11 research outputs found
Characterizing diagnostic inertia in arterial hypertension with a gender perspective in primary care
Background and Objectives: Substantial evidence shows that diagnostic inertia leads to failure to achieve screening and diagnosis objectives for arterial hypertension (AHT). In addition, different studies suggest that the results may differ between men and women. This study aimed to evaluate the differences in diagnostic inertia in women and men attending public primary care centers, to identify potential gender biases in the clinical management of AHT. Study Design/Materials and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive and analytical estimates were obtained nested on an epidemiological ambispective cohort study of patients aged ≥30 years who attended public primary care centers in a Spanish region in the period 2008-2012, belonging to the ESCARVAL-RISK cohort. We applied a consistent operational definition of diagnostic inertia to a registry- reflected population group of 44,221 patients with diagnosed hypertension or meeting the criteria for diagnosis (51.2% women), with a mean age of 63.4 years (62.4 years in men and 64.4 years in women). Results: Of the total population, 95.5% had a diagnosis of hypertension registered in their electronic health record. Another 1,968 patients met the inclusion criteria for diagnostic inertia of hypertension, representing 4.5% of the total population (5% of men and 3.9% of women). The factors significantly associated with inertia were younger age, normal body mass index, elevated total cholesterol, coexistence of diabetes and dyslipidemia, and treatment with oral antidiabetic drugs. Lower inertia was associated with age over 50 years, higher body mass index, normal total cholesterol, no diabetes or dyslipidemia, and treatment with lipid-lowering, antiplatelet, and anticoagulant drugs. The only gender difference in the association of factors with diagnostic inertia was found in waist circumference. Conclusion: In the ESCARVAL-RISK study population presenting registered AHT or meeting the functional dia
Clinical characteristics, treatment, and blood pressure control in patients with hypertension seen by primary care physicians in Spain: the IBERICAN study
Objectives: To determine the clinical profile, according to the history of hypertension, the risk of developing hypertension, current antihypertensive treatment and BP control rates in patients with hypertension from the IBERICAN cohort.
Methods: IBERICAN is an ongoing prospective cohort study, whose primary objective is to determine the frequency, incidence, and distribution of CVRF in the adult Spanish population seen in primary care settings. This analysis shows the baseline clinical characteristics of patients with hypertension. Adequate BP control was defined as BP <140/90 mmHg according to 2013 ESH/ESC guidelines.
Results: A total of 8,066 patients were consecutively included, of whom 3,860 (48.0%) had hypertension. These patients were older (65.8 ± 10.9 vs. 51.6 ± 14.7 years; p < 0.001), had more cardiovascular risk factors, target organ damage and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in comparison with those without hypertension. The risk of hypertension increased with the presence of associated CV risk factors and comorbidities, particularly diabetes, obesity and the metabolic syndrome, and decreased with the intensity of physical activity. Regarding antihypertensive treatments, 6.1% of patients did not take any medication, 38.8% were taking one antihypertensive drug, 35.5% two drugs, and 19.6% three or more antihypertensive drugs. Overall, 58.3% achieved BP goals <140/90 mmHg. A greater probability of BP control was observed with increasing age of patients and the greater number of antihypertensive drugs. Blood pressure control was lower in hypertensive patients with diabetes, obesity, the metabolic syndrome, increased urinary albumin excretion, higher pulse pressure, and lack of antihypertensive treatment.
Conclusions: About half of patients attended in primary care settings have hypertension in Spain. Patients with hypertension have a worse CV clinical profile than non-hypertensive patients, with greater association of CVRF and CVD. Around four out of ten patients do not achieve the recommended BP goals, and higher use of combination therapies is associated with a better BP control
Active interventions in hypercholeteroloemia patiens with high cardiovascular risk in primary care
Introduction: Hypercholesterolemia is a major modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Its reduction reduces morbidity and mortality from ischemic heart disease and CVD in general, primary prevention and secondary prevention especially. Objective: To determine whether a notarized and intensive clinical practice can overcome inertia and achieve the therapeutic goal (OT) LDL-C <100 mg <dL in high-risk patients attended in Primary Care (PC) in our country. Methodology: epidemiological, prospective, multicenter study conducted in centers of different ACs By AP consecutive sampling 310 patients at high cardiovascular risk (diabetic or established CVD) previously treated with statins, which did not reach the OT included c-LDL. Results: The study subjects had a mean age of 65.2 years, of which 60.32% were male. The 41.64% had a previous EVC, acute myocardial infarction (20.33%), angina (16.07%), stroke /TIA (9.19%), arthropathy (5.25%), diabetes (70 , 87%), hypertension (71.01%), and abdominal obesity (69.62%). The 43.57% (95% CI: 37,21; 50,08) of patients who performed the 2nd visit (241) got the OT. 62.50% (95% CI: 55.68, 68.98) of those who took the 3rd (216) got the OT. Finally, 77.56% (95% CI: 72.13, 83.08) patients who performed the last visit (205) got the OT. Throughout the study there was a reduction in LDL-C levels from 135.6 mg /dL at baseline, 107.4 mg /dL in the 2nd visit, 97.3 mg /dL in the 3rd visit, up to 90.7 mg /dL at the final visit (p <0.0001) The increase in HDL-C from baseline (50.9 mg /dL) and final (53.6 mg /dL) was also significant (p = 0.013). Conclusions: The reassessment and intensification of treatment in patients at high cardiovascular risk treated in primary care, applying the indications of the guides, achieves the OT in more than three quarters of the previously uncontrolled within half a year. These results should encourage us to overcome the therapeutic inertia in the control of CVD by early and energetic performance against hypercholesterolemia.Introducción: La hipercolesterolemia es uno de los
principales factores de riesgo modificables de la enfermedad
cardiovascular (ECV). Su reducción disminuye
la morbimortalidad por cardiopatía isquémica y ECV en
general, en prevención primaria y en prevención secundaria
Objetivo: Comprobar si una práctica clínica protocolizada
e intensiva permite vencer la inercia y alcanzar el
objetivo terapéutico (OT) de c-LDL < 100 mg/dL en pacientes
de alto riesgo asistidos en Atención Primaria (AP)
de nuestro país.
Metodología: Estudio epidemiológico, prospectivo,
multicentrico, realizado en Centros de AP de diferentes
CC.AA. Mediante muestreo consecutivo se incluyeron
310 pacientes de alto riesgo cardiovascular (diabéticos o
con ECV establecida), tratados previamente con estatinas,
que no alcanzaban el OT de c-LDL.
Resultados: Los sujetos del estudio tenían una edad
media de 65,2 años, de los que el 60,32% eran varones.
El 41,64% presentaba un EVC previo, infarto agudo
de miocardio (20,33%), angina (16,07%), ictus/AIT
(9,19%), artropatía (5,25%), diabetes (70,87%), hipertensión
(71,01%), y obesidad abdominal (69,62%). El
43,57% (IC95%: 37,21; 50,08) de los pacientes que realizaron
la 2a visita (241) consiguieron el OT. El 62,50%
(IC95%: 55,68; 68,98) de los que realizaron la 3a (216)
consiguieron el OT. Finalmente, el 77,56% (IC95%:
72,13; 83,08) de los pacientes que realizaron la última visita
(205) consiguieron el OT. A lo largo del estudio hubo
una reducción de los niveles de c-LDL desde los 135,6 mg/
dL en la visita basal, 107,4 mg/dL en la 2a visita, 97,3 mg/
dL en la 3a visita, hasta los 90,7 mg/dL en la visita final
(p < 0,0001) El incremento de c-HDL entre la visita basal
(50,9 mg/dL) y la final (53,6 mg/dL) también fue significativo
(p = 0,013). Conclusiones: La reevaluación e intensificación del tratamiento
en pacientes de alto riesgo cardiovascular atendidos
en Atención Primaria, aplicando las indicaciones de
las guías, permite alcanzar el OT en más de las tres cuartas
partes de los previamente no controlados en el plazo de medio
año. Estos resultados nos deben estimular a superar la
inercia terapéutica en el control de la ECV mediante una
actuación precoz y enérgica ante la hipercolesterolemi
Clinical inertia in poorly controlled elderly hypertensive patients: a cross-sectional study in Spanish physicians to ascertain reasons for not intensifying treatment
Background Clinical inertia, the failure of physicians to initiate or intensify therapy when indicated, is a major problem in the management of hypertension and may be more prevalent in elderly patients. Overcoming clinical inertia requires understanding its causes and evaluating certain factors, particularly those related to physicians. Objective The objective of our study was to determine the rate of clinical inertia and the physician-reported rea- sons for it. Conclusion Physicians provided reasons for not intensi- fying treatment in poorly controlled patients in only 30 % of instances. Main reasons for not intensifying treatment were borderline BP values, co-morbidity, suspected white coat effect, or perceived difficulty achieving target. nJCI was associated with high borderline BP values and car- diovascular diseas
Situación actual de los anticoagulantes orales de acción directa en atención primaria de España. Posicionamiento de SEMERGEN en 2023
La anticoagulación oral es clave para disminuir el riesgo de ictus en la fibrilación
auricular. Aunque clásicamente los antagonistas de la vitamina K (AVK) se han empleado para
este fin, han sido ampliamente superados por los anticoagulantes orales de acción directa
(ACOD), como lo demuestran las evidencias provenientes de los ensayos clínicos, estudios de
vida real y poblacionales. De hecho, todas las guías de práctica clínica recomiendan su uso
de manera preferencial sobre los AVK. Sin embargo, en Espana la prescripción de los ACOD ˜
está subordinada a un visado de inspección que recoge las condiciones clínicas definidas en el
Informe de Posicionamiento Terapéutico de la Agencia Espanola del Medicamento, y que todavía ˜
impone importantes restricciones a su uso, limitando los beneficios del empleo de los ACOD en
los pacientes con fibrilación auricular (FA), y generando además inequidades entre las diferentes comunidades autónomas. De hecho, el empleo de los ACOD en Espana es muy inferior a los ˜
países de nuestro entorno. Esto ha provocado que en otros países ha disminuido la incidencia
de ictus isquémico a nivel poblacional, junto con una reducción del coste por paciente con FA,
pero en Espana este descenso ha sido discreto. Por todo ello, y en aras de la sostenibilidad del ˜
sistema sanitario, pedimos la eliminación del visado para que los ACOD se puedan prescribir
de acuerdo a las recomendaciones realizadas por las guías. Además, también apostamos por el
refuerzo de la formación y de las decisiones consensuadas con el paciente, siendo el médico de
familia un actor clave en la protección del paciente con FA.Oral anticoagulation is the key to reduce the risk of stroke in atrial fibrillation. Although vitamin K antagonists (VKA) have classically been used for this purpose, they have been
largely overcome by direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC), as demonstrated by evidence from clinical trials, real-life and population studies. In fact, all clinical practice guidelines recommend
their use preferentially over VKA. However, in Spain the prescription of DOAC is subordinated
to an inspection visa that includes the clinical conditions defined in the Therapeutic Positioning
Report of the Spanish Medicines Agency, and that still imposes important restrictions on their
use, limiting the benefits of using DOACs in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), and also generating inequalities between the different autonomous communities. In fact, the use of DOAC in
Spain is much lower than that observed in neighboring countries. This has made that while in
other countries the incidence of ischemic stroke has decreased at the population level, along
with a reduction in the cost per patient with AF, in Spain this decrease has been modest. For
all these reasons, and for assuring the sustainability of the health care system, we ask for the
elimination of the visa so that DOAC can be prescribed according to the recommendations made
by the guidelines. In addition, we are also committed to reinforce medical education and decisions made by consensus with the patient, with the primary care physician acquiring a key role
in the protection of the patient with AF
SEMERGEN positioning on approaching chronic heart failure in primary care
La insuficiencia cardíaca (IC) es un problema de salud pública que genera una gran carga asistencial tanto hospitalaria como en atención primaria (AP).
La publicación de numerosos estudios sobre IC durante los últimos años ha supuesto un cambio de paradigma en el abordaje de este síndrome, en el que la labor de los equipos de AP va adquiriendo un protagonismo mayor. Las recientes guías publicadas por la Sociedad Europea de Cardiología han introducido cambios fundamentalmente en el manejo del paciente con IC. La nueva estrategia propuesta, con fármacos que reducen las hospitalizaciones y frenen la progresión de la enfermedad, debe ser ya una prioridad para todos los profesionales implicados. En este documento de posicionamiento se analiza una propuesta de abordaje basada en equipos multidisciplinares con el liderazgo de los médicos de familia, clave para proporcionar una atención de calidad a lo largo de todo el proceso de la enfermedad, desde su prevención hasta el final de la vida.Heart failure (HF) is a public health problem that generates a large healthcare burden both in hospitals and in Primary Care (PC).
The publication of numerous studies about HF in recent years has led to a paradigm shift in the approach to this syndrome, in which the work of PC teams is gaining greater prominence. The recent guidelines published by the European Society of Cardiology have fundamentally introduced changes in the management of patients with HF. The new proposed strategy, with drugs that reduce hospitalizations and slow the progression of the disease, should now be a priority for all professionals involved. This position document analyzes a proposal for an approach based on multidisciplinary teams with the leadership of family doctors, key to providing quality care throughout the entire process of the disease, from its prevention to the end of the life
Active interventions in hypercholesteroloemia patients with high cardiovascular risk in primary care; estudio ESPROCOL
Hypercholesterolemia is a major modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Its reduction reduces morbidity and mortality from ischemic heart disease and CVD in general, primary prevention and secondary prevention especially. Objective: to determine whether a notarized and intensive clinical practice can overcome inertia and achieve the therapeutic goal (OT) LDL-C <100 mg/dL in high-risk patients attended in Primary Care (PC) in our country. Methodology: epidemiological, prospective, multicenter study conducted in centers of different ACs By AP consecutive sampling 310 patients at high cardiovascular risk (diabetic or established CVD) previously treated with statins, which did not reach the OT included c-LDL. Results: the study subjects had a mean age of 65.2 years, of which 60.32% were male. The 41.64% had a previous EVC, acute myocardial infarction (20.33%), angina (16.07%), stroke/TIA (9.19%), arthropathy (5.25%), diabetes (70.87%), hypertension (71.01%), and abdominal obesity (69.62%). The 43.57% (95% CI: 37,21; 50,08) of patients who performed the 2nd visit (241) got the OT. 62.50% (95% CI: 55.68, 68.98) of those who took the 3rd (216) got the OT. Finally, 77.56% (95% CI: 72.13, 83.08) patients who performed the last visit (205) got the OT. Throughout the study there was a reduction in LDL-C levels from 135.6 mg/dL at baseline, 107.4 mg/dL in the 2nd visit, 97.3 mg/dL in the 3rd visit, up to 90.7 mg/dL at the final visit (p < 0.0001) The increase in HDL-C from baseline (50.9 mg/dL) and final (53.6 mg/dL) was also significant (p = 0.013). Conclusions: the reassessment and intensification of treatment in patients at high cardiovascular risk treated in primary care, applying the indications of the guides, achieves the OT in more than three quarters of the previously uncontrolled within half a year. These results should encourage us to overcome the therapeutic inertia in the control of CVD by early and energetic performance against hypercholesterolemi
Evaluation of prophylaxis in primary prevention with acetylsalicylic acid in people with diabetes: A scoping review
The efficacy and safety of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) prophylaxis for the primary
prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ACVD) remain controversial in people with
diabetes (DM) without ACVD, because the possible increased risk of major bleeding could outweigh the potential reduction in the risk of mortality and of major adverse cardiovascular events
(MACE) considered individually or together.La eficacia y la seguridad de la profilaxis con ácido acetilsalicílico (AAS) para la prevención primaria de la enfermedad cardiovascular arteriosclerótica (ECVA) siguen siendo controvertidas en personas con diabetes (DM) sin ECVA, ya que el posible aumento del riesgo de hemorragias graves podría superar la posible disminución del riesgo de mortalidad y de los principales episodios adversos cardiovasculares (MACE) considerados individualmente o en conjunto