34 research outputs found

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    An overview of NMR-based metabolomics to identify secondary plant compounds involved in host plant resistance

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    Secondary metabolites provide a potential source for the generation of host plant resistance and development of biopesticides. This is especially important in view of the rapid and vast spread of agricultural and horticultural pests worldwide. Multiple pests control tactics in the framework of an integrated pest management (IPM) programme are necessary. One important strategy of IPM is the use of chemical host plant resistance. Up to now the study of chemical host plant resistance has, for technical reasons, been restricted to the identification of single compounds applying specific chemical analyses adapted to the compound in question. In biological processes however, usually more than one compound is involved. Metabolomics allows the simultaneous detection of a wide range of compounds, providing an immediate image of the metabolome of a plant. One of the most universally used metabolomic approaches comprises nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). It has been NMR which has been applied as a proof of principle to show that metabolomics can constitute a major advancement in the study of host plant resistance. Here we give an overview on the application of NMR to identify candidate compounds for host plant resistance. We focus on host plant resistance to western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) which has been used as a model for different plant species

    Expression profiles of key phenylpropanoid genes during Vanilla planifolia pod development reveal a positive correlation between PAL gene expression and vanillin biosynthesis

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    In Vanilla planifolia pods, development of flavor precursors is dependent on the phenylpropanoid pathway. The distinctive vanilla aroma is produced by numerous phenolic compounds of which vanillin is the most important. Because of the economic importance of vanilla, vanillin biosynthetic pathways have been extensively studied but agreement has not yet been reached on the processes leading to its accumulation. In order to explore the transcriptional control exerted on these pathways, five key phenylpropanoid genes expressed during pod development were identified and their mRNA accumulation profiles were evaluated during pod development and maturation using quantitative real-time PCR. As a prerequisite for expression analysis using qRT-PCR, five potential reference genes were tested, and two genes encoding Actin and EF1 were shown to be the most stable reference genes for accurate normalization during pod development. For the first time, genes encoding a phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (VpPAL1) and a cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (VpC4H1) were identified in vanilla pods and studied during maturation. Among phenylpropanoid genes, differential regulation was observed from 3 to 8 months after pollination. VpPAL1 was gradually up-regulated, reaching the maximum expression level at maturity. In contrast, genes encoding 4HBS, C4H, OMT2 and OMT3 did not show significant increase in expression levels after the fourth month post-pollination. Expression profiling of these key phenylpropanoid genes is also discussed in light of accumulation patterns for key phenolic compounds. Interestingly, VpPAL1 gene expression was shown to be positively correlated to maturation and vanillin accumulation

    Sterilization of Semiconductive Nanomaterials: The Case of Water-Suspended Poly-3-Hexylthiophene Nanoparticles

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    In this work, the feasibility of sterilizing a water suspension of poly-3-hexylthiophene nanoparticles (P3HT-NPs) is investigated using ionizing radiation, either γ-rays or high-energy electrons (e-beam). It is found that regardless of the irradiation source, the size, polydispersity, aggregation stability, and morphology of the NPs are not affected by the treatment. Furthermore, the impact of ionizing radiation on the physicochemical properties of NPs at different absorbed radiation doses (10–25 kGy) and dose rates (kGy time−1) is evaluated through different spectroscopic techniques. The results indicate that delivering a high dose of radiations (25 kGy) at a high dose rate, that is, kGy s−1, as achieved by e-beam irradiation, preserves the characteristics of the polymeric NPs. Differently, the same radiation dose but delivered at a lower dose rate, that is, kGy h−1, as attained by using a γ-source, can modify the physicochemical properties of the polymer. Sterility tests indicate that an absorbed dose of 10 kGy, delivered either with γ-rays or e-beam, is already sufficient for effective sterilization of the colloidal suspension and for reducing the endotoxin content. Finally, NPs irradiated at different doses, exhibit the same cytocompatibility and cell internalization characteristics in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells of NPs prepared under aseptic conditions

    Targeting the mitochondrial trifunctional protein restrains tumor growth in oxidative lung carcinomas

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    Metabolic reprogramming is a common hallmark of cancer, but a large variability in tumor bioenergetics exists between patients. Using high-resolution respirometry on fresh biopsies of human lung adenocarcinoma, we identified 2 subgroups reflected in the histologically normal, paired, cancer-adjacent tissue: High (OX+) mitochondrial respiration and low (OX-) mitochondrial respiration. The OX+ tumors poorly incorporated [18F]fluorodeoxy-glucose and showed increased expression of the mitochondrial trifunctional fatty acid oxidation enzyme (MTP; HADHA) compared with the paired adjacent tissue. Genetic inhibition of MTP altered OX+ tumor growth in vivo. Trimetazidine, an approved drug inhibitor of MTP used in cardiology, also reduced tumor growth and induced disruption of the physical interaction between the MTP and respiratory chain complex I, leading to a cellular redox and energy crisis. MTP expression in tumors was assessed using histology scoring methods and varied in negative correlation with [18F]fluorodeoxy-glucose incorporation. These findings provide proof-of-concept data for preclinical, precision, bioenergetic medicine in oxidative lung carcinomas

    Euphorbia characias as bioenergy crop: a study of variations in energy value components according to phenology and water status

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    Euphorbia characias has drawn much attention as a potential bioenergy crop given its considerable amount of latex, rich in hydrocarbon-like compounds, and its ability to grow in large areas of semiarid lands. Compositions of major constituents with an energy value have been determined for the three phenological stages of this plant (preflowering, flowering, and postflowering) and different irrigation treatments. Metabolites from both nonpolar and polar extracts have been identified and quantified by GC-MS, GC-FID, HPLC-ELSD, and UPLC-PDA-MS. The results highlight that the end of the flowering period is the optimal harvesting time to maximize the yields of E. characias as a potential energy crop. The total water requirements to obtain the maximum yields of hexane- and methanol-extractables were determined for its annual development cycle.The authors are grateful to the Cemex Sustainable Chair in Spain for the predoctoral fellowship to P.V.E.Escrig Aparici, PV.; Iglesias, DJ.; Corma Canós, A.; Primo Millo, J.; Primo-Millo, E.; Cabedo Escrig, N. (2013). Euphorbia characias as bioenergy crop: a study of variations in energy value components according to phenology and water status. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 61(42):10096-10109. doi:10.1021/jf403015aS1009610109614