143 research outputs found

    The research of antibacterial properties of decamethoxin, decasan, horosten

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    The study of Staphylococcus resistance to the antibacterial drugs Decamethoxin, Decasan, Horosten remains an important medical problem. The aim of this study was to investigate the antistaphylococcal properties of Decamethoxin, Decasan, Horosten. It has been proven that qaterinary ammonium antiseptic drugs (Decamethoxin, Decasan, Horosten) have high antistaphylococcal properties. The bactericidal activity of Decamethoxin has been shown to be stable under adverse pH conditions of different microbial loading. Different concentrations of Decamethoxine have been shown to cause the formation of resistant variants of Staphylococcus, which lose the ability to form pigments and enzymes

    Quantumness in decoherent quantum walk using measurement-induced disturbance

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    The classicalization of a decoherent discrete-time quantum walk on a line or an n-cycle can be demonstrated in various ways that do not necessarily provide a geometry-independent description. For example, the position probability distribution becomes increasingly Gaussian, with a concomitant fall in the standard deviation, in the former case, but not in the latter. As another example, each step of the quantum walk on a line may be subjected to an arbitrary phase gate, without affecting the position probability distribution, no matter whether the walk is noiseless or noisy. This symmetry, which is absent in the case of noiseless cyclic walk, but is restored in the presence of sufficient noise, serves as an indicator of classicalization, but only in the cyclic case. Here we show that the degree of quantum correlations between the coin and position degrees of freedom, quantified by a measure based on the disturbance induced by local measurements (Luo, Phys. Rev. A 77, 022301 (2008)), provides a suitable measure of classicalization across both type of walks. Applying this measure to compare the two walks, we find that cyclic quantum walks tend to classicalize faster than quantum walks on a line because of more efficient phase randomization due to the self-interference of the two counter-rotating waves. We model noise as acting on the coin, and given by the squeezed generalized amplitude damping (SGAD) channel, which generalizes the generalized amplitude damping channel.Comment: 8 pages with 8 figures, Published versio

    Modern views in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of inflammatory bowel disease

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    Catedra de Chirurgie nr.2, USMF “Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Diagnosticul precoce corect și implicațiile chirurgicale oportune constituie premizele succesului în tratamentul bolilor inflamatorii ale intestinului. Scopul lucrării: Îmbunătățirea diagnosticului și rezultatelor postoperatorii în colita ulceroasă nespecifică (CUN) și boala Crohn (BC). Material și metode: Au fost asistați 285 pacienți cu CUN și 83 pacienți cu BC. S-au operat 79 bolnavi de CUN: urgență – 31 (39,2%), programat – 48 (60,8%) cazuri, respectiv. Operațiile primare realizate: colectomie subtotală proximală (33) sau distală (25), colectomie totală cu ileoplastie (7), colproctectomie (14). Operații reconstructive realizate (timpul II): ileorectoanastomoză (21), ascendostomie transanală (15), IAA Dumitriu-Ravich (7), IPAA în „J” (5), IPAA în „S” (2), sigmoproctectomie (8). S-au operat și 38 (45,7%) bolnavi cu BC: forma intestinală – 20 (52,6%), forma perianală – 18 (47,4%) cazuri, respectiv. Operațiile realizate: rezecția segmentară a intestinului subțire (6) sau gros (4) cu anastomoză, hemicolectomie (5), colectomie subtotală (2), stricturoplastie (3), rezecția rectului cu anastomoză (3), deschiderea și drenarea abcesului perianal (3), drenajul fistulei cu seton (5), stricturotomie anală cu stricturoplastie (3), plastia fistulei cu petic vaginal (2), ileostomie (2). Rezultate: După reconstrucții (în CUN): rezultate bune – 23 (58,9%), satisfăcătoare – 11 (28,2%), nesatisfăcătoare – 5 (12,9%) bolnavi. Analiza comparativă a rezultatelor postoperatorii în BC (intestinală și perianală) a evidențiat frecvența mai înaltă a recidivelor bolii (15% vs 33,3%), operațiilor repetate pentru acestea (10% vs 22,2%) și a complicațiilor postoperatorii (20% vs 27,7%) în forma perianală. Concluzii: În baza datelor clinice, radiologice, endoscopice și histologice diagnosticul cert dintre CUN și BC a fost posibil în ≈70% cazuri. Atitudinea medico-chirurgicală, individualizată la fiecare caz, a redus letalitatea postoperatorie la 12,8% (CUN) și 5,0% (BC).Introduction: Correct early diagnosis and opportune surgical implications are the keypoints of successful treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The aim of study: Improvement of the diagnosis and postoperative results in ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD). Material and methods: Were assisted 285 patients with UC and 83 patients with CD. From 79 patients with UC – 31 (39.2%) were operated on emergency and 48 (60.8%) – programmed. Performed primary operations: proximal (33) or distal (25) subtotal colectomia, total colectomia with ileoplastia (7), colproctectomia (14). Performed reconstructive intervences (II stage): ileorectoanasthomosis (21), transanal ascendostomia (15), IAA Dumitriu-Ravich (7), IPAA in ”J” (5) or IPAA in ”S” (2), sigmoproctectomy (8). Were operated 38 (45.7%) from 83 assisted patients with CD, with intestinal – 20 (52.6%) or perianal – 18 (47.4%) location. Types of surgical intervences: segmentary resection of small (6) or large intestine (4) with anasthomosis, hemicolectomia (5), subtotal colectomia (2), stricturoplastia (3), rectal resection with anasthomosis (3), opening and drainage of perianal abscess (3), fistula draining with seton (5), anal stricturotomia/stricturoplastia (3), fistula covering by vaginal path (2), ileostomia (2). Results: Tardive postoperative results after reconstructive intervences: good – 23 (58.9%), satisfactory – 11 (28.2%), unsatisfactory – 5 (12.9%) cases. Comparative analysis of obtained postoperative results în CD was showed increased frequency of recurences (15% vs 33.3%), repeated intervences (10% vs 22.2%) and postoperative complications (20% vs 27.7%) in perianal CD. Conclusions: In 70% of cases the clinic, radiologic, endoscopic and histologic exams assured relevant differentiation between UC and CD. The individualized therapeutic and surgical tactics was dimished the postoperative lethality till 12.8% (UC) and 5.0% (CD)

    High‐nuclearity mixed‐valence magnetic clusters : A general solution of the double exchange problem

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    We report here a general solution of the double‐exchange problem in the high‐nuclearity mixed valence systems containing arbitrary number P of the electrons delocalized over the network of N (P<N) localized spins. The developed approach is based on the successive (chainlike) spin‐coupling scheme and takes full advantage from the quantum angular momentum theory. In the framework of this approach the closed‐form analytical expressions are deduced for the matrix elements of the double exchange interaction, two‐electron transfer, and three‐center interaction that can be referred to as the potential exchange transfer. For the arbitrary nuclearity mixed‐valence systems the matrix elements of all named interactions are expressed in terms of all relevant spin quantum numbers and 6j symbols and do not contain higher order recoupling coefficients. We describe also the combined approach taking into account both angular momentum consideration and advantages of point symmetry adapted basis [email protected] , [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected] ; [email protected]

    Diagnosis and surgical treatment of perianal Crohn’s disease

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    Surgical Department 2, State University of Medicine and Pharmaceutics «Nicolae Testemitanu», Chisinau, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova, Ziua internațională a științei pentru pace și dezvoltareIntroduction. Perianal Crohn's disease (pCD) is a chronic inflammation of anal region, manifested by fissures, fistulas, abscesses or strictures. It is a marker of severe CD, associating with multiple relapses and operations. Can evolve in isolation (25%) or strike intestinal CD (75%). Correct early diagnosis, timed surgical implications constitute preconditions for success in the treatment of pCD. Purpose. Improvement of the diagnosis, of the early and late postoperative results in Perianal Crohn's disease (pCD). Material and methods. Retrospective study (2000-2019), based on the analysis of clinical observation files, results of paraclinical explorations and treatment of 52 patients with pCD. The investigation program was included: examination under anesthesia; endoscopy; imaging modalities (MRI, CT, fistulography, endorectal USG); histological explorations (biopsy, specimens). Conservative treatment was according to ECCO Protocol(2012). Results. Based on clinical, radiological, endoscopic and histological data, the definite diagnosis of pCD was possible in 72.7% of cases. Were operated 21 patients with pCD – drainage of perianal abscess (2), closure of the transphincterian fistula on Seton (6), fistulotomy (2), fistulectomy (3), closure of the recto-vaginal (2) or extrasphincterian (3) fistula with "advancement mucous flap", ileostomy (1), rectal resection with anastomosis (1), procectomy (1). Conclusions. The surgical attitude, individualized in each case, associated with biological therapy (infliximab), allows the essential reduction of relapses (23.8%), postoperative complications (14.3%) and lethality (4.8%)

    Distribution, bioecological peculiarities of staphylinids (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in livestock biocenoses of forest-steppe and steppe Ukraine

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    As a result of research in the territory of livestock farms, 103 species of predatory Coleoptera were found, including Staphylinidae accounting for 51.4%, Histeridae – 27.3%, Carabidae – 21.3%. A total of 39 species of the Staphylinidae family were identified, belonging to 5 subfamilies: Oxytelinae, Steninae, Staphylininae, Tachyporinae, Aleocharinae. Species composition of staphylinids varied in relation to the types of animal rearing premises. In cowsheds and calf pens species diversity was higher (35 species). To study the peculiarities of feeding in laboratory conditions, we monitored 9 species of Staphylinidae: Philonthus addendus Sharp, Ph. cruentatus (Gmel.), Ph. rectangulus Sharp, Ph. varians (Payk.), Ph. spinipes Sharp, Ph. nitidus F., Creophilus maxillosus (L.), Ontholestes murinus (L.), Oxytelus sp. Feeding specialization of imagoes and larvae of different ages was studied. We determined that the mass of food consumed per day is higher than the weight of the beetles. Large species of staphylinids prefer feeding on average-aged larvae of flies and can eat puparia. Peculiarities of the development of coprophilous staphylinids were studied on the example of Ph. spinipes Sharp. During 24 h a female laid 1–3 eggs (in +28°С). Duration of the egg phase depends on the temperature regime (in +20 °С – 4–5, +28 °С – 3–4 days). Cessation of egg laying was observed with decrease in the temperature to +14 °С. The development takes part in three larval stages. Duration of the larva phase at +28 °С was 8–10 days, at +20 °С – 13–14 days. The first moulting was observed on the 2–3th days (in +28 °С) after the larvae emerged from the eggs. At +28 °С the pupa phase lasted 8–10 days. Decrease in temperature prolonged the rate of the development. At +24 °С it practically did not change (9–10 days), at +18 °С – increased to 13–15 days

    Surgical treatment of patients

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    Catedra 2 chirurgie, USMF „N. Testemițanu”, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Întroducere. Suferințele majore ale bolnavilor cu colostază cronică determină adresabilitatea crescută către instituțiile medicale. Medicația conservativă aplicată acestor bolnavi deseori este inefecace. Studiul nostru relevă analiza comparativă a rezultatelor intervențiilor chirurgicale clasice versus cele miniinvazive la pacienți cu colostaza cronică. Scopul lucrării. Efectuarea unui studiu comparativ al eficacității tratamentului chirurgical tradițional şi miniinvaziv al pacienților cu dolicosigmă complicată cu colostaza cronică. Material şi metode. În perioada anilor 2000-2010 în clinica 2 chirurgie au fost internați și tratați chirurgical 107 pacienți cu dolicosigme. Raportul dintre bărbați şi femei a fost de 1:6, iar vîrsta medie a pacienților a constituit 43 ani. Rezecția laparascopică a sigmei s-a realizat în 11 cazuri (10,3%). Rezultate. Au fost comparate rezultatele postoperatorii la pacienții operați tradițional (lotul 1) versus bolnavii supuşi intervențiilor miniinvazve (lotul 2). Durata spitalizării pacienților primului lot a constituit 13,4 zile, față de 5,6 zile pentru pacienții operați laparascopic. Metoda aplicată la bolnavii lotului 2 a impresionat prin aspectul estetic, perioda postoperatorie legeră şi rezultatele funcționale bune. Concluzii. Dolicosigma refracteră la medicația conservativă rămîne a fi indicație pentru tratament chirurgical, iar rezecția laparascopică a sigmei cu anastomoza termino-terminală „hand asistend” fiind preferabilă celei clasice.Introduction. Major sufferings of patients with chronic cholestasis draw a high addressing to medical institutions. Nonsurgical treatment applied to these patients shows being inefficient . Our study reveal the comparative analysis of the results between classic surgical treatment and endoscopic one at patients with chronic cholestasis. Work purpose. Create a comparative study of treatment efficiency between traditional and endoscopic surgical treatment at patients with dolicosigma complicated with chronic cholestasis. Methods and Material. In period of 2000-2010 years the 2-nd surgical department treated 107 patients with doligosigmas. The ratio between men and women was 1:6 and the average age of patients was 43 years. Laparoscopic resection of sigma was realized in 11 cases (10.3%). Results. Postoperative results of patients after traditional treatment (group 1) were compared with postoperative results of enoscopic treated patients (group 2). The average hospitalisation time of patients from 1-st group was for 13,4 days, comparative to 5,6 days of patients from 2-nd group. The method apllied on patients from 2-nd group impressed by its aesthetic aspect , a slightly postoperative period and good functional results. Conclusions. Dolicosigma that can’t be treated in nonsurgical way remains to be an indication for surgical treatment, but laparoscopic resection of the sigma with termino-terminal anastomosa “hand assistant” is preferable to the classic one