864 research outputs found

    Stochastic and deterministic behaviours of 316 stainless steel pitting corrosion in phosphate-borate buffer containing sodium chloride

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    The pitting corrosion of 316 stainless steel (SS) in phosphate-borate buffer (pH 8.00) containing 0.5 M NaCl at 25°C is studied through current transients run under a constant potential step, potentiodynamic runs and scanning electron microscopy. According to the potential and time windows different laws for pitting kinetics are observed. For small number of pits, the kinetics of pit growth is governed by a stochastic law whereas for a large number of pits a deterministic law which corresponds to an instantaneous nucleation and growth is obeyed. At the initial stages two different rate constants for pit nucleation are obtained. This fact correlates with two well distinguishable types of pits observed through SEM observations. Results are discussed through a model involving the penetration of chloride ions through the passive film and the existence of at least two types of sites at the metal surface which in turn become centers of pit nucleation. Pit stability is directly related to the Cr(III) content in the passive layer which can be shifted by changing the applied potential with respect to that of the Cr2O3/CrO2−4 redox couple.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada

    Low Vitamin K and Vitamin D Dietary Intake in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

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    The inadequate dietary intake of Vitamin D and Vitamin K is an easily reversible factor favoring IBD-associated bone loss, but data on Vitamin K are lacking. A 28-item quantitative food frequency questionnaire was administered to 193 IBD patients (89 Crohn’s disease and 104 ulcerative colitis), and 199 controls. Patients’ demographics, clinical and laboratory findings were analyzed in relation to recommended daily allowances. VitD intake was inadequate both in the IBD and control patients (8.3 ± 4.5 µg/day in IBD, 53.1% RDA, and 9.7 ± 5.9 µg/day, 63.2% RDA, respectively). Conversely, the mean ViK intake was less than adequate in IBD, at 116.7 ± 116.3 µg/day (78.7% RDA), and high in controls, at 203.1 ± 166.9 µg/day (138.8% RDA). Nonetheless, due to marked interindividual differences, diets were severely lacking VitK in 40% of UC and 49% of CD patients, more so in females and those with active disease. The intake of Vit D was non-significantly lower in colitis than that in Crohn’s disease (7.9 vs. 8.7 µg/day). The opposite was observed for VitK (123.5 vs. 107.0 µg/day). Thus, the diet lacks the micronutrients involved in bone wellbeing in a large proportion of IBD patients. While VitD supplementation is the rule, VitK shortages need proactive nutritional intervention. Keywords: IBD; vitamin K; vitamin D; diet in IB

    Iron deficiency anemia caused by nonspecific (idiopathic) small bowel ulceration: an uncommon presentation of an uncommon disease.

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    Ulcers of the small bowel are rare, and in most cases are due to infections, inflammatory bowel diseases, malignancies or drugs. When none of these causes is recognized, they are classified as 'nonspecific' or idiopathic. Such lesions are uncommon, and in most cases present with occlusion. A case of a middle-aged woman with iron deficiency anemia due to occult bleeding, with negative gastroscopy and colonoscopy is presented. The diagnosis of a small bowel pathology resembling Crohn's disease was made by small bowel follow through and small intestine contrast ultrasonography. An ileal ulcer was identified at surgery, and after resection the patient experienced a stable recovery from the anemia without ulcer recurrence. Neither histology nor clinical or biochemical features suggested the diagnosis of an inflammatory bowel disease. Other possible causes were unlikely and the lesion was therefore diagnosed as idiopathic. This report also focuses on the need and the modality to investigate the small bowel in iron deficiency anemia patients

    Changes in the composition of the passive layer and pitting corrosion of stainless steel in phosphate-borate buffer containing chloride ions

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    The influence of the passive layer properties on the pitting corrosion of 316SS was studied in phosphate—borate buffer containing chloride ions by using potential step and potentiodynamic techniques complemented with scanning electron microscopy. The increase of the anodization time in the passive region decreases the nucleation rate and the mean number of corrosion pits formed onthe 316SS surface. Results are explained through changes in the structure and composition of the passive layer during anodization. Two different Cr(III) species can be voltammetrically detected at short anodization times, an outer weakly bound Cr(III) species which is electroaoxidized to soluble CrO42− and an inner Cr(III) species which is electrooxidized to Cr(VI) but retained in the film at potentials lying in the transpassive region. As the anodization time in the passive region increases, the weakly bound Cr(III) species is transformed into another more stable one, probably an iron chromite, which exhibits an electooxidation potential more positive than that of Cr(III) species. The aged passive layer becomes more resistant to pit initiation, due to either a decrease in the density of active sites or a decrease in the nucleation rate constant for pit initiation.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada

    The RCK2 domain of the human BKCa channel is a calcium sensor

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    Large conductance voltage and Ca2+-dependent K+ channels (BKCa) are activated by both membrane depolarization and intracellular Ca2+. Recent studies on bacterial channels have proposed that a Ca2+-induced conformational change within specialized regulators of K+ conductance (RCK) domains is responsible for channel gating. Each pore-forming α subunit of the homotetrameric BKCa channel is expected to contain two intracellular RCK domains. The first RCK domain in BKCa channels (RCK1) has been shown to contain residues critical for Ca2+ sensitivity, possibly participating in the formation of a Ca2+-binding site. The location and structure of the second RCK domain in the BKCa channel (RCK2) is still being examined, and the presence of a high-affinity Ca2+-binding site within this region is not yet established. Here, we present a structure-based alignment of the C terminus of BKCa and prokaryotic RCK domains that reveal the location of a second RCK domain in human BKCa channels (hSloRCK2). hSloRCK2 includes a high-affinity Ca2+-binding site (Ca bowl) and contains similar secondary structural elements as the bacterial RCK domains. Using CD spectroscopy, we provide evidence that hSloRCK2 undergoes a Ca2+-induced change in conformation, associated with an α-to-β structural transition. We also show that the Ca bowl is an essential element for the Ca2+-induced rearrangement of hSloRCK2. We speculate that the molecular rearrangements of RCK2 likely underlie the Ca2+-dependent gating mechanism of BKCa channels. A structural model of the heterodimeric complex of hSloRCK1 and hSloRCK2 domains is discussed

    Tissue specific promoters from rice and wheat for modifying grain characteristics

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    Trabalho final do 6º Ano Médico com vista à atribuição do grau de mestre no âmbito do ciclo de estudos de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, apresentada à Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de CoimbraA tiroidite, inflamação da glândula tiroideia, é, juntamente com o bócio, a afecção endócrina mais frequente, sendo comummente encontrada em medicina ambulatória. Associada a uma função tiroideia normal, aumentada ou diminuída (frequentemente com evolução de uma condição para outra), as circunstâncias da sua descoberta podem ser variadas e a distinção dos seus vários tipos baseia-se, essencialmente, no panorama clínico, rapidez de instalação sintomática, história familiar e presença ou ausência de sintomas prodrómicos e dor no pescoço. Vários critérios podem ser utilizados para a sua classificação, nomeadamente histológicos e clínicos (acompanhada ou não de dor tiroideia), sendo, contudo, a evolução da doença o critério classicamente utilizado. Assim, de acordo com este último, os diferentes subtipos de tiroidite podem ser agrupados em: tiroidite aguda, tiroidite subaguda ou tiroidite crónica. A primeira é uma forma dolorosa de tiroidite extremamente rara causada por uma infecção bacteriana, fúngica ou parasitária da tiróide e surgindo, sobretudo, na criança/adolescente e adulto jovem. Nas tiroidites subagudas, podemos encontrar a tiroidite subaguda granulomatosa ou de De Quervain – causa mais frequente de dor tiroideia, eventualmente, de origem viral – e as tiroidites subagudas linfocíticas – tiroidites esporádica indolor, do pós-parto, iatrogénica (interferão, interleucina-2, lítio), tóxica (amiodarona), por irradiação (iodo 131, irradiação externa) ou traumática (cirurgia, punção, traumatismo externo). Finalmente, nas tiroidites crónicas, caracterizadas, portanto, por um maior tempo de evolução, podemos destacar a tiroidite de Riedel, de natureza fibrótica e fisiopatologia desconhecida, e a tiroidite de Hashimoto, a tiroidite mais frequente e causa mais comum de hipotiroidismo nas regiões com aporte suficiente de iodo e da qual as tiroidites esporádica indolor e do pós-parto se aproximam pelo seu carácter autoimune. O diagnóstico destas afecções é feito pelo contexto e achados clínicos, incluindo a presença ou ausência de dor, textura e autoanticorpos. Adicionalmente, o grau de absorção de iodo radioactivo pela iii glândula é reduzido na maioria dos pacientes com inflamação viral, induzida por radiação, traumática, autoimune ou induzida por drogas. O tratamento é, primeiramente, dirigido ao alívio sintomático da dor tiroideia e restabelecimento do eutiroidismo.Thyroiditis, inflammation of the thyroid gland, is, along with goiter, the most frequent endocrine pathology, being commonly found in ambulatory medicine. Associated with normal, elevated or depressed thyroid function (often with evolution from one condition to another), the circumstances of its discovery are varied and the distinction of its several types is based primarily on the clinical setting, rapidity of symptom onset, family history and presence or absence of prodromal symptoms and neck pain. Different criteria can be used to its classification, namely histological and clinical (with thyroid pain or not). Nevertheless, the evolution of the disease is the classically used criterion. Thus, accordingly with this one, the several subtypes of thyroiditis can be divided into: acute thyroiditis, subacute thyroiditis and chronic thyroiditis. The first one is an extremely rare painful form of thyroiditis cause by a bacterial, fungic or parasitic infection of the thyroid and it in children/adolescents and young adults. In subacute thyroiditis, we can have the subacute granulomatous or de De Quervain thyroiditis – most common cause of thyroid pain, eventually of viral original – and the subacute lymphocytic thyroiditis – sporadic painless, postpartum, iatrogenic (interferon, interleukin-2, lithium), toxic (amiodarone), by irradiation (iodine 131 and external irradiation) or traumatic (surgery, puncture or external traumatism) thyroiditis. Finally, in chronic thyroiditis, characterized, therefore, by a longer time of evolution, we can mention Riedel’s thyroiditis, of fibrotic nature and unknown physiopathology, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, the most frequent thyroiditis and the most common cause of hypothyroidism in the regions with an adequate iodine supply, from which the sporadic painful and postpartum thyroiditis are close by their autoimune character. Diagnosis is by clinical context and findings, including the presence or absence of pain, tenderness and autoantibodies. In addition, the degree of radioactive iodine uptake by the gland is reduced in most patients with viral, radiation-induced, traumatic, autoimmune, or drug-induced inflammation of the thyroid. Treatment primarily is directed at symptomatic relief of the thyroid pain and restoration of euthyroidism

    Comparación de columna total de ozono OMI-DOAS con mediciones terrestres en Argentina

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    Total ozone column (TOC) measurements through the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI/NASA EOSAura) are compared with ground-based observations made using Dobson and SAOZ instruments for the period 2004–2019 and 2008–02/2020, respectively. The OMI data were inverted using the Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy algorithm (overpass OMI-DOAS). The four ground-based sites used for the analysis are located in subpolar and subtropical latitudes spanning from 34°S to 54°S in the Southern Hemisphere, in the Argentine cities of Buenos Aires (34.58°S, 58.36°W; 25 m a.s.l.), Comodoro Rivadavia (45.86°S, 67.50°W; 46 m a.s.l.), Río Gallegos (51.60°S, 69.30°W; 72 m a.s.l.) and Ushuaia (54.80°S, 68.30°W; 14 m a.s.l.). The linear regression analyzes showed correlation values greater than 0.90 for all sites. The OMI measurements revealed an overestimation of less than 4 % with respect to the Dobson instruments, while the comparison with the SAOZ instrument presented a very low underestimation of less than 1 %.En este trabajo se comparan mediciones de columna total de ozono (CTO) del Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI/NASA EOS-Aura), con observaciones terrestres de instrumentos Dobson y SAOZ para el periodo 2004–2019 y 2008–02/2020, respectivamente. Los datos del OMI analizados fueron los invertidos mediante el algoritmo Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (overpass OMI-DOAS). Las 4 estaciones terrestres están ubicadas en latitudes subpolares y subtropicales del Hemisferio Sur, en las ciudades argentinas de Buenos Aires (34,58°S, 58,36°O; 25 m s.n.m.), Comodoro Rivadavia (45,86°S, 67,50°O; 46 m s.n.m.), Río Gallegos (51,60°S, 69,30°O; 72 m s.n.m.) y Ushuaia (54,80°S, 68,30°O; 14 m s.n.m.) cubriendo un rango latitudinal desde los 34°S hasta los 54°S. Los análisis de regresión lineal presentan valores de correlación superior a 0,90. Las mediciones OMI– DOAS muestran una sobrestimación menor al 4 % respecto de los instrumentos Dobson, mientras que la comparación respecto al instrumento SAOZ presenta una muy baja subestimación, menor al 1 %.Fil: Orte, Pablo Facundo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo Estratégico para la Defensa. Ministerio de Defensa. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo Estratégico para la Defensa; Argentina. Ministerio de Defensa. Instituto de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas para la Defensa; ArgentinaFil: Luccini, Eduardo Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Centro de Excelencia en Productos y Procesos de Córdoba; Argentina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires". Facultad de Química e Ingeniería-Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Wolfram, Elian Augusto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Ministerio de Defensa. Secretaria de Planeamiento. Servicio Meteorológico Nacional; Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Nollas, Fernando Martin. Ministerio de Defensa. Secretaria de Planeamiento. Servicio Meteorológico Nacional. Servicio Metereológico Nacional (sede Dorrego).; ArgentinaFil: Pallotta, Juan Vicente. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo Estratégico para la Defensa. Ministerio de Defensa. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo Estratégico para la Defensa; ArgentinaFil: D'elia, Raul Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo Estratégico para la Defensa. Ministerio de Defensa. Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo Estratégico para la Defensa; ArgentinaFil: Carbajal, G.. Ministerio de Defensa. Secretaria de Planeamiento. Servicio Meteorológico Nacional. Servicio Metereológico Nacional (sede Dorrego).; ArgentinaFil: Mbatha, N.. University of Zululand; SudáfricaFil: Hlongwana, N.. University of Zululand; Sudáfric

    Stochastic and deterministic behaviours of 316 stainless steel pitting corrosion in phosphate-borate buffer containing sodium chloride

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    The pitting corrosion of 316 stainless steel (SS) in phosphate-borate buffer (pH 8.00) containing 0.5 M NaCl at 25°C is studied through current transients run under a constant potential step, potentiodynamic runs and scanning electron microscopy. According to the potential and time windows different laws for pitting kinetics are observed. For small number of pits, the kinetics of pit growth is governed by a stochastic law whereas for a large number of pits a deterministic law which corresponds to an instantaneous nucleation and growth is obeyed. At the initial stages two different rate constants for pit nucleation are obtained. This fact correlates with two well distinguishable types of pits observed through SEM observations. Results are discussed through a model involving the penetration of chloride ions through the passive film and the existence of at least two types of sites at the metal surface which in turn become centers of pit nucleation. Pit stability is directly related to the Cr(III) content in the passive layer which can be shifted by changing the applied potential with respect to that of the Cr2O3/CrO2−4 redox couple.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada
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