476 research outputs found

    Implementasi Authenticasse5;i~lent . Dalam Pembelajaran Sainsdilpr-rk Dalam Rangka Reformasi Pendidlkan

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    Evaluasi hasil belajar merupakan bagian yangtak terpisahkan dari kegiatan belajar. nlengajar.Evatuasi hasil belajar-ITIerupakan tolok ukur utanladalatTI penentuan kualitas proses betajar Inengajar dilenlbaga-Ienlbaga pendidikan formal.Sebagal bahatl ajar, saius 1l1CllllJUll.Yai lll'lSUI'"unsur spesifik berupa produk sains, proses sains, dansikap sains, yang Inembedakannya dari disiplin ihnulainnya. Spesiikasi sainsini - menuntut carapenlbelajarannya yang spesifik pula. Konsekuensinyaadalah, teknik evaluasi hasil belajarnya selnestinyamenyesuaikan dengan Inodel pernbelajaran yangdilangsungkan.A1I1henlic assesf71enl dirasa sangatcocok diterapkan sebagai alat evaluasi padaperkuliahan/pelTIbelajaran sains. Denganalhenticassesment, mahasiswa dievaluasi bukan saja dalamhalpenlahaman materi· perkuliahan, melainkan jugadalalTIhal tindakan dan karya-karya oyata _sebagai wujud daripenlahamannyaatasmateri perkuliahan. Modelpenilaian denlikian dirasa dapatmengak0I110dasiberbagai kelnalnpuan dan ketrampilan serta sikapsains yang dikeillbangkan selalnapelTIbelajaran(perl·atllahan) sains.LPTK sebagai lemabaga pencetak dan pembinatenaga kependidikan,sang-at berperan dalamnlclnpelopori pcnataan sistem evaluasi dalanl rangkaretornlasi pendidikan. Implementasiauthentica.\·seslnen( dalanl perkuliahan, khususnya dalalTIbidang sains, 111erupakan alternarif cara penataansistenl evaluasi. PadaITIUaranya, diharapkan sistetTIpendidikan kita, termasuk di SD, SLTP, dan SLTAmalTIpU InengelTIbangkan kamapuan, keterampilan,dan sikap-sikap sains pada seluruh subyek belajar, dansekaligus Illenghargai berbagai kemalnpuan subyekbelajarini melalui implemenatsi teknik evaluasi ya~gtepa


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    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui berbagai hal berikut ini: (1) Ciri-ciri aktivitas guru yang ditunjuk mengikuti sertifikasi guru. (2) Ciri-ciri aktivitas sekolah asal guru yang ditunjuk mengikuti sertifikasi guru. (3) Ciri-ciri pelayanan sertifikasi guru di Kantor Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Wonogiri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. Subyek penelitian adalah seluruh guru sekolah dasar, pejabat struktural di lingkungan Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Wonogiri. Teknik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan teknik observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa: (1) guru yang menjalani proses portofolio sertifikasi mempunyai cirri, yaitu melakukan aktivitas menerima pengumuman, mengikuti sosialisasi sertifikasi, pendaftaran dan pendataan, melakukan uji sertifikasi,menyiapkan syarat-syarat sertifikasi dan menyusun berkas dokumen portofolio. (2) Aktivitas sekolah tempat guru yang menyusun dokumen portofolio mempunyai ciri khusus yaitu adanya kesibukan ekstra antara lain; merespon pengumuman dari Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Wonogiri,melayani dan memfasilitasi pelaksanaan uji sertifikasi, melakukan pengesahan/validasi sesuai dengan kewenangan, melakukan penilaian terhadap guru peserta sertifikasi dan memberikan surat pengantar untuk pengiriman berkas ke kantor unit pelaksana teknis dinas kecamatan. (3) Aktivitas dinas pendidikan; Unit pelaksana teknis dinas kecamatan melakukan aktivitas melakukan penilaian terhadap guru oleh pengawas, melakukan penilaian sebagai atasan untuk guru yang mendapat tugas tambahan sebagai kepala sekolah, mengumpulkan berkas dokumen portofolio dari sekolah dan menyetorkan berkas tersebut ke dinas pendidikan kabupaten. Sedangkan Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Wonogiri melakukan aktivitas ; mengadakan sosialisasi sertifikasi sebelum uji setifikasi dilaksanakan, melakukan pendaftaran dan pendataan peserta, menerima berkas dokumen portofolio dari dinas kecamatan, pengecekkan kelengkapan berkas,memilah dokumen untuk guru kelas dan guru mata pelajaran, menyetorkan berkas ke rayon 13 Surakarta, menerima hasil penilaian portofolio, dan mengumumkan hasil penilaian.

    Strategi Persiapan Masa Pensiun Bagi Para Karyawan

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    : Retirement is a time that naturally would have faced by every employee upon retirement ages limits. For some people. Retirement is regarded as an unpleasant period due to declining income and the loss of its own authority (post-power syndrome). But many people are not yet ready and understand how important it is to prepare earlier to face retirement. The purpose of this paper is to: (1) discuss retirement for employees, (2) the strategies how to prepare in facing retirement. The methods used are examination of the descriptive exploratory approach with library research. It can be concluded that: (1) the existence of the pessimistic assumption about retirement is entering an old age and as asign of someone\u27s been useless and not needed anymore in the world of work because productivity has decreased and the loss of its own authority (post-power syndrome), (2) many employees in Indonesia are not ready mentally and financially to cope with retirement. (3) making the preparation earlier in facing the retirement by is required by each employee for having retirement life which can be calm, comfortable and prosperous phisically and mentally (4) the strategies in preparing retirement among other things: (a) preparing financial planning through the projected savings and investment, or (b) keep the networking (friendship), (c) maintain a healthy life patternsand conduct religious activities

    Pengelolaan Manajemen Risiko Bencana Alam Di Indonesia

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    The natural disaster such as earthquake, tsunami, volcano eruption, hurricane, flood and landslide may occur to anyone, whenever,and wherever. According to the various sources, in Indonesia 87% are the natural disaster prone regions, or of 440 Urban/Regencyterritories, 383 out of them are natural disaster prone regions. The objective of this paper is to assist the socialization the understandingof the community in Indonesia on natural disaster is very low. The data or information is obtained from the bibliography of varioussources. What should be taken into account are the focus on the preparedness, impact mitigation, emergency response, rehabilitationand recovery as well a reconstruction which can be conducted to minimize the impact, and the affected area will be expectedlyrecoverable as usual, and even improved mentally, economically, infrastructural and in other social life

    Margin Tata Niaga Cumi-Cumi di Koperasi Mina Fajar Sidik Kecamatan Blanakan Kabupaten Subang

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui struktur pasar, margin dan efisiensi tataniaga ikan cumicumi di TPI KUD Mandiri Mina Fajar Sidik, Kecamatan Belanakan, Kabupaten Subang, Jawa Barat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif serta dilakukan dengan studi kasus, dari bulan juni-juli 2014. Data yang diambil berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Sasaran diambil secara porposional yang terdiri dari TPI KUD Mandiri mina fajar sidik (saluran I), pedagang pengumpul, (saluran II) dan pedagang pengecer (saluran III). Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan kuantitatif maupun pendekatan kualitatif. Struktur pasar berupa pasar heterogen, dalam hal ini KUD Mandiri sebagai penentu harga paling kuat. Hal ini berdampak pada besarnya margin yang berbeda-beda, akibat dari struktur dan perilaku pasar, sehingga berakibat keuntungan yang tidak merata atau tidak efisien

    Upaya Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPS Denganmenggunakan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stadpada Siswa Kelas Va Sdn 004 Bagan Besar Dumai

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    The background of this research is the process of learning social studies teacher-centered and teacher using the lecture method, so that students are less motivated in the learning process, so that students are less vigorously and actively ask in the delivery of learning materials. Efforts to fix the problem do action research, this study aims to improve the skills of teachers and student activities so as to improve learning outcomes IPS graders of SDN 004 VA Bagan Besar using cooperative learning model type STAD. The subjects were students of class VA SDN 004 Bagan Besar Dumai totaling 25 students consisting of male students and female students 11 students 14 students. The data used in this study are the activities of teachers and students and learning outcomes IPS. The results of this study indicate that although: (a) the activities of teachers obtain a score of 32 (61.54%) with enough categories, the first cycle II meeting given a score of 38 (73.01%) in both categories. In the second cycle meeting I obtained a score of 50 (96.15%) with a very good category, and the second cycle II meeting obtained a score of 51 (98.08%) with a very good category. Besides the student activity also increased, in the first cycle of meetings I obtain a score of 20 (62.5%) with enough categories, the first cycle II meeting obtain a score of 23 (68.75%) in both categories. In the second cycle meeting I obtained a score of 28 (87.5%) with a very good category, and the second cycle II meeting obtain a score of 30 (93.75%) with a very good category; and (b) the results of students in each cycle has increased, on the basis of the results of social studies scores students get low category with an average value of 48.8. In the first cycle obtain sufficient category with an average value of 56.92. And the second cycle obtain both categories with an average value of 73.84

    Peningkatan Mutu Guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Melalui Penerapan Supervisi Akademik di SMKN 4 Kota Bengkulu

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    This study aims to determine the improvement of the quality of vocational school teachers through the application of academic supervision. In order to determine the success of the implementation of school supervision, this research was carried out using qualitative research methods located at SMKN 4 Bengkulu City. The number of research respondents was 64 teachers spread over the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) expertise program, Automotive and Maritime Engineering. Supervision results show that the achievement of content standard mapping is 100%, indicator development is 100%, syllabus development is 100%, lesson plans are prepared 90%, KKM document is 100%, learning media use is 100%, application learning methods is 75%, use learning resources is 100%, 100% use and assessment techniques, 100% learning outcomes analysis, 75% ICT utilization and 80% learning completeness analysis. The results of the teacher competency assessment ranged from 71.70. The conclusion of this research is that the implementation of learning administration by the teachers of SMKN 4 Bengkulu City is quite good and the average value of the teacher's performance is also quite good.   Keywords: School action research, supervision and vocational schoo

    The analysis ability of technological content knowledge (TCK) of biology education’s students in Universitas Ahmad Dahlan in preparation of learning plan

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    Technological Content Knowledge is the student’s (prospective biology teachers) knowledge in determining certain technologies that will be used in the learning process. This knowledge is important for prospective teachers, because it can help students in understanding the material that has been conveyed. The objective of this study is to examine the ability of Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) of biology education’s students in preparing learning plans. The study is a quantitative descriptive research by using survey method. Participants of this study are all biology education’s student a total of 120 students in Faculty of teacher training and education in Universitas Ahmad Dahlan 6th semester academic year 2017/2018. Data collection techniques use non-test instrument of the learning plan document observation sheet and the instrument on the written tests about technological knowledge and biological content. The data obtained is statistically analyzed in a descriptive form intended to figure out the capabilities of the TCK’s student. In order to the acquired results can be trusted and reduce subjectivity, a compatibility test is conducted between panelists. The results showed that: (1) biology education students have TCK ability which is less than reviewed for learning plan, (2) biology education students have TCK skills worth in terms of written test result about TCK knowledge

    The analysis ability of technological content knowledge (TCK) of biology educations students in Universitas Ahmad Dahlan in preparation of learning plan

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    Technological Content Knowledge is the students (prospective biology teachers) knowledge in determining certain technologies that will be used in the learning process. This knowledge is important for prospective teachers, because it can help students in understanding the material that has been conveyed. The objective of this study is to examine the ability of Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) of biology educations students in preparing learning plans. The study is a quantitative descriptive research by using survey method. Participants of this study are all biology educations student a total of 120 students in Faculty of teacher training and education in Universitas Ahmad Dahlan 6th semester academic year 2017/2018. Data collection techniques use non-test instrument of the learning plan document observation sheet and the instrument on the written tests about technological knowledge and biological content. The data obtained is statistically analyzed in a descriptive form intended to figure out the capabilities of the TCKs student. In order to the acquired results can be trusted and reduce subjectivity, a compatibility test is conducted between panelists. The results showed that: (1) biology education students have TCK ability which is less than reviewed for learning plan, (2) biology education students have TCK skills worth in terms of written test result about TCK knowledge
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