31 research outputs found

    Kemampuan nahwu dan sharaf dan hubungannya terhadap hafalan Al Quran : Studi deskriptif korelasi pada santri Pesantren Kampung Quran Sumedang Propinsi Jawa Barat

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    النحو والصرف هما فرعا اللغة العربية، وهما يسهلان في تعلم اللغة العربية، وكذلك في حفظ القرآن لأنه باللغة العربية، للنحو والصرف علاقة إيجابية في حفظ القرآن، وهما يستطيعان أن يسهلا حفظ القرآن و يقللا الأخطأ فيه، مثلا من ناحية الحركات وصور الكلمات وكذالك من ناحية التجويد كالمدود. لمعرفة قدرة النحو والصرف وعلاقتهما على حفظ القرآن، فالكاتب يقيم البحث في طلاب الفصل الابتداء الثاني والثالث بمعهد كامبونج قرآن سوميدانج محافظة جاوى الغربية. الهدف من هذا البحث هو معرفة قدرة النحو لطلاب الفصل الابتدائي الثاني والثالث في معهد كامبونج قرآن سوميدانج، ومعرفة قدرة الصرف لطلاب الفصل الابتدائي الثاني والثالث فيه، ومعرفة علاقة قدرة النحو على حفظ القرآن لطلاب الفصل الابتدائي الثاني والثالث فيه، ومعرفة علاقة قدرة الصرف على حفظ القرآن لطلاب الفصل الابتدائي الثاني والثالث فيه. علم النحو يبحث عن مقام الكلمات في اللغة العربية، ويبحث عن آخر الحركات حال تركيبها في الجملة، وعلم الصرف يبحث عن صور الكلمات من الثلاثي حتى السداسي، ويبحث عن أحوال الحركات في ثناء الكلمات على ما كان. للنحو والصرف تأثير إيجابي على حفظ القرآن، لأنهما يستطيعان أن يساعدا كل شخص في حفظ القرآن، ولأن ليس قليلا من يصيبه الأخطأ وغير مناسب بما في القرآن حين حفظه ومراجعته. المنهج الذي يستخدمه الباحث في هذا البحث هو منهج الوصفية الارتباطية بغرض معرفة وجود علاقة بين المتغيرات وعدمها بالطريقة الكمية أي تحليل البيانات يتصف بالكمي أو الإحصائي بغرض اختبار الفرضية المثبوت، وأساليب جمع البيانات التي يستخدمها الباحث هي الاختبار، والملاحظة، والمحاورة، والتوثيق. والنتائج المحصولة في هذا البحث هي : الأول، قدرة النحو لطلاب الفصل الابتدائي الثاني والثالث في معهد كامبونج قرآن سوميدانج تكون على الدرجة المتوسطة، لأن قيمتها 73،4. والثاني، قدرة الصرف لطلاب الفصل الابتدائي الثاني والثالث فيه تكون على المتوسط أيضا، لأن قيمتها 76. والثالث، هناك العلاقة الدالة بين القدرة على النحو والقدرة على حفظ القرآن. وهي تعتمد على معامل العلاقة، وهي أن قيمة r الجدولية يعنى 0،731 أكبر من قمية r الحسابية يعنى 0،369 على مستوى الدلالة 5%. والرابع، هناك العلاقة الدالة بين القدرة على الصرف والقدرة على حفظ القرآن. وهي تعتمد على معامل العلاقة، وهي أن قيمة r الجدولية يعنى 701،0 أكبر من قمية r الحسابية يعنى 0،369 على مستوى الدلالة 5%

    Pengaruh pengawasan terhadap kinarja melalui disiplin dan motivasi kerja karyawan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Pengaruh pengawasan terhadap kinerja melalui disiplin dan motivasi kerja karyawan PT. Anugrah Kridapradana. Sedangkan waktu penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April 2021 sampai dengan September 2021. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah responden karyawan PT. Anugerah Kridapradana. Dengan 34 responden sebagai sampel penelitian. Teknik analisis data berupa analisis deskriptif, SEM-PLS dan koefisien determinasi. Hasil penelitian: Sub Struktur 1 menunjukan secara langsung pengawasan (X) berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap disiplin (Y1). Sub Struktur 2 menunjukan secara langsung pengawasan (X) berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan (Y3), Sub Struktur 3 menunjukan secara langsung pengawasan (X) dan disiplin (Y1) berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan (Y3) dan secara langsung motivasi (Y2) tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan (Y3). PT. Anugrah Kridapradana. Selanjutnya Pengaruh tidak langsung menunjukan; pengawasan (X) melalui disiplin (Y1) berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan (Y3), dan pengawasan (X) melalui motivasi (Y1) tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan (Y3) PT. Anugrah Kridapradan


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    Abstract—The business world will always develop along with the times, with various kinds of technology that are so sophisticated and diverse that the competition in the business world is getting tougher. The business world engaged in stone sales has a lot of bookkeeping because the bookkeeping is carried out every day, such as administrative bookkeeping carried out by the cashier when recording sales transactions with buyers and also inventory data bookkeeping carried out by the factory section which records inventory. In the research conducted for the development of a web-based sales transaction application using the Code Igniter framework. Code Igniter is one of the widely used frameworks, where the main goal is to minimize code during website creation. So that CV Quari Sengkuang can apply the concept of inventory control which is defined as the number or quantity of goods ordered with minimal costs or often referred to as the optimal purchase amount. Keywords: Stone, Codeigniter, Implementation, Websit

    Pengenalan Alat Musik Tradisional Bengkulu (Dol) Digital Berbasis Android

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    —. Indonesia memiliki kekayaan seni dan budaya yang sangat beragam, dari Sabang sampai Merauke, tersebar beraneka ragam seni dan budaya yang diwariskan secara turun temurun. Dol adalah alat musik tradisional yang dimainkan dengan dipukul, yang didasarkan pada teknologi elektroakustik atau metode digital. Nada suaranya terdengar melalui sebuah amplifier dan loudspeaker. Dari sisi mutu suara, dol elektronik nyaris tak ada bedanya dengan dol biasa. Berdasarkan latar belakang, maka dirumuskan masalahnya bagaimana membuat pengenalan alat musik tradisional (dol) digital berbasis android. Tujuan penelitian pengenalan alat musik tradisional (dol) digital berbasis android adalah untuk menambah wawasan dalam belajar dol virtual dengan android sehingga yang lebih interaktif. Kekurangan aplikasi ini tidak bersifat 3 dimensi yang berbasis mobile, dalam pengaturan perekaman suara dol dan tasa masih menggunakan perekaman biasa


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    Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi telah menyebabkan perubahan dan cara pandang hidup manusia maupun suatu organisasi. Perkembangan yang sedemikian cepatnya membawa dunia memasuki era baru yang lebih cepat dari yang pernah dibayangkan sebelumnya. Saat ini, keamanan terhadap data yang tersimpan dalam file sudah menjadi persyaratan mutlak. Pengamanan terhadap file yang terhubung dengan komputer sudah tidak lagi menjamin keamanan data karena kebocoran data dapat disebabkan oleh “orang dalam” atau pihak–pihak yang langsung berhubungan dengan file tersebut. Tujuan penelitian untuk menerapkan keamanan file menggunakan Algoritma RSA. Aplikasi ini mempunyai dua teknik pembacaan yaitu teknik enkripsi (mengubah file asli menjadi file yang tidak dapat dibaca) dan dekripsi (mengubah file yang tidak dapat dibaca menjadi file asli). Aplikasi ini menggunakan algoritma RSA yang merupakan block cipher, dimana sebuah plaintext dan ciphertext merupakan integer antara 0 dan n-1.Kata Kunci : Keamanan, Aplikasi, Teknik, RS

    Sistem Pengarsipan Data Pegawai Menggunakan Metode Mixturemodelling Berbasis Web

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    Technological developments are increasing very fast along withcurrent development. It encourages every human being, especially tatabusiness as a provider of information to continuously follow developments and make decisions to improve,develop, and update any information presented to provide good service. The general section is part of the institution that is authorized to handle documents andfiling. In the General Section, verything related to archiving documents is archived and updated. The use of Microsoft Excel to handle documents in the General Section raises obstacles which include difficulties in searching for old data, formats in the documentation process that are still inconsistent, and difficulty knowing which documents will be processed. Therefore the researchers conducted this research aiming to produce an application that is able to manage document data so that managing document data is easier. From the research that the writer is doing, it will produce an application using the PHP programming language and SQL Server as the database, where the user of the application is the user. With this application, it can help users in the process of documenting, filing, and preparing document reports. The application can also be a solution in managing, storing, and archiving documents

    Penerapan Metode Weighted Product Dalam Menentukan Siswa Bermasalah di SMAN 05 Seluma

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    In the current era of globalization, advances in science and technology are developing very rapidly, especially in terms of decision making. The importance of making fast and accurate decisions is increasingly emphasized in the era of globalization due to the increasing uncertainty and complexity of problems. Therefore, a system that can assist in decision making is very important. In the school environment, the presence of problem students can be one of the factors that affect comfort in the teaching and learning process. Students who often make problems at school can disrupt the teaching and learning process in class. Therefore, teachers and school administrators, especially BK teachers, must immediately address this problem by providing guidance and direction to problem students. Because of the importance of identifying students with problems quickly and precisely, it is necessary to have an effective and accurate determination. However, currently at SMAN 05 Seluma, the process of determining problematic students still uses the manual method by using paper as a tool for data storage and processing. The weighted product (WP) method was chosen because it can provide results that are more accurate and easy to understand. In this method, each factor has a different weight depending on how it relates to student problems. A decision support system application has been produced that can perform calculations using the weighted product method in determining problem students. The application is WEB-based using the programming language PHP and MYSQL as the database

    Utilization of the COBIT 2019 framework to identify the level of governance in internet services

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    Information and communication technology services at the University of Muhammadiyah Bengkulu are IT services that support IT needs in all sectors. Of all the IT services that have been implemented at this institution, there is one very crucial service, namely the internet connection service, where this internet connection service is needed by all existing information technology access. In managing this internet connection, a standardized feasibility calculation has not been carried out which results in it not being in accordance with the institutional business needs. Information technology governance is a process that is able to manage investment decisions related to Information Technology within the company in order to achieve the company's current and future needs. To achieve standardized governance, this research uses the COBIT 2019 framework which is the latest version of the development results from COBIT 5. The purpose of this study is to identify the extent to which the value of existing processes for internet connection services is currently and the value of the process achievement that refers to the standard. COBIT 2019 by calculating the maturity level value which represents the level of performance on internet connection services. From the results of the 2019 COBIT Design, LTIK Muhammadiyah Bengkulu University, it is known that those who score above 80 or must reach Capability Level 4 are APO13, BAI10, DSS02, DSS03 and DSS04, for a value of 100 there is APO12


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    ABSTRACT : Pregnancy process becomes the center of special for families who are waiting for the presence of a loved child. Therefore, pregnant women often checj with the obstetrician to determine the development of fetus in the womb. The problem occurs mother who for prenatal check-ups are only given the fetus underweight. Determining the start of pregnancy and gestational age is important to be able to know within the progress of pregnancy. One of the ways to determine gestational age by knowing the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP). With the naegele method, tjis calculation can also be used to calculate the estimated day of birth. As an easy way to estimate the weight of the fetus is to measure the height of the uterine fundus (TFU). Therefore, based on the problems above, an android-based pregnancy calendar and calculation application of gestational age were made by using the Naegele algorithm. The pregnancy calendar and calculation application of gestational age are designed to make it easier for pregnant women to find out the estimated day or birth. The gestational age and normal fetal weight according to gestational age on an android smartphone. Keywords: Naegele, HPHT, estimated birth, gestational age, fetal weight


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    Pendidikan Al-Qur’an (TPA) Masjid Nurul Yaqin terlihat bahwa pertama ada beberapa anak yang masih belum menyadari pentingnya belajar Al-Qur’an. Hal ini dapat dilihat dengan jarangnya anak datang ke Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an (TPA)Masjid Nurul Yaqin untuk mengaji, meskipun orang tua mereka telah memarahi, menasehati anak mereka untuk tetap mengaji. Pelaksanaan pengajian di Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an Masjid Nurul Yaqin Desa Tl.Singkawang dimana pelaksanaan belajar Al-Qur’an dilakukan pada setiap malam setelah ba’da Maghrib dan Isya dimana banyak diikuti oleh anak yang belajar mengaji secara baik dan tertib. Tingkat keberhasilan anak-anak yang belajar mengaji di pengajian Masjid Nurul Yaqin Desa Tl.Singkawangini sudah dapat dirasakan, karena sudah banyak anak-anak yang memang lancar mengajinya, karena pada dasarnya belajar mengaji itu bila benar-benar ditekuni tidak sulit. Keberhasilan ini juga tidak terlepas dari upaya para guru pengajian Masjid Nurul Yaqin Desa Tl.Singkawangdan dan juga dukungan dari para orang tua kepada anak-anaknya untuk benar-benar giat dan harus bisa mengaji