19 research outputs found


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    The increasing number of residents every year causes the need for transportation to also increase, this also occurs on the Sukabumi-Bogor Primary Arterial Road which is a road with a fairly high volume of traffic flow, in addition because the industrial center and tourism sector are located right on the national road, Insufficient geometric roads caused by the increasing number of vehicles is also a factor that affects the high number of traffic accidents along the Cibadak – Bogor Road. The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of the accident-prone areas (blackspots) on the Jl. Surya Kencana, Pamuruyan Village, Cibadak District - Jl. Raya Ciutara, Pondok Kaso Landeuh Village, Parungkuda District. The method used in this study is the EAN (Equivalent Accident Number) method and the Cussum (Cumulative Summery) method. From the results of the weighting using the EAN method, it was identified that STA 1, STA 4, STA 5, and STA 6 were blackspots. Meanwhile, the Cussum method identified STA 1, STA 4, STA 5, STA 6, and STA 9 as blackspots. The right type of handling for accident-prone locations from the observations, among others, is making a thunder strip facility close to the zebra cross area to reduce vehicle speed and installing a safety fence on the shoulder of the road so as to minimize road crossings that directly cross the road without using zebra cross facilities


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    Roads that have been functioned are in good condition, slightly damaged, moderately damaged, and heavily damaged, therefore road maintenance is needed. Road maintenance uses costs, and the available costs are often insufficient to carry out road repairs as a whole, so it is necessary to determine the priority scale of road repairs. The Surface Distress Index (SDI) method is a method used by the DGH to determine the level of road damage, furthermore as a basis for determining the priority scale for road repairs. Along 2.25 km of Jalan Merdeka 1, Sukabumi City, it is the sampling location for the study to determine the condition of road damage. Each investigation point is determined to be 200 m long, starting from the initial STA 0 + 000 - 0 + 200 to the last STA 2 + 200 - 2 + 250. The results showed that the road conditions consisted of moderately damaged, lightly damaged to heavily damaged, so it needed maintenance at STA 0 + 000 - 0 + 400, it needed rehabilitation at STA 0 + 400 - 1 + 800 and STA 2 + 200 - 2 + 250 , as well as need reconstruction at STA 1 + 800 - STA 2 + 200. The results of this study can be used as a basis for determining road handling by policymakers


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    Management on a construction project is something that cannot be ignored, because without construction management a project will be difficult to run according to expectations in the form of cost, time, quality and the success or failure of a construction project depends on the effectiveness of resource management. One way that can be done to achieve project objectives is to increase work productivity. This study aims to determine the productivity of labor in the installation of lightweight brick walls based on facts in housing projects. Labor productivity by analyzing the LUR value and productivity rating then becomes the regression analysis data to produce the model. The data search was carried out by direct observation to the field and conducting unstructured interviews with workers in the field. The resource persons are workers as artisans and workers who are experts in the work of installing light brick walls. This productivity measurement uses the productivity rating method, where worker activities are classified into 3 things, namely Essential contributory work, Effective work, and not useful. The results of the analysis show that the productivity of light brick wall installation workers based on the fact has higher productivity than the SNI labor coefficient. To calculate the labor productivity of installing lightweight brick walls, then the model from the results of this study can be used. The results of the evaluation of the model to predict labor productivity for installing lightweight brick walls have an average accuracy of 99.34%, so the model can be declared accurate


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    The Sagaranten-Tegalbuleud road is a provincial road, with its geographic and topographic conditions quite complicated, the terrain quite difficult, causing not all areas to be well connected, and the reason for the low level of accessibility of this area. Therefore, determining the road geometry is an important part of driving comfort. Geometric planning focuses on horizontal and vertical alignments so that it can fulfill the basic functions of the road that provide optimal traffic flow comfort according to the planned speed. A re-survey was conducted to obtain geometric data on existing roads that did not comply with DGH standards, then it was re-planned. The results of the analysis are three bends with the Spiral-Circle-Spiral type, namely bend 9, bend 10 and bend 11 with RC = 17 m, and the slope is determined for the vertical geometrical alignment of the road. The results of this research analysis can be used as a reference for improving geometric roads so that accessibility between regions can be increased


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    ABSTRAK Madrasah yang ingin memiliki siswa cukup banyak harus bersaing di dunia pendidikan, layaknya kompetisi, tentu setiap lembaga pendidikan melakukan berbagai cara dan setrategi agar tidak ditinggalkan oleh pelangganya. Dalam membentuk citra terhadap lembaga dalam rangka minat sejumlah calon peserta didik, maka lembaga pendidikan telah menggunakan berbagai upaya perencanaan pemasaran jasa pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan agar dapat mengetahui bagaimana perencanaan identifikasi, segmentasi dan positioning, diferensiasi produk, dan bagaimana pelaksanaan komunikasi dan pelayanan di MTs YPI Sholaatul Fatikh Sumber Deras Mesuji OKI. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, dengan subjek penelitian Kepala Madrasah, Tata Usaha (TU), Guru, Wali Murid dan siswa. Sumber data penelitian, yaitu sumber data primer dan sekunder. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis yang peneliti gunakan, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi data. Sedangkan peneliti menggunakan uji keabsahan data atau triangulasi sumber, teknik dan waktu. Hasil penelitian tentang Manajemen Pemasaran Jasa Pendidikan, yaitu : (1) Identifikasi pemasaran jasa pendidikan dilakukan dengan menganalisis materi, melakukan perencanaan dalam menganalisa persaingan dengan menentukan usaha bagaimana kesempatan, ancaman atau permasalahan setrategi yang terjadi untuk melihat apa yang menjadi kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen. (2) Segmentasi dan positioning pemasaran jasa pendidikan dilakukan oleh kepala Madrasah, menggunakan rancangan dalam menentukan penempatan pada madrasah dan memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda. (3) Diferensiasi produk pemasaran jasa pendidikan belum mampu memiliki keunggulan pada lembaga pendidikan dari lembaga pendidikan yang lainnya. (4) Komunikasi pemasaran jasa pendidikan dilakukan oleh kepala Madrasah, guru dan staf lainnya, dalam memasarkan pendidikannya melalui brosur, banner, dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang lainnya seperti akhirussanah. (5) Pelayanan pemasaran jasa pendidikan dilaksanakan dengan baik. Berdasarkan indicator diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwaa Manajemen Pemasaran Jasa Pendidikan di MTs YPI Sholaatul Fatikh Sumber Deras Mesuji OKI sudah berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan prosedur. Kata Kunci : Manajemen Pemasaran, Jasa Pendidikan ABSTRAC Madrasah that want to have quite a lot of students have to compete in the world of education, like a competition, of course every educational institution does various ways and strategies so as not to be abandoned by its customers. In shaping the image of the institution in the interest of a number of prospective students, educational institutions have used various marketing planning efforts for educational services. This study aims to find out how to plan identification, segmentation and positioning, product differentiation, and how to implement communication and services at MTs YPI Sholaatul Fatikh Sumber Deras Mesuji OKI. This research uses descriptive qualitative research, with the research subjects being the Head of Madrasah, Administration (TU), Teachers, Guardians of Students and students. Research data sources, namely primary and secondary data sources. In this study using data collection techniques of observation, interviews and documentation. The analysis that the researcher uses is data reduction, data presentation and data verification. While the researchers used the validity of the data or triangulation of sources, techniques and time. The results of research on Marketing Management of Educational Services, namely: (1) Identification of marketing of educational services is carried out by analyzing the material, planning in analyzing competition by determining the business opportunities, threats or strategic problems that occur to see what the needs and desires of consumers are. (2) The segmentation and positioning of the marketing of educational services is carried out by the head of the Madrasah, using the design in determining the placement in the madrasa and having different characteristics. (3) Differentiation of marketing products for educational services has not been able to have an advantage in educational institutions from other educational institutions. (4) Marketing communication for education services is carried out by the head of Madrasah, teachers and other staff, in marketing their education through brochures, banners, and other activities such as Akhirussanah. (5) Educational services marketing services are implemented properly. Based on the indicators above, it can be concluded that the Marketing Management of Educational Services at MTs YPI Sholaatul Fatikh Sumber Deras Mesuji OKI has been running well according to the procedure. Keywords : Educational Services, Marketing Managemen

    Utilizing potentials and problems into business opportunities for the BMC method in educating students

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    The entrepreneurial ability of undergraduate graduates is a problem for universities. Project-based learning with the issue of the existence of zeolite stone waste due to the construction materials industry is the main focus in this research. This research aims to create new businesses for students who have participated in project-based learning. A combination of quantitative and qualitative methods is used for business feasibility analysis. Data collection uses a survey method to identify the readiness of raw materials, production equipment, markets, and resource requirements, as a basis for analyzing the feasibility of running a zeolite powder production business. Furthermore, an analysis of the cost requirements and feasibility benefits of running a business is carried out using the business model canvas (BMC) method. The survey results show that the raw material for zeolite stone in one mine can provide raw materials for 30 years, hammer mill machines are available on the market as production tools, the market for zeolite powder in Indonesia is quite low, but consumers in Asean countries are very high. The results of this business plan analysis are profitable, so the zeolite powder production business is declared feasible to run

    Penanganan Bangunan Masjid Swadaya Masyarakat Pada Perumahan

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    Bangunan masjid sebagai tempat ibadah memerlukan perawatan dan perbaikan agar tetap berfungsi dan memberi rasa nyaman kepada pengguna. Beberapa permasalahan tentang bangunan masjid tua diantaranya adalah, bangunan mulai rusak, struktur kayu sudah rapuh, sedangkan jamaah masjid semakin banyak. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, DKM beserta masyarakat perlu memutuskan penanganan yang tepat terhadap bangunan masjid, oleh karena itu perlu kajian dan membuat perencanaan penanganan masjid. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk membuat perencanaan penanganan masjid dengan dua alternatif, yaitu perencanaan renovasi, dan perencanaan rekonstruksi bangunan masjid. Untuk membuat perencanaan dilakukan observasi masjid dengan mendata jumlah penduduk sekitar masjid, jumlah jamaah, fasilitas masjid, kondisi eksisting masjid meliputi luas lahan, luas bangunan, tinggi bangunan, jenis kerusakan, serta mendata usulan masyarakat. Berdasarkan hasil observasi kemudian dibuat perencanaan versi renovasi dan versi rekonstruksi sebagai pilihan untuk menentukan penanganan. Perencanaan meliputi gambar rencana dan anggaran biaya. Hasil kajian perencanaan disosialisasikan, dan menjadi dasar oleh DKM beserta masyarakat untuk menentukan penanganan bangunan masjid sesuai dengan kemampuan dan kebutuhan fasilitas masjid saat ini dan dimasa yang akan datang, yang selanjutnya DKM beserta masyarakat bisa segera melakukan penanganan bangunan masjid. Kata kunci—Perencanaan pembangunan, renovasi, rekonstruksi, anggaran biaya, pengabdian masyarakat Abstract Mosque buildings as places of worship require maintenance and repairs to keep them functioning and provide a sense of comfort to users. Some of the problems regarding the old mosque building include, the building is starting to break down, the wooden structure is already fragile, while the congregation of the mosque is increasing. Based on this, DKM and the community need to decide on the appropriate handling of mosque buildings, therefore it is necessary to study and make plans for handling mosques. This community service aims to make a mosque management plan with two alternatives, namely renovation planning, and mosque building reconstruction planning. To make plans, mosque observations were carried out by recording the number of residents around the mosque, the number of worshipers, mosque facilities, the existing condition of the mosque including land area, building area, building height, type of damage, as well as collecting data on community proposals. Based on the results of observations, plans for the renovation version and the reconstructed version are then made as an option to determine the treatment. Planning includes plan drawings and cost budgets. The results of the planning study are disseminated and become the basis for DKM and the community to determine the handling of mosque buildings in accordance with the capabilities and needs of current and future mosque facilities, which then DKM and the community can immediately handle mosque buildings. Keywords— Development planning, renovation, reconstruction, budget planning, community servic

    Susunan elemen garis sebagai representasi pertumbuhan

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    Pertumbuhan pohon di sekitar lingkungan telah banyak memberikan rangsang / ide gagasan kepada penulis. Hal ini diwujudkan dala susunan elemen - elemen garis sebagai representasi pertumbuhan yang diwujudkan dalam komposisi, irama, yang diorganisasikan dalam kerapatan dan kerenggangan sehingga membentuk karya seni patung

    Management of artesian wells at bumi purnawira housing sukabumi city with water distribution application

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    The problem of clean water supply to meet the needs of the community is the main obstacle experienced by residents of Bumi Purnawira housing. Water management is completely left to the residents starting from installation of pipes to each house, installation of water meters, calculation of the cost of water usage per cubic meter, as well as administration and maintenance of the artesian well. Some problem that arise include: frequent miscalculation of cost to be paid; monthly meter recapitulation records in the form of paper prone to damage and data lost; meter recapitulation records is only kept by the treasurer, so if the residents want to know the history of meter records and the payment, they have to see the treasurer; the meter’s monthly status is vulnerable to manipulation whether done by the residents or the treasurer; There is often a discrepancy between the financial recapitulation recorded and the physical cash; and financial expenditures are sometimes not properly recorded, so that it triggers the discrepancy between the recorded amount and the physical cash. Seeing the existing reality, an idea to make an application for the management of artesian well administration has arisen. The initial step is to form two teams, namely the development team and the socialization team. The development team is responsible for developing the management system of the artesian well’s administration and finance. Meanwhile, the socialization team is responsible for conducting the socialization and the application training. The result of this project is an application and socialization that can help both the administrators and the residents in managing the administration and finance of the artesian well