22 research outputs found

    Hubungan antara Faktor Sosio Ekonomi Ibu terhadap Pengetahuan Mengenai Tuberkulosis

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    Tuberkulosis (TB) dan kematian akibat infeksinya merupakan masalah kesehatan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan mengenai TB denganfaktor sosio-ekonomi. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional dengan sampel 2419 ibu yangdipilih secara acak menggunakan sistem polygonal random sampling dari 11 kelurahan terpadat diJakarta Timur. Data diuji dengan chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hanya 335 responden(14%) yang menjawab seluruh pertanyaan dengan benar dan berhubungan dengan status kerja, penghasilan keluarga, pendidikan terakhir dan sumber informasi. Pengetahuan mengenai TB yang tinggi berhubungan dengan status ibu yang tidak bekerja (p=0,004 RP 0,894 IK95% 0,83;0,97),penghasilan keluarga yang tinggi (p<0,001 RP 1,33 IK95% 1,12;1,15), pendidikan terakhir yangtinggi (p<0,001 RP 1,41 IK95% 1,31; 1,51), dan mendapatkan informasi (p<0,001 RP 0,082IK95% 0,037; 0,178). Pengetahuan yang benar mengenai TB masih rendah dan televisi berperanbesar dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai TB pada ibu di Jakarta Timur. Disimpulkanpengetahuan mengenai TB berhubungan dengan faktor-faktor sosio ekonomik ibu dan dapatditingkatkan dengan sumber informasi yang tepat

    The social determinants of knowledge and perception on pulmonary tuberculosis among females in Jakarta, Indonesia

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    __Background:__ Indonesia has not resolved tuberculosis burden since its prevalence and incidence has remained high. As the capital of Indonesia with a large population and a high number of tuberculosis cases, Jakarta has a distinctive condition of tuberculosis burden. This study aimed to obtain social determinants of knowledge and perception of pulmonary tuberculosis in an urban community. __Methods:__ This study used 2,323 samples taken by random sampling in Jakarta during February-May 2011. Questionnaires were delivered to assess respondents’ knowledge and perception about pulmonary tuberculosis. Levels of knowledge were categorized into ‘poor’ and ‘good’. Perceptions about tuberculosis were measured by whether respondents perceived tuberculosis as a humiliating disease and a shunned disease. __Results:__ Most respondents (88.7%) had good level of knowledge about tuberculosis, but misperception remained high (45.9%) in the community. Education level determined level of knowledge. The higher the education level the lower the risk of lack of knowledge. Tuberculosis perceptions were determined by family income and education level. Higher family income and education level were protective factors of misperception about tuberculosis as a humiliating disease and tendency to shun tuberculosis patie

    Antenatal Care Practice and the Chance of Having Nurse/midwife Birth Attendant: a Study in Central Mountain of Papua

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    Background: Papua has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in Indonesia. Nurse/midwife birth attendants and regular antenatal care (ANC) are important factors in decreasing maternal mortality rate. This study aimed to identify the association of ANC to nurse/midwife-assisted birth in Papua.Methods: The subjects of this cross-sectional study and purposive sampling consisted of females with toddlers in the family visiting the integrated community center on 15-30 January 2014 in 24 villages in Central Mountain of Jayawijaya, Papua. Several demographic characteristics, ANC practices, and labor practices were collected by interview. Analysis was carried out by Cox regression with constant time.Results: There were 469 subjects, but only 391 subjects were available for analysis which consisted of 280 subjects with self/family-assisted births and 111 with nurse/midwife-assistedbirths. There were only 3 subjects that gave birth in the forest or stable (“kandang hina”). Compared with those who never had ANC, those who had ANC in the integrated community center had 5.6-fold possibility to have a nurse/ midwife-assisted birth [adjusted relative risk (RRa) = 5.60; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.99-10.47]. In addition, compared with those who never had ANC, those who had ANC by midwife and 4 ANC visits had higher possibility to have nurse/midwife-assisted birth, 4.9-fold (RRa = 4.89; 95% CI = 2.70-8.86) and 6.9-fold (RRa = 6.90; 95% CI = 3.59-13.27) respectively.Conclusion: Antenatal care service is a possible way to increase the proportion of deliveries by nurse/midwife in Central Mountain of Jayawijaya, Papua. (Health Science Indones 2014;2:60-6

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kepatuhan Berobat Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru di Lima Puskesmas di Kota Manado

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    Based on Global Tuberculosis Control WHO 2012, Indonesia went up from fifth to forth rank after India, China, and South Africa, obviously problem within restraint of Tuberculosis has increased. On 2008 North Sulawesi classified Pulmonary TB diseases as the top 10 infectious diseases with a prominent number of 1,571 cases. Manado City on 2012 Pulmonary Tuberculosis with BTA positive number was 1.645 cases. Basically, this condition exhibit an efforts development of healthy in order to improve risk factors for Pulmonary TB until now has not been entirely successful. The type of this research is cross sectional that purpose to know risk of factors (age, gender, education, employment, level of income, knowledge and the side effects of anti-tuberculosis drugs related with obedience of treatment pa-tients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis in five health centers in the city of Manado. There were 171 samples taken from a total population of 119 people. Data obtained from direct interviews using questionnaires. The statistical test used was Chi square. The result of research indicates that the variable, which relates with treatment compliance of TB pa-tient, is education. (p=0,000) and knowledge (p=0,000). Variable that are not related to obedience of treatment TB patients are age, gender, education, occupation, level of income and side effect OAT (p=0,05).Keywords: Clean and Health Behaviour, Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviou

    Antenatal care practice and the chance of having nurse/midwife birth attendant: a study in Central Mountain of Papua

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    AbstrakLatar belakang: Papua merupakan salah satu propinsi di Indonesia dengan angka kematian ibu tertinggi di Indonesia. Penolong persalinan terlatih dan asuhan antenatal (ANC) merupakan salah satu faktor yang penting untuk menurunkan angka kematian ibu. Tujuan studi ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh ANC dan beberapa faktor yang lain terhadap kemungkinan persalinan yang ditolong oleh perawat/bidan di Papua.Metode: Studi potong lintang dengan sampling purposif dilakukan terhadap perempuan yang mempunyai anak balita yang datang ke Posyandu pada 15-30 Januari 2014 di 24 desa wilayah pegunungan tengah Jayawijaya, Papua. Karakteristik demografi, praktek ANC dan persalinan didapatkan melalui wawancara. Subjek diklasifikasikan ke dalam 2 kelompok, yang bersalin didampingi perawat/bidan) dan yang menolong sendiri atau ditolong keluarga. Analisis dilakukan dengan regresi Cox dengan waktu konstan. Hasil: Dari 469 subjek, 391 subjek yang dianalisis terdiri dari 280 subjek yang melahirkan ditolong sendiri/keluarga dan 111 subjek yang ditolong perawat/bidan. Subjek yang yang melahirkan di hutan atau kandang hina hanya 3 orang. Dibandingkan dengan yang tidak pernah ANC, subjek yang melakukan ANC di Posyandu 5,6 kali kemungkinan melahirkan ditolong perawat/bidan [risiko relatif suaian (RRa) = 5,60; interval kepercayaan 95% (CI) = 2,99-10,47]. Selain itu, subjek yang mendapatkan pemeriksaan ANC oleh bidan dan kunjungan ANC 4 kali memiliki kemungkinan lebih tinggi untuk melahirkan ditolong perawat/bidan, masing-masing 4,9 kali (RRa = 4,89; 95% CI = 2,70-8,86) dan 6,9 kali (RRa = 6.90; 95% CI = 3,59-13,27).Kesimpulan: Asuhan antenatal adalah cara untuk meningkatkan angka persalinan yang ditolong oleh tenaga tenaga perawat/bidan di Papua. (Health Science Indones 2014;2:60-6)Kata kunci: asuhan antenatal, persalinan oleh perawat/bidan, PapuaAbstractBackground: Papua has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in Indonesia. Nurse/midwife birth attendants and regular antenatal care (ANC) are important factors in decreasing maternal mortality rate.  This study aimed to identify the association of ANC to nurse/midwife-assisted birth in Papua.Methods: The subjects of this cross-sectional study and purposive sampling consisted of females with toddlers in the family visiting the integrated community center on 15-30 January 2014 in 24 villages in Central Mountain of Jayawijaya, Papua. Several demographic characteristics, ANC practices, and labor practices were collected by interview. Analysis was carried out by Cox regression with constant time.Results: There were 469 subjects, but only 391 subjects were available for analysis which consisted of 280 subjects with self/family-assisted births and 111 with nurse/midwife-assistedbirths. There were only 3 subjects that gave birth in the forest or stable (“kandang hina”). Compared with those who never had ANC, those who had ANC in the integrated community center had 5.6-fold possibility to have a nurse/ midwife-assisted birth [adjusted relative risk (RRa) = 5.60; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 2.99-10.47]. In addition, compared with those who never had ANC, those who had ANC by midwife and 4 ANC visits had higher possibility to have nurse/midwife-assisted birth, 4.9-fold (RRa = 4.89; 95% CI = 2.70-8.86) and 6.9-fold (RRa = 6.90; 95% CI = 3.59-13.27) respectively.Conclusion: Antenatal care service is a possible way to increase the proportion of deliveries by nurse/midwife in Central Mountain of Jayawijaya, Papua. (Health Science Indones 2014;2:60-6)Key words: antenatal care, nurse/midwife attended birth/labor, Papu

    Hubungan Karakteristik, Pengetahuan dengan Stigma Petugas Kesehatan Tentang Koinfeksi Tuberkulosis-Virus Human Immunodeficiency di Kota Manado

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    Tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are two issues of public health which has become concern inthe world. HIV related stigma is a major barrier to treatment. Many cases of AIDS have been found compered hiv positiveraised the question how is hiv services in manado city. This study aims to determine the correlation betweencharacteristic, knowledge with stigma of health care workers about tuberculosis-human immunodeficiency virus coinfectionsin Manado city. The method of this research is analytical with cross-sectional design was conducted at fiveclinic of Manado city. Ninety seven health care workers were included in this study and they were selected proportion.Bivariat analysis (chi-square) was used to identify the correlations between characteristic, knowledge with stigmatizedattitudes. The result of research indicates that the level of stigmatized attitudes was high. Chi-square testshowed a correlation (p<0,05) between characteristic based on age with stigmatized attitudes, characteristic based onjob with stigmatized attitudes, characteristic based on years of experience with stigmatized attitudes, and knowledgewith stigmatized attitudes. Conclusion: There are a correlation between characteristic based on age, job, years of experienceand knowledge with stigmatized attitudes.Keywords: Characteristic, knowledge, stigma, health care workers, TB-HIV co-infection

    Developing a strategy for quality pre-primary education for all and parenting education for ECCE - Policy options and road map

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    This study served as a contribution towards the development of evidence-based policies and strategies for the universal provision of holistic, integrated, affordable, sustainable, well-coordinated, high quality, and equitable Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) early childhood services in Indonesia, particularly for marginalized populations. Its specific objectives include support to the Ministry of Education in Indonesia in two areas: the development of a Road Map for a one-year “Quality Pre-Primary Education for All” (pre-primary PAUD) programme throughout Indonesia, and the development of a supporting programme of “Quality Parenting Education” for parents and caregivers of children of 0 to 6 years of age that can provide communities with the necessary knowledge, attitudes, and skills to support children’s growth, protection, and development (in support of the first indicator for SDG 4.2 target)

    Primary Health Centre disaster preparedness after the earthquake in Padang Pariaman, West Sumatra, Indonesia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The West Sumatra earthquake that occurred on September 30, 2009, caused severe damage in some districts, including Padang Pariaman. As Padang Pariaman is an earthquake-prone area, disaster and emergency management is necessary. Due to the limited health facilities, the health services completely rely on Puskesmas (Primary Health Centres, PHCs). This study is aimed at assessing the preparedness of PHCs to response to potential disasters in their surrounding area.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>Padang Pariaman district was used in a case study setting to assess the readiness and preparedness of the PHCs there to face disasters. Self-administered questionnaire, key informant interview, and direct observation were used to obtain the data on human resources, facilities preparedness, and the procedures. The investigation focused on measuring four aspects, i.e. human resources, facilities preparedness, standard operating procedure (SOP), and policy. Due to the limited co-operation of the head of the PHCs, three PHCs were directly observed as a subsample. The evaluation was performed six months after the impact phase of the earthquake and three months after the PHCs' health staff training on improving the primary health care services. The number and quality of health staff in Padang Pariaman was far below ideal. Fewer than half of the PHCs had emergency facilities and only one considered the need for triage and fire management, whereas the transportation mode was still limited. An SOP and policy for facing disasters were not available in any of the PHCs. Therefore, promoting disaster preparedness, technical provision, including health staff training, is necessary.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Padang Pariaman district has not yet prepared its PHCs to face disaster, so it is apparent that PHCs' disaster preparedness in Padang Pariaman and also other earthquake-prone areas in Indonesia should be promoted. This should include increasing the number of doctors, providing training for health staff, and developing a comprehensive approach as well as coordination among government, hospitals, PHCs, and NGO's for disaster preparedness.</p

    Hubungan antara Faktor Sosio Ekonomi Ibu terhadap Pengetahuan Mengenai Tuberkulosis

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    Tuberkulosis (TB) dan kematian akibat infeksinya merupakan masalah kesehatan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan mengenai TB denganfaktor sosio-ekonomi. Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional dengan sampel 2419 ibu yangdipilih secara acak menggunakan sistem polygonal random sampling dari 11 kelurahan terpadat diJakarta Timur. Data diuji dengan chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hanya 335 responden(14%) yang menjawab seluruh pertanyaan dengan benar dan berhubungan dengan status kerja, penghasilan keluarga, pendidikan terakhir dan sumber informasi. Pengetahuan mengenai TB yang tinggi berhubungan dengan status ibu yang tidak bekerja (p=0,004 RP 0,894 IK95% 0,83;0,97),penghasilan keluarga yang tinggi (p&lt;0,001 RP 1,33 IK95% 1,12;1,15), pendidikan terakhir yangtinggi (p&lt;0,001 RP 1,41 IK95% 1,31; 1,51), dan mendapatkan informasi (p&lt;0,001 RP 0,082IK95% 0,037; 0,178). Pengetahuan yang benar mengenai TB masih rendah dan televisi berperanbesar dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai TB pada ibu di Jakarta Timur. Disimpulkanpengetahuan mengenai TB berhubungan dengan faktor-faktor sosio ekonomik ibu dan dapatditingkatkan dengan sumber informasi yang tepat. Kata kunci: tuberkulosis, pengetahuan, Jakarta Timur, status kerja, penghasilan keluarga, tingkatpendidikan, sumber informasi Relationship between Socio Economic Factors with the Mother&rsquo;s Knowledge about Tuberculosis Abstract Tuberculosis and deaths caused by its infection is major problem in Indonesia. This study was done to describe the association between socio economic factors and tuberculosis&rsquo; knowledge. Thedesign of this study was cross-sectional survey. Research subjects were 2419 housewives from11 most populated districts within East-Jakarta selected at random by using polygonal randomsampling. Result showed that 335 respondents (14%) answered correct all question regardingetiology, curability, transmission and length of treatment. Chi-square test showed that tuberculosis&rsquo;knowledge was significantly associated with level of formal education, employment status, monthlyincome level, and information source. Better knowledge of tuberculosis was significantly related withunemployment (p 0,004 PR 0,894 CI95% 0,83;0,97), high level of monthly income (p &lt; 0,001 PR 1,33CI95% 1,12;1,15), high level of formal education (p &lt; 0,001 PR 1,41 CI95% 1,31; 1,51) and receivinginformation about TB (p &lt; 0,001 PR 0,082 CI95% 0,037; 0,178). Overall, level of tuberculosisknowledge without misconception on housewives within East Jakarta is low. Level of tuberculosisknowledge related to socioeconomic status and can be improved by effective source of information. Keywords: tuberculosis, knowledge, east jakarta, employment status, family income, educationlevel, source of informatio