2,374 research outputs found

    Evaluación tecno-económica para cambio de equipo Velatorio Cristo Rey

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    72 p.Nombre de la obra: Velatorio “Cristo Rey” Mandante: Padre Andrés Lacalle Andrés Ubicación: San Nicolás, VIII región del Bío-Bío Coordenadas: 36°29’58"S y 72°12’45"W Proveniencia de los dineros: Dineros Públicos: Dinero Privados: 2.046.375.DinerosMunicipales: 2.046.375.- Dineros Municipales: 100.000.- Dineros por Donaciones: 8.902.410.DinerosPropios:CostoTotaldelaObra: 8.902.410.- Dineros Propios: Costo Total de la Obra: 11.048.785.- Costo Real al Mandante: 2.046.375.DesgloseˊdeDinerosMaterialesComprados:Maderas: 2.046.375. Desglosé de Dineros Materiales Comprados: Maderas: 2.823.785.- Insumos Generales: 1.625.000.DonacionesenDinero: 1.625.000.- Donaciones en Dinero: 2.402.410.- Donaciones en Materiales (Valores equivalentes en dinero.) Maderas: $ 1.000.000.

    Oxidative Stress Associated with Chilling Injury in Immature Fruit: Postharvest Technological and Biotechnological Solutions

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    Immature, vegetable-like fruits are produced by crops of great economic importance, including cucumbers, zucchini, eggplants and bell peppers, among others. Because of their high respiration rates, associated with high rates of dehydration and metabolism, and their susceptibility to chilling injury (CI), vegetable fruits are highly perishable commodities, requiring particular storage conditions to avoid postharvest losses. This review focuses on the oxidative stress that affects the postharvest quality of vegetable fruits under chilling storage. We define the physiological and biochemical factors that are associated with the oxidative stress and the development of CI symptoms in these commodities, and discuss the different physical, chemical and biotechnological approaches that have been proposed to reduce oxidative stress while enhancing the chilling tolerance of vegetable fruits

    Multivariate feature ranking of gene expression data

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    Gene expression datasets are usually of high dimensionality and therefore require efficient and effective methods for identifying the relative importance of their attributes. Due to the huge size of the search space of the possible solutions, the attribute subset evaluation feature selection methods tend to be not applicable, so in these scenarios feature ranking methods are used. Most of the feature ranking methods described in the literature are univariate methods, so they do not detect interactions between factors. In this paper we propose two new multivariate feature ranking methods based on pairwise correlation and pairwise consistency, which we have applied in three gene expression classification problems. We statistically prove that the proposed methods outperform the state of the art feature ranking methods Clustering Variation, Chi Squared, Correlation, Information Gain, ReliefF and Significance, as well as feature selection methods of attribute subset evaluation based on correlation and consistency with multi-objective evolutionary search strategy

    Busqueda de compuestos de interes biologico y agroquimico a partir de microorganismos del suelo maulino.

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    54 p.Los hongos fitopatógenos ejercen en mayor o menor grado un efecto inhibitorio sobre otros organismos, mediante la acción de metabolitos secundarios, logrando colonizar y desarrollarse en nuevas áreas. Dos aislados de hongos fitopatógenos fueron cultivados en medio líquido papa-glucosa. Una vez consumida la fuente de carbohidratos por parte del patógeno, el medio de cultivo se procesó para obtener mediante partición por disolventes, extractos correspondientes a la fracción soluble en acetato de etilo del medio de cultivo de cada uno de los hongos. Se realizaron por separado bioensayos de los extractos procedentes del micelio y del filtrado de los dos aislados de hongos en estudio. Se pretende con este estudio, encontrar sustancias naturales que puedan ser empleadas como bactericidas para agentes patógenos para el Hombre y/o herbicidas, principalmente para el empleo de la agricultura en la Región del Maule, con el fin de sustituirlos por los tradicionales que tanto daño causan al medio ambiente, todo esto apunta a una agricultura mas orgánica, y por otro lado investigar el posible use de los metabolitos secundarios de estos hongos como potenciales antibióticos para bacterias patógenas para el Hombre

    Direct costs of glaucoma: Relationship between cost and severity of the disease

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    o estimate the direct medical costs associated with the management of patients with primary open-angle glaucoma and to compare the costs of patients according to the degree of severity. A longitudinal retrospective study was carried out using all patients with primary open-angle glaucoma that recorded follow-up from May 2010 to June 2013 at the Hospital Privado de Córdoba. We estimated the cost of the disease from the perspectives of the institution, with a bottom-up approach. Results: The three-year follow-up after treatment of 104 patients revealed that the average cost of care for a patient with primary open-angle glaucoma was US2746±1560.Thefirstyearoftreatmentwassignificantlymoreexpensivethansubsequentones(US2746 ± 1560. The first year of treatment was significantly more expensive than subsequent ones (US1100–810810–827). Cost was related to the degree of severity of glaucoma; patients in “Stage 0” had significantly lower costs than those in other groups (Kruskal–Wallis test, p < 0.01). This was a consequence of lower costs associated with medication and a lower percentage of patients undergoing surgery. The direct medical costs of a patient with primary open-angle glaucoma vary according to the severity of their disease and the year of treatment. We found that costs increased with disease severity, but decreased over time.Fil: Real, Juan Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo en Tecnología Farmacéutica. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo en Tecnología Farmacéutica; ArgentinaFil: Lafuente, M. C.. Hospital Privado Centro Medico de Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Palma, Santiago Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo en Tecnología Farmacéutica. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo en Tecnología Farmacéutica; ArgentinaFil: Tartara, Luis Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo en Tecnología Farmacéutica. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo en Tecnología Farmacéutica; Argentin

    Co/Ni multilayers ordered according to a periodic, Fibonnacci and Thue Morse sequence obtained by Atomic Layer Deposition

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    Co/Ni multilayers ordered according to a periodic, Fibonnacci and Thue Morse sequence have been obtained by Atomic Layer Deposition and a subsequent process of thermal reduction. The morphology of the multilayers was investigated by scanning electron microscopy, while longitudinal hysteresis curves were obtained by magneto-optical magnetometry of Kerr effect. The morphology of the films varies as a function of their sequence and thickness. Multilayers exhibit coercivities much higher than expected from samples synthesized with other methods. The control of the magnetic properties of multilayers, as a function of their sequence, may allow their use in spintronic devices.This work was supported by Fondequip (refs. EQM120045, EQM140092 and EQM160155), Fondecyt (refs. 1200302, 3180042 and 1201491), Basal Project (ref. AFB180001) and Universidad Central (ref. CIP2018006).Peer reviewe

    Exploring the Concept of the Digital Educator During COVID-19

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    T In many machine learning classification problems, datasets are usually of high dimensionality and therefore require efficient and effective methods for identifying the relative importance of their attributes, eliminating the redundant and irrelevant ones. Due to the huge size of the search space of the possible solutions, the attribute subset evaluation feature selection methods are not very suitable, so in these scenarios feature ranking methods are used. Most of the feature ranking methods described in the literature are univariate methods, which do not detect interactions between factors. In this paper, we propose two new multivariate feature ranking methods based on pairwise correlation and pairwise consistency, which have been applied for cancer gene expression and genotype-tissue expression classification tasks using public datasets. We statistically proved that the proposed methods outperform the state-of-the-art feature ranking methods Clustering Variation, Chi Squared, Correlation, Information Gain, ReliefF and Significance, as well as other feature selection methods for attribute subset evaluation based on correlation and consistency with the multi-objective evolutionary search strategy, and with the embedded feature selection methods C4.5 and LASSO. The proposed methods have been implemented on the WEKA platform for public use, making all the results reported in this paper repeatable and replicabl


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    A number of microbial contamination incidents have continued to raise questions regarding the safety of the U.S. food supply with calls for improved food safety control initiatives and standards by both the private and public sectors. As a reaction to these incidents, there have been increased efforts to enhance food safety by the government and industry groups. Increasingly, process standards are being specified that recommend or prescribe Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) standards for production, Good Handling Practices (GHP) standards for handling products, and Good Management Practices (GMP) for responsibilities in overseeing production and handling operations. A primary concern is the potential that the costs associated with implementing food safety related standards will prohibit small producers and handlers from taking part in certain market segments, such as supplying the supermarkets that sell most of the production in developed and more advanced developing countries. Previous study results are presented that suggest economies of scale effects for larger farm size operations leading to lower per-unit compliance cost. This analysis utilized specialty crop representative farm stochastic simulation models that were designed to analyze the impacts of current and changing market conditions and government policies on a number of key operating variables (KOV). The results of the analysis provide an initial indication that the cost associated with compliance to regulatory standards does have an effect on the profitability of individual enterprises.Food safety, citrus, fresh produce, and regulatory costs, Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Food Security and Poverty, Health Economics and Policy, Q12,

    Ibérico (Iberian) Pig

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    The main characteristics of the Iberian breed, an autochthonous pig breed of the Iberian Peninsula, are presented in this chapter along with the results of a literature review on productive traits. Reproductive performance was estimated by sow age at first parturition, litters per sow and year, piglets alive per litter, piglet weight at birth and at weaning, percentage of stillborn per litter, mortality at weaning, lactation length and farrowing interval. For growth performance, average daily gain and daily feed intake during lactation and in different growing phases are provided. Carcass traits were evaluated by age and weight at slaughter, hot carcass weight, carcass yield, backfat thickness measurements, muscle thickness and loin eye area. Meat quality traits of longissimus muscle (pH, objective colour measurements and intramuscular fat) were also assessed. The main part of the studies considered simulated practical production conditions in Iberian pig rearing although others evaluated a defined growing period, sometimes quite far from the usual commercial slaughter weight of this breed. Therefore, some figures should be interpreted with caution. Although a considerable number of studies on Iberian pig were included in the current review, scientific papers on reproductive performance and some meat quality parameters are still rather scarce

    Good practices in logistics for SMEs: a strategy for the global marketplace

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    Thanks to globalization, the environment in which companies operate today has changed. Whereas a few decades ago, the same government generated protectionist policies, today with the opening of markets, competition is not only national but also international, so companies, regardless of their size, must make changes in their business model, aiming at the internationalization of markets both for the acquisition of materials and goods and for the marketing of their products, being more agile in responding to their customers in terms of product quality, expected delivery time and cost. It is in this scenario where logistics plays a fundamental role as a tool for competitiveness and, therefore, the following work aims to highlight the impact of logistics on SMEs and the need to aim for continuous improvement of their logistics processes. By means of a qualitative/descriptive methodology, relevant aspects are reviewed, finding as a final result essential components that SMEs must incorporate to attend a world-class market