35 research outputs found

    Simulating feldspar luminescence phenomena using R

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    International audienceKinetic models have been used extensively for modeling and numerical simulation of luminescence phenomena and dating techniques for various dosimetric materials. Several comprehensive models have been implemented for quartz, which allow simulation of complex sequences of irradiation and thermal/optical events in nature and in the laboratory. In this paper, we present a simple and accurate way of simulating similarly complex sequences in feldspars. We introduce the open-access R scripts Feldspar Simulation Functions (FSF) for kinetic model simulation of luminescence phenomena in feldspars. These R functions offer useful numerical tools to perform luminescence simulations in a user-friendly manner. The mathematical framework of four different types of previously published models is presented in a uniform way, and the models are simulated with FSF. While previously published versions of these four models require numerical integration of the differential equations, the FSF circumvent the need for numerical integration by using accurate summations over the finite range of the model parameters. The simulation process can be understood easily by creating transparent sequences of events consisting of these compact R functions. The key physical concept of the FSF is that irradiation and thermal/optical treatments of feldspars change the distribution of nearest neighbor (NN) distances in donor-acceptor pairs. These changes are described using analytical equations within the four models examined in this paper. The NN distribution at the end of one simulation stage becomes the initial distribution for the next stage in the sequences of events being simulated. Several practical examples and possible applications and extensions of the FSF are discussed

    Preliminary results towards the equivalence of transformed continuous-wave Optically Stimulated Luminescence (CW-OSL) and linearly-modulated (LM-OSL) signals in quartz

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    The present paper presents a comparative experimental study of two commonly measured Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) signals in quartz. The experimental study measures both the continuous wave OSL (CW-OSL) and the linearly modulated (LM-OSL) signals from the same quartz sample for a range of stimulation temperatures between 180 and 280A degrees C, while the former is transformed to pseudo LM-OSL (ps LM-OSL). A computerized deconvolution curve analysis of the LM-OSL and ps LM-OSL signals was carried out, and the contributions of several OSL components to the initial OSL signal (0.1 s) were shown to be independent of the stimulation temperature used during the measurement. It was also found that the composite OSL (0.1 s) signal consists mainly of the first two OSL components present in the OSL curves. The equivalence of the ps LM-OSL (transformed CW-OSL) and of LM-OSL measurements was also examined by an appropriate choice of the experimental stimulation times, and of the stimulation power of the blue LEDs used during the measurement.George S. Polymeris is financially supported by TUBITAK (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey), in the framework of a Post-doc Fellowship for foreign citizensPublisher's Versio

    Investigation of the OSL signal from very deep traps in natural quartz

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    It has been recently reported by several studies that a thermally transferred optically stimulated luminescence (TT-OSL) signal from quartz grains can be used to extend the dating range for quartz samples. The TT-OSL signals are believed to consist of a recuperated OSL (ReOSL) component and a basic-transferred OSL (BT-OSL) component. In the present work the TT-OSL signals from several types of unfired quartz samples were studied. A special protocol was used, which allowed the measure the OSL from very deep traps (VDT) as a function of the OSL stimulation temperature. It was found that all quartz samples exhibit TT-OSL signals, which are depended on sample and on the OSL stimulation temperature. The activation energy of the process was evaluated and the influences of the TT-OSL on the ReOSL dating protocol are discussed.Publisher's Versio

    RLumCarlo:Simulating Cold Light using Monte Carlo Methods

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    International audienceAbstract The luminescence phenomena of insulators and semiconductors (e.g., natural minerals such as quartz) have various application domains. For instance, Earth Sciences and archaeology exploit luminescence as a dating method. Herein, we present the R package RLumCarlo implementing sets of luminescence models to be simulated with Monte Carlo (MC) methods. MC methods make a powerful ally to all kinds of simulation attempts involving stochastic processes. Luminescence production is such a stochastic process in the form of charge (electron-hole pairs) interaction within insulators and semiconductors. To simulate luminescence-signal curves, we distribute single and independent MC processes to virtual MC clusters. RLumCarlo comes with a modularized design and consistent user interface: (1) C++ functions represent the modeling core and implement models for specific stimulations modes. (2) R functions give access to combinations of models and stimulation modes, start the simulation and render terminal and graphical feedback. The combination of MC clusters supports the simulation of complex luminescence phenomena

    On the stochastic uncertainties of thermally and optically stimulated luminescence signals:A Monte Carlo approach

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    International audiencePhenomenological models are frequently used to analyze experimental signals in thermally and optically stimulated luminescence experiments. Typically, these models consist of systems of differential equations describing various electronic transitions. An alternative to the differential equation approach is the use of Monte Carlo (MC) methods, which also allow an estimation of the theoretical stochastic uncertainty of the intensity of the lumi- nescence signal. By running and averaging several MC variants, these stochastic uncertainties are estimated in this paper for various luminescence models. In the case of first-order kinetics processes, the MC results compare well with previously published analytical results for the coefficient of variation (CV) in stochastic linear pure death processes. By contrast, no analytical results are available for the more general one trap one recombination center model (OTOR), and MC is the only method available for estimating the stochastic uncertainties. In this paper the CV coefficients are simulated for three commonly used experimental stimulation modes, namely thermally stimulated luminescence (TL), continuous-wave optically stimulated luminescence (CW-OSL) and linearly modulated OSL (LM-OSL). The results of the simulations show that CW-OSL signals have the smallest CV values among the three stimulation modes, and therefore these signals are least likely to exhibit stochastic variations. The stochastic uncertainties in these phenomenological models are discussed in the context of single grain luminescence experiments and nanodosimetric materials, in which one deals with small numbers of charge carriers

    Radiation-induced growth and isothermal decay of infrared-stimulated luminescence from feldspar

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    Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages can determine a wide range of geological events or processes, such as the timing of sediment deposition, the exposure duration of a rock surface, or the cooling rate of bedrock. The accuracy of OSL dating critically depends on our capability to describe the growth and decay of laboratory-regenerated luminescence signals. Here we review a selection of common models describing the response of infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) of feldspar to constant radiation and temperature as administered in the laboratory. We use this opportunity to introduce a general-order kinetic model that successfully captures the behaviour of different materials and experimental conditions with a minimum of model parameters, and thus appears suitable for future application and validation in natural environments. Finally, we evaluate all the presented models by their ability to accurately describe a recently published feldspar multi-elevated temperature post-IR IRSL (MET-pIRIR) dataset, and highlight each model's strengths and shortfalls

    Quantitative analysis of time-resolved infrared stimulated luminescence in feldspars

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    Time-resolved infrared-stimulated luminescence (TR-IRSL) from feldspar samples is of importance in the field of luminescence dating, since it provides information on the luminescence mechanism in these materials. In this paper we present new analytical equations which can be used to analyze TR-IRSL signals, both during and after short infrared stimulation pulses. The equations are developed using a recently proposed kinetic model, which describes localized electronic recombination via tunneling between trapped electrons and recombination centers in luminescent materials. Recombination is assumed to take place from the excited state of the trapped electron to the nearest-neighbor center within a random distribution of luminescence recombination centers. Different possibilities are examined within the model, depending on the relative importance of electron de-excitation and recombination. The equations are applied to experimental TR-IRSL data of natural feldspars, and good agreement is found between experimental and modeling results

    On the intrinsic accuracy and precision of the standardised growth curve (SGC) and global-SGC (gSGC) methods for equivalent dose determination: A simulation study

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    In optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, the single aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) method has been used extensively for determining equivalent doses (De) in quartz. A variation of the SAR method is the “standardised growth curve” (SGC) method, which has been used as an efficient procedure to save measurement time during dating studies. During the application of the SGC method one establishes the SGC and calculation of the De of an aliquot requires only measurement of the standardised natural dose signal. Recently, a “global standardised growth curve” (gSGC) method was developed as an improved version of the SGC procedure. During the application of the gSGC method, the growth curves are re-normalised using sensitivity-corrected signal corresponding to one of the regenerative doses. Subsequently the De of an aliquot is estimated using the sensitivity-corrected natural dose signal and an additional sensitivity-corrected regenerative dose signal as well as the established gSGC. In the present study, simulations are performed to assess the intrinsic accuracy and precision of the SGC and gSGC De estimates. The results of our simulations validate that the gSGC method is intrinsically more precise than the SGC method and is also more accurate for doses greater than 210 Gy. Several factors which affect the reliability of the two methods are investigated

    On the Need for Deconvolution Analysis of Experimental and Simulated Thermoluminescence Glow Curves

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    Simulation studies of thermoluminescence (TL) and other stimulated luminescence phenomena are a rapidly growing area of research. The presence of competition effects between luminescence pathways leads to the complex nature of luminescence signals, and therefore, it is necessary to investigate and validate the various methods of signal analysis by using simulations. The present study shows that in simulations of luminescence signals originating from multilevel phenomenological models, it is not possible to extract mathematically the individual information for each peak in the signal. It is further shown that computerized curve deconvolution analysis is the only reliable tool for extracting the various kinetic parameters. Simulation studies aim to explain experimental results, and therefore, it is necessary to validate simulation results by comparing with experiments. In this paper, testing of simulation results is performed using two methods. In the first method, the influence of competition effects is tested by comparing the input model parameters with the output values from the deconvolution analysis. In the second method, the agreement with experimental results is tested using the properties of well-known glow peaks with very high repeatability among TL laboratories, such as the 110 °C glow peak of quartz

    Monte Carlo simulations of TL and OSL in nanodosimetric materials and feldspars

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    h i g h l i g h t s A simplified Monte Carlo method for TL and OSL in nanodosimetric materials. Method is based on localized model by a r t i c l e i n f