8 research outputs found

    A study on prevalence of metabolic syndrome in general population in Western Uttar Pradesh, India

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    Background: A global transition in the disease pattern has been observed, where the relative impact of infectious disease is decreasing while chronic disease like cardiovascular disease and diabetes are increasingly dominating the disease pattern. Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a complex web of metabolic factors that are associated with a 2-fold increased risk of CVD and 5-fold risk of diabetes.Methods: A total of 350 patients were included and a cross sectional study was conducted to identify metabolic syndrome prevalence and to evaluate risk factor for development of metabolic syndrome.Results: 48% of participants were male and 52% were female our results showed a BMI of 22.11±3.57 in male and 22.16±2.82 in females. The overall prevalence of overweight was 31%. This study also showed significantly higher rate of metabolic syndrome in older age group i.e. 9.38% in age group of 30-39 years and 26.98% in 60-70 age group. Proportionally more subjects with MetS (74%) have sedentary life style as compared to those without MetS (54%).Conclusions: The prevalence of Metabolic syndrome varies among ethnic groups. Indians are at high risk for ASCVD and their predisposition. The high prevalence of overweight and obesity was one of the major driving force in the development of MetS

    Internacjonalizacja małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w UE w latach 2014-2018.

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    Głównym celem pracy jest przedstawienie istoty umiędzynarodowienia małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw (MŚP), a także określenie poziomu umiędzynarodowienia europejskich MŚP oraz efektów, barier i stymulantów związanych z tym procesem w latach 2014-2018. Badanie oparto na przeglądzie literatury i źródeł wtórnych, takich jak statystyki publiczne, raporty i inne publikacje Unii Europejskiej. W pracy zidentyfikowano bariery i czynniki stymulujące internacjonalizację małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w UE i w ujęciu globalnym. Główne bariery to niewystarczający kapitał obrotowy, niewystarczające wsparcie publiczne, niedostatek informacji, różnice kulturowe, taryfy i inne ograniczenia handlowe. Główne stymulanty to nowe możliwości biznesowe na rynkach zagranicznych, wyróżniające się kompetencje organizacyjne, reputacja (wizerunek marki, wartość firmy, lojalność), technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne, orientacja międzynarodowa i polityka samorządów lokalnych wspierająca internacjonalizację.The main aim of the thesis is to present the essence of SME internationalization, as well as to identify the level of the internationalization of the European SMEs and related effects, barriers, and drivers in the years 2014-2018. The research was based on a review of literature and secondary sources, such as the public statistics, reports, and publications of the European Union. The major barriers and drivers of small and medium enterprise internationalization were identified in the EU and globally. The major barriers are insufficient working capital, insufficient public support, scarcity of information, cultural distinctions tariffs, and other trade restrictions, while the major drivers include new business opportunities in foreign markets, distinctive organizational competencies, reputation (brand image, goodwill, loyalty), information and communication technology, international orientation, and local government policy to support internationalization

    De-Authentication Using Ambient Light Sensor

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    While user authentication happens before initiating or resuming a login session, de-authentication detects the absence of a previously-authenticated user to revoke her currently active login session. The absence of proper de-authentication can lead to well-known lunchtime attacks, where a nearby adversary takes over a carelessly departed user’s running login session. The existing solutions for automatic de-authentication have distinct practical limitations, e.g., extraordinary deployment requirements or high initial cost of external equipment. In this paper, we propose “DE-authentication using Ambient Light sensor” (DEAL), a novel, inexpensive, fast, and user-friendly de-authentication approach. DEAL utilizes the built-in ambient light sensor of a modern computer to determine if the user is leaving her work-desk. DEAL, by design, is resilient to natural shifts in lighting conditions and can be configured to handle abrupt changes in ambient illumination (e.g., due to toggling of room lights). We collected data samples from 4800 sessions with 120 volunteers in 4 typical workplace settings and conducted a series of experiments to evaluate the quality of our proposed approach thoroughly. Our results show that DEAL can de-authenticate a departing user within 4 seconds with a hit rate of 89.15% and a fall-out of 7.35%. Finally, bypassing DEAL to launch a lunchtime attack is practically infeasible as it requires the attacker to either take the user’s position within a few seconds or manipulate the sensor readings sophisticatedly in real-time

    Effect of wet processing on the grinding characteristics and functional properties of sorghum

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    In the current study, the effect of wet processing, which included soaking, fermentation, germination and germination-fermentation, on the grinding characteristics and functional properties of sorghum flour was studied. The grinding characteristics of pre-treated samples were studied and evaluated on physical and functional properties. Physical properties such as Carr's index and Haunser ratio were found in the range of 1.35-1.45 and 26.04 -30.04, respectively. Grinding characteristics results such as average particle size and finesse modulus were in the range of 0.19-0.28 mm and 1.12-2.41 mm, respectively (P≤ 0.05). Colour analysis found better values for the fermented flour sample for hue and chroma values, while water solubility and hygroscopicity also found better results for the fermented sample. From this study, it can be concluded that the variation in the flour properties was due to the difference in grinding behaviour and functional properties of pre-treated samples. The fermented flour sample found better-grinding properties and functional properties

    Concept of Hybrid Drugs and Recent Advancements in Anticancer Hybrids

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    Cancer is a complex disease, and its treatment is a big challenge, with variable efficacy of conventional anticancer drugs. A two-drug cocktail hybrid approach is a potential strategy in recent drug discovery that involves the combination of two drug pharmacophores into a single molecule. The hybrid molecule acts through distinct modes of action on several targets at a given time with more efficacy and less susceptibility to resistance. Thus, there is a huge scope for using hybrid compounds to tackle the present difficulties in cancer medicine. Recent work has applied this technique to uncover some interesting molecules with substantial anticancer properties. In this study, we report data on numerous promising hybrid anti-proliferative/anti-tumor agents developed over the previous 10 years (2011–2021). It includes quinazoline, indole, carbazole, pyrimidine, quinoline, quinone, imidazole, selenium, platinum, hydroxamic acid, ferrocene, curcumin, triazole, benzimidazole, isatin, pyrrolo benzodiazepine (PBD), chalcone, coumarin, nitrogen mustard, pyrazole, and pyridine-based anticancer hybrids produced via molecular hybridization techniques. Overall, this review offers a clear indication of the potential benefits of merging pharmacophoric subunits from multiple different known chemical prototypes to produce more potent and precise hybrid compounds. This provides valuable knowledge for researchers working on complex diseases such as cancer