33 research outputs found

    Food hub as an efficient alternative to sustainably feed the cities

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    International audienceCet article décrit la place des pôles logistiques alimentaire et leurs systèmes de distribution associés. Les déficiences des systèmes alimentaires qui ont conduit à l'émergence du concept des Food hubs et leur impact sur le développement urbain sont analysées. L'état de l'art sur le concept de Food Hub est présenté en premier lieu, puis une classification des différents types de Food hub est faite en se concentrant sur leur emplacement, zone d'influence et les acteurs impliqués. Enfin, il y un case d'étude sur le system d'approvisionnement de nourriture à Bogota, il y a une comparaison entre le modèle présenté et le concept du Food hub comme une alternative efficace pour nourrir la ville d'une manière durable

    Knowledge management in the supply chain management case: schneider-electric

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    Abstract. Nowadays, with outsourcing, companies have started to seek external skills, competences and knowledge to provide value. Thus to survive, enterprises must maintain and use internal and external knowledge. This study focuses in outsourcing of professional service in Schneider Electric, a French enterprise. By means of a purchasing process, this study examines the relationships between the buyers, intern clients and suppliers during the development of six projects, in order to determinate the knowledge use as an internal and external source applying the knowledge chain model. We interviewed eighteen people directly involved. We found that knowledge management can be used as an effective collaboration tool and that it is one of the best practices that positively influence the supply chain relationship. Implications for future research and practice are offered.Hoy día, con el outsourcing, las compañías han comenzado a buscar habilidades externas, competencias y conocimiento con el fin de proporcionar el valor a sus actividades y de esta manera ser más competitivos en el mercado. Es por esto que para competir, las empresas deben mantener y usar el conocimiento tanto interno como externo. Esta investigación se concentra en la compra de estudios de ingeniería de la empresa francesa Schneider Electric. Por medio del proceso de compras, este estudio examina las relaciones entre los compradores, clientes internos y proveedores durante el desarrollo de seis proyectos, con el fin de determinar el uso del conocimiento adquirido de una fuente externo y convertido en valioso conocimiento interno tras la aplicación del modelo de la Cadena de Conocimiento de Tseng. Entrevistamos a dieciocho personas directamente implicadas en los proyectos. Encontramos que la gestión del conocimiento se puede usar como un instrumento de colaboración eficaz y que es una de las mejores prácticas que influyen de manera positiva las relaciones de los actores de la cadena de suministro. Así mismo, las expectativas para futuras investigaciones son expuestas.Maestrí

    Knowledge management in the supply chain management case: schneider-electric

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    Abstract. Nowadays, with outsourcing, companies have started to seek external skills, competences and knowledge to provide value. Thus to survive, enterprises must maintain and use internal and external knowledge. This study focuses in outsourcing of professional service in Schneider Electric, a French enterprise. By means of a purchasing process, this study examines the relationships between the buyers, intern clients and suppliers during the development of six projects, in order to determinate the knowledge use as an internal and external source applying the knowledge chain model. We interviewed eighteen people directly involved. We found that knowledge management can be used as an effective collaboration tool and that it is one of the best practices that positively influence the supply chain relationship. Implications for future research and practice are offered.Hoy día, con el outsourcing, las compañías han comenzado a buscar habilidades externas, competencias y conocimiento con el fin de proporcionar el valor a sus actividades y de esta manera ser más competitivos en el mercado. Es por esto que para competir, las empresas deben mantener y usar el conocimiento tanto interno como externo. Esta investigación se concentra en la compra de estudios de ingeniería de la empresa francesa Schneider Electric. Por medio del proceso de compras, este estudio examina las relaciones entre los compradores, clientes internos y proveedores durante el desarrollo de seis proyectos, con el fin de determinar el uso del conocimiento adquirido de una fuente externo y convertido en valioso conocimiento interno tras la aplicación del modelo de la Cadena de Conocimiento de Tseng. Entrevistamos a dieciocho personas directamente implicadas en los proyectos. Encontramos que la gestión del conocimiento se puede usar como un instrumento de colaboración eficaz y que es una de las mejores prácticas que influyen de manera positiva las relaciones de los actores de la cadena de suministro. Así mismo, las expectativas para futuras investigaciones son expuestas.Maestrí

    Characterization of the collection and distribution processes of bienestarina in Bogotá

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    International audienceThe production and distribution of Bienestarina to the vulnerable population of Colombia is one of the strategies of the "Colombian Institute of Familiar Wellness" (ICBF its acronym in Spanish) to fight malnutrition, especially among children. This article presents a first characterization of the supply chain for this product in Bogotá emphasizing collection and distribution logistics operations and identifying the actors in the chain, the currently applied regulations and the logistical requirements that leading the distribution of this complement to the different types of beneficiaries

    Food hub as an efficient alternative to sustainably feed the cities

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    La tarea de alimentar las ciudades es un reto al que hoy se enfrentan todos los gobiernos e implica una coordinación de múltiples productores, distribuidores, operadores logísticos y comerciantes de alimentos perecederos. Este artículo pretende analizar los Food hubs en el sistema de distribución urbano de alimentos, de manera crítica y sistemática desde la literatura. Se presenta en primera instancia un estado del arte sobre el concepto de Food hub, luego se presenta una propuesta de tipificación de Food hubs de acuerdo a unos criterios, concentrándose en actores implicados en el proceso de distribución de alimentos, estructura jurídica y sus funciones. También se describen los impactos sociales, económicos y medioambientales que traería consigo la implementación de un Food hub. Finalmente, se presentan las principales oportunidades para la expansión de Food hubs urbanos y se exponen cuatro ejemplos latinoamericanos, relacionándolos con la tipología propuesta. The task of feeding cities is a challenge that nowadays all governments face, it involves the coordination of multiple producers, distributors, logistics operators and traders of perishable foods. This paper analyzes the Food hubs concept and its impact on urban development in a critical perception from the literature review. The state of the art on the concept of Food Hub is presented at first instance. Then a classification of different types of Food hub is done by focusing on the actors involved in the food system distribution process, structure and functions. After that, an analysis of the prospects of the implementation of Food hubs is performed, evaluating its economic, social and environmental impacts. Finally, the main opportunities for the deployment of urban Food hubs are presented, and four Latin-American cases are introduced, linked them with the proposed typology.

    L'étalement logistique dans les villes d'Asie et d'Amérique latine : analyse comparative d'études de cas

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    RFTM2020, 3èmes Rencontres Francophones Transports et Mobilités, online, , 02-/06/2021 - 04/06/2021Cette communication vise à présenter une analyse comparative de l'étalement logistique dans les grandes villes des Suds (Asie et Amérique latine) par rapport à celui des villes des Nords (Europe et Amérique du Nord)

    Food hub as an efficient alternative to sustainably feed the cities

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    International audienceCet article décrit la place des pôles logistiques alimentaire et leurs systèmes de distribution associés. Les déficiences des systèmes alimentaires qui ont conduit à l'émergence du concept des Food hubs et leur impact sur le développement urbain sont analysées. L'état de l'art sur le concept de Food Hub est présenté en premier lieu, puis une classification des différents types de Food hub est faite en se concentrant sur leur emplacement, zone d'influence et les acteurs impliqués. Enfin, il y un case d'étude sur le system d'approvisionnement de nourriture à Bogota, il y a une comparaison entre le modèle présenté et le concept du Food hub comme une alternative efficace pour nourrir la ville d'une manière durable

    Assessing the sustainability of urban food systems for collective uses: case study of a French city

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    International audienceThe task of feeding cities is a challenge that nowadays all governments face, which involves the coordination of multiple producers, distributors, logistics operators and traders of perishable foods. With the increasing population in cities, more food and better freight transport systems are required. This takes a particular importance in cities and urban zones, since the growing population needs to be fed, but freight transport is often seen as creating nuisances such as congestion or pollution, among others. In this context, several cities started to think on how improve the city’s food supply system by combining proximity producers’ supply with advanced city logistics systems in order to decrease transport nuisances and improve the quality and sustainability of the food system.One of the possible actions is that of deploying proximity food hubs with a consequent urban food distribution system to supply the different urban zones of a city. However, this type of system is starting to be conceived and there is need of assessing the impacts of such alternative before thinking on its deployment possibilities. For this reason, this paper aims to propose a framework to assess different food delivery alternatives in the urban context focusing on a Food hub deployment and its impacts on urban development as a solution of urban consolidation center (UCC).The objective of this study is to enable municipalities to assess the consequences of food logistics flows centralization on an UCC-based food hub. Regarding the context of the research, the study focuses on a Food hub deployment to share the supplies for administrative restaurants of a city, following the sustainable food strategy of a French municipality. This municipality decided to show the example in terms of sustainable food supply and aims to increase the part of organic and local food for the administrative restaurants under its coordination. To do this, a specific food system needs to be conceived and assessed. To assess the suitability of such systems, it will be necessary to model both the demand and the logistics supply, to define the main indicators of sustainability and their estimation methods, then to construct the scenarios to assess and finally make the corresponding analyses

    Assessing the sustainability of urban food systems for collective uses: case study of a French city

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    International audienceThe task of feeding cities is a challenge that nowadays all governments face, which involves the coordination of multiple producers, distributors, logistics operators and traders of perishable foods. With the increasing population in cities, more food and better freight transport systems are required. This takes a particular importance in cities and urban zones, since the growing population needs to be fed, but freight transport is often seen as creating nuisances such as congestion or pollution, among others. In this context, several cities started to think on how improve the city’s food supply system by combining proximity producers’ supply with advanced city logistics systems in order to decrease transport nuisances and improve the quality and sustainability of the food system.One of the possible actions is that of deploying proximity food hubs with a consequent urban food distribution system to supply the different urban zones of a city. However, this type of system is starting to be conceived and there is need of assessing the impacts of such alternative before thinking on its deployment possibilities. For this reason, this paper aims to propose a framework to assess different food delivery alternatives in the urban context focusing on a Food hub deployment and its impacts on urban development as a solution of urban consolidation center (UCC).The objective of this study is to enable municipalities to assess the consequences of food logistics flows centralization on an UCC-based food hub. Regarding the context of the research, the study focuses on a Food hub deployment to share the supplies for administrative restaurants of a city, following the sustainable food strategy of a French municipality. This municipality decided to show the example in terms of sustainable food supply and aims to increase the part of organic and local food for the administrative restaurants under its coordination. To do this, a specific food system needs to be conceived and assessed. To assess the suitability of such systems, it will be necessary to model both the demand and the logistics supply, to define the main indicators of sustainability and their estimation methods, then to construct the scenarios to assess and finally make the corresponding analyses

    Characterization of the collection and distribution processes of bienestarina in Bogotá

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    International audienceThe production and distribution of Bienestarina to the vulnerable population of Colombia is one of the strategies of the "Colombian Institute of Familiar Wellness" (ICBF its acronym in Spanish) to fight malnutrition, especially among children. This article presents a first characterization of the supply chain for this product in Bogotá emphasizing collection and distribution logistics operations and identifying the actors in the chain, the currently applied regulations and the logistical requirements that leading the distribution of this complement to the different types of beneficiaries