28 research outputs found

    La competencia mediática en Andalucía: un camino por recorrer

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    This paper aims to investigate the knowledge of Andalusian citizens about the «audiovisual skills» concept, from a quantitative point of view. We studied the responses to six specific dimensions by a sample taken in the region of Andalusia, as an essential first step to make training educational proposals about media education. This study is a part of the Agora Research Group at University of Huelva and Grupo Comunicar, and from the beginning it was supported by the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia and University Pompeu Fabra, as a part of a much larger project.Este artículo tiene como objetivo indagar en el nivel de conocimiento de la ciudadanía andaluza acerca del concepto “competencia audiovisual”, desde un enfoque cuantitativo. Estudiamos las respuestas de la muestra tomada en la comunidad autónoma andaluza en relación con 6 dimensiones determinadas, como un primer paso imprescindible para realizar propuestas formativas en torno a la educación mediática. Este estudio, perteneciente al Grupo de investigación Ágora de la Universidad de Huelva y al Grupo Comunicar, contó desde el inicio con el apoyo del Consejo Audiovisual de Cataluña y de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra, puesto que forma parte de un proyecto mucho más amplio

    Subtitulado y audiodescripción en páginas Web accesibles

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    Actas de: I Congreso de Accesibilidad a los Medios Audiovisuales para Personas con Discapacidad (AMADIS 06), celebrado en Madrid el 10 de julio de 2006

    Design of equalized ROADMs devices with flexible bandwidth based on LCoS technology

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    This paper describes the theory, design, applications and performance of a new Reconfigurable Add-drop Multiplexer (ROADM) with flexible bandwidth allocation. The device can address several wavelengths at the input to four output fibers, according to the holograms stored in a SLM (Spatial Light Modulator), where all the outputs are equalized in power. All combinations of the input wavelengths are possible at the different output fibers. Each fiber has assigned all the signals with the same bandwidth; the possible bandwidths are 12.5GHz, 25GHz, 50GHz and 100GHz, according to ITU-T 694.1 Recommendation. It is possible to route several signals with different bandwidth in real time thanks to Liquid Crystal over Silicon (LCoS) technology

    The media competition in Andalusia: a way to go

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    This paper aims to investigate the knowledge of Andalusian citizens about the «audiovisual skills» concept, from a quantitative point of view. We studied the responses to six specific dimensions by a sample taken in the region of Andalusia, as an essential first step to make training educational proposals about media education. This study is a part of the Agora Research Group at University of Huelva and Grupo Comunicar, and from the beginning it was supported by the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia and University Pompeu Fabra, as a part of a much larger project

    The media competition in Andalusia : a way to go

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo indagar en el nivel de conocimiento de la ciudadanía andaluza acerca del concepto “competencia audiovisual”, desde un enfoque cuantitativo. Estudiamos las respuestas de la muestra tomada en la comunidad autónoma andaluza en relación con 6 dimensiones determinadas, como un primer paso imprescindible para realizar propuestas formativas en torno a la educación mediática. Este estudio, perteneciente al Grupo de investigación Ágora de la Universidad de Huelva y al Grupo Comunicar, contó desde el inicio con el apoyo del Consejo Audiovisual de Cataluña y de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra, puesto que forma parte de un proyecto mucho más amplio.This paper aims to investigate the knowledge of Andalusian citizens about the «audiovisual skills» concept, from a quantitative point of view. We studied the responses to six specific dimensions by a sample taken in the region of Andalusia, as an essential first step to make training educational proposals about media education. This study is a part of the Agora Research Group at University of Huelva and Grupo Comunicar, and from the beginning it was supported by the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia and University Pompeu Fabra, as a part of a much larger project

    La competencia mediática en educación primaria en el contexto español

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    Desde hace casi cuatro años un numeroso grupo de investigadores españoles de más de veinte universidades del país estudian los niveles de competencia mediática de la ciudadanía para promover así programas de alfabetización mediática en las escuelas y entornos no formales. La competencia mediática es un concepto que abarca nuestras habilidades y conocimientos frente a los medios de comunicación y puede ser medida a través de seis dimensiones: lenguaje, tecnología, producción y programación, recepción y audiencias, ideología y valores y finalmente la estética. Concretamente, en el estudio descriptivo que aquí se presenta, se explora el grado de dicha competencia en el caso concreto de escolares de cuarto de Educación Primaria de entre nueve y diez años, en el contexto español. Para ello fue necesario el diseño e implementación de un cuestionario online, adaptado a sus edades tanto en el contenido como en el diseño, para poder conocer si los 581 participantes que componen la muestra son competentes desde el punto de vista mediático. Los resultados muestran que nada es lo que parece. Pese a lo que se pudiera suponer, es necesario una mayor formación en medios entre el alumnado de esta etapa obligatoria y por tanto se precisan programas de alfabetización mediática en las escuelas y también en los entornos familiares.For almost four years, a large group of Spanish researchers from over twenty universities in Spain has been studying the population’s levels of competence in media in order to promote media literacy programs in schools and non-formal settings. The concept of media literacy encompasses our skills and knowledge on the media and can be measured by six dimensions: language, technology, production and programming, reception and audiences, ideology and values, and finally aesthetics. This descriptive study explores the extent of those competences in the context of fourth grade students, aged nine and ten years in Spain. It was necessary to design an online questionnaire whose content and design was adapted to their age, to know whether the 581 participants in the sample are competent from a media point of view. The results show that nothing is what it seems. Despite what one might assume, further training in media is necessary for students of this compulsory education level. Therefore, media literacy programs are needed in schools and households

    Hypogonadism associated with muscle atrophy, physical inactivity and ESA hyporesponsiveness in men undergoing haemodialysis

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    AbstractBackgroundTestosterone deficiency (hypogonadism) is common among men undergoing haemodialysis, but its clinical implications are not well characterized. Testosterone is an anabolic hormone that induces erythrocytosis and muscle synthesis. We hypothesized that testosterone deficiency would be associated with low muscle mass, physical inactivity and higher dosages of erythropoietin-stimulating agents (ESA).MethodsSingle-center cross-sectional study of 57 male haemodialysis patients. None of the patients was undergoing testosterone replacement therapy. Total testosterone was measured in serum. Body composition (by bioelectrical impedance analysis) and physical activity (by the use of pedometers) were assessed. Patients with testosterone levels below the normal range were considered hypogonadal.ResultsMean testosterone level was 321±146ng/dL; 20 patients (35%) were hypogonadal. Hypogonadal patients were older and had lower mean arterial blood pressure, higher interleukin-6 levels, lower lean body mass and higher fat body mass. A negative association between testosterone and normalized ESA dose was found in uni- and multivariate regression analyses. Testosterone levels directly correlated with lean body mass regardless of confounders. Hypogonadal patients had lower physical activity than their counterparts [2753±1784 vs. 4291±3225steps/day (p=0.04)]. The relationship between testosterone and physical activity was independent of age, comorbidities and inflammatory markers, but dependent on the proportion of muscle mass.ConclusionHypogonadism is common in our male haemodialysis population and is associated with higher ESA doses, reduced muscle mass and lower physical activity. The link between low testosterone levels and physical inactivity may conceivably relate to reduced muscle mass due to inadequate muscle protein synthesis

    Influence of obstructive sleep apnea on systemic inflammation in pregnancy

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    Background: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is prevalent in pregnancy and it is associated with adverse pregnancy-related outcomes such as gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, and low birth weight. Maternal systemic inflammation is proposed to be one of the main intermediate mechanisms. However, the effects of OSA on systemic inflammation are unknown in normal pregnancy. Methods: Women in the 3rd trimester underwent hospital polysomnography to evaluate whether OSA increases systemic inflammation in normal pregnancy and its potential association with adverse fetal outcomes. OSA was defined as an apnea–hypopnea index (AHI) of = 5 h-1. Plasma cytokines levels (TNF-a, IL-1ß, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10) were determined by multiple immunoassays. Results: We included 11 patients with OSA and 22 women with AHI < 5 h-1, who were homogeneous in age, and body mass index (BMI). Women with OSA had significant higher levels of TNF-a, IL-1ß, IL-8, and IL-10. We found significant correlations between AHI during REM and TNF-a (r = 0.40), IL-1ß (r = 0.36), IL-6 (r = 0.52), IL-8 (r = 0.43), between obstructive apnea index and TNF-a (r = 0.46) and between AHI and IL-1ß (r = 0.43). We also found that CT90% was related to IL-8 (r = 0.37). There were no significant differences in neonatal characteristics; however, we found inverse correlations between TNF-a and IL-8 with birth weight (both r = -0.48), while IL-8 showed a significant inverse relationship with neonatal gestational age (r = -0.48). Conclusions: OSA in our normal pregnancy population was associated with higher systemic inflammation, which was related to obstructive events, especially during REM sleep. Moreover, systemic inflammation was inversely correlated with neonatal birth weight and age

    De cara al prosumidor: producción y consumo empoderando a la ciudadanía 3.0

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    Se cree erróneamente que el término prosumidor ha surgido en los últimos años. En este artículo indagamos sobre el origen del concepto que emerge en los años 70 del siglo XX de la mano de McLuhan y Alvin Toffler, relacionando sus postula-dos con algunos de los nuevos medios como son las redes sociales. También mostramos el grado de vinculación real que tienen los niños y los jóvenes como prosumidores en el entorno digital que los rodea. Posteriormente ponemos de manifiesto la situación de la publicidad online en relación con la Web 3.0, dando respuesta a ciertas inquietudes sobre el futuro del productor y del consumidor. Planteamos un análisis del ciudadano como prosumidor y el grado de empoderamiento que puede adquirir al ejercer adecuadamente su papel. Destaca en este estudio la vinculación del concepto con diversos campos como son la educación, los nuevos medios de comunicación, la web semántica y las investigaciones que están contribuyendo a mejorar la competencia mediática del individuo. Finalmente, examinamos el rol del ciudadano como prosumidor, y los retos de empoderamiento que le esperan frente a la defensa de sus derechos en la sociedad actual