55 research outputs found


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    The Jeneberang River Basin, upstream of Bili-Bili Dam Reservoir is divided into five (5) major sub-basins, named upper and middle main Jeneberang (Bili-Bili Dam Basin : 384.40 km2) , Salo Malino (85.89 km2), Salo Kausisi (37.50 km2), Jene Rakikang (42.2 km2) and Binanga Jajang (22.7 km2). Salo Malino is divided into more two (2) tributaries, named Salo Bulang (23.8km2) and Salo Ahuwa (37.1 km2). Bili-Bili dam is a multipurpose dam for irrigation, electricity, flood mitigation, and raw water. Bili-Bili Irrigation system covering 23,660 Ha of paddy field (Bissua system and Kampili system) of 270 bil.m3, Capacity for flood control 41 bil.m3, capacity for water supply 35 bil.m3, and the total storagevcapacity is 375 bill. M3, ofwhich the effective storage capacity is 346 bi.m3.Bili-Bili dam has been operated since 1999 year, serious sediment issues have been occurred in the Jeneberang river basin. Especially, after gigantic caldera collapse at March,2004, the sediment inflow volume in the reservoir have been reaches totally 49 million m3 as of May 2007. The objective of this study is to analyse the sediment transport at Upper Jeneberang river using HEC-RAS.. Which can be used to perform mobile bed computation. This study covering 32814.80 m length, consist of 80 reach (cross section). Large amount of sediment flowing to the dam could be reduce the capacity of the dam. Consequently the amount of water will reduced.The result is a continuous simulation of the change in cross section as sedimentation processes adjust to the hydraulic condition imposed by the water-sediment hydrograph and the base level control boundary conditions. Based on the analysis which show the erosion area and the sediment accumulated area, the decision maker can make the right choice to construct specific river structures at certain places to prevent sediment flowing to the dam for securing water.Keywords: Sedimentation, Sediment Transport, Securing Wate

    A Trip Intensity Model on Shopping Travel to the Traditional Market in Makassar City

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    The present study aims to analyze the travel behaviors of traditional market’s visitors in Makassar City, Indonesia, such as the visitor characteristics, trip chain, and the travel attributes of the visitors. In further, the present study models the trip intensity of the traditional market visitors using the multiple linear regression approach. The study carried out an interview survey on the visitors of Niaga Daya traditional market, one of the biggest traditional markets in the city. The interview survey based on a questionnaire sheet was conducted during the operation time of the market for two days, one day of weekday and one day of weekend. The analysis results show that the majority of the traditional market’s visitors are women and their profession as housewife. In addition, the trip chain of the visitors is dominated by the home-market-home pattern, and most of the visitors used a motorcycle. Furthermore, the results of the visitor intensity model to the traditional market show that the multiple linear regression model used is enough significant in the acceptance of the model. The model analysis revealed that the occupation, the household income, the travel distance, and the travel cost of the visitors have influenced significantly the visitor’s intensity in conducting the shopping travel to the traditional market. The study results provide an expectation in order to develop the continued travel behavior models such as the arrival time choice and the travel mode choice models of the visitors in further studies

    Assessment of Road Network Connectivity in Support of New Capital Development

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    The shifting of the capital of Indonesia from Jakarta to East Kalimantan, or East Borneo, is underway. There are certain to be new issues that arise as a result of this migration. The state of the nation's current transportation infrastructure is one of the most prominent right now. The new capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, is situated in the midst of a jungle. For this reason, the road network should be established before, or at least concurrently with, the IKN construction. It is critical to understand the direction of future growth in the IKN region before developing a road network architecture. Potential partner locations might potentially benefit from enhanced access and connection to the existing road network in this situation as well. To ensure that the IKN is able to work properly and link additional nodes, many partner area points are being considered. A literature review, a focus group discussion, and in-depth interviews were conducted to come up with a development plan for IKN partner regions and highlight areas of special concern. It was also determined if the addition of a new node had a positive impact by utilizing a connection matrix and the accessibility index. Most linkages are found at five of the 26 nodes in the complete connectivity matrix of national highways around IKN in East Kalimantan. Node 3 and Node 7 are the most accessible and easy-to-access component nodes of the road network, compared to other nodes. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-10-011 Full Text: PD

    Experimental Model of Suction Head on Expansive Soil Subgrade with Concrete Wall Moisture Barrier

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    Soil expansivity generally occured caused by the presence of a clay mineral of smectite group, such as montmorillonite, illite, bentonite, etc, which could absorb so much water. The impact of losses incurred by soils ekspansivity on buildings and infrastructure primarily on lightweight structures are staggering. Technology is often applied as a solution to problems such as improvement of material characteristics, providing early treatment of constructive and structural engineering support to overcome the adverse effects of expansive soil. Erecting concrete moisture barrier on the side of the road is a combination of the provision of early treatment and support in structural engineering change control water content in the soil layer of expansive.This study aims to determine the behavior of suction, moisture barrier effects on suction head reduction, and the experimental model of suction head profile with the erecting and testing of the models tested in the laboratory.The test model was made to resemble half of the road width with a load of 30 kPa on it. On the side of the road mounted concrete wall moisture barrier with a variation of the depth of 20 cm, 35 cm and 50 cm. Observation of time and water absorption carried out on 8 observatories, also the amount of swelling through a dial that is placed above the concrete slab load. The results showed an increase in capillary water in front bulkhead for all variations of depth moisture barrier and water absorption height reduction occurred in the rear bulkhead respectively 3.25%, 21.25% and 45% for the ratio of height bulkhead and expansive soil thickness h/H = 0.44, h/H = 0.78 and h/H = 1.11. Also the reduction of swelling respectively by 4.46%, 52.69% and 82.53% for each ratio h/H above

    Transportasi Laut Kontainer Dalam Pengembangan Master Plan Percepatan Dan Perluasan Ekonomi Indonesia Di Indonesia Bagian Timur

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    Potential demand of sea transport for containers will grow rapidly along with the development of the processing industry in the region development of the integrated economic and regional strategies or Economic Corridor in the Master Plan of the Accelaration and Expansion of Indoneisa Economic Development in Eastern Indonesia. There were changes in the function of the port into a multipurpose port serving conventional and container freight. The problem that arises is the pier and container handling facility requires adjustment unless neither special container port Makassar and Bitung, nor the limited land development for land side facilities. Geometric conditions of the road connecting the port to the hinterland and have not planned for container services. Collector and feeder ports require adjustments to the revitalization of demand load wheels and multi-pack

    Efisiensi Hidrodinamis Pemecah Gelombang Tegak Komposit Balok Kotak dan Tiang Pancang dengan Pengisi Batuan

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    Sebagai negara kepulauan yang memiliki pantai terpanjang didunia, Indonesia membutuhkan banyak pemecahgelombang (termasuk groin dan revetment) tidak hanya untuk melindungi pantai dari penggerusan tetapi jugademi menjaga ketenangan air di kolam pelabuhan untuk manuver kapal dan operasi bongkar-muat. Akan tetapi,sampai sekarang di Indonesia, banyak konstruksi pemecah gelombang dan revetment tidak memperhatikan teknikpantai dan manajemen dengan baik. Ada banyak pemecah gelombang, groin dan revetment yang telah dibangununtuk melindungi pantai-pantai yang kritis, tetapi perencanaan dan konstruksi tidak profesional sehingga merekatidak bertahan lama. Contoh terdekat adalah Pantai Tanjung Bunga, Makassar. Beberapa groin yang dibangun diPantai Akkarena rusak hanya dalam beberapa tahun. Sebuah pemecah gelombang yang terbuat dari silindersilinderbeton, runtuh sebelum selesai. Penyebab kelangkaan pembangunan pemecah gelombang (yang baik)adalah biaya tinggi yang dibutuhkan akibat kesulitan bekerja di laut dan kebutuhan material (yang memenuhisyarat) yang sangat banyak. Studi ini mencari jalan keluar berupa pemecah gelombang (vertikal) yang terbuatdari balok-kotak, tiang-pancang dan pengisi beton. Telah diketahui bahwa pemecah gelombang gundukan batuadalah yang paling efektif meredam energi gelombang (baik transmisi maupun refleksi), dan bahkan setelahruntuh pun masih dapat berfungsi; dengan sedikit perbaikan pada kerusakan, ia akan berfungsi lagi semakin baik.Persoalan utama adalah kebutuhan material yang sangat banyak, dan sebahagian harus dalam ukuran besar.Material ini biasanya diperoleh dari peledakan gunung-gunung batu yang berkualitas baik (SG > 2.7), hal yangsekarang sulit dilakukan karena issue lingkungan. Dengan pemecah gelombang vertikal, ukuran dan jumlah batuyang dibutuhkan sangat berkurang

    Strength test of serrated beam for armor layer breakwater

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    In line science and technology developments is absolute inshore zone developed to meet human needs, both for transportation and for support of tourism and residential areas, planning a coastal structures must have a high level of security and economic character, so in planning coastal structures thing to consider is the availability of sufficient material for the construction, so that the construction can be carried out strong and economical. Along with a reduction the large stone for breakwater construction the human trying to switch an artificial stone made from concrete and formed in accordance with the concept of the researched, but for areas that lack a concrete manufacturing resource sufficient then this would be a separate issue that required design expected to utilize local materials and reduce the amount of cement

    Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Guignardia citricarpa: an efficient tool to gene transfer and random mutagenesis.

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    Guignardia citricarpa is the causal agent of Citrus Black Spot (CBS), an important disease in Citriculture. Due to the expressive value of this activity worldwide, especially in Brazil, understanding more about the functioning of this fungus is of utmost relevance, making possible the elucidation of its infection mechanisms, and providing tools to control CBS. This work describes for the first time an efficient and successful methodology for genetic transformation of G. citricarpa mycelia, which generated transformants expressing the gene encoding for the gfp (green fluorescent protein) and also their interaction with citrus plant. Mycelia of G. citricarpa were transformed via Agrobacterium tumefaciens, which carried the plasmid pFAT-gfp, contains the genes for hygromycin resistance (hph) as well as gfp. The optimization of the agrotransformation protocol was performed testing different conditions (type of membrane; inductor agent concentration [acetosyringonee - AS] and cocultivation time). Results demonstrated that the best condition occurred with the utilization of cellulose?s ester membrane; 200µM of AS and 96 h as cocultivation time. High mitotic stability (82 %) was displayed by transformants using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique to confirm the hph gene insertion. In addition, the presence of gfp was observed inside mycelia by epifluorescence optical microscopy. This technique easy visualization of the behaviour of the pathogen interacting with the plant for the first time, allowing future studies on the pathogenesis of this fungus. The establishment of a transformation method for G. citricarpa opens a range of possibilities and facilitates the study of insertional mutagenesis and genetic knockouts, in order to identify the most important genes involved in the pathogenesis mechanisms and plant-pathogen interaction

    Tensor product representation of Kothe-Bochner spaces and their dual spaces

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    We provide a tensor product representation of Kothe-Bochner function spaces of vector valued integrable functions. As an application, we show that the dual space of a Kothe-Bochner function space can be understood as a space of operators satisfying a certain extension property. We apply our results in order to give an alternate representation of the dual of the Bochner spaces of p-integrable functions and to analyze some properties of the natural norms that are defined on the associated tensor products.First and third authors are supported by grant MTM201453009-P of the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain). Second and fourth authors are supported by grant MTM2012-36740-C02-02 of the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain).Calabuig, JM.; Jiménez Fernández, E.; Juan Blanco, MA.; Sánchez Pérez, EA. (2016). Tensor product representation of Kothe-Bochner spaces and their dual spaces. Positivity. 20(1):155-169. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11117-015-0347-3S155169201Bochner, S.: Integration von Funktionen, deren Werte die Elemente eines Vectorraumes sind. Fundamenta Mathematicae 20, 262–276 (1933)Calabuig, J.M., Delgado, O., Juan, M.A., Sánchez, E.A.: Pérez, On the Banach lattice structure of Lw1L^1_w L w 1 of a vector measure on a δ\delta δ -ring. Collect. Math. 65, 6567–85 (2014)Calabuig, J.M., Delgado, O., Sánchez Pérez, E.A.: Factorizing operators on Banach function spaces through spaces of multiplication operators. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 364(1), 88–103 (2010)Calabuig, J.M., Gregori, P., Sánchez, E.A.: Pérez, Radon-Nikodým derivatives for vector measures belonging to Köthe function spaces. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 348, 469–479 (2008)Cerdà, J., Hudzik, H., Mastyło, M.: Geometric properties of Köthe-Bochner spaces. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 120(3), 521–533 (1996)Chakraborty, N.D., Basu, S.: Spaces of p-tensor integrable functions and related Banach space properties. Real Anal. Exchange 34, 87–104 (2008)Chakraborty, N.D., Basu, S.: Integration of vector-valued functions with respect to vector measures defined on δ\delta δ -rings. Ill. J. Math. 55(2), 495–508 (2011)Defant, A., Floret, K.: Tensor norms and operator ideals. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1993)Delgado, O., Juan, M.A.: Representation of Banach lattices as Lw1L^{1}_{w} L w 1 spaces of a vector measure defined on a δ−\delta - δ - ring. Bull. Belgian Math. Soc. 19, 239–256 (2012)Diestel, J., Uhl, J.J.: Vector measures. Am. Math. Soc, Providence (1977)Dobrakov, I.: On integration in Banach spaces, VII. Czechoslovak Math. J. 38, 434–449 (1988)García-Raffi, L.M., Jefferies, B.: An application of bilinear integration to quantum scattering. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 415, 394–421 (2014)Gregori Huerta, P.: Espacios de medidas vectoriales. Thesis, Universidad de Valencia, ISBN:8437060591 (2005)Jefferies, B., Okada, S.: Bilinear integration in tensor products. Rocky Mt. J. Math. 28, 517–545 (1998)Lewis, D.R.: On integrability and summability in vector spaces. Ill. J. Math. 16, 294–307 (1972)Lin, P.-K.: Köthe-Bochner function spaces. Birkhauser, Boston (2004)Lindenstrauss, J., Tzafriri, L.: Classical Banach spaces II. Springer, Berlin (1979)Okada, S., Ricker, W.J., Sánchez Pérez, E.A.: Optimal Domains and integral extensions of operators acting in function spaces. Operator Theory Advances and Applications, vol. 180. Birkhäuser, Basel (2008)Pallu de La Barriére, R.: Integration of vector functions with respect to vector measures. Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai Math. 43, 55–93 (1998)Rodríguez, J.: On integration of vector functions with respect to vector measures. Czechoslovak Math. J. 56, 805–825 (2006
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