187 research outputs found

    Modelado Estocástico e Integración de Recursos Energéticos Distribuidos en la Red Eléctrica Inteligente

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    The residential sector accounts for approximately 30% of the energy consumed in developed countries. This demand is currently covered not only by fossil fuels but also renewable energy sources that ensure a reduction in polluting emissions but which are generally distributed, generate intermittently and are difficult to manage. This requires the development of energy policies that reduce global consumption, as well as control and management systems that target the final consumer. In order to deal with this issue a detailed knowledge of the consumers’ behaviour is needed, both at an aggregate level for the management of the system and at an individual level for the development of measures to adapt their consumption. Furthermore, in this novel context, the feasibility of the different available strategies must be studied in addition to the benefits that can be obtained from their implementation and the control measures that can be developed. This PhD Thesis addresses the development of an energy modelling system for the residential sector as a way of predicting the electricity demand in households and establishing demand response strategies, energy policies and control actions that ease the integration process of distributed energy resources accordingly. The selected modelling technique follows the so-called bottom-up methodology, which enables the consumption in the residential sector as the sum of the individual contributions of each device installed in each household to be obtained. In addition, the simulation of these profiles is carried out using stochastic techniques that allow the heterogeneous and unpredictable behaviour of residents to be reproduced with a high temporal resolution. The modelling system has been divided into three main components which include the consumption due to lighting systems, the heating and air conditioning devices demand and the general appliances consumption. This has facilitated a detailed study of different energy saving policies and the assessment of potential demand response strategies, as well as the development of novel energy management techniques. All of these measures together with the modelling system have been implemented in a simulation tool which was also provided with renewable production data, collected in actual installations. Therefore, not only has the consumption been studied on its own, but also the integration of various resources has been assessed. Some of the studied measures are: replacing devices with more efficient technologies in the case of lighting systems, implementing low-level demand response strategies for household appliances, studying the impact on the low-voltage grid of increasing installation rates of certain technologies such as air conditioning systems and developing novel control techniques in the context of a smart community that can improve the hosting capacity of renewable solar production. Finally, the models and strategies studied in this work have been combined with an advanced metering infrastructure under the umbrella of a smart building. In this context, they provided an additional source of information towards the digitalisation of the electrical system where the extensive use of data allows for the implementation of even more advanced control strategies and will undoubtedly lead to future developments under the paradigm of Smart Grids.El sector residencial representa aproximadamente el 30% de la energía consumida en los países desarrollados. Esta demanda está actualmente cubierta no solo por combustibles fósiles sino también por fuentes renovables que aseguran una reducción en las emisiones contaminantes, pero que generalmente se encuentran distribuidas, producen intermitentemente y son difíciles de gestionar. Esto exige el desarrollo de políticas energéticas que reduzcan el consumo global y sistemas de control y gestión que tengan como objetivo el consumidor final. Solucionar estos retos pasa por conocer el comportamiento los consumidores, tanto a nivel agregado para la gestión del sistema, como a nivel individual para el desarrollo de medidas de adaptación de su propio consumo. Además, en este contexto novedoso es necesario estudiar la viabilidad de las distintas estrategias, los beneficios que se pueden obtener y las medidas de control adicionales que pueden ser desarrolladas. La siguiente Tesis doctoral plantea el desarrollo de un sistema de modelado del consumo en el sector residencial como medio para predecir las necesidades de demanda eléctrica dentro de la red inteligente y establecer a partir de ellas medidas de respuesta a la demanda, políticas energéticas y acciones de control que ayuden a la integración de los recursos energéticos distribuidos. La técnica de modelado escogida sigue una metodología bottom-up (de abajo a arriba) que permite obtener el consumo en el sector residencial como la suma de las contribuciones de cada dispositivo instalado en cada vivienda. Además, la simulación de dichas curvas se ha realizado mediante técnicas estocásticas que permiten reproducir el comportamiento heterogéneo y poco predecible de los residentes con altas resoluciones temporales. El sistema de modelado se ha dividido en tres componentes principales que son el consumo en iluminación, el consumo en calefacción y aire acondicionado y el consumo en electrodomésticos de uso generales. Esto ha permitido un estudio detallado de las distintas medidas de ahorro energético y potenciales estrategias de respuesta a la demanda así como el desarrollo de novedosas técnicas de gestión energética. Todas estas medidas junto con el sistema de modelado han sido implementadas en una herramienta de simulación en la cual se han incluido también datos de producción renovable recogidos en instalaciones reales. De este modo, no solo se ha estudiado el consumo de forma independiente, sino que diversas medidas energéticas han sido también evaluadas. Algunas de ellas han sido: la sustitución de dispositivos por tecnologías más eficientes en el caso de sistemas de iluminación, la implementación de estrategias de respuesta a la demanda a bajo nivel para los electrodomésticos disponibles en los hogares, el estudio del impacto en la red de baja tensión del aumento de determinadas tecnologías como los sistemas de aire acondicionado y el desarrollo de técnicas de control en el contexto de una comunidad inteligente que mejoren la capacidad de acogida de producción fotovoltaica. Finalmente, los modelos y estrategias estudiadas han sido integradas junto con un sistema de contadores inteligentes bajo el paraguas de un edificio gestionable. En este contexto, han aportado una fuente adicional de información hacia la digitalización del sistema eléctrico donde el uso masivo de datos permite implementar estrategias de control aun más avanzadas y que dará pie sin lugar a dudas a futuros desarrollos

    Redes inalámbricas de Sensores y Modelos Estocásticos para el Control del Consumo Doméstico

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    Premio extraordinario de Trabajo Fin de Máster curso 2012-2013.Energías Renovables DistribuidasEl consumo energético en el sector residencial representa una media global de aproximadamente el 30% del consumo total en las regiones desarrolladas, de modo que cualquier mejora que permita reducirlo tendrá efectos significativos. Algunas de estas mejoras son la incorporación de comunicaciones avanzadas y algoritmos de control basados en modelos de predicción del consumo. Este trabajo describe el diseño desarrollo y aplicación de un sistema totalmente centralizado para la gestión de aplicaciones domésticas mediante una red inalámbrica de sensores. Los algoritmos de control están basados en modelos de consumo en combinación con temporización horaria, medidas de potencia, temperatura y luminosidad y priorización de las cargas. En el lado de control la actuación todo-nada se presenta de forma básica, aunque el protocolo DALI para la regulación continua de luminarias se encuentra también implementado. Los resultados dados por los modelos de simulación del consumo son presentados junto con medidas y experiencias reales en una vivienda. Finalmente, se muestran los posibles trabajos futuros.Energy consumption in the residential sector represents a global average of around 30% of the total consumed in the country, so any improvement that could reduce it, would have significant effects. Some of these upgrades are the incorporation of advanced communication and control algorithms based on predictive models of household consumption. This work describes the design, development and application of a fully centralized system in which home appliances are managed by a wireless sensor network. The management algorithms are based on consumption models in combination with timing schedule, power, temperature or ambient light measurements and prioritization. On the control side, on-off management is basically presented although DALI protocol for lighting continuous regulation is now implemented too. The results given by the models are exposed and discussed together with real measures and experiments in a household. Finally, it presents future work in this field

    Estrategia lúdico-pedagógica mediada por las TIC para fortalecer la habilidad de speaking en el área de inglés en estudiantes de grado sexto de bachillerato de la I.E.R. Departamental Miña y Ticha del municipio de Guachetá-Cundinamarca

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    La presente propuesta de intervención disciplinar se desarrolla con la intención de fortalecer las habilidades comunicativas de inglés en estudiantes de grado sexto de bachillerato de la I.E.R. Departamental Miña y Ticha del municipio de Guachetá Cundinamarca. En estos estudiantes se evidenciaron dificultades relacionadas con la habilidad de speaking en el área de inglés. De esta manera se contempla como objetivo general fortalecer por medio de una estrategia lúdico-pedagógica mediada por las TIC, esta habilidad comunicativa. Es así como se determina una intervención por medio de actividades que hacen parte de la propuesta llamada: Entiendo el inglés, al derecho y al revés; por medio de la cual se busca una enseñanza del idioma inglés de manera dinámica, divertida y atrayente, para que de esta forma se pueda conseguir en los educandos la motivación necesaria para lograr una mejora sustancial relacionada a los conocimientos en el área de inglés. La metodología se basa en un enfoque cualitativo con un tipo de investigación-acción, acompañado de técnicas de recolección de datos a la Observación Participante, y el instrumento es el Diario de Campo. Las conclusiones determinaron que es esencial conseguir en los estudiantes el interés por aprender, y la manera de hacerlo es a través de las tecnologías, en las cuales se engloban actividades lúdicas.This disciplinary intervention proposal is developed with the intention of strengthening English communication skills in sixth grade high school students of the I.E.R. Departmental Miña y Ticha of the municipality of Guachetá-Cundinamarca. In these students, difficulties related to speaking skills in English were evidenced. Thus, the general objective is to strengthen this communicative skill by means of a ludic-pedagogical strategy mediated by ICT. This is how an intervention is determined by means of activities that are part of the proposal called: I understand English, right side up and upside down; through which an English language teaching is sought in a dynamic, fun, and attractive way, so that in this way the necessary motivation can be achieved in the students to achieve a substantial improvement related to the knowledge in the area of English. The methodology is based on a qualitative approach with an action-research type, accompanied by Participant Observation data collection techniques, and the instrument is the Field Diary. The conclusions determined that it is essential to get students interested in learning, and the way to do it is through technologies, in which ludic activities are included

    PV Hosting Capacity Analysis and Enhancement Using High Resolution Stochastic Modeling

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    Reduction of CO2 emissions is a main target in the future smart grid. This goal is boosting the installation of renewable energy resources (RES), as well as a major consumer engagement that seeks for a more efficient utilization of these resources toward the figure of ‘prosumers’. Nevertheless, these resources present an intermittent nature, which requires the presence of an energy storage system and an energy management system (EMS) to ensure an uninterrupted power supply. Moreover, network-related issues might arise due to the increasing power of renewable resources installed in the grid, the storage systems also being capable of contributing to the network stability. However, to assess these future scenarios and test the control strategies, a simulation system is needed. The aim of this paper is to analyze the interaction between residential consumers with high penetration of PV generation and distributed storage and the grid by means of a high temporal resolution simulation scenario based on a stochastic residential load model and PV production records. Results of the model are presented for different PV power rates and storage capacities, as well as a two-level charging strategy as a mechanism for increasing the hosting capacity (HC) of the network

    Beneficios fisiológicos que trae la estimulación de la cualidad física básica de la resistencia aeróbica en niños de 10 a 11 años de edad

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    Este estudio se realiza con el ánimo de brindar un aporte con bases científicas a todos los profesionales del deporte y de dar un concepto de la adecuada estimulación de la cualidad física básica de la resistencia aeróbica a temprana edad, puesto que este proceso no se puede desligar en la formación deportiva ya que contribuye como base de la condición física. El trabajo desarrollado se identifica con la investigación cualitativa especialmente relacionado con el método de investigación acción. La población con la cual se desarrollo fue una muestra de niños que comprendían las edades de diez a once años de la Institución Educativa Alfonzo López Pumarejo de la ciudad de Palmira del departamento del Valle del Cauca.PregradoLICENCIADO(A) EN EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Y DEPORTE

    Diagnosis of a battery energy storage system based on principal component analysis

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    [EN] This paper proposes the use of principal component analysis (PCA) for the state of health (SOH) diagnosis of a battery energy storage system (BESS) that is operating in a renewable energy laboratory located in Chocó, Colombia. The presented methodology allows the detection of false alarms during the operation of the BESS. The principal component analysis model is applied to a parameter set associated to the capacity, internal resistance and open circuit voltage of a battery energy storage system. The parameters are identified from experimental data collected daily. The PCA model retains the first 5 components that collect 80.25% of the total variability. During the test under real operation contidions, PCA diagnosed a degradation of state of health fastest than the comercial battery controller. A change in the charging modes lead to a battery recovery that was also monitored by the proposed algortihm, and control actions are proposed that lead the BESS to work in normal conditions.The authors would like to acknowledge the research project "Implementacion de un programa de desarrollo e investigacion de energias renovables en el departamento del Choco, BPIN 2013000100285 (in Spanish)" and the Universidad TecnolOgica del Choco (in Spanish). The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers as well as the editor for their valuable comments that have greatly improved the final version of the paper.Banguero-Palacios, E.; Correcher Salvador, A.; Pérez-Navarro Gómez, Á.; García Moreno, E.; Aristizabal, A. (2020). Diagnosis of a battery energy storage system based on principal component analysis. Renewable Energy. 146:2438-2449. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2019.08.064S24382449146Perera, A. T. D., Attalage, R. A., Perera, K. K. C. K., & Dassanayake, V. P. C. (2013). Designing standalone hybrid energy systems minimizing initial investment, life cycle cost and pollutant emission. Energy, 54, 220-230. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2013.03.028Krieger, E. M., Cannarella, J., & Arnold, C. B. (2013). A comparison of lead-acid and lithium-based battery behavior and capacity fade in off-grid renewable charging applications. Energy, 60, 492-500. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2013.08.029Aksakal, C., & Sisman, A. (2018). On the Compatibility of Electric Equivalent Circuit Models for Enhanced Flooded Lead Acid Batteries Based on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. Energies, 11(1), 118. doi:10.3390/en11010118Dhundhara, S., Verma, Y. P., & Williams, A. (2018). Techno-economic analysis of the lithium-ion and lead-acid battery in microgrid systems. Energy Conversion and Management, 177, 122-142. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2018.09.030Li, X., Shu, X., Shen, J., Xiao, R., Yan, W., & Chen, Z. (2017). An On-Board Remaining Useful Life Estimation Algorithm for Lithium-Ion Batteries of Electric Vehicles. Energies, 10(5), 691. doi:10.3390/en10050691Ariza Chacón, H., Banguero, E., Correcher, A., Pérez-Navarro, Á., & Morant, F. (2018). Modelling, Parameter Identification, and Experimental Validation of a Lead Acid Battery Bank Using Evolutionary Algorithms. Energies, 11(9), 2361. doi:10.3390/en11092361Copetti, J. B., Lorenzo, E., & Chenlo, F. (1993). A general battery model for PV system simulation. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 1(4), 283-292. doi:10.1002/pip.4670010405Guasch, D., & Silvestre, S. (2003). Dynamic battery model for photovoltaic applications. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 11(3), 193-206. doi:10.1002/pip.480Blaifi, S., Moulahoum, S., Colak, I., & Merrouche, W. (2016). An enhanced dynamic model of battery using genetic algorithm suitable for photovoltaic applications. Applied Energy, 169, 888-898. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.02.062Blaifi, S., Moulahoum, S., Colak, I., & Merrouche, W. (2017). Monitoring and enhanced dynamic modeling of battery by genetic algorithm using LabVIEW applied in photovoltaic system. Electrical Engineering, 100(2), 1021-1038. doi:10.1007/s00202-017-0567-6Gao, Z., Cecati, C., & Ding, S. X. (2015). A Survey of Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Techniques—Part I: Fault Diagnosis With Model-Based and Signal-Based Approaches. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 62(6), 3757-3767. doi:10.1109/tie.2015.2417501Ferrer, A. (2007). Multivariate Statistical Process Control Based on Principal Component Analysis (MSPC-PCA): Some Reflections and a Case Study in an Autobody Assembly Process. Quality Engineering, 19(4), 311-325. doi:10.1080/08982110701621304Jiang, Q., Yan, X., & Zhao, W. (2013). Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Chemical Processes Using Sensitive Principal Component Analysis. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52(4), 1635-1644. doi:10.1021/ie3017016Fan, J., & Wang, Y. (2014). Fault detection and diagnosis of non-linear non-Gaussian dynamic processes using kernel dynamic independent component analysis. Information Sciences, 259, 369-379. doi:10.1016/j.ins.2013.06.021Garcia-Alvarez, D., Fuente, M. J., & Sainz, G. I. (2012). Fault detection and isolation in transient states using principal component analysis. Journal of Process Control, 22(3), 551-563. doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2012.01.007Banguero, E., Aristizábal, A. J., & Murillo, W. (2017). A Verification Study for Grid-Connected 20 kW Solar PV System Operating in Chocó, Colombia. Energy Procedia, 141, 96-101. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.11.019Rahman, M. A., Anwar, S., & Izadian, A. (2016). Electrochemical model parameter identification of a lithium-ion battery using particle swarm optimization method. Journal of Power Sources, 307, 86-97. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.12.083Yang, X., Chen, L., Xu, X., Wang, W., Xu, Q., Lin, Y., & Zhou, Z. (2017). Parameter Identification of Electrochemical Model for Vehicular Lithium-Ion Battery Based on Particle Swarm Optimization. Energies, 10(11), 1811. doi:10.3390/en10111811Kai, H., Yong-Fang, G., Zhi-Gang, L., Hsiung-Cheng, L., & Ling-Ling, L. (2018). Development of Accurate Lithium-Ion Battery Model Based on Adaptive Random Disturbance PSO Algorithm. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018, 1-13. doi:10.1155/2018/3793492Venter, G., & Sobieszczanski-Sobieski, J. (2003). Particle Swarm Optimization. AIAA Journal, 41(8), 1583-1589. doi:10.2514/2.2111Layadi, T. M., Champenois, G., Mostefai, M., & Abbes, D. (2015). Lifetime estimation tool of lead–acid batteries for hybrid power sources design. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 54, 36-48. doi:10.1016/j.simpat.2015.03.001Rahmani, M., & Atia, G. K. (2017). Coherence Pursuit: Fast, Simple, and Robust Principal Component Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 65(23), 6260-6275. doi:10.1109/tsp.2017.2749215Bro, R., & Smilde, A. K. (2014). Principal component analysis. Anal. Methods, 6(9), 2812-2831. doi:10.1039/c3ay41907jGranato, D., Santos, J. S., Escher, G. B., Ferreira, B. L., & Maggio, R. M. (2018). Use of principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) for multivariate association between bioactive compounds and functional properties in foods: A critical perspective. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 72, 83-90. doi:10.1016/j.tifs.2017.12.006Soh, W., Kim, H., & Yum, B.-J. (2015). Application of kernel principal component analysis to multi-characteristic parameter design problems. Annals of Operations Research, 263(1-2), 69-91. doi:10.1007/s10479-015-1889-2Deng, X., Tian, X., Chen, S., & Harris, C. J. (2018). Nonlinear Process Fault Diagnosis Based on Serial Principal Component Analysis. 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    First Approach to a Holistic Tool for Assessing RES Investment Feasibility

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    Combining availability, viability, sustainability, technical options, and environmental impact in an energy-planning project is a difficult job itself for the today’s engineers. This becomes harder if the potential investors also need to be persuaded. Moreover, the problem increases even more if various consumptions are considered, as their patterns depend to a large extent on the type of facility and the activity. It is therefore essential to develop tools to assess the balance between generation and demand in a given installation. In this paper, a valuable tool is developed for the seamless calculation of the integration possibilities of renewable energies and the assessment of derived technical, financial and environmental impacts. Furthermore, it also considers their interaction with the power grid or other networks, raising awareness of the polluting emissions responsible for global warming. Through a series of Structured Query Language databases and a dynamic data parameterization, the software is provided with sufficient information to encode, calculate, simulate and graphically display information on the generation and demand of electric, thermal and transport energy, all in a user-friendly environment, finally providing an evaluation and feasibility report

    Real-Time Monitoring System for a Utility-Scale Photovoltaic Power Plant

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    There is, at present, considerable interest in the storage and dispatchability of photovoltaic (PV) energy, together with the need to manage power flows in real-time. This paper presents a new system, PV-on time, which has been developed to supervise the operating mode of a Grid-Connected Utility-Scale PV Power Plant in order to ensure the reliability and continuity of its supply. This system presents an architecture of acquisition devices, including wireless sensors distributed around the plant, which measure the required information. It is also equipped with a high-precision protocol for synchronizing all data acquisition equipment, something that is necessary for correctly establishing relationships among events in the plant. Moreover, a system for monitoring and supervising all of the distributed devices, as well as for the real-time treatment of all the registered information, is presented. Performances were analyzed in a 400 kW transformation center belonging to a 6.1 MW Utility-Scale PV Power Plant. In addition to monitoring the performance of all of the PV plant’s components and detecting any failures or deviations in production, this system enables users to control the power quality of the signal injected and the influence of the installation on the distribution grid

    SeDeLo: Using semantics and description logics to support aided clinical diagnosis.

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    Automated medical diagnosis systems based on knowledge-oriented descriptions have gained momentum with the emergence of semantic descriptions. The objective of this paper is to propose a normalized design that solves some of the problems which have been detected by authors in previous tools. The authors bring together two different technologies to develop a new clinical decision support system: description logics aimed at developing inference systems to improve decision support for the prevention, treatment and management of illness and semantic technologies. Because of its new design, the system is capable of obtaining improved diagnostics compared with previous efforts. However, this evaluation is more focused in the computational performance, giving as result that description logics is a good solution with small data sets. In this paper, we provide a well-structured ontology for automated diagnosis in the medical field and a three-fold formalization based on Description Logics with the use of Semantic Web technologiesThis work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism, and Commerce under the project TRAZAMED (IPT 090000 2010 007).Publicad

    A Novel Direct Load Control Testbed for Smart Appliances

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    The effort to continuously improve and innovate smart appliances (SA) energy management requires an experimental research and development environment which integrates widely differing tools and resources seamlessly. To this end, this paper proposes a novel Direct Load Control (DLC) testbed, aiming to conveniently support the research community, as well as analyzing and comparing their designs in a laboratory environment. Based on the LabVIEW computing platform, this original testbed enables access to knowledge of major components such as online weather forecasting information, distributed energy resources (e.g., energy storage, solar photovoltaic), dynamic electricity tariff from utilities and demand response (DR) providers together with different mathematical optimization features given by General Algebraic Modelling System (GAMS). This intercommunication is possible thanks to the different applications programming interfaces (API) incorporated into the system and to intermediate agents specially developed for this case. Different basic case studies have been presented to envision the possibilities of this system in the future and more complex scenarios, to actively support the DLC strategies. These measures will offer enough flexibility to minimize the impact on user comfort combined with support for multiple DR programs. Thus, given the successful results, this platform can lead to a solution towards more efficient use of energy in the residential environment