2,549 research outputs found

    Vanishing of local non-Gaussianity in canonical single field inflation

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    We study the production of observable primordial local non-Gaussianity in two opposite regimes of canonical single field inflation: attractor (standard single field slow-roll inflation) and non attractor (ultra slow-roll inflation). In the attractor regime, the standard derivation of the bispectrum's squeezed limit using co-moving coordinates gives the well known Maldacena's consistency relation fNL=5(1ns)/12f_{NL} = 5(1-n_{s})/12. On the other hand, in the non-attractor regime, the squeezed limit offers a substantial violation of this relation given by fNL=5/2f_{NL} = 5/2. In this work we argue that, independently of whether inflation is attractor or non-attractor, the size of the observable primordial local non-Gaussianity is predicted to be fNLobs=0f_{NL}^{obs} = 0 (a result that was already understood to hold in the case of attractor models). To show this, we follow the use of the so-called Conformal Fermi Coordinates (CFC), recently introduced in the literature. These coordinates parametrize the local environment of inertial observers in a perturbed FRW spacetime, allowing one to identify and compute gauge invariant quantities, such as nn-point correlation functions. Concretely, we find that during inflation, after all the modes have exited the horizon, the squeezed limit of the 3-point correlation function of curvature perturbations vanishes in the CFC frame, regardless of the inflationary regime. We argue that such a cancellation should persist after inflation ends.Comment: 27 pages, v2:matches published version(JCAP

    A generalized non-Gaussian consistency relation for single field inflation

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    We show that a perturbed inflationary spacetime, driven by a canonical single scalar field, is invariant under a special class of coordinate transformations together with a field reparametrization of the curvature perturbation in co-moving gauge. This transformation may be used to derive the squeezed limit of the 3-point correlation function of the co-moving curvature perturbations valid in the case that these do not freeze after horizon crossing. This leads to a generalized version of Maldacena's non-Gaussian consistency relation in the sense that the bispectrum squeezed limit is completely determined by spacetime diffeomorphisms. Just as in the case of the standard consistency relation, this result may be understood as the consequence of how long-wavelength modes modulate those of shorter wavelengths. This relation allows one to derive the well known violation to the consistency relation encountered in ultra slow-roll, where curvature perturbations grow exponentially after horizon crossing.Comment: 16 pages, v3: matches published version (JCAP

    La conformación de una frontera interna en las riberas del Tesechoacán

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    El capítulo trata de visualizar la lenta construcción regional en el Sur veracruzano, subrayando aquellos procesos históricos que intervienen en la configuración del municipio de Playa Vicente hasta llegar a su singular geografía actual. La diferenciación intra-regional fue un motor muy importante para los variados pulsos de colonización, esfuerzos que terminaron por incidir en las distinciones internas que hoy privan en el municipio: distinciones entre espacios poblados de otros despoblados, separaciones entre núcleos de modernización agrícola ante poblaciones indígenas que quedaron rezagadas, huellas que dejaron los frentes de colonización agraria o fronteras que marcaron los empujes de ocupación humana sobre un territorio que costó siglos volver a domesticar, luego del desastre y desangre la Conquista. Por último, ante esta larga duración preguntarnos: ¿acaso estas fronteras tienen todavía que ver con el presente y futuro de Playa Vicente?Le chapitre analyse la construction régionale dans le Sud du Veracruz, en soulignant les processus historiques qui ont concourru à la configuration de la commune de Playa Vicente. La différenciation intra-régionale a été un moteur important des vagues de colonisation agraire et agricole qui ont abouti à une série de clivages localisés: distinctions entre des espaces peuplés et d'autres faiblement habités, contrastes entre des noyaux de modernisation agricole et des villages indiens moins intégrés, traces laissées par les fronts de colonisation agricole ou frontières construites par les initiatives successives d'occupation humaine. Finalement, on s'interroge sur le sens et la fonctionalité de ces frontières aujourd'hui

    Adapting the behavioral regulation in active commuting to and from school questionnaire in Sweden: BR-ACS(SWE)

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    This work was supported by Vinnova, Sweden innovation agency [grant number 2018-04174]. In addition, Rafael Burgue˜no was partic- ularly supported by a Margarita Salas postdoctoral fellowship (grant number: RR_A_2021_02) from the Spanish Ministry of Universities.Although growing attention has been paid to motivation in explaining active travel to school among young people at the international level, no measures of motivation for active commuting to school (ACS) were found in Sweden. Guided by self-determination theory, this research aimed to adapt the Behavioral Regulation in Active Commuting to and from School (BR-ACS) questionnaire to the Swedish context and test the resulting version’s psychometric properties. The purposive and cross-sectional sample included 273 students (58 % girls, aged 10–12 years) from four Swedish urban schools. Results from confirmatory factor analyses psychometrically supported the six-factor correlated model (intrinsic motivation, integrated regulation, identified regulation, introjected regulation, external regulation, and amotivation) and the hierarchical three-factor model (autonomous, controlled motivation, and amotivation), which were invariant across gender. Latent correlations underpinned a symplex-like pattern. Discriminant and convergent validity and reliability were gathered. Criterion validity evidence was met with positive associations from intrinsic motivation, integrated and identified regulation to ACS, and a negative relationship between amotivation and ACS. The Swedish version of the BR-ACS questionnaire is a valid and reliable measure of children’s motivation toward ACS.Vinnova, Sweden innovation agency 2018-04174Spanish Ministry of Universities RR_A_2021_

    Unifying attractor and non-attractor models of inflation under a single soft theorem

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    We show that the observable squeezed limit of primordial curvature perturbations in canonical single-field inflation vanishes exactly, a result valid to all orders in slow-roll parameters. This result relies exclusively on the diffeomorphism invariance of canonical single-field inflation, and does not require taking into consideration de Sitter isometries or shift symmetries of the ultraviolet theory in which inflation is build upon. An important consequence of our result is the conclusion that a non-attractor phase (e.g. ultra slow-roll phase) cannot generate observable local non-Gaussianity at the end of inflation.Comment: 7 pages; v3: improved version, references added, critical mistake from Eq. (26) to (27) of v2 corrected. New section implementing conformal Fermi coordinates added. Main final conclusions still vali

    Os museus como espaços de sociabilidade: as experiências educativas do Museu de Mértola

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    Os museus são espaços de sociabilidade que potenciam a troca de ideias e promovem a aprendizagem social e cultural. Este é o entendimento do Museu de Mértola que, através da sua missão de preservação e valorização patrimonial tem vindo, nos últimos anos, a desenvolver esforços no sentido de aproximar a comunidade do Museu, incutindo-lhes um sentimento de pertença e apropriação do património que é seu

    Vidros, ossos e metais da intervenção arqueológica na Biblioteca Municipal de Mértola (Portugal)

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    A intervenção realizada na área de expansão da Biblioteca Municipal de Mértola (2005/2006), pelo Campo Arqueológico de Mértola, aportou novos dados para a história local. Para além de uma série de contextos arqueológicos que vão desde a Idade do Ferro até ao Período Moderno, a quantidade de espólio exumado foi significativa. Visto que a cerâmica, o material que apareceu em maior quantidade, foi já objeto de estudo noutros congressos, achamos pertinente apresentar a análise dos vidros, ossos e metais das diferentes fases de ocupação deste sítio. Trata-se de uma grande quantidade de materiais de suma importância e que muitas vezes ficam relegados para segundo plano

    Plant-associated pseudomonads

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Plant-Associated PseudomonadsBacteria belonging to the genus Pseudomonas (the pseudomonads) are a group of Gammaproteobacteria that are characterized by a high metabolic versatility and adaption to different ecological niches [...] Full articl

    Preparation of zinc peroxide nanoparticles by laser ablation of solid in liquids

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    In the last decade, there has been interest on the synthesis and characterization of Zinc peroxide (ZnO2) due to its potential applications as biocide, bactericide, inorganic oxidant and so on. ZnO2 can be obtained as a powder with a cubic structure and has been utilized as a precursor to obtain Zinc oxide (ZnO). ZnO2 can be considered as an oxygen reservoir since when it is heated at relatively low temperatures oxygen is released. Various approaches have been utilized to synthetize ZnO2 powders like sol-gel, organometallic precursors, hydrothermal, Laser Ablation of Solids in Liquids (LASL), and so on. While the hydrothermal route is one of the most utilized methods to obtain ZnO2, the LASL technique has only been utilized by the Gondal´s group to synthesize zinc peroxide nanoparticles. Escobedo et al. have been reported a study of the vibrational properties of ZnO2 NPs synthesized by the hydrothermal method. Additionally, they present results of XRD, TEM and by thermal analysis determine the decomposition temperature of their ZnO2 NPs. Recently, the Escobedo-Morales’s group has reported a green method to prepare ZnO nanostructures employing as starting material ZnO2 (prepared by hydrothermal method

    Manejo integrado de Moniliasis (Moniliophthora roreri) en cacao (Theobroma cacao) y su impacto en el rendimiento, Cooperativa Flor de Pancasán 2014-2015

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    El presente estudio se llevó a cabo en dos fincas de socios de la Cooperativa “Flor de Pancasán” ubicada en la comarca de Pancasán Sitio Histórico, municipio de Matiguas, durante el II semestre del año 2014-2015, con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto del manejo integrado de Moniliasis (Moniliophthora roreri) en el cultivo de cacao (Theobroma cacao) sobre rendimientos productivos. Es una investigación experimental y de corte transversal, la población de estudio estuvo conformada por las plantas de cacao presentes en las parcelas experimentales, siendo la muestra de 32 plantas/parcela. Para recopilar la información necesaria se utilizaron hojas de campo y observación directa, se hizo uso de los programas estadísticos Excel y SPSS v.19 para realizar análisis estadísticos y elaborar gráficos. Los resultados encontrados demuestran que existe diferencia significativa entre las plantaciones de estudio de acuerdo al grado de incidencia de la enfermedad, con la aplicación de los fungicidas químicos (Enlazador X2), y fungicida orgánico (extracto de jengibre). Se consiguió reducir la incidencia de la enfermedad de manera significativa, demostrando los beneficios de ambos. En lo que respecta a la relación costos/beneficios en ambos experimentos, el tratamiento que posee la mejor rentabilidad es el tratamiento 3 (extracto de jengibre). Las alternativas para reducir la incidencia de moniliasis son realizar un control integrado de la enfermedad, la remoción de frutos enfermos cada 15 días, depositándolos en fosa excavada para tal efecto, así como la realización de podas para la regulación de sombra. Palabras claves: moniliasis, manejo integrado, rendimientos, costos, beneficios, incidenci