9 research outputs found

    Імуногістохімічне виявлення судинного епітеліального ростового фактору в корі великих півкуль головного мозку при порушеннях кровообігу

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    Порушення кровопостачання мозку – одне з актуальних питань сучасної медицини, що обумовлено, як тяжкістю наслідків кожного конкретного випадку хвороби, так і рівнем показників захворюваності, що сягають пандемії, а смертність від цієї патології становить понад 20% і займає друге місце після серцево-судинних захворювань. Сьогодні зміни при ішемії мозку розглядаються як складний багатовекторний процес зі специфічною кінетикою на перебіг якого можна впливати, а не як одноманітну подію, як вважалось ще 20 років тому

    Visualization 1: Real-time imaging of suction blistering in human skin using optical coherence tomography

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    movie of the blister formation Originally published in Biomedical Optics Express on 01 December 2015 (boe-6-12-4790

    Fractional laser photothermolysis using Bessel beams

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    Fractional photothermolysis uses lasers to generate a pattern of microscopic columnar thermal lesions within the skin stimulating collagen remodeling. In this paper we investigate the use of Bessel beams as an alternative to conventional Gaussian beams in creating laser photothermal lesions of different aspect ratios in skin. We show for the first time the improved photothermal lesion depth-to-diameter aspect ratio using Bessel beams in ex vivo human skin as well as in numerical simulations using electric field Monte Carlo photon transport, finite difference methods and Arrhenius model. Bessel beams allow the creation of deep and narrow thermal lesions necessary for improved efficacy in fractional photothermolysis

    Visualization 1: Fractional laser photothermolysis using Bessel beams

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    Typical skin thermal map in pseudocolor Originally published in Biomedical Optics Express on 01 December 2016 (boe-7-12-4974

    In vivo nonlinear spectral imaging in mouse skin

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    We report on two-photon autofluorescence and second harmonic spectral imaging of live mouse tissues. The use of a high sensitivity detector and ultraviolet optics allowed us to record razor-sharp deep-tissue spectral images of weak autofluorescence and short-wavelength second harmonic generation by mouse skin. Real-color image representation combined with depth-resolved spectral analysis enabled us to identify tissue structures. The results show that linking nonlinear deep-tissue imaging microscopy with autofluorescence spectroscopy has the potential to provide important information for the diagnosis of skin tissues

    Design and implementation of a sensitive high-resolution nonlinear spectral imaging microscope

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    Live tissue nonlinear microscopy based on multiphoton autofluorescence and second harmonic emission originating from endogenous fluorophores and noncentrosymmetric-structured proteins is rapidly gaining interest in biomedical applications. The advantage of this technique includes high imaging penetration depth and minimal phototoxic effects on tissues. Because fluorescent dyes are not used, discrimination between different components within the tissue is challenging. We have developed a nonlinear spectral imaging microscope based on a home-built multiphoton microscope, a prism spectrograph, and a high-sensitivity CCD camera for detection. The sensitivity of the microscope was optimized for autofluorescence and second harmonic imaging over a broad wavelength range. Importantly, the spectrograph lacks an entrance aperture; this improves the detection efficiency at deeper lying layers in the specimen. Application to the imaging of ex vivo and in vivo mouse skin tissues showed clear differences in spectral emission between skin tissue layers as well as biochemically different tissue components. Acceptable spectral images could be recorded up to an imaging depth of similar to 100 mu m. (C) 2008 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineer

    In vivo nonlinear spectral imaging microscopy of visible and ultraviolet irradiated hairless mouse skin tissues

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    We demonstrate the capability of nonlinear spectral imaging microscopy (NSIM) in investigating ultraviolet and visible light induced effects on albino Skh:HR-1 hairless mouse skin non-invasivel

    Spectrally Resolved Multiphoton Imaging of In Vivo and Excised Mouse Skin Tissues

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    The deep tissue penetration and submicron spatial resolution of multiphoton microscopy and the high detection efficiency and nanometer spectral resolution of a spectrograph were utilized to record spectral images of the intrinsic emission of mouse skin tissues. Autofluorescence from both cellular and extracellular structures, second-harmonic signal from collagen, and a narrowband emission related to Raman scattering of collagen were detected. Visualization of the spectral images by wavelength-to-RGB color image conversion allowed us to identify and discriminate tissue structures such as epidermal keratinocytes, lipid-rich corneocytes, intercellular structures, hair follicles, collagen, elastin, and dermal cells. Our results also showed morphological and spectral differences between excised tissue section, thick excised tissue, and in vivo tissue samples of mouse skin. Results on collagen excitation at different wavelengths suggested that the origin of the narrowband emission was collagen Raman peaks. Moreover, the oscillating spectral dependency of the collagen second-harmonic intensity was experimentally studied. Overall, spectral imaging provided a wealth of information not easily obtainable with present conventional multiphoton imaging systems