Kahalalide F have been reported. Here we describe several new improved synthetic routes based on convergent approaches with distinct orthogonal protection schemes for the preparation of Kahaladide analogues. These strategies allow a better control and characterization of the intermediates because more reactions are performed in solution. Five derivatives of Kahalalide F were synthesized using several convergent approaches

    Investigation of the N-terminus amino functional of Arg10-Teixobactin

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    Teixobactin is a recently described antimicrobial peptide that shows high activity against gram-positive bacteria as well as mycobacterium tuberculosis. Due to both its structure as a head-to-side chain cyclodepsipeptide and its activity, it has attracted the attention of several research groups. In this regard, a large number of analogs with substitutions in both the cycle and the tail has been described. Here, we report the contribution of the N-terminus residue, N-Me-d-Phe, to the activity of Arg10-teixobactin. On the basis of our findings, we conclude that the N-terminus accepts minimum changes but not the presence of long alkyl chains. The presence of a positive charge is a requirement for the activity of the peptide. Furthermore, acylation of the N-terminus leads to total loss of activity

    El papel de la edad de inicio en el consumo problemático de alcohol: ¿artefacto o efecto de cohorte?

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    La edad de inicio se ha señalado como un predictor crucial del consumo de alcohol en la adolescencia. Sin embargo, varios autores han advertido que se trata de un artefacto poco fiable que se explica por la tendencia a retrasar la edad de inicio a medida que aumenta la edad de los encuestados (forward telescoping o sesgo de memoria). Este estudio pretende comprobar si la edad de inicio es una medida aproximativa de la edad o un predictor del consumo de alcohol por sí mismo. Se utilizó un modelo de regresión jerárquica y la Macro Process para SPSS para probar el efecto de la edad de inicio (controlando la edad) en el consumo de alcohol y el papel mediador/moderador de la edad de inicio, el control parental y el sexo en el consumo de alcohol, respectivamente. Los resultados confirman el papel de la edad de inicio como predictor significativo del consumo de alcohol en los adolescentes ecuatorianos en lugar de artefacto. Además, la edad de inicio medió completamente el efecto de la edad en el consumo de alcohol, con frecuencia moderado por el sexo. Se discuten posteriormente las implicaciones prácticas.Age of onset has been reported as a crucial predictor for alcohol consumption in adolescence. However, several authors have warned against it as an unreliable artefact accounted by the tendency to delay age of onset as respondents’ age increases (forward telescoping). This study aims to test whether age of onset is either a proxy for age or a predictor of alcohol consumption of its own. A hierarchical regression model and Process Macro for SPSS were used to test the effect of age of onset (controlling for age) on alcohol consumption and the mediating/moderator role of age of onset, parental control, and sex on alcohol consumption, respectively. Results support the role of age of onset as a significant predictor of alcohol consumption in Ecuadorian adolescents, rather than an artefact. Furthermore, age of onset completely mediated the effect of age on alcohol consumption, often moderated by sex. Practical implications are further discussed